Zeyco was the brand name of dental anesthetic examined by Dr. Ana’s team and found to contain hydrogel self-assembling tech. Why would you recommend ANY Zeyco product?!?!?!?!?!?!
Zeyco product specifically examined by Nixon in video, he actually makes a plea to all dentists to look into this (my comment was re: did you examine any other brands?):
I'm a 33rd freemason in the house of Bilderberg Kitten. I had no idea about Zeyco. I searched dental anesthetics used in Mexico that aren't lidocaine, and yes assumed that ingredients would be disclosed in dental products more honestly than the land of Darpa. What doesn't contain hydrogel self assembling tech then? Instead of spending four paragraphs clutching your pearls, why not offer a solution for Ms. Duchess?
I will offer you a solution: read the whole thing, but pay particular attention to verse 6 - “the pestilence that walks in darkness”. If this nanotechnology isn’t a pestilence that walks in darkness (with its broad dispersion in food, drink & air), then I don’t know what is. I am daily more convinced, with articles and videos like this, that this vaccine decimation is “the abomination that causes desolation”, as predicted in the Bible.
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the [a]fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and [b]buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Familiar with much of what you write GC, and am doing my best to limit the devil's work on my own little piece of heaven. Near as I can tell, the closest 5g tower is 4-5 miles away as the crow flies. My old flip phone works just fine when there is a signal--same with the "air card" provided internet, The symptoms listed on that human diagram have me wondering though--was that GO crap in the last tettnis shot I had a few years ago? I have been having some issues with non rash itching, and thinking it is just mosquitos--have had nearly 10 inches of rain this past month after 3 years of less than 20 inches in a row.
Have had a friend of many years move onto the place--he is in need of major healing and stress reduction, and he has fallen into the daily rhythm of the "farm" which is starting to have a positive effect for him. I can tell your readers that the daily walk in nature, and getting out of the city is magic for the body and soul. We both were sitting in the front porch rockers, earlier today meditating on the quiet and peace surrounding us. Best reality show available.
I realize the devils have us surrounded with their evil potions--in the air, water, food etc, and the only thing any of us can do is try and limit our exposure as much as possible, eat well (healthy) and not stress out about it or any of the other nonsense going on in this country (USA) and around the world.
God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change etc. etc etc. If they ban farm ownership, They'll have to come take it from me, and even at 76, I'm still a pretty good shot.
They just put a bunch on my place of work. A nursing home! I’m seeing a lot of decline and death. Trying to educate my coworkers so they can measure the changes in themselves and our residents. I know I should quit but I have no idea what I will do to pay the bills....
Good broad range coverage of just a few of the many ways they are designing the earth for the reset.
Me thinks they will pollute the earth in the name of science and green bullshit, using technology and medicine, dimming and windfarms, chemicals in the food and plastics destroying the oceans, cities with no exit and countries with no borders. All of which are reversible with either time or a slave army.
In the effort to identify all of these ways they destroy the earth, all of which can be turned off after mass extinction happens, one goes crazy and self identifies himself to the masters for a roundup when things are a bit less populated. Forced injection or death, me chooses death…. Sorry off the deep end a bit there.
The earth will be reset after the extinction level culmination of fucking Travis-Sham-Ockery they are unleashing right in front of yours and mines eyes. Fucking useless seals and fucking psycho evil masters, damned you all.
Have a nice day, thanks for sharing GC. Oh btw, I think your lackluster part one as you bemoaned was due to you telling your herd you would be off for awhile helping los viejos. I wasn’t expecting the quickness of your last few writings…
I wouldn't want to be around for the final results either. Life is precious, but we all have our limitations. Sometimes it seems the useless seals are more to blame than evil masters. It certainly becomes more difficult to sympathize with the consequences of their own stupidity when all of us pay the price. No! No low frequencies! I love everyone! Even seals. As for the sleeping Good Citizens, I told them I might take a week or two off for a road trip in mid JUNE.. From now on all posts will be less than 40 characters and the content approved by Heather Cox Richardson. Purple check mark guaranteed in one month.
Speechless. Awesome. The penultimate updated tome. Thanks once again for your brilliance and your persistence to carry the sword and raise the torch. CHEERS GOOD CITIZEN MAN‼️🥂LEAD ON!
Thanks for laying it all out there, GC. Quite a mental filling in this article; much to unpack. Maybe we reach a critical mass before Singularity; one can hope.
Emotions can certainly rule our lives, and if we're not careful we can let that little devil eat us up inside. I know that all too well.
Thanks for bringing energy healing into the conversation. Sometimes the answers are simple yet not easy. We must distance ourselves from addictive technology and get back to The Earth.
I recently watched a series by Robert Gilbert on Gaia called Sacred Geometry, where he discusses in detail the lotus petals of our energy centers we need to activate. He's a pupil of Ibrahim Karim, the founder of modern Egyptian Biogeometry.
Although all of this does seem terrifying to some, there is much common-sense medicine that Nature can give us all back if we let it - like a good dose of sweat, sunshine and sleep. Our body is an amazing vehicle of soul-energy waiting to be activated.
“To know when you have enough is to be immune from disgrace. To know when to stop is to be preserved from perils. Only thus can you endure long.”— Tao Te Ching
The hubris of these perpetrators is astounding. They are not well read. Oh, they might be educated, but they have not truly absorbed the lessons of history and myth. They believe that their wax wings won't melt. Okay. Enough stressing. Going out to pet my chickens and be in nature for a while. Will have to come back and reread this heady stuff a few times. And make some to do lists :).
We're definitely moving toward biotech induced speciation. Though I think as with most of their agenda, they've thought none of it through, overestimated their tech, and it will be a spectacular failure. It's best not to let it get you down. Let those who can't see it go. Watch from a distance. Have a cold one, spark a stogie, and enjoy the failures of their AI/Transhumanist shit show.
Its gonna blow up in their faces, with a massive geological reset. We can already see it happening in slow motion. The magnetic poles this past month moved faster than they have ever moved in recorded history.
According to Dane Wiggington of Geoengwatch, one element they spray a lot in winter? Graphene Oxide. The EMF opens the blood brain barrier allowing all the toxic elements they spray that also end up in the food and water to cross over. My theory is the zombification of humans (droid-borg) that don't end up with dementia, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, just based on interaction and observation with everyday strangers of all ages, nationalities, and cultures. There seems to be no shortage of humans who appear A. not too bright and B. not too alive.
Let those who cant see it go . Watch from a distance. Have a cold one, spark a stogie and enjoy. I am Deeply in Love with a woman who is completely oblivious to the realities of the world . She is tripple jabbed and boosted and our love for each other is the most precious gift i have known in my 59 years of life. To say let go of those who cant see would be a complete betrayal of my own humanity and the death of my soul. We should embrace those whom we love and help guide their souls into the light before the darkness falls. All life is precious and we forget this at our peril.
So sorry to hear that stephen. Tough situation. I sympathize and I'm sure you're not alone. I think you know my original point but since you're a devoted reader of 15 months and 2 days I'll spell it out...all life is precious, until some of it wants you dead. Those who wanted me or my loved ones dead or banished from society for two years can rot in hell. And the innocent ones who will rather scold you for telling them the truth and trying to help them, well, you can't save all of them either no matter how desperately you try. And maybe that's not your purpose in life. So yeah, let those who don't want to see it, refuse to see it, despise you for trying to help them see it...go. It’s their bodies, it's their ignorance, it's their choice. I sent my brother a hundred emails warning to stay away. He's double jabbed and boosted. He took his kids for one Pfizer. I blew up on him like nothing ever before. Serious rage that might be irreparable. He's just now coming around to what happened the past few years but it might be too late. It’s heartbreaking but there's nothing else I can do. I tried when it mattered. But maybe not hard enough and I have to live with that.
The overlords intend to connect all the useless eaters to the control grid for better herd management, and they have largely succeeded already using the pervasive "smart phone" system.
However, the claims by the Quinta Columna group are unconvincing, and (so far) unconfirmed. Are there traces of GO in the vax products? Quite possibly. But even after billions of injections worldwide, where is the actual evidence for "self assembling nanobot transmitters" as claimed?
"According to Dr. Pablo Campra graphene oxide from the “vaccines” assembles inside the body, and is an electrical conduit. It is activated by EMF frequencies, which mobilize the particles to possibly self-assemble into a nano circuitry to be used as some kind of transmitter or receiver for the vaccinated subject."
Here's a weird thought in the age of Fermi's Paradox here on planet earth: Why is the Pentagon called The Pentagon? Why not Hexagon or Octagon or some other Gone? Just askin'? I have an irrepressible fascination with childlike questions, though I am ostensibly a fully coagulated and conditioned adult (admittedly with too much alcohol in my blood surrogate!) . I think the world would be a better place if more adults asked these fundamental childlike questions.
How do we know the stabs are 'safe and effective' for pregnant women and tots? Why is the sky blue? Do storks really deliver babies, like Amazon with packages? Why do all those former friends of mine have weird Goggle eyes and blank stares after the 2007 'Rollout" of ubiquitous mobile devices?
'5' G?
'5' th Gen. Warfare?
Maybe Lewis Mumford was on to something when he wrote "The Pentagon of Power"?
I guess we've finally arrived at Utopia, huh? Where do we check our baggage?
I am so afraid. Seriously...if this is even remotely true/possible...and already I have heard about the dangers of 5G..
My most pressing problem is lidocaine...I have to have my tooth operated on this month...and there is I am finding no hydrogel free lidocaine.
Make a holiday of it.
Gosh thank you I will check it out!!
Zeyco was the brand name of dental anesthetic examined by Dr. Ana’s team and found to contain hydrogel self-assembling tech. Why would you recommend ANY Zeyco product?!?!?!?!?!?!
Zeyco product specifically examined by Nixon in video, he actually makes a plea to all dentists to look into this (my comment was re: did you examine any other brands?):
why would you TRUST a company that adulterated even ONE of their products???????????????!?
with as many brands out there and you “coincidentally” recommend this one?
what due diligence did you rely on in making this recommendation, reading an “ingredient list” or actually examining the product under the microscope?
must admit this one piece of “advice” has me questioning what’s really under that sheepskin of yours…
I'm a 33rd freemason in the house of Bilderberg Kitten. I had no idea about Zeyco. I searched dental anesthetics used in Mexico that aren't lidocaine, and yes assumed that ingredients would be disclosed in dental products more honestly than the land of Darpa. What doesn't contain hydrogel self assembling tech then? Instead of spending four paragraphs clutching your pearls, why not offer a solution for Ms. Duchess?
I will offer you a solution: read the whole thing, but pay particular attention to verse 6 - “the pestilence that walks in darkness”. If this nanotechnology isn’t a pestilence that walks in darkness (with its broad dispersion in food, drink & air), then I don’t know what is. I am daily more convinced, with articles and videos like this, that this vaccine decimation is “the abomination that causes desolation”, as predicted in the Bible.
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the [a]fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and [b]buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place
already did on another stack.
Zeyco deleted. You don't have a second to share with duchess any non hydrogel options that might exist somewhere in our world? Thanks for the Ana tip.
Don’t go to the dentist....
Dr. Ana is the expert.
Why don’t you think before you write?
It's TRUE.
Familiar with much of what you write GC, and am doing my best to limit the devil's work on my own little piece of heaven. Near as I can tell, the closest 5g tower is 4-5 miles away as the crow flies. My old flip phone works just fine when there is a signal--same with the "air card" provided internet, The symptoms listed on that human diagram have me wondering though--was that GO crap in the last tettnis shot I had a few years ago? I have been having some issues with non rash itching, and thinking it is just mosquitos--have had nearly 10 inches of rain this past month after 3 years of less than 20 inches in a row.
Have had a friend of many years move onto the place--he is in need of major healing and stress reduction, and he has fallen into the daily rhythm of the "farm" which is starting to have a positive effect for him. I can tell your readers that the daily walk in nature, and getting out of the city is magic for the body and soul. We both were sitting in the front porch rockers, earlier today meditating on the quiet and peace surrounding us. Best reality show available.
I realize the devils have us surrounded with their evil potions--in the air, water, food etc, and the only thing any of us can do is try and limit our exposure as much as possible, eat well (healthy) and not stress out about it or any of the other nonsense going on in this country (USA) and around the world.
God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change etc. etc etc. If they ban farm ownership, They'll have to come take it from me, and even at 76, I'm still a pretty good shot.
They put the 5G transmitter right in front of my next-door neighbor's house. We sold our house that month.
They just put a bunch on my place of work. A nursing home! I’m seeing a lot of decline and death. Trying to educate my coworkers so they can measure the changes in themselves and our residents. I know I should quit but I have no idea what I will do to pay the bills....
Good broad range coverage of just a few of the many ways they are designing the earth for the reset.
Me thinks they will pollute the earth in the name of science and green bullshit, using technology and medicine, dimming and windfarms, chemicals in the food and plastics destroying the oceans, cities with no exit and countries with no borders. All of which are reversible with either time or a slave army.
In the effort to identify all of these ways they destroy the earth, all of which can be turned off after mass extinction happens, one goes crazy and self identifies himself to the masters for a roundup when things are a bit less populated. Forced injection or death, me chooses death…. Sorry off the deep end a bit there.
The earth will be reset after the extinction level culmination of fucking Travis-Sham-Ockery they are unleashing right in front of yours and mines eyes. Fucking useless seals and fucking psycho evil masters, damned you all.
Have a nice day, thanks for sharing GC. Oh btw, I think your lackluster part one as you bemoaned was due to you telling your herd you would be off for awhile helping los viejos. I wasn’t expecting the quickness of your last few writings…
Hope your feeling better too
I wouldn't want to be around for the final results either. Life is precious, but we all have our limitations. Sometimes it seems the useless seals are more to blame than evil masters. It certainly becomes more difficult to sympathize with the consequences of their own stupidity when all of us pay the price. No! No low frequencies! I love everyone! Even seals. As for the sleeping Good Citizens, I told them I might take a week or two off for a road trip in mid JUNE.. From now on all posts will be less than 40 characters and the content approved by Heather Cox Richardson. Purple check mark guaranteed in one month.
Almost forgot…..
Thanks. Lots of info to get through. Appreciate it.
Just to add a few more points...
It is also for CBDC, etc.
and so on
Speechless. Awesome. The penultimate updated tome. Thanks once again for your brilliance and your persistence to carry the sword and raise the torch. CHEERS GOOD CITIZEN MAN‼️🥂LEAD ON!
I must have missed the first article.
Thanks for laying it all out there, GC. Quite a mental filling in this article; much to unpack. Maybe we reach a critical mass before Singularity; one can hope.
Emotions can certainly rule our lives, and if we're not careful we can let that little devil eat us up inside. I know that all too well.
Thanks for bringing energy healing into the conversation. Sometimes the answers are simple yet not easy. We must distance ourselves from addictive technology and get back to The Earth.
I recently watched a series by Robert Gilbert on Gaia called Sacred Geometry, where he discusses in detail the lotus petals of our energy centers we need to activate. He's a pupil of Ibrahim Karim, the founder of modern Egyptian Biogeometry.
Although all of this does seem terrifying to some, there is much common-sense medicine that Nature can give us all back if we let it - like a good dose of sweat, sunshine and sleep. Our body is an amazing vehicle of soul-energy waiting to be activated.
“To know when you have enough is to be immune from disgrace. To know when to stop is to be preserved from perils. Only thus can you endure long.”— Tao Te Ching
The hubris of these perpetrators is astounding. They are not well read. Oh, they might be educated, but they have not truly absorbed the lessons of history and myth. They believe that their wax wings won't melt. Okay. Enough stressing. Going out to pet my chickens and be in nature for a while. Will have to come back and reread this heady stuff a few times. And make some to do lists :).
This is all so damn depressing. If true, the end of humanity has started. Thanks so much.
We're definitely moving toward biotech induced speciation. Though I think as with most of their agenda, they've thought none of it through, overestimated their tech, and it will be a spectacular failure. It's best not to let it get you down. Let those who can't see it go. Watch from a distance. Have a cold one, spark a stogie, and enjoy the failures of their AI/Transhumanist shit show.
Its gonna blow up in their faces, with a massive geological reset. We can already see it happening in slow motion. The magnetic poles this past month moved faster than they have ever moved in recorded history.
How does the spraying of our skies tie in with all this?
According to Dane Wiggington of Geoengwatch, one element they spray a lot in winter? Graphene Oxide. The EMF opens the blood brain barrier allowing all the toxic elements they spray that also end up in the food and water to cross over. My theory is the zombification of humans (droid-borg) that don't end up with dementia, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, just based on interaction and observation with everyday strangers of all ages, nationalities, and cultures. There seems to be no shortage of humans who appear A. not too bright and B. not too alive.
I follow him. I also agree. We are in a world of hurt!!!
You would appear to be one of them.
Let those who cant see it go . Watch from a distance. Have a cold one, spark a stogie and enjoy. I am Deeply in Love with a woman who is completely oblivious to the realities of the world . She is tripple jabbed and boosted and our love for each other is the most precious gift i have known in my 59 years of life. To say let go of those who cant see would be a complete betrayal of my own humanity and the death of my soul. We should embrace those whom we love and help guide their souls into the light before the darkness falls. All life is precious and we forget this at our peril.
So sorry to hear that stephen. Tough situation. I sympathize and I'm sure you're not alone. I think you know my original point but since you're a devoted reader of 15 months and 2 days I'll spell it out...all life is precious, until some of it wants you dead. Those who wanted me or my loved ones dead or banished from society for two years can rot in hell. And the innocent ones who will rather scold you for telling them the truth and trying to help them, well, you can't save all of them either no matter how desperately you try. And maybe that's not your purpose in life. So yeah, let those who don't want to see it, refuse to see it, despise you for trying to help them see it...go. It’s their bodies, it's their ignorance, it's their choice. I sent my brother a hundred emails warning to stay away. He's double jabbed and boosted. He took his kids for one Pfizer. I blew up on him like nothing ever before. Serious rage that might be irreparable. He's just now coming around to what happened the past few years but it might be too late. It’s heartbreaking but there's nothing else I can do. I tried when it mattered. But maybe not hard enough and I have to live with that.
I am out of here. In March '22 when they turned on the 5G, my wife got covid. I am moving to 3G in Tanzania to live by the Massai.
The overlords intend to connect all the useless eaters to the control grid for better herd management, and they have largely succeeded already using the pervasive "smart phone" system.
However, the claims by the Quinta Columna group are unconvincing, and (so far) unconfirmed. Are there traces of GO in the vax products? Quite possibly. But even after billions of injections worldwide, where is the actual evidence for "self assembling nanobot transmitters" as claimed?
"According to Dr. Pablo Campra graphene oxide from the “vaccines” assembles inside the body, and is an electrical conduit. It is activated by EMF frequencies, which mobilize the particles to possibly self-assemble into a nano circuitry to be used as some kind of transmitter or receiver for the vaccinated subject."
Off topic (sorry):
My daughter is 18. She was diagnosed with pericarditis yesterday. She has had zero shots.
However, her boyfriend has had all his shots/boosters and I suspect vaccine shedding is the cause.
Have you written something on the subject?
Here's a weird thought in the age of Fermi's Paradox here on planet earth: Why is the Pentagon called The Pentagon? Why not Hexagon or Octagon or some other Gone? Just askin'? I have an irrepressible fascination with childlike questions, though I am ostensibly a fully coagulated and conditioned adult (admittedly with too much alcohol in my blood surrogate!) . I think the world would be a better place if more adults asked these fundamental childlike questions.
How do we know the stabs are 'safe and effective' for pregnant women and tots? Why is the sky blue? Do storks really deliver babies, like Amazon with packages? Why do all those former friends of mine have weird Goggle eyes and blank stares after the 2007 'Rollout" of ubiquitous mobile devices?
'5' G?
'5' th Gen. Warfare?
Maybe Lewis Mumford was on to something when he wrote "The Pentagon of Power"?
I guess we've finally arrived at Utopia, huh? Where do we check our baggage?
That was brutal. God bless LA Quinta columna