Rare Earth Kosher Nostra Sideshows
Out with the Epstein coverup, in with the kvetching Cocaine Dwarf, kosher COINTELPRO, and Lubavitcher train cars for another mass plunder.
There is apparently in the world today… a vast and closely organized game, with the world for its table and universal control for its stakes. Get the fifty leading Jewish financiers of the world together and render their manipulations of money impossible. In no other way can peace be established. As soon as the world awakes and finds them out and acts, then we will have peace. It is such financiers that cause war. They operate for profit and gain for themselves.
— Henry Ford
There is a sudden, palpable shift in the energy around the latest white gentile sacrifice party (aka planned banker wars), which was orchestrated years ago by the usual suspects through a series of color revolutions in Ukraine, including an orange one. Ukraine sits in the great void separating Russia from NAFO’s eastern march toward her border. It’s filled with expendible men and now has a more imbalanced sex demographic per capita than Themyscira.
(Yes, I had to look up the name of Wonder Woman’s utopian lesbiocracy. Yes, it has to be a lesbiocracy like Oregon, otherwise, why would women dress like that with no men around? And with no men around, how did they ever come to exist at all or not die off in two generations? Do they import men from other islands for quick creampies and then dispose of them? How misandrist. Not a comic book dork, as you can tell, so you must forgive me for lacking the stupidity to embrace such storylines.)
The European Union and its hapless puppets, in their quest to embrace even greater stupidity, are attempting to flex atrophied military muscles without their West-Israel empire, apparently unaware that the memo calls for the sacrifice to loot and plunder Ukraine first and then Russia at a later date.
In an effort to paint Putin as some bloodthirsty Stalin intent on marching across Europe to enslave or murder tens of millions, they’ve revealed themselves to be the biggest clowns on the world stage. Their hilarious threats to Russia, including Macron’s flippant talk of sharing Nukes across the continent as if they were some toy inside a sharing bin of a continental Kindergarten, has to be some of the best geopolitical and military comedy since France built the imaginot line in the interwar years.
The French nan-troon-loving Rothschild banker slash former teenage rape and grooming victim occupying the Palais de l'Élysée let slip last week that anywhere from 1.4 million to 1.8 million Ukrainians have been sacrificed in the latest banker war for plunder. But that’s not enough for their bosses.
The cocaine dwarf and his henchman have been sweeping off the streets by force males of any age that appear capable of aiming a Kalashnikov barrel above their waistlines, except for dual Israeli passport holders and orthodox jews, of course. They get their own special theocratic supramcist enclaves outside and within their New Khazarian kingdom, where only jews are permitted. Watch an American motocyclist get turned away at a military checkpoint for not being Jewish…
The engineers for this conflict in West Israel are now coming for their New Khazarian plunder through natural gas contracts, “revitilzation” projects to “build back better,” and rare earth minerals waiting to be transferred to Blackrock’s balance sheet. Six of Blackrock’s eight founders are jews.
The Orange Machayach מָשִׁיחַ, who was awarded the silver Torah crown of Jerusalem by the Israel Heritage Foundation and 150 rabbis at his New Jewsey golf club in 2022, has been reselected to help broker the New Khazarian plunder since he is the “art of the steal” guy.
If you’re stuck on Israel, New Khazaria, and West Israel as I was for many years, don’t be. There’s also East Israel, where the Chabad cult is intent on redrawing maps at a later date for their benefit while sacrificing Amalek. Here, they control another puppet in Putin, who in 2014 followed Germany, France, and a dozen other EU nations by banning questions of the official holocaust narrative known as 6 Gorillion!
A month ago, the noble Russian dictator “who cares about his people and wants to save his country from all things woke” (sigh) fired the assistant secretary of Russia's security council, Alexei Pavlov, for calling the Ruskie Chabad “a neo-pagan cult.” Criticism of this cult is forbidden in Moscow, most of Europe, and the Washington District of Chabad.
The District of Chabad’s federally funded indoctrination centers, formerly known as daycare centers, formerly known as Universities, are now fair game for expulsion and deportation if any student praises Palestine, aka “TERRORISTS!” The first foreign student was deported this week, and that chubby Cubano midget with the receding hairline celebrated it on the Foghorn Leghorn News Network instead of doing Secretary of State stuff.
Oh, I say, I say boy that support for Palestine is illegal.
Welcome to the kosher COINTELPRO era. Censorship is fine as long as it’s dictated from West Israel’s headquarters in Tel Aviv.
This is the only group of people for whom Putin rolls out the red carpet when they visit the Kremlin. During this engineered "conflict" between New Khazaria and East Israel, only one group of people has received VIP treatment from both Zelensky and Putin. They hold no loyalties, no deference, and no respect for any nation other than their people while leveraging power and control from within as many nations as possible. This is subversion at the highest levels. Those in the so-called “dissident right” who talk about subversion will never talk about this.
The first group of people the Cocaine Dwarf met with after being selected in 2019 after retiring from his first acting career to embrace his second acting career as a dictator…
I didn’t have time to do Britain and most of Europe, but this is pretty much the global map. Once you see it, it can’t be unseen.

Meanwhile, the Kosher Nostra comedy sideshows continue unabated in the District of Chabad.
Beavis and Butthead: Did you see Trump and Vance dress down Zelensky in the oval office Friday? Huh, huh. That was cool. It’s about time, man. Huh, huh.
Three actors with IMDB pages, two jewish and one hillbilly performed for jewish controlled media to bury the previous day’s debacle of parading Mossad-funded Con Inc. influencer idiots around with Epstein binders filled with fully redacted nonsense or flight logs that have been on the Internet for years.
Oh wait. He was never a hillbilly. That was all part of his premanufactured selection biography psyop, just like Obama’s.

Does this administration think the American people won’t see this charade for what it is? Do they think the people are retarded?
Those are rhetorical questions, of course.
No, they’re not!
Most Americans are functionally retarded!
Enlighted Beavis: Did you see Trump pull out the chair for his boss, the President of Israel, when he came to visit his colony West Israel? Huh, huh. Trump is such a little bitch.
Enlightened Butthead: Huh, huh. Yeah, he sure liked the golden shower Bibi gave him, uh, I mean golden pager.
The red-state boomers fresh off the golf course must have enjoyed their favorite Israeli Fox News propagandist trot out Pam Bondinstein for the Mossad-Epstein cover-up continuation saga. Is Mark Levin on tape schtupping young boys and girls too, or does he just collect a paycheck from those who hold all the Epstein recordings? It’s hard to tell these days.
The chutzpah of these chosen people, Ari!
They think we’re all deaf, dumb, and blind. (John 9:25)
Pam Bondinstein is an actress first, in her capacity as another harlot for Israel, and an attorney second. She is there to deflect, obfuscate, make counter accusations, and deploy blame to “the democrats” any chance she gets regarding the Epstein-Maxwell-Mossad blackmail operations.
The truth is out there. Ethno supremacist blackmail operations for West Israel’s greatest ally! Involving rape, entrapment, paedophila, and coercion of the most powerful people in West Isreal, from Trump to Clinton to a Crown Corporation Prince.
As West Israel’s top cop, instead of anything useful on Mossad and Epstein, Bondinstein has opened up an investigation into “anti-semitic hiring practices” in the California State University system. I’d be willing to bet the entire future income of this Substack… (not a lot folks <sad emoji here>)
that the one group that is more over-represented per capita in the Commiefornia University system is the one that Pam is investigating for “being discriminated against.”
Meanwhile for the past three decades, the one group most discriminated against in the entire country in public sector hiring (and the past half decade in the private sector) has been white males, and not a single DOJ top cop (R or D) in West Israel has been interested in opening investigations into this, for some strange and mysterious cohencidence.

This isn’t any kind of pattern one should recognize, is it?
This isn’t something the Republican voters should be concerned about since these people control 100% of their party too, is it?
Nah, it’s probably nothing.

If Richard “Beebo” Russell had been Yakov Horowitz, the baggage handler whom companies refused to hire or promote for “anti-Semitic” reasons instead of anti-white reasons, Hollywood would have made a dozen films immortalizing the Sky King.
Fly high, Sky King.
Like the entire Trump administration, Pam Bondinstein is Israel first, second, third, and forever. The casting directors who chose her, or her masters, are occupying West Israel, and Pam knows this, and she knows they will dictate all “investigations” from her office. Domestic politics as performance art, induced by blackmail, bribery, threats of murder, and coercion, is difficult for the average American to detect in their “public” officials. Of course, it’s difficult for goldfish to detect anything outside their fish bowls.
Did you hear that crash to earth the other day?
Nope, that wasn’t the latest “aviation accident.”
That was the sound of MIGA-MAHA enthusiasts falling on their asses again after swinging their legs for Lucy’s football for the hundredth time. The line between insanity and retardation is a fine one, when years of emotional energy has been backstopped by blind stupidity.
Hopeium is a hell of a drug, but it’s on the FDA’s list of drugs “generally recognized as safe for consumption,” so the MIGA-MAHA brigades are happy to keep consuming it.
The MIGA-MAHA hopeium canisters deployed a drug that so skewed their perception of reality, they still believe a former Kennedy heroin addict and passenger on Epstein’s Lolita Express whose suicided wife was good friends Ghillane Maxwell will do something for the American people in regards to the Rockefeller DICs (Death Industrial Complex), scam vaccines, and Big Agra’s poisoned food supply.
Instead, they’re getting lectures on Anti-Semitism “as the nation’s biggest plague” and another “anti-semitism task force” to go to work for the health of the american people, the occupiers of West Israel.
The last thing these people are interested in is a healthy and well-adjusted population of perceptive and intelligent humans. If Bobby Kennedy was ever a threat to the corrupt corporate system that keeps Americans dis-eased, he would have never been confirmed. Psyops for controlled opposition wins again.
Cathern Austin-Fitts remarked on a recent appearance with David Knight that RFK Jr. is being “forced to do things” as Secretary of HHS, but in the background, he’s “collecting data” and will use it later to his benefit to expose the system from within.
Uhhh, yeah, I think it’s a lot simpler than that. It’s called Mossad, and they probably have him ON TAPE DIDDLING KIDS! The guy has been a serial philanderer his entire adult life when he wasn’t a heroin addict or controlled opposition performer, so he was probably Epstein’s easiest target and exactly why he was selected for this moment.
Nobody who is appointed to any position of power in West Israel can do so without being a puppet of her masters in Greater Israel. The sooner the American people wake up to this fact, the sooner they might have a chance of taking back their country.
West Israeli Government = compromised by Israel or no job.
There’s a reason both parties only stand and clap incessantly for one singular event in Congress—when the boss of the President of West Israel, the great parasite demon of Tel Aviv, shows up to demand more loot and plunder of her host empire.
Epstein Client List = Congress, celebrities, athletes, billionaires, musicians, executives and scumbag lawyers like Alan Dershowitz who appears on the Epstein Lolita flight logs more than a dozen times which is more than the Orange Machayach, the selected President of West Israel who appears on the flight logs four times. He took Tiffany and Eric each twice.
Because, you know, when your second casino bankruptcy is pending via a bailout from Rothschild agents like Wilbur Ross, and you need to hitch a ride with your preteen kids to and from West Palm Beach and Manhattan to show the bankruptcy judge that you don’t own a private jet anymore (winky wink), nobody better to trust your kids with more than these two people.
Perhaps the "national security risk" posed from the release of the "Epstein files" would be what the general public would do if they knew that Epstein was still alive. When our country has been hijacked by jews, the greatest threat to our "national security" is the truth.

The Chabad cult has over 3000 locations in over 80 countries, which couldn’t be done without vast financial resources, which they get from their Kabbalah-Satanic followers. Trump admitted in his book “The Way to The Top” to having a Kabbalah teacher. These people have their demon claws on everyone and everything.
Why did the recently selected Jewish president of Argentina first go to the Chabad Lubavitch world headquarters in Brooklyn before going to visit Israel in the days after his selection? Why would he thank their former departed cult leader for his win?
The Chabad Lubavitcher cult set up shop in Brooklyn around 1940, but not without a curious and “miraculous” escape from the clutches of the great evil ones—The NAZIS! (Cue scary music here)
There’s a little-known tale that involves high ranking Nazi officials including Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and Major Ernst Bloch, who helped the Polish Chabad leader, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (and later his son-in-law succesor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson whom RFK Jr. recently said he was very fond of and his family was close to) flee Europe. This Hasidic cult enjoyed a first-class escape in March 1940.
According to the 2004 book Rescued from the Reich by Bryan Mark Rigg, these officers and a group of Abwehr provided an escort for Chabad to Berlin, then Riga, and Stockholm, where they boarded a liner and enjoyed safe passage to the United States.
The SS were confused. They looked at Bloch, an officer, then they gazed at the Orthodox Jews whom they had just forced to step out of the truck, surrounding them with rifles lowered... Bloch told the SS commanding officer... that he had special orders to take these Jews to Berlin. The SS officer sniffed, blinked, and shook his head, saying he was shocked he had not been informed about this cargo. He threatened to detain the Jews and hold Bloch and his men at his headquarters until he received authorization from Berlin... After some uneasy hesitation, he ordered the roadblock opened and let Bloch’s group through.
The Rabbi Schneerson was so confident and casual about his escape that he wanted the German consul in America to help arrange the extraction of this 40,000-volume library valued at some $30,000. It was deemed impractical given the increasing tensions around the war and souring diplomatic relations between the countries, but the group still boarded a first-class train car with their Abwehr escorts and fled to Riga.
Why was this Cabalist leader rescued by both Nazi and American officials and permitted a first-class escape?
According to Henry Makow:
This rescue contradicts the narrative that the Nazis were antisemites determined to exterminate European Jewry. Rather, it supports the view that the Chabad are, in Tim Fitzpatrick's words, "the head of the Illuminati snake," wielding incredible unseen power over world events. It supports the view that the Illuminati Jewish bankers, who, like Chabad, are Cabalist Satanists, engineered World War Two to destroy Germany and provide a pretext (with the mass murder of mainly assimilated Jews) for the establishment of the State of Israel.
Wikipravda notes of the Schneerson son-in-law (whose grave all West Israel puppets visit today) who was in France at the time, “Working with the government and contacts within the US State Department, Chabad was able to save Menachem Mendel from Vichy France in 1941 before the borders were closed down.”
The Chabad cult certainly appears to be one of the more powerful “hidden” elements operating behind the scenes, but they’re not very hidden at all. With no loyalties but to Israel and themselves, they consider themselves a master race above their eventual slave class of non-Jewish “lesser” humans or Goyim.
Funny how in the post-war historical revisions, done by British and American “scholars,” it was the Third Reich and Hitler who were attributed this self-ascribed label, “master race,” (herrenvolk) when no such equivalent words can be found in the German archives of the time, or Mein Kampf, Hitler’s speeches, or Goebbel’s speeches.
Their ideology used the words Aryan (purity) and Lebensraum (living space), but it was only in pre and post-war propaganda from Jewish-controlled Britain and America that the phrase “master race” was ascribed to these “monsters.” Has every historical accusation been a confession?
These postwar years saw a substantial elevation of war atrocity for propaganda to elevate the Jewish people to the victims of the greatest slaughter in history worthy of its dedicated marketing slogan reinforced by a decades-long educational and entertainment psychological blitzkrieg against the western Goyim, of whom boomers have unfortunately been the most susceptible and headstrong to remain loyal.
It wasn’t just the Chabad cult involved in this nefarious emotional blackmail operation. While blackmailing the West for Greater Israel, the Jewish communists had taken hold of Eastern Europe (again), and both sides came together, showing little restraint to hide their ethnosupramcist agenda.
The following excerpt is from a speech given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, on January 12, 1952. A copy of this speech was obtained by a Hungarian diplomat who fled to Germany and eventually settled in the United States, where he gave a copy to the author Eustace Mullins, who published it in his 1968 book New History of The Jews.
The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.
Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.

Ads you’ll never see in Israel…
Oy vey!
As for the Slavs of Ukraine and Russia, the operation for obliteration has been long in the works with the Chabad cult in the United States’ head Schneerson (who magically escaped Nazi capture a year after his father-in-law) making shockingly accurate predictions in the 1990s about dividing Slavic nations.
“Slavs are temporary guests and subject to eviction. Israelis will partially relocate here (Ukraine), and we will drive Slavic cattle out.”

It’s difficult to believe the claims that these Turkic-Mongol European “jews” are chosen by god and were promised a useless piece of land in a god forsaken place with biblical story connections. And what are many biblical stories if not a two-thousand-year game of telephone that went drastically wrong each century and became a useful (maybe the first global) psyop once the printing press came along?
Even by a rudimentary examination of descendants of Shem (Semitic peoples), it’s clear that Askenazi Jews and Sepharadic Jews are not from the land or peoples of Judea, making Palestinians in the region much more likely to be the only Semitic peoples.
And why does Israel ban home genetic testing kits and require citizens to get a court order if they want to trace their ancestry? Why were some of these kits manufactured in Israel but not permitted there?
The government uses these measures to protect the public so that insurance companies, private parties, et cetera won't misuse the private information for personal gain, as well as the national implications these tests could hold or affect with Israel being a government recognized Jewish-state.
So what's the Israeli government so afraid of? That the world finds out the majority of their populations have absolutely no genetic ties to the Levant? That the population that tests the highest for indigenousness are the Palestinians? Or that the Great Return of the "Jewish People" to "their land" is one big, murderous fraud.
If recent history of less than a century ago can be retold and reprogrammed within the populous so effectively and permanently so that the truth is inverted, what have they done to biblical history and the true origins of biblical peoples?
A people chosen by god would never be capable of world wars, Dresden, or blackmail, extortion, inflating deaths for post-war atrocity propaganda, controlling currencies and central banks, looting, plunder, and demographically destroying other nations from within for over 2400 years, would they?
Why have they been kicked out of 110 kingdoms, principalities, nations, and city-states, 1030 times, starting at least 400 years BC?
Why did Isabel and Ferdinand issue the Alhambra decree that expelled Jews from the Iberian Peninsula after seven centuries of constant Muslim invasions and occupations, which ushered in Spain’s Golden Age?
When the same thing happens over and over again, there’s usually a good reason behind it, unrelated to a made-up, silly, weaponized word meant to silence people who tell the truth.
And if they’re capable of King David hotel bombing, inventing middle east terror and keeping it going to this day, ethnically cleansing Palestinians, stealing nuclear weapons technology, assasinating JFK, engineering 9/11 and a false flag on their own “chosen land” that slaughtered their people with the Hanibal directive on October 7th, what else are they willing to do to you and your people and your nation, former inhabitants of the United States, Britain, France, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, now West Israel, East Israel, and New Khazaria?
If this is self-defense, what does genocide look like?
Or maybe it looks like this?
COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.
— RFK Jr.
But if there was no virus, then it must be the vaccines.
Maybe none of this is true, and it’s just wild speculation and conjecture, and I need to calm down because maybe I’m having a midlife crisis.
In which case, I should go out and buy a Porsche.
That face you make when you wonder why people are staring at you.
And Ye shall know them by their t-shirts.
More here:
And here:
And here:
And here:
Yah gonna be a doctah oh a lawyah, Ari, and dat’s final!
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Your global map is looking good but I assert you’ll be painting China blue and white soon as the Chosenites have been subverting it for at least a hundred years or more.
Meanwhile, the Great Noticing is gathering steam but I’m left wondering how astroturfed it is. Along with usury, victimhood is these parasite’s life force so I’m assuming they’ll ride that horse until the Noahide laws replace the CONstitution.
Schneerson's alleged speech was so shockingly blunt, I had to do some due diligence.
Alas, the justice4poland.com link within the webarchive link you provided now redirects to a porn hub:
Well, I call that verification of a sort, but I did find an alleged copy of the real thing: