Two quick points:

1. You can fire your doctor and get a new one. It doesn't matter if you like your doctor. It matters that your doctor is competent and not out to kill you.

2. You can personally avoid the next control program by turning off network tv, turning off local/cable/ network tv news and avoiding things like social media. News is toxic. ALL of the people I know who are still vaxxtards are huge news junkies.

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Yes fire your Dr.

I did it many years ago and my last kid, now 16, went to ZERO pediatrician "well baby visits".

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Yours is an individual solution whereas the entire point of the article is that individuals will not be able to address this successfully. The ledge with whiskey at 4 am etc. How did you miss this?

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Enjoyed every bit of this article. Anger was present, which was good because we all should be angry. So much harm was done. So many relationships destroyed. So many died alone. The damage will never be undone, but we must demand accountability.

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They want us to forget and be distracted by their next Squirrel. But we must keep demanding accountability. A year from now or thirty, we can't stop.

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#neveragain We have to enlighten/convince quite a few people still. Its up to us.

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Yes, you are so right, no matter how long it takes. Demand accountability!!

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After such knowledge, what forgiveness?

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This may well be the best stack article I have read during the Plandemonium.

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Some of the bottom feeders may claim incompetence, but the shot callers surely had malicious intent.

I had hoped for incompetence in April 2020:

I’ve never been a conspiracist, but I am at a loss to explain what I am witnessing otherwise. I hope it’s just a “perfect storm” of hype, ignorance and malfeasance that will soon pass without irreparable damage. Of course, it that’s the case, no one will ever admit they were stone-cold duped and caused horrific, irrevocable damage. Oh no, when the virus recedes largely on its own, as they always do, let the celebrations and self-congratulations begin!

BUT if COVID-19 can be propagandized and utilized as a psychological weapon to frighten and manipulate people, a bleak, terrifying future awaits. If we are going to react like this every time an unknown virus (or whatever) comes along (frequently), we might as well surrender to permanent lockdown. No bombs or bullets needed to fracture and subdue an ingenuous population. Some believe the virus is cover for a new world order and martial law with the approval of frightened citizens. Scare them with a contagion, and shortly they’ll disunite and fear one another. Superstition, distrust and animosity will replace reason, community and selflessness. They will be willing to surrender everything for state “protection”.

Freedom and the First Amendment die without a shot fired… and the people are permanently brought to heel.

I don’t wonder what it’s like inside an insane asylum anymore. All I have to do is go outside.

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Agree...with all of it. I am so sad for freedom and our first amendment....and the people who psychlogically weaponized human nature....no forgiveness...ever.

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The thing that bothers me the most is that a huge number of people have learned *nothing* from this whole experience. Even after thee years of hell, they still won't accept that media is dead, medicine is dead, and higher learning is dead.

For example, my brother is experiencing knee pain from squatting. This shouldn't happen, so I told him that he was probably making a form error (I wasn't able to watch his squat in person). Rather than trying to fix the source of his pain, he decided to go see a physical therapist. Bow to the experts!

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You cannot learn information you do not seek out. In the US we live amongst completely self absorbed morons. The super majority are incapable of rational thought, or critical thinking. They buzz around all day staring at there machine every chance they get. Caring nothing for what is going on around them. They will follow whatever orders are given them, as long as they have some internet and a handheld machine to distract there shallow minds. This scamdemic was nothing compared to what comes next. The surveillance state keeps growing, pols are emboldened and have begun codifying the madness from the scamdemic. Im convinced we are getting ever closer to a new dark age.

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We're already in the new dark age, and have been for a long time. We just don't notice because you can't see it from within it.

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..."Right out of medical school they are owned and controlled and forced to work for diabolical forces that keep people sick and dependent on their toxic drugs for life."...so true. You have to ask yourself what kind of people would become a part of health system that values drugs and death more than providing life long cures and health. Not The kind of people I want "doctoring" my body. To me, these are the real low-lifes...taking money to promote disease and death.

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They are part of a broken system. Being a doctor at one time was worthy of prestige. Once the pharma companies and insurance captured the regulatory state, it was all downhill for the medical profession. They became nothing more than licensed drug dealers, beholden to the insurance companies. It requires an assembly line of patients all prescribed multiple drugs for doctors to afford the lifestyles one always attributed to being a doctor. A lifestyle very clearly laid out by the good citizen in this article.

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I am a nurse and I worked the Covid unit. It was horrible. I became a nurse because I wanted to help people and at one time, I do believe our healthcare system was deserving of respect. Now after 16 years of nursing and the Covid years, I am very sad as to the state of healthcare. I’m sure there has always been some corruption and terrible people, but the deterioration I have seen is very sad. Several of my fellow nurses and I did what we could during the madness of Covid. Looking back, I am still shocked at how many lost their minds and became completely caught up in the insanity. I have given a lot of thought to what the right thing to do is, career wise. For now I am going to stay put. For a few reasons: there are many vulnerable people trapped in our current system, I want to help them as much as I can. The only way to change people’s minds is to get them to see for themselves that our current system is very corrupt, I can try to point them in the right direction. Change is always slow. Our current healthcare system is giant behemoth and there isn’t a replacement that could handle the volume, yet. I’m hoping that the tide is turning in the direction of a more naturopathic system, but it will probably take years or even decades to accomplish. Very few people know anything different, this the system we were born into. We also have to battle the fact the many people don’t want anything different. The naturopathic model also requires a lot of personal responsibility and many people want a pill and/or a procedure to solve all their problems. It is a mess. I have already gone on way too long, but we face many challenges in bringing about change to this corrupt healthcare industry, but I am going to do what I can. There are many of us who want to help turn the tide.

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Thank you for going "on way too long," CGL. Everything you said... needs to be said. Knowing that there are people like you out there gives me the faith that we will eventually "turn the tide," as you say.

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Thank you Anne!

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Some good statements for sure. But J.D. Rockefeller wiped out the naturopathic system years ago. Try to find Doctors of any type that will openly prescribe alternative treatments to cancer and other common illness. Check out how many Doctors have lost everything by opposing the current system.

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The incompetents were only too willing to execute the diktats of the plandemicists. At the VA hospital where I work (yes, still), the Infectious Disease/Epidemiology/Office of Public Health team became instant rock stars with their own weekly masked video podcast and email newsletter. They have been quiet of late, but I trust they'll roar again when commanded. I have exactly zero colleagues who did not cave and get injected. It's lonely, but I do get to wake up everyday and realize that it is something other than "covid" or the jab that will eventually kill me.

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What I find strange today: Dr. Rbt. Malone is suing Dr. Peter Breggin for something, and Breggin yesterday sent an email describing how Malone could have saved thousands, because he had co-authored a peer reviewed study in 2019, which Lancet accepted, BUT never published, saying the jabs were unsafe. WTF?

The “Freedom and Truth” characters are still arguing whether the unicorn came from Wuhan, and who’s got the best protocol for the yet-to-be-released, novel, “sure to get their attention” Gatesicorn virus.

How dumb do they think their toxins have made us? Next thing you know some coke head will be demanding F-16’s on CNN, and Woody Harrelson will refuse to play the role of the heroic Ukraine freedom fighter who blew up NordStream. What? Is? THIS?

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Curious how all the purple check marks around here provide all the silly delusions to keep the herd bogged down and distracted. That lawsuit was the final nail in the 'Robert Malone is not who he claims to be' coffin. The hero-worship hamster wheel is undefeated. Anytime a new hero comes along the people quickly find out they need new ones.

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I imagine his coffin will not use nails, being made of gold. Never rust, but may well melt.

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That coffin deserves to be melted and poured down his throat. No offense intended.

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Fool me once, shame on me...

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Did they offer him more acreage and some horses to withhold the paper? "Jill and I were just delighted with those Arabians you sent over. And he's in Belgium and it's called Mass Formation Psychosis, trust me, it'll work."

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A Dystopia-Flick from the same banksters who gave us Hollywood?

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Straight to the bulls-eye! I mean, social contract is completely destroyed and no one is held fucking responsible! Heads should roll. Instead we get a poorly written AI shit-show.

Thanks mate!

Better to be healthy and have absolutely no need for Rockefeller's crap. Nature has our asses covered. One just has to have the will to learn.

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Nature doth have our asses covered.

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Another fine read, this is all information that I previously knew, but it is in a great concise form to give to the uneducated ( aka. the sheep ) 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑!!! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you for that excellent summary, spectacular chart and the humor that does help make the 'medicine' go down.

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I want to get up and cheer. Thank You

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There are actually 3 scenarios; the third is:

Those who don’t believe there is anything more than what is common out there - flu, cold, pneumonia - and it has been manipulated into something more. It’s a brilliant and well executed deception.

And as for getting people to go along with it, you’ve got that covered. A doctor point blank told my wife, that he had to go along with it, because he had too much to lose.

Now as for the other conspirators who knowingly and willfully participated in the deception for the sake of deceiving, well, that is their role. They are the non-human Tares among wheat who have been the backbone of all intrigues through all of human history.

There are other Tares who are unaware of what are, yet also cause significant damage through “low level” mischief like drugs, prostitution, etc.

But it is the self aware Tares that are the most dangerous, because as it is that they look identical to us - they eat, breed, and drink WITH US (heck, they even write truth columns among us) - they deceive us to our face.

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ahhh, and who could ever forget that prescient noirish film, 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers - 1956' [condensed]

drruehlshow... .youtube.com/watch?v=nMvPnlRA11Y

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Ah, YT video with the requisite 33k views. Always the 33. I see.

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Allopathic genocide leading to allopathic implosion. I watch and am grateful I left this corrupt system in the rear view mirror years ago.

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i don’t how you consistently succeed in combining facts and poetry in a gumbo that helps me slow down , breathe and see the big picture , but I really appreciate it.

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" The Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep." Damn right GC, great writing! When I'm at the doc for a check up and the doc says, " Maybe you should try this medicine?" I tell them," Hell no! I do my research and that drug is nothing but rat poison! I'll stick with my natural remedies." And, I don't care what the doc's reply is. Fuck 'em.

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His silent reply is, "Damn, one less prescription for the Merck Maui contest." Good job Lion.

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Thank you GC. My work is never finished. Too much snow up here in Wisconsin. Too much shoveling. I am on achy son of a gun, but I keep going. Another snowfall expected for 03/12/2023. Blikk..... I'm moving to Mexico ( If, only if ).

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