Yes I believe ZackW, because he is not saying nothing new, it's their usual way to behave. If you want to be a millionaire quickly, just be a pawn of any of the psychos in any government. You can't have any morals, or ethic, or compassion, or spiritual believe, just to be able to lick the ass of this Satanists at government whenever they please.
Yesterday I was watching a documentary about the Verdun battle among French and Germans, one million dead, and many that survived where zombies forever after so much horror. There was a part of the documentary where French soldiers where giving bread and water to the German prisoners, helping them, and I thought that this gesture proof that if we let our heart decide, we can make a better world and stop wars and stop killing each others. Doesn't matter what the psycho Satanist government want, doesn't matter what the pawns serving them want, what matter is what we want in our hearts and go for it. We need to start waking up, to open our Consciousness to Love. Let's do it everybody!!!!!!
I forgot to say that the Verdun battle was in France in WWI, I guess you all know that, but just in case.
Just to add, that humanity needs to wake up, stop watching TV, start making love, and loving each others NOW. Start shining to eliminate darkness once and for all, there is no time to loose my dear ones.
First of all I love the title to this piece,and the" Making his entrance again with his usual flare." The article is very good.It sickens me truly, all the political clowns,the deep state and globalist clowns.In the past 2 years,I cannot believe what is going on around the world.
I remember being horrified watching them do this same act in early 2002 in the lead up to Iraq, then Libya, then shortly after Syria. It's even more disturbing to watch it again now because of the implications if they succeed. WW3 in Europe. They really want to get back at Putin for what he did to them in Syria and are apparently ready to sacrifice the world. Total insanity.
Interesting how all the War Mongers love shining a spotlight on themselves.
These people are evil.
Putin told the world what he was going to do for twenty years, yet no one believed him. Then he makes good on his promise, and the Deep State gets The Vapors.
Mittens is just pissed his spawn's gravy train ended. Pelosi and Preznit Feebs, ditto.
Very true - Putin said that he would invade, and he did (twice). And yet so many people still don't believe that he's going to do it, even with +100K Russian troops in Ukraine, and Millions of Ukrainians having fled their homes.
If Putin is a man of the world, why are there so many apologists? Why do so many people line up to say that Putin is lying, that he didn't do what he just said he did? Because you can't have it both ways - if Putin, as you said, 'makes good on his promise', then you also have to believe Zelensky. So those laughing at Zelensky, are also laughing at Putin.
I have no dog in the fight beyond an ex-wife who was second generation Ukrainian.
Putin gave demands long ago: No NATO, no Nazi's, no offensive weapons (which means no weapons of war), and political neutrality. He added recognition of eastern states & Crimea.
So the US intel & state dept. wages a successful color revolution in 2014, sends in the spawn of their political elite for their cut of billions of USAID cheddar shared with Ukraine oligarchs...and Putin gets pissed and reiterates his demands, this time with more saber-rattling.
My surprise is why this kinetic action didn't happen sooner (I know, but this isn't about PDJT).
Once again, US foreign policy made promises with its alligator mouth that its hummingbird ass couldn't cover. We go in, all smiles and Good Will, pillage, plunder, sweet-talk, and rape...then disappear out the back door when hubby comes home.
This never had to happen. I am embarrassed for America. Why should *any* country ever believe one word America utters? Hell, I sure don't...
I want to go back to the Trumpian foreign policy: "I wanna be your best buddy, let's all get along in mutual respect and fair trade...but if you fuck me, I'll kill you."
I think that 'no Nazis' is something we can all agree on. But I don't believe for a minute that Putin cares about Nazis.
But as for the rest, I don't understand your plan. Are you saying that NATO should defend Ukraine, with troops on the ground? Or that Ukraine does not deserve sovereignty and should relinquish part of it country? If you lived in Eastern Ukraine, would you rather live in Putin's Russia?
Trump's foreign policy was more like 'I want you to do me a favor'. 'Mutual respect' was something he saved for a select few, such as Putin and Orban.
"Nazi" is not Third Reich types. In Ukraine, "Nazis" are extreme nationalists with great prejudice against anyone who disagrees with them.
There is a regiment in the Ukraine defense forces of these "Nazis" and that regiment has largely been the prosecutors of Russians in the two break-away eastern states.
That is who Putin refers to. Historically, these people are downstream from a national hero who was, indeed, aligned with the Third Reich during WW2.
So, fact, there are Nazis in Ukraine.
Additionally, I am no fan of NATO. NATO should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union fell and nukes accounted for, especially in Ukraine. NATO today is synonymous with "United States."
Ukraine deserves the sovereignty it can defend, like every other nation on the planet. One need to look at the centuries old history of the region for better perspective. There is a reason that area has been called The Bloodlands" for centuries.
I am agnostic about Ukraine, and certainly don't want American blood, treasure, and goodwill squandered there. Perhaps Europe can come to the aid of a fistfight in their back yard, not a teenage farm boy from Nebraska, or a Latino from South LA.
The Deep State is just pissed Putin took their broken piggy bank away.
Your characterization of Trumpian policy is defined as style. My characterization describes "strategery."
FWIW, I learned "negotiations" on the school playground where as a large human I usually deferred to non-violence, preferring to try to "get along" with bullies which is often misinterpreted as passive weakness...until the bully crossed the like. Then I had no problem aggressively fucking his s#!t up. Toadies tend to understand the lessons offered by that action: being cordial and friendly bypass pain, broken cartilage, and loss of blood...
May I suggest you watch the excellent Oliver Stone documentary from 2016 on Ukraine titled "Ukraine on Fire?" It is banned in the usual places, so by default it merits attention for its truthiness. It's quite the eye-opener for those who rely on the MSM for their intellectual nourishment.
A personal anecdote from my ex-wife's father, who grew up in a region that alternated between Poland and Ukraine several times in his life.
As a young boy, the Nazis invaded and enslaved him, a skinny 14y.o., to work in a munitions factory "spinning" metal to form artillery shells. All in the factory were literally chained to their machines under armed guard. In bombing air raids, the soldiers left for shelter, and the kids, still chained, had to pray they would not die in the bombings. Summary executions were common for stepping out of line, or back-talking a soldier.
There was one soldier, a guy who had executed some of his friends, who walked up to him daily, took out his pistol, aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger. "Click." Then the soldier would laugh hysterically. One can imagine the daily terror and psychological damage.
Ultimately they were freed by the allies. But without papers, they were marched for days to a large city to re-establish identification. During one such march, they passed a line of German POWs. My father-in-law happened to see the soldier who abused him for 18 months, handcuffed, marching in line to a war prison camp. So, seeing red, he broke away and attacked the soldier, beating the soldier to a pulp before being restrained.
I'd have done the same thing. Revenge is best served cold.
That is Trump's 'strategy'. Have you ever seen him make a stand? But I stopped counting the time he threatened to do something. Do you think that a 'strongman' like Putin is scared by blowhard with no follow through? Why would he?
I'm glad that you agree that Putin is a bully. But it's sad that you have no problem leaving other countries to fend for themselves. So you can't be all that embarrassed...
But I understand you, and I'm sure that the other countries in Eastern Europe are glad that they are already part of NATO, and don't have to depend on your good will.
The Euros have been sucking on the defense teat of the US for 30+ years. NATO IS the US, and a paper tiger at that.
Yes, Putin is a bully, but in foreign relations so is the US. Has been for decades, colored with "nation-building" and "exporting democracy."
While I certainly understand the angst many have toward Trump, I did like his foreign policy which aligns with my personally held strategy. TDS runs strong among a segment of the population. Maybe we're different, but when I find a rat infestation in my basement, I don't care if the exterminator swears or has a hairy buttcrack, as long as the rats are gone.
But I'm a substance-over-style guy. I recognize many, if not most, are not.
And for all the Trump "threats", they seemed to work. No one called him out. Well, maybe once in Syria. Then Trump fucked their shit up with no apologies.
Yes, I do believe countries should defend themselves...especially one who consistently poked the bear at their border. Zelensky's bad judgement was believing the US Deep State and CIA that no matter what, the US would have his back after the CIA-inspired "color revolution" of 2014. He chose poorly. He trusted [poorly. Of course he did believe his Masters who put him in power on the first place (no doubt you ARE aware of his connection with Soros, Schwab and the WEF, Certainly you do.)
The US has spent multiple trillions in treasure, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of men as "my brother's keeper." And failed at every effort. Of course, thanks to the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, the MSM carried the CIA and Intel community water 100% without question. Still do, and a huge % of the population swallows their swill without asking one question. Others prefer to use well-honed critical thinking skills instead if just trusting gubmint and their mouthpieces. But, as usual, opinions vary.
Sorry, we can agree to disagree, but Russia is Europe's problem, not the US. The US has no dog in the fight beyond a piggybank for corrupt establishment politicians (I'm looking at YOU, Pelosi, Mittens, Heinz-Kerry, Preznit Feebs-Biden, etc.)
BTW: seems when Trump lectured the NATO liars about contributing their "fair share" of 2% GDP for NATO, he took a stand. And almost EVERY NATO member suddenly contributed a lot more as was agreed upon in the original NATO charter. No doubt you don't consider that a "stand" and may think it's all a mere coincidence. Opinions differ.
I make nice websites for people and everyone I work with is a very good person. I also live hundreds of miles away from the belly of the beast, as you rightly say, in another country.
Screw Tony Blinken and his pencil-neck deputy assistant liaison sub-marshall neo-warmonger bow-tie dweebs who went to all the right Deep State schools.
If Preznit Feebs really wants this to end, he'd send in D.J. Trump to negotiate.
But he doesn't, so he won't.
BTW: whatever happened to covid? We all good now, except when flying? In a way I don't want the fat TSA agents with uniforms that can't be worn near open flame to go back to groping The Normals again. Viral fear makes them less handsy...
Took a bit of a sanity clause break to watch the YouTube (ugh) clip from the Marx Brothers (sans Karl) “Duck Soup” 1933 ‘To War’ … mass hysteria parody, cutting so close to the bone, of the press briefings/Congress/Parliament fawning frenzy: all 1000 of those Clowns should squeeze into the bus tailgating Thelma & Louise on their climactic road trip. (If only, them, not us useless eaters living on the ground above the gas/oil Reserves.)
Last minute news!!! The killer clown in Ucrain and his criminal gang, are willing to give a so call" war aid " to those citizens that lost their jobs and income because the war, they just need to download an application in their phones, where among other things, it request that they need to be totally jabbed with the three dosages, which means that they are not going to get any help, because they are dead already or will die very soon.
When people like David Stockman are calling Zelensky a Clown as well, you know you are in good conmpany. - Pearl Harbor My Eye by David Stockman - "We were already getting sick and tired of this Zelensky clown, but the sheer chutzpah of comparing Ukraine’s predicament with Pearl Harbor or 9/11 is just fricking outrageous." ( )
I recalled an interesting article from Cato from September 2021 that eerily predicted what is happening in Ukraine, and should explain why Zelensky is confused by lack of NATO support.
Yes I believe ZackW, because he is not saying nothing new, it's their usual way to behave. If you want to be a millionaire quickly, just be a pawn of any of the psychos in any government. You can't have any morals, or ethic, or compassion, or spiritual believe, just to be able to lick the ass of this Satanists at government whenever they please.
Yesterday I was watching a documentary about the Verdun battle among French and Germans, one million dead, and many that survived where zombies forever after so much horror. There was a part of the documentary where French soldiers where giving bread and water to the German prisoners, helping them, and I thought that this gesture proof that if we let our heart decide, we can make a better world and stop wars and stop killing each others. Doesn't matter what the psycho Satanist government want, doesn't matter what the pawns serving them want, what matter is what we want in our hearts and go for it. We need to start waking up, to open our Consciousness to Love. Let's do it everybody!!!!!!
I forgot to say that the Verdun battle was in France in WWI, I guess you all know that, but just in case.
Just to add, that humanity needs to wake up, stop watching TV, start making love, and loving each others NOW. Start shining to eliminate darkness once and for all, there is no time to loose my dear ones.
That would be great. Do you want to talk to Putin? I'm sure that he is all for peace, love and understanding.
First of all I love the title to this piece,and the" Making his entrance again with his usual flare." The article is very good.It sickens me truly, all the political clowns,the deep state and globalist clowns.In the past 2 years,I cannot believe what is going on around the world.
I remember being horrified watching them do this same act in early 2002 in the lead up to Iraq, then Libya, then shortly after Syria. It's even more disturbing to watch it again now because of the implications if they succeed. WW3 in Europe. They really want to get back at Putin for what he did to them in Syria and are apparently ready to sacrifice the world. Total insanity.
It truly is total insanity!
Interesting how all the War Mongers love shining a spotlight on themselves.
These people are evil.
Putin told the world what he was going to do for twenty years, yet no one believed him. Then he makes good on his promise, and the Deep State gets The Vapors.
Mittens is just pissed his spawn's gravy train ended. Pelosi and Preznit Feebs, ditto.
Very true - Putin said that he would invade, and he did (twice). And yet so many people still don't believe that he's going to do it, even with +100K Russian troops in Ukraine, and Millions of Ukrainians having fled their homes.
If Putin is a man of the world, why are there so many apologists? Why do so many people line up to say that Putin is lying, that he didn't do what he just said he did? Because you can't have it both ways - if Putin, as you said, 'makes good on his promise', then you also have to believe Zelensky. So those laughing at Zelensky, are also laughing at Putin.
I have no dog in the fight beyond an ex-wife who was second generation Ukrainian.
Putin gave demands long ago: No NATO, no Nazi's, no offensive weapons (which means no weapons of war), and political neutrality. He added recognition of eastern states & Crimea.
So the US intel & state dept. wages a successful color revolution in 2014, sends in the spawn of their political elite for their cut of billions of USAID cheddar shared with Ukraine oligarchs...and Putin gets pissed and reiterates his demands, this time with more saber-rattling.
My surprise is why this kinetic action didn't happen sooner (I know, but this isn't about PDJT).
Once again, US foreign policy made promises with its alligator mouth that its hummingbird ass couldn't cover. We go in, all smiles and Good Will, pillage, plunder, sweet-talk, and rape...then disappear out the back door when hubby comes home.
This never had to happen. I am embarrassed for America. Why should *any* country ever believe one word America utters? Hell, I sure don't...
I want to go back to the Trumpian foreign policy: "I wanna be your best buddy, let's all get along in mutual respect and fair trade...but if you fuck me, I'll kill you."
I think that 'no Nazis' is something we can all agree on. But I don't believe for a minute that Putin cares about Nazis.
But as for the rest, I don't understand your plan. Are you saying that NATO should defend Ukraine, with troops on the ground? Or that Ukraine does not deserve sovereignty and should relinquish part of it country? If you lived in Eastern Ukraine, would you rather live in Putin's Russia?
Trump's foreign policy was more like 'I want you to do me a favor'. 'Mutual respect' was something he saved for a select few, such as Putin and Orban.
"Nazi" is not Third Reich types. In Ukraine, "Nazis" are extreme nationalists with great prejudice against anyone who disagrees with them.
There is a regiment in the Ukraine defense forces of these "Nazis" and that regiment has largely been the prosecutors of Russians in the two break-away eastern states.
That is who Putin refers to. Historically, these people are downstream from a national hero who was, indeed, aligned with the Third Reich during WW2.
So, fact, there are Nazis in Ukraine.
Additionally, I am no fan of NATO. NATO should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union fell and nukes accounted for, especially in Ukraine. NATO today is synonymous with "United States."
Ukraine deserves the sovereignty it can defend, like every other nation on the planet. One need to look at the centuries old history of the region for better perspective. There is a reason that area has been called The Bloodlands" for centuries.
I am agnostic about Ukraine, and certainly don't want American blood, treasure, and goodwill squandered there. Perhaps Europe can come to the aid of a fistfight in their back yard, not a teenage farm boy from Nebraska, or a Latino from South LA.
The Deep State is just pissed Putin took their broken piggy bank away.
Your characterization of Trumpian policy is defined as style. My characterization describes "strategery."
FWIW, I learned "negotiations" on the school playground where as a large human I usually deferred to non-violence, preferring to try to "get along" with bullies which is often misinterpreted as passive weakness...until the bully crossed the like. Then I had no problem aggressively fucking his s#!t up. Toadies tend to understand the lessons offered by that action: being cordial and friendly bypass pain, broken cartilage, and loss of blood...
May I suggest you watch the excellent Oliver Stone documentary from 2016 on Ukraine titled "Ukraine on Fire?" It is banned in the usual places, so by default it merits attention for its truthiness. It's quite the eye-opener for those who rely on the MSM for their intellectual nourishment.
A personal anecdote from my ex-wife's father, who grew up in a region that alternated between Poland and Ukraine several times in his life.
As a young boy, the Nazis invaded and enslaved him, a skinny 14y.o., to work in a munitions factory "spinning" metal to form artillery shells. All in the factory were literally chained to their machines under armed guard. In bombing air raids, the soldiers left for shelter, and the kids, still chained, had to pray they would not die in the bombings. Summary executions were common for stepping out of line, or back-talking a soldier.
There was one soldier, a guy who had executed some of his friends, who walked up to him daily, took out his pistol, aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger. "Click." Then the soldier would laugh hysterically. One can imagine the daily terror and psychological damage.
Ultimately they were freed by the allies. But without papers, they were marched for days to a large city to re-establish identification. During one such march, they passed a line of German POWs. My father-in-law happened to see the soldier who abused him for 18 months, handcuffed, marching in line to a war prison camp. So, seeing red, he broke away and attacked the soldier, beating the soldier to a pulp before being restrained.
I'd have done the same thing. Revenge is best served cold.
That is Trump's 'strategy'. Have you ever seen him make a stand? But I stopped counting the time he threatened to do something. Do you think that a 'strongman' like Putin is scared by blowhard with no follow through? Why would he?
I'm glad that you agree that Putin is a bully. But it's sad that you have no problem leaving other countries to fend for themselves. So you can't be all that embarrassed...
But I understand you, and I'm sure that the other countries in Eastern Europe are glad that they are already part of NATO, and don't have to depend on your good will.
The Euros have been sucking on the defense teat of the US for 30+ years. NATO IS the US, and a paper tiger at that.
Yes, Putin is a bully, but in foreign relations so is the US. Has been for decades, colored with "nation-building" and "exporting democracy."
While I certainly understand the angst many have toward Trump, I did like his foreign policy which aligns with my personally held strategy. TDS runs strong among a segment of the population. Maybe we're different, but when I find a rat infestation in my basement, I don't care if the exterminator swears or has a hairy buttcrack, as long as the rats are gone.
But I'm a substance-over-style guy. I recognize many, if not most, are not.
And for all the Trump "threats", they seemed to work. No one called him out. Well, maybe once in Syria. Then Trump fucked their shit up with no apologies.
Yes, I do believe countries should defend themselves...especially one who consistently poked the bear at their border. Zelensky's bad judgement was believing the US Deep State and CIA that no matter what, the US would have his back after the CIA-inspired "color revolution" of 2014. He chose poorly. He trusted [poorly. Of course he did believe his Masters who put him in power on the first place (no doubt you ARE aware of his connection with Soros, Schwab and the WEF, Certainly you do.)
The US has spent multiple trillions in treasure, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of men as "my brother's keeper." And failed at every effort. Of course, thanks to the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, the MSM carried the CIA and Intel community water 100% without question. Still do, and a huge % of the population swallows their swill without asking one question. Others prefer to use well-honed critical thinking skills instead if just trusting gubmint and their mouthpieces. But, as usual, opinions vary.
Sorry, we can agree to disagree, but Russia is Europe's problem, not the US. The US has no dog in the fight beyond a piggybank for corrupt establishment politicians (I'm looking at YOU, Pelosi, Mittens, Heinz-Kerry, Preznit Feebs-Biden, etc.)
BTW: seems when Trump lectured the NATO liars about contributing their "fair share" of 2% GDP for NATO, he took a stand. And almost EVERY NATO member suddenly contributed a lot more as was agreed upon in the original NATO charter. No doubt you don't consider that a "stand" and may think it's all a mere coincidence. Opinions differ.
Exceptional piece, thank you GC!
"London City Inc. has joined the chat."
I work with several City of London financial companies as a consultant. It is no joke that they are all owned by the Chinese these days.
"Send in the Clown"
He's already here!
You work in the belly of the beast, bad Karma.... 😂
I make nice websites for people and everyone I work with is a very good person. I also live hundreds of miles away from the belly of the beast, as you rightly say, in another country.
Screw Tony Blinken and his pencil-neck deputy assistant liaison sub-marshall neo-warmonger bow-tie dweebs who went to all the right Deep State schools.
If Preznit Feebs really wants this to end, he'd send in D.J. Trump to negotiate.
But he doesn't, so he won't.
BTW: whatever happened to covid? We all good now, except when flying? In a way I don't want the fat TSA agents with uniforms that can't be worn near open flame to go back to groping The Normals again. Viral fear makes them less handsy...
Quite a contrast between this and Bari Weiss's article at
Me, I look at the money -- afaiks, you are spot on.
She was also two years late to the covid train and only boarded when it was safe. Nauseating stuff.
I couldn't read two lines of her piece. Truly nauseating.
Russian money?
I’m usually all about reading opposing views but I couldn’t even open this one up. Already knew what it said.
After the presentation and drawn out applause, I couldn’t continue listening anymore. Ad nauseam fully exposed.
Pelosi could hardly contain herself while addressing Ukraine President and Ambassador to Congress. I thought she was going to giggle at first. Ugh
Great GC, can't wait for it, because influencers are hardcore narc, and that's the basis they are working on humanity, for the soul less NWO.
hands down one of the best news shows. thanks.
Took a bit of a sanity clause break to watch the YouTube (ugh) clip from the Marx Brothers (sans Karl) “Duck Soup” 1933 ‘To War’ … mass hysteria parody, cutting so close to the bone, of the press briefings/Congress/Parliament fawning frenzy: all 1000 of those Clowns should squeeze into the bus tailgating Thelma & Louise on their climactic road trip. (If only, them, not us useless eaters living on the ground above the gas/oil Reserves.)
Yes Good Citizen, show must go on hahaha
All of his narcissists and social media are gold. I have a thing on influencers coming soon.
Hilarious and sad. Thank you for sharing.
Last minute news!!! The killer clown in Ucrain and his criminal gang, are willing to give a so call" war aid " to those citizens that lost their jobs and income because the war, they just need to download an application in their phones, where among other things, it request that they need to be totally jabbed with the three dosages, which means that they are not going to get any help, because they are dead already or will die very soon.
When people like David Stockman are calling Zelensky a Clown as well, you know you are in good conmpany. - Pearl Harbor My Eye by David Stockman - "We were already getting sick and tired of this Zelensky clown, but the sheer chutzpah of comparing Ukraine’s predicament with Pearl Harbor or 9/11 is just fricking outrageous." ( )
Just Sayin'!!!!!!!!!!
This an an incredible and unbelievably good piece written by James Preston PhD called:
What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories
(Found this little gem on the website of )
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time.
I love to share 💗🌟🌞 Thanxs for your comment.
I recalled an interesting article from Cato from September 2021 that eerily predicted what is happening in Ukraine, and should explain why Zelensky is confused by lack of NATO support.
WE lied to him: