I always enjoy your prose and this line was particularly great: "...the planted amalgamation of plasma and dead skin cells holding cue cards, sniffing kids, and stumbling around the White House." Best laugh I've had in a while.

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Thanks Bryan. Really enjoy your morning broadcasts. One of the best (and wisest) voices to air since RCA went public.

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The whole thing is incomprehensible. The lies, manipulation, power grabs, and backstabbing with no accountability, it is no wonder that anyone paying attention has lost faith in our institutions. A den of snakes it is.

I know it's cliche but I'll say it ... All it takes for tyranny to thrive is for good men to do nothing.

And even those that do try are exiled, imprisoned or Arkancided

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I've said this before, but I'll say it again. They let Trump win in 2024. The whole world freaks out. He imposes martial law to "save America". Goodbye, remaining civil liberties. Game, set, match.

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That's what I think. Out of all the democrats in the country, they couldn't find anyone better than Hillary fucking Clinton? I'm supposed to believe they really thought she would win?!

Well, I don't believe it. I never did.

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Then Christopher Walken tries to take him out like in the Dead Zone

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May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The past seven years has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that a never-ending cavalcade of chaos is scheduled to repeatedly roll through our lives until some outside force brings it all to a crashing conclusion. It's inevitable. Prepare yourselves.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It's impossible to understand who controls it all or how it's controlled unless first understanding who owns the entirety of all the money in the westernized nations and possibly even more.

Most people don't take the time to educate themselves on that and therefore they will never know or realize, but in doing so, they become part of the game, the pieces.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

True enough, Trump didn't understand what a nest of vipers he was entering. However he did bring a big difference to the office, that being he didn't care about the power of the denizens of DC; which is what those self serving sociopaths really care about, bureaucrats and politicians alike (with a few exceptions). As for Trump winning next year, not a chance; doing so would require a legitimate election and Americans aren't likely to see those ever again. Blatant systemic election fraud was perpetrated right in front of the world's eyes, which of course became evident to every reasonably astute individual who was paying attention the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, and the institutions which should have stopped that criminal act and brought perpetrators to justice made no effort to do so. In fact to one degree or another they aided and abetted the crime, through wanton dereliction if nothing else. The self serving authoritarians who've installed themselves in the Executive Branch can't be removed via elections. The American people can now look forward to a future of subjugation and subservience, unless they have serious political connections in DC.

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"The self serving authoritarians who've installed themselves in the Executive Branch can't be removed via elections. The American people can now look forward to a future of subjugation and subserviency, unless they have serious political connections in DC."

This is "it", in a nutshell.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The scope of the consequent human tragedy, now inbound, almost defies comprehension.

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Yep, and 95% of people are willfully ignorant of this.

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That may be true in places like NYC, San Francisco and Seattle but the great majority of my family and fiends are well aware of the election fraud, and have been since election night. However quite a few of them want to pretend it didn't happen while hoping somehow everything is going to be OK; at least that is my sense of the reason they are behaving as they are. I suspect some are also afraid to speak openly about the fraud due to real risks with regard to their careers and some relationships.

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I think you're right. People have been bludgeoned into submission and silence by cancel and woke culture.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

they have to be taken out

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Though not available to most there is a peaceful option for some. As is prudent in any abusive relationship, leave. I've decided that is the only reasonable choice at this point, sadly. And unfortunately, unlike virtually every other country in the world which require only expatriation, to free yourself of DC you must renounce US citizenship. I wish that weren't true because I don't believe there is anything fundamentally wrong with the American people or our country. DC is the problem, along with some states. I actually hope, for the sake of every innocent soul in the US, that I'm wrong and renouncing turns out to be a mistake.

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only a man like Hitler could fix this country and that will never happen

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Those who've installed themselves in the Oval Office and Nazis are fundamentally the same; vicious, hateful and profoundly self centered authoritarians (mentally disturbed).

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if theGermans won the war there would be no problem with communists. Gen Paton figured it out at the end of the war. he said we fought the wrong people and destroyed an advanced people but we saved the jewish bolshevik communists

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Good post. Anyone paying attention watched Orange Man immediately fold to the establishment as soon as he won the presidency. Here is a beat-by-beat, day-by-day update about it tracking his moves during the first couple months of his administration: https://i.ibb.co/r54Zpf9/a127.png

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Ty so much. Must be soul-crushing, this thankless business of a prophet 😟 Why some are endowed with seeing clearly through thick fog of layered manipulations, while the vastest majority will gaze blankly at a patently naked lie, and swallow it in a single go? We may never know.

All the vile orchestrators/perpetrators and their reverent flunkeys aside, Houston we have a problem beyond (sorry... not 😇) ↓↓ 🤔

🗨 The meta-narrative shared by both sides, that the problem is those horrible people on the other side, is itself the real problem.

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As to the above Why, MORT (Mind Over Reality Transition) is a compelling hypothesis --> un-denial.com/denial-2/theory-short 👌

🗨 the two maladaptive behaviors, an extended theory of mind and denial of reality, when combined, become highly adaptive by enabling the evolution of a more powerful brain, which is clearly useful for an intelligent social species.[...] Denial is not a defect. Denial is what made us human.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

all you gotta know is since pres wilson all presidents are servants of the jews. some more then others but servants none the less rabbi trump being the biggest one

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Kushners: 666 5th Ave.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I'm broadly agreeing with you, and assuming Trump wasn't in on the game (big assumption), then yes, he certainly was outsmarted in countless ways. However, as a simple point of fact, presidents don't get to choose the people they supposedly appoint. This is not permitted by the real powers that be.

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The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has staffed key positions in every US admin since WW2. Trump appointed several, and the "Biden team" is totally dominated by them. The CFR network also controls the media: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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All true, but it goes much much higher than the CFR, which is basically itself a lab-dog for power elsewhere. For a start and I do mean just a start, we can look across the pound to the RIIF and the Club of Rome. This has been clear to me for some time now, but I just finished reading John Coleman's works from the nineties. They offer fascinating insights and interpretations.

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For more on the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and its sister organization the CFR, see "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" (1971). The network has expanded since: ModernHistoryProject.org/mhp?Article=NoneDare&C=5

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May 16, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Not Climate Change climate change climate change?

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Donald Duck ButtTrumpet. He was all right in the beginning, but in the end (pun intended) he just would not shut up! Every time he opened his mouth a swarm of wasps would come flying out.

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'nuff said. Couldn't agree more.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

As related to WheelCool's previous term "Arkansided, We Prefer the term cagotermintonated as it requires more introspective contemplation???!!!

Sorts of a combo of Chicago, its gangsters from its beginnings to present putzcurs, ob1onation, terminate, clintonate, and chlorinated as in corona virus coronation in city of london, london, covid worst hiit in US was corona neighborhood in queens and kings counties, NY rotschildrens whats theys doings nows, eck???!!!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Trump seems to be good when he follows his instincts. His main failing is assuming he can run politics like a business, seemingly unaware that his enemies will burn everything to the fucking ground before they'll give even an inch.

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Even if he comprehends that sad fact, he thinks he can prevent it or expose it and reverse it, by surrounding himself with their DC insiders. He's a performer who cares about only one thing above all, himself.

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No I think he's a genuine, old skool patriot, but also quite flawed.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It is true that most of the Deep State (MSM, intelligence agencies, the military-industrial-security complex, etc) hated Trump and wanted to get him out of office, but they don’t make the decisions for the NWO. The Deep State is just the enforcement arm of the NWO. The decisions are made by the middle and upper hierarchical levels of the NWO (CFR, WEF, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, etc), and they selected Trump to win in 2016 for a reason. (In fact there was probably election fraud in 2016 to ensure that he won.) But the NWO allowed, and probably even encouraged, the Russiagate hoax and impeachment farce to keep the public distracted and fighting with each other, and to give Trump an excuse for not keeping any of his campaign promises, so that his supporters wouldn’t abandon him. But there was never any chance that Trump was going to be removed from office. The NWO wanted him in office at the beginning of the scamdemic to neutralize the (armed) Right so that they wouldn’t effectively resist the scamdemic tyranny, and to sell the kill shots to the Right. (They didn’t need to do anything to convince the Left that the lockdowns and other tyranny were necessary, and that the “vaccines” were good, because the Left was naturally inclined to believe that nonsense anyway, especially after being traumatized by having Trump in office for three years already.)

But to this day I still haven’t figured out if Trump himself realizes all that, or if he is just a clueless useful idiot. I also haven’t figured out yet if they intend to have him win again in 2024. I usually don’t know ahead of time what the NWO is going to do. I just have to reverse engineer their plans after the events have already happened, just like I realized soon after the scamdemic started that that was why they had selected Trump to win in 2016.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Author

Exactly this. 💯 I suspect he knows and plays his role to onboard the right into the clot shot matrix.

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