Your global map is looking good but I assert you’ll be painting China blue and white soon as the Chosenites have been subverting it for at least a hundred years or more.

Meanwhile, the Great Noticing is gathering steam but I’m left wondering how astroturfed it is. Along with usury, victimhood is these parasite’s life force so I’m assuming they’ll ride that horse until the Noahide laws replace the CONstitution.

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Yes, it all seems like a noticing peep show these days with Ian Carroll the latest astroturfed guppy. His shilling for Eric Prince's mossad "privacy" phone (combustible?) and Musk's starlink all in a two day span of appearing on the largest podcast in the world tells me the victimhood ops are in the works for the noahide laws. The average American is fast asleep.

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It's pretty grim right now. I just don't think there are enough heritage Americans left to mount an effective counteroffensive. Posterity is an ideal that hasn't aged well since the rise of the jew post-WWII and whitey is now generally weak, pathetic, dazed and confused.

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Add spiritually bankrupt to that list. Put it first.

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The most important part of Chinese Jewish history, besides that first link I shared about how Jews created communism in China with their financial advisors & etc evil covert machinations as usual, is about David Sassoon the richest man on earth. He cornered the market in opium and used England's military just exactly the same way the modern Jew heroin lords invaded Afghanistan with our military today... The stupendous wealth that Sassoon and all his Jew cronies accumulated was promptly put into real estate over there and deemed respectable by Jewish magic. Oi veh. I think there's some mention of their Chinese real estate empire in here https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=70956 when Sassoons son married Rothschilds daughter the CIA was born. Oi veh x2

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That lord dreadnought link above is an old must read regarding Jews and China. It's the globalist Jew model for all of us. This link here about Jewish history in China is good but it's pro Jewish so you need to do more searching for some important details of the old Jewish history in China. The best part is that they pretty much just gave it up and forgot about it. Hahaha https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-jews-of-kaifeng-chinas-only-native-jewish-community/

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Schneerson's alleged speech was so shockingly blunt, I had to do some due diligence.

Alas, the justice4poland.com link within the webarchive link you provided now redirects to a porn hub:


Well, I call that verification of a sort, but I did find an alleged copy of the real thing:


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Haha. "A verification of sort."

Thanks for this, Mitch.

Yes, I was shocked by everything I came across on my Chabad journey, and it was less than a month long. They're right there in plain sight, saying everything out loud, forcing every leader to make the pilgrimage to their Rabbi tunnels with bloody mattresses. And yet, people refuse to look because it's easier to go play golf and wash their pick-up trucks before their next load from walmart. I do try to remain optimistic, but the general population has an indifference or even proud ignorance about them that sure makes it tough.

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Not quite 20 years ago, I was briefly and peripherally associated with some Chabad in Portland, OR. At the time, my simplistic reaction as a Jew who mostly rejected Judaism (in a visceral way, without yet knowing why) was, "they're nuts", but I, ahem, respected their "faith".

In hindsight, their cultishness was glaringly evident.I doubt these foot soldiers in the movement knew the big picture, but they worshipped their Jesus (Schneerson). And I bet they knew full well (and embraced) the "goyim" hating ways of the Talmud. I'm glad I politely declined their offers to wrap me in tefillin.

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Interesting that you have first-hand dances with them. That was about the year I left Portland for Poland because of a Jewish friend. I never felt any reason to 'notice' the orthodox or hasidic sects, assuming they were benign and just going about their ways. I often watched clips of orthodox jews getting trampled by the likudniks in the chosen land and thought, "Maybe these are the good guys standing against Zionism?" When the Schneerson rabbit hole appeared sometime early last year, just after the NYPD tunnel escapades beneath their HQ, I started having to question all that. Then, the Guatemalan sect (a different Hasidic cult) appeared a few months ago, and I dove down that rabbit hole like Elmer Fudd. These aren't pleasant discoveries, but as far as 75 years of shadow power breadcrumbs go, these would make a mouse blush.

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Funny you mention dancing. I attended a Purim party (or something) with them, and actually danced, partly in fun, partly in reluctance. The guy who invited me to dance wasn't Chabad. He belonged to a competitor/rival sect (Satmars? if I recall recorrectly), and the gathering was a bit of a peace offering between them from what I recall.

I hadn't gone down this particular rabbit hole before...I appreciate your research.

The thing I don't understand is why they seem to be getting exposed now. Not that it matters a whole lot, since, as you pointed out, hardly anyone seems to notice or care.

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Well, that's the million shekels question but I assume this is an intentional peep show of sorts, with Candace Owens, new kid on the block Ian Carroll and a few others pulling back the curtains and it seems related to the recent rhetoric around arresting "terrorists" aka Palestinian supporters or at least expelling and deporting the foreign ones on campuses. A kind of Kosher cointelpro. A stepping stone to a greater crackdown on anything they want to throw an antisemitism blanket over maybe. As a Jew please vouch for me when they come toss me in a FEMA camp for all these posts.

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Sure, I'll vouch for you, assuming my traitor cred carries any weight. I might even be in there with you.

I like that, kosher cointelpro. Candace strikes me as a psyop (knowing or unknowing), including her whole high-profile split with Daily Wire over Israel. She and the short little obnoxious and robotic yamulka guy could be backslapping buddies, just like Bush Sr. and Clinton were behind closed doors.

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"Money is most important. Money does everything. Money is power. Money is strength. The man with money has

weapons, the most advanced weapons and the armies of mercenaries. Money owns media that deceives billions of

human cattle. Money bribes the people we need. Money eliminates those who do not submit to us. Money bombs

those who resist us..."

And you heard it from the horse's mouth. Thanks for link.

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I'm so glad I'm no longer so black-pilled like you folks. Not sure how it happened, but somehow my awful lifelong Cassandra convinction of the coming apocalyptic totalitarian technocratic doom went away & got replaced with trust in God. We simply seem to be on a different timeline now.

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Good for you, Magdalene, if it makes life easier and more manageable, and the Cassandra was a torment, by all means. But Cassandra could also predict the future, and there's power in that without the torment.

"The wise see trouble coming and prepare; the fool walks on and suffers."

Blackpilled has been rendered a special accusatory/coping term by the Miga-maha polyannas, almost meaningless like racist or antisemite coming from the wokies. You're using it in a different context, but as Greg Reese observed last year, it's time to dispense with these terms and face reality no matter how difficult or scary because we can only control our future by not sitting back and putting it in the hands of others (proxies) and crossing our fingers. That's how we continue to get into these messes. And I'm not referring to God here.

We're all still on the same timeline. That totalitarian technocratic dystopia is still their playbook, and you still know that, or you wouldn't have written it in your comment. It will still affect your life when it arrives, but you have the foresight to prepare for it and escape it spiritually and physically. This doesn't require vast resources while still making others aware of it without being "blackpilled" or getting frustrated about others' complacency and ignorance. And I struggle with that last part still, but I'm learning to shrug and laugh more when I encounter it. I try not to waste energy trying to convince those who refuse to listen and focus on those who are open. As someone who was an ignoramus and complacent, I know that the turning comes incrementally, then all at once.

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My whole life I was trying to wake up "the normies," after surviving early childhood trafficking & seeing my own mother killed; for many years people simply wanted to believe my case was a rare violent tragedy rather than a rare lucky escape from a massive worlwide industry of rape & murder. Yet I never gave up hope & here we are: in 2025 this is no longer conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy fact. And at this very late hour, I can hardly help anyone still in denial of how dark the darkness of the shadow of evil over Earth & how deep the depths of sinister depravities embraced by ostensibly human hearts. And I can now shed the baggage of an identity so intimately bound up with surviving such severe trauma.

Yes, things are absolutely ramping up, possibly soon to reach peak danger, but also a zenith of opportunity. We are on the precipice of an unavoidable rapid dismantling & rebuilding of multiple long-standing human systems while multiple time cycles are turning simultaneously. We do not actually yet know what all the rapidly evolving technology will become, let alone how it will be used, who exactly will control it or even how; the situation is moving & changing at exponential pace. Of course "They" will try to impose their technocratic nightmare, but it is not inevitable. Our future reality is being continually co-created by human thoughts, feelings & the actions that flow from these, during the current cycle of upshift in consciousness becoming more widespread amongst humanity in general. If we are to defeat the enemy at his most dangerous & clever, we must also take care to not assist them in assembling their technofascist dystopia by our very certainty in its inevitability. We must maintain vigilance without killing hope & faith from our hearts! The fight has only just begun, but if we are incapable of imagining that there must exist a path to victory, we are already defeated.

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I think you're confusing "black pilled" with "red pilled." “Black pilled” refers to a “defeatist” or “fatalist,” one who simply resigns him/herself to the "fact" that all that transpires in the world is negative, even doomsday worthy, and where nothing can be done about it. Even when the occasional "positive" appears, the black-pilled type instantly dismisses it as more deception (which may or may not be true). By contrast, "red pilled" refers to a “realist,” one who is similarly awake and aware but who actively attempts to expose the evil machinations of the satanists in power, with the ultimate hope of putting a stop to them.

GC and probably most of the commenters here are of the latter type.

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Yup, I can certainly see that "They" are trying to build a technofascist nightmare & trying to force everyone into it. I also see that our belief in their unsurmountable power to do so just happens to be the most powerful & effective weapon to make it happen.

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Good point and I agree. Don't give them the power via consent (something I was saying to the occasional masquerader/vaccinator during the Convid psyop) or even via your "belief" that "they" possess it at all.

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God seems to give us pretty clear warning about the technocratic doom apocalypse. You know, that beast system thing that gets mentioned. I wouldn't make a false dichotomy between trust in God and being vigilant, aware and spiritually prepared. One can do both. I think should do both.

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I'm certainly not saying we shouldn't be vigilant & continually question everything. I still argue with God daily. But collective human co-creation of our own future circumstances being the nature of reality, our own certainty in the victory of evil is quite enough to bring that very horror to pass. Thank God most members of humanity are maintaining a home for hope in their hearts. I can't say why or how, but I'm grateful for my unburdened

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Your self esteem almost outshines your superiority.

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Yes, self esteem indeed. In order to overcome my own considerable trauma, I had to believe, first, & then I could become. Over time I would learn to always start at changing my own mind. After all, that's all I ever control. If I had to try to trust in all these television characters I'm sure I'd be inconsolable. But my gut is telling me something greater has gotten involved in pushing around the chess pieces; astrology seems to agree & so does the yuga cycle.

My whole life I was trying to wake up "the normies," after surviving early childhood trafficking & seeing my own mother killed; for many years people simply wanted to believe my case was a rare violent tragedy rather than a rare lucky escape from a massive worlwide industry of rape & murder. Yet I never gave up hope & here we are: in 2025 this is no longer conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy fact. And at this very late hour, I can hardly help anyone still in denial of how dark the darkness of the shadow of evil over Earth & how deep the depths of sinister depravities embraced by ostensibly human hearts. Now I can finally shed the baggage of an identity so intimately bound up with surviving such severe trauma.

Things are absolutely ramping up, possibly sometime soon to reach peak danger, but also a zenith of opportunity. We are on the precipice of an unavoidable rapid dismantling & rebuilding of multiple long-standing human systems simultaneous to multiple time cycles turning over. Our future reality is being continually co-created by human thoughts & feelings, & the actions that flow from them, during this current cycle of upshift in the participation in deeper consciousness amongst humanity. Perhaps I'm naive to believe in most of humanity's underlying drive to realign with God, but If we are to defeat the enemy at his most dangerous & clever, we must also take care we do not capitulate to the evil dystopia by our very certainty in its inevitability. We must maintain our vigilance yet keep hope & faith still alive in our hearts! The fight may have just begun but if we are incapable of imagining that there must exist a path to victory, then we are already defeated.

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I live in one of the strongest “stand with israel” areas in the largest “stand with israel” state in the US of Israel. Aside from my wife, I am now completely cut off from sanity. I hope that there is an all-powerful benevolent being out there to “save” us, but my gut tells me NOPE.

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I hear you pop. I feel that in los viejos golf boomer barrio in Arizona when i jog past all their neighbors with the "we stand with Israel" signs in their yards. Before that they had Ukraine flags in the summer of 23'. It's lonely out here in the wilderness but the younger generations are waking up fast and that's encouraging. And maybe collectively we are the powerful beings that will save us?

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Great compilation of very important and valuable documentation in your article here. I thank you for putting more puzzle pieces on the board for me. Many of people, places and time stamps were understood by me however there are others you've provided that are aha moments for my awakening to who is the puppet master is.

I'll in addition say I too reside in what I thought was the biggest Zionist State of ZOG. It happens to be a Gulf of Mexico State. For a number of weeks after the October 7th false flag a church that borders a State highway was flying a huge star of Remphan flag. It was all I could do to not burn the hideous thing down before marching in to their offices and make them aware of how mind controlled they are.

Our governor is one of many who make their pilgrimage to the Western Wall and show their controllers that they're bowing to their Zionist Masters. It's comforting for me to understand more thoroughly what is controlling most of the world. Understanding also that it's been evolving for thousands of years to arrive at this present time.

Thank you again for this excellent essay.

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God saves those who save themselves, but also requires our trust. We must be very careful not to create that black pill future for ourselves simply by believing so strongly in its inevitability.

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Reminiscent of Richard Bach's 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', the video piece on Richard Beebo Russell was, hands down, the most poignant – I dunno, perhaps even 'uplifting' – for me. Similar to the marginalized and jaded seagull, how 'Beebo' successfully managed his barrel roll while missing the water surface by a mere 10-feet undoubtedly led to his l'objectif final. Yes, Fly High, Sky King!

Anyway, great piece, Good Citizen! Thank you <3

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I shared that with papa citizen a few days ago. He wasn't aware of Beebo's story or the mass discrimination against white men. He was very moved by the video and shocked by the recent hiring statistics by demographics. "A lot of people that care about me are going to be really disappointed." Heart breaks. Even the tower guy and air force pilot were blown away by the barrel roll. A story that resonates with a lot of young men in a similar "stuck" holding pattern in life.

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To this day, I still love "Jonathon Livingston Seagull", but Bach's "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" is even better (imo).

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Ahh, yes, he introduced me to sourdough – and dissipating clouds with the mind. Unlike the 'reluctant one' I never quite got the knack for dissolving bugs from a windshield with the simple sweep of my hand; however, never having owned a biplane, I can't honestly say that I ever tried. Lol

Otherwise, have read and reread many of Bach's books.

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P.S. I couldn't watch more than 20-seconds of your other shared videos (my baaad) ...

am . just . soooo . tired of those faces.

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GC you are the best writer I ever saw

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the more I see the power of these jews and the more I see leaders of countries submit to them like the West and the arabs the more I say maybe they do not deserve to survive. it would be easy to defeat them.

if I had the power I would assemble an attack group napalm rothchilds mansion hunt the rest down break into their vault and take all the gold and money. bulldoze all the chabad buildings while shooting them down. gather the rest and dump them in the ocean.

take out all the executives of black rock and vanguard.

this is exactly what the Romans would have done and did it in 70AD and beyond. the Romans the greatest empire ever were the only ones that knew how to handle the jews. where is the Roman General Titus and Emperor Hadrian when you need them?

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I like all comments regardless. But next time please say how you really feel.

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LOL I will make a concerted effort

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I'd say, sounds like a good start. I'm waiting for a patriotic citizen to take out a chemtrail plain somewhere over the Arizona desert and most definitely bomb HAARP to ash in Alaska. I don't ask for much. It's the little things that make me happy.

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An awful lot of information to ponder on there GC. Have read that the Khazarians (?)were basically a very large organized crime family, and that they became Jews because at that time the Christians were murdering Muslims, and the Muslims were killing the Christians, and being a Jew when ones identity was demanded was sort of like being on base. Have no idea if there is any truth to that or not, but it could explain a few things that have developed in the 1300 years or so since then. On the other hand, I've recently read some of Sitchin's work, and that could explain a few things too. Rule of thumb---believe nothing, but consider everything.

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Have you ever considered.....you might be correct.....and you might not? And then there's DaBinaryFactor - a fault that most pundits and their readers fall into - been there done that. Things ain't as simple as that - preaching to DaChoir is easy.

Consider - if you were propped into the Presidency and you received an overview of the entire PERSPECTIVE - what would you do? Remember Sun Tzu? In order to win a war - you have to know your enemy and yourself - BOTH!

Consider - can you name even one institution that is not corrupted? I sure can't - and if they're all your enemies - are you gonna attack them all at once? With what?

Remember JFK and RFK?

Without getting long winded here - when the odds say to take it bite size - it's suicide to tackle your enemy when you're still undersized. DaTrumpster has 4 years - what say we give him all of them - neither you or I are the final judges.

Who am I to say these things? Been there - www.crushlimbraw.com - done that!


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Corruption is one thing. Occupation and control of other nations by a satanic cult of ethnosupremacists through blackmail (paedo and child trafficking), bribery, and subversion is no different than being conquered by a standing army and becoming a sacrificial lamb.

Sun Tzu said 'know thy enemy and their tactics,' so he would ask who is being influenced, who benefits, and find out how control is exerted from within.

How is Trump using Tzu's deception to expose the people, including his daughter and son-in-law, chief of staff, and entire administration? How is he "disrupting his enemies" by sending them another $8 billion without congressional approval? Is this some 4-year long 5D chess move only geniuses can see?

I'm sorry you can't see who Trump is (has been for decades) and who he works for as puppet-in-chief, but I'm sure you will soon.

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Please read my reply to Right Side of History - an immaculate timing coincidence when I was replying to you, GC - and ended up replying to him because I wasn't paying attention to detail. Sorry about that!

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Well, for starters, Trump is crypto-Jew on the paternal side. His father paid for the Beach Haven Jewish Community Center in Brooklyn , and called the rabbi there: "my rabbi". He died in a Jewish care home. Do you really think the Chosenites would pollute their care home with a goy?

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We are all, meaning anyone of us really trying to comprehend the total insanity of the world, weary of finding out we have been under slavemasters' control in so many different ways and their noose is tightening even more. But I will not give in to believing my liberties are dependent on Trump and his "Team" are going to M A G A. I will not align with any religion.

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Yes I remember JFK and RFK as I’ve researched both and the same crew murdered them both.

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Didn't expect a reply from you immediately - which makes it obvious you never read my linked website to get a PERSPECTIVE of my fundamental premise - might relate to knowing your enemy:)? No, I'm not your enemy - looks like he's closer to you:)

In any case -

Proverbs 29:20

Seest thou a man [that is] hasty in his words

Swift to speak either before God or men; that takes upon him to speak upon a subject, or return an answer to a question, before he has thoroughly thought of it, and well considered it, and digested what he should say; see ( Ecclesiastes 5:2 ) ( James 1:19 ) ; or "hasty in matters" F24; in his business; runs rashly and precipitately into things, without duly considering within himself what is right and proper to be done, and without taking the advice of others; [there is] more hope of a fool than of him;

of one that has not the gift of elocution, or not so much sagacity in business, and yet takes time to think, and advises with others.

When one speaks before doing prpper research - one is likely to make ASSumptive conclusions which lead to ASSumptive statements which then end up where we began - a common human experience and history. How do I know that? Been there done that!


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I don't know what this means: "No, I'm not your enemy - looks like he's closer to you:)" Now we're in a web of confusion. I don't read links before I comment when responding to comments on here. I assumed your comment here was your perspective on all this. You referenced Sun Tzu which is to 'know thy enemy as you know yourself' and the use of 'deception' to disrupt your enemies etc, which I assumed you were referring to what Trump is secretly doing since you asked to give Trump four years, and my response was to all that.

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Excellent observation - "No, I'm not your enemy - looks like he's closer to you:)" It's always the ones closest. There's an obvious blind spot to those that GC is closest with.

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I don't get it. When did I claim Crush was my enemy? I'm being deceived by those close to me? Which is no one, sadly. So I'll need to look closely into how I'm deceiving myself (by algorithmic kabuki maybe?) about Trump's entire administration working directly for Israel like every other administration since LBJ? It'd be nice if there were fewer metaphors, aphorisms, and philosophical detours and just some straight talk around here.

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I don't get it either... Great article GC.

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they should have killed those white hating irish bastards sooner. all the kennedy boys hated whites. RFK was a white marchin lootin king. RFK jr is for slave reparations. If the old man Joe the only good one would have known how they would have turned out he would have drowned them at birth

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Haha!! The Roman centurion with the spear from the forest again. Nobody will like this comment (because nobody will read this article), but I appreciate the honesty and creativity. I do think John was a good man who had an idea of what kind of subversion was taking root in the country in the DOD and elsewhere, and he was in the way of Israel's aims, so they put his brains all over his wife's dress. His appearance in Dallas was hosted by B'nai Brith, Sam Bloom, Jack Rubinstein to clean up the patsy, Zapruder who worked in the book depository to document the event on film etc. Then the fake Oliver Stone film for the cover-up, which an Israeli Mossad agent exec produced. You can't make this shit up. JFK humiliated David Ben-Gurion by demanding the American Zionist Congress register as subversive foreign agents. He wanted inspections of Israel's hidden nukes program. He didn't want to expand the catastrophe in Vietnam. He may have been the last closest thing to an 'America First' president until the Israeli demons took over West Israel for good. LBJ was a boot licking Ziohoor. Under him more Nam, USS Liberty, plus WIDE OPEN borders ever since with the Hart-Celler Act. Yes, another jew opens another foreign country's borders to demographically destroy another nation. Then, Mayorkas the former director of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society takes over as head of DHS from 2020-2024 to put the finishing touches (10 million more) on the "multicultural" MOAB. Game, set, match.

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that was the only good thing about JFK but he was drooling over signing the immigration reform act but got shot. the ADL got JFK to write the book....america a land of immigrants... which the jews used that phrase for 60 years to bludgeon whites into accepting their destruction.

then you got the heroin/sex addict RFK jr pushing slave reparations. Jr knows the jews killed his father and uncle but as the head of the health dept pukes out that aunty semights are as bad as a plague. the sex addict was on epsteins jet a lot and they got the videos

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True. He did write that gay book. Used by traitors ever since to keep the borders open, along with that gay Lazarus poem at the statue of liberty to sell out the country. Maybe all candidates have to write gay books selling out their country to get selected by the kosher nostra. RFK jr is essentially a globohomo agent on HGH. They have all kinds of blackmail on him.

Just did an early life check on Emma Lazarus.

"Emma Lazarus was born in New York City, July 22, 1849, into a large Jewish family. She was the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus, a wealthy merchant."

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Enema lazarus was a jewish communist (but I repeat myself) and a lesbian. here is another thing. Ronnie Raygun when asked about immigration and the amnesty he had done. he said...anybody from anywhere in the world can come to america and be an american. that scumbag while governor turned california into methico then proceeded to do it to the whole country

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JFK also thought Hitler was a great leader. That won me over. HIAS did a helluva job, importing young strong men traveling alone.

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I apologize - I replied to you thinking it was to the Good Citizen - a matter of logistics and timing. But cheers anyway:)

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When I finally realized the internal battle between the Chabad jews and the Marxist jews, it made a lot of sense to me. But even with these internal kerfuffles, when the end comes, they will rule together (if we allow it).

This method of divide and control has worked for them off and on for millennia, but the fact that they push so hard eventually ends up biting them in the ass 109times.

Here's to 110! Let's make this the last one.

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These are two wings of the Alex Jones (a total muppet) "Globalists!" bird. Once you see WW2 through the lens of two sets of Jews in power from west and east instead of Allied powers, it all makes sense, and the real victors manifested their outcome by making themselves into the biggest victims - from both sides. The Bolshevik adjustments to Polish camps, the Zionist jews from the west with Morgenthau Plan and atrocity propaganda at German camps.

People still see communist or fascist, left or right, R or D, and so they burden themselves with these shackles while the kyphotic merchants rub their hands backstage indifferent to all ideologies that benefit jews by dividing everyone else by race, class, nationality, etc. And yes, it appears to have been a playbook running for millennia. The difference is our ancestors wouldn't get fooled for so long (Iberian kingdoms aside with the incessant invasions). They weren't afraid of being called names. They weren't easily corrupted paedos or greed mongers who sold out their people for a few horses. This meme really says it all...


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The meme's gone. Poof!

Isn't it so much easier when there are only two, predefined choices for us?


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Good read as always. Great picture towards the end - "If this is self-defense, what does genocide look like?"

Mind if I use it for my Image for The Day @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Linking as usual!!

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Another brilliant piece GC. Directly over the target as you well enough know. No backing down now. I love it.

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I dunno Dawn. Somehow, every post I think matters most always ends up being the least read or shared. Either I'm blind, or other people can't see within a country mile of the target. Either I'm crashing and burning from misfires, or those hundreds of millions of blindfolded goyim, including five figures of my own subs, is why things NEVER change. They can't handle reading the words white or jew without reflexively reverting to their pavlovian ((programming)) of immediately soiling their trousers in panic. Thanks for listening.

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Things will change. For the worst, soon. But after... "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

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Write because it is cathartic to get it out... but don't expect any thanks or appreciation.I know. I've been riding this hobbyhorse for almost 35 years.

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Well, this was cathartic and I always write for me plus the few who can still see or even care. What astonishes me more than this subject or even centuries of Jewish behavior repeating, is the total lack of interest or curiosity from whom they call goyim. Which maybe makes the Jews right in a sense, these ignorant and happily brainwashed people aren't really different from cattle. They make perfect slaves all on their own volition.

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Huxley called it. Comfortable slavery. Why look at that pile of bills on the table if the credit card still works. But, as Legalman points out, once the construction of the digital gulag is finished, fun time will likely be over. That's the problem with the ignorance is bliss strategy. It works great until it doesn't. And right about when the ignorance gets forcefully removed is the same time the window to remedy the situation turns up closed. And locked. And that's when Orwell kicks in. Boots on faces and the like.

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March 20, 2020 comes to mind, though they kept the "essential" workers going while they prepared the loon juice for arms. Nobody was prepared, and most were ignorant of what they could pull on the phony virology front, including myself. I arrived in Krakow from Mexico City the day before. The Polish military boarded my plane and took everyone's information. The country was closed for two weeks minimum or more. Cops came by my flat each day, and I had to wave to them below from my balcony to show them I was "quarantining" for a virus that didn't exist, and if I wasn't there, they'd fine me $1500 per instance. I'll never forget that boot. And while I endeavor to never be unprepared for the next one I know is coming, I know there will be some unforseen fuckery that one can never prepare for, even those black mirror robot dogs. At which point, who wants to live in that world anyway?

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Brother, your frustration is similar to mine. How can people NOT see this glaringly obvious truth?

I try to make it easy with my stupid videos, but they don't always work.

How can people be so blinded?

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The appetite for Truth in this society is at an all time low. In this life, in this world, the good guys often do not win. That is another hard truth in and of itself.

So, doing the right thing, telling the truth is not likely to be well received. From my perspective, what you are doing isn't worth it, except if done for the glory of God.

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It's all so fucking subcutaneous, man! Just like Harari overtly said. Ohhhh...my throbbing basal ganglia!

I've Got You Under My Skin - Frank Sinatra


Don't you know little fool, you never can win?

Use your mentality, wake up to reality"

But each time that I do, just the thought of you

Makes me stop before I begin

'Cause I've got you under my skin

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What is NAFO?

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North Atlantic Fellas Organization, announced on Twitter. Think memes supporting Ukrainian lies of battlefield success.

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NATOs neocons or propaganda arm.

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I always thought it was North Atlantic Faggot Organization, since it is the military arm of globohomo. Don't remember where I learned that. It could be wrong.

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Catherine Austin Fitts doing her part to make Qanon great again.

No way to know if these people are compromised and intentionally lying or severely deluded, or some combination of the two. As I've said a million times, none of this has anything to do with IQ. Despite the statements that make her appear so, Fitts is not an imbecile. This is all spiritual in nature. Strong delusion, self deception and just good old fashioned corruption are the order of the day. The satanists are having a field day with this Godless society. Christianity more or less inoculated Western Civilization against the worst of the money changers' predations for the past 1500 years. But the faith is nearly entirely expunged from us by now. We are living the consequences.

Anyway, I know articles like this don't give the itching maga ears what they want to hear, and thus, diminish traffic. But I for one appreciate what looks to me like honest analysis.

Ford tried to warn us, among a good number of other well placed, credible individuals that have been scrubbed from our consciousness.

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Re: "The mRNA bioweapon injection slaughter of tens of millions of people" pictured at the bottom of the sea...

Great that you included that image. It's something I feel like almost no one is talking about, when it should (almost) be the only thing we are talking about.

What happens when the deaths from the injections really start to accelerate? I think what we've seen mostly up to now is a kind of "zombification" of the injectees... but I have this creepy feeling that people's damaged immune systems are only going to hold up so long.

And then what?

BTW, absolutely amazing article.

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