For those that are so inclined, there is a Substack writer by the name of Clif High that has a bunch of letters called "Vox Populi: Legislator Be Advised" that echo the thoughts here. Essentially... he is warning those underlings who think that they can hide behind the shield of "I'm just doing my job" that we are at a time of war, and that they ARE culpable for their actions.
Of coarse. But a better question is, how much misery and death ly between now and when they have to answer for their actions. How much are we going to put up with?
That's a Yuuge question that's hard to shake. I often wonder if the testosterone levels of men two generations prior (2-3x higher than weenies today) would have put a stop to all this already, but the power of their grip on information really decides everything now. Getting answers to important questions takes work and most people just aren't willing to do it. The Internet really is the most powerful tool, just not in ways people thought it would be.
Like. Frankly Gates and Bezos and Fauci and Soros and Schwab et al do ot seem to have any more testosterone than our current crop of ordinary men. I draw a little comfort from that fact. 'Gates even has man boobs.
I was hoping I would not be alive when the globalists made their move, which I knew was coming. Now I hope I'm still alive when they are taken down from their self-made thrones and held accountable for their deeds.
I am hoping to watch Trudeau walked up the gallows in leg chains and meet the rope. I will cheer when the lever is pulled. And probably cry in relief for all the murder he is causing.
That would be the highest honour IMO. We should have a lottery for the possible winner to pull it. Money generated could go go the poor. With no NGO's involved, no celebrities to pay, just honest to goodness charity to those in need.
For two years now i have been utterly amazed that there isn’t an absolute torrent of rage against the perpetrators of this horrible crime. These Doctors, scientists and hospital administrators have killed and or maimed for life your children, parents, spouses, friends and quite possibly even you if you succumbed to their calls of trust the science or don’t you care for your fellow man. They are either cowards or psychopaths who have been the paid assassins who have caused all of this suffering. These Doctors who have pushed these vaccines ( believe me they all knew better ) need to know in no uncertain terms that there are hundreds of millions of outraged people that are seeking both justice and reparations. Each and every participant of Klaus Schwab’s private globalist club needs to be hunted down arrested, stripped of every asset and face justice for their selfish sickening participation in this agenda that is rapidly destroying what’s left of this world. Gates, Soros, Schwab, and every single executive in big Pharma must face the cold wrath of justice. All of these people are hell bent on creating a complete dystopic hell with untold suffering for all but them. The entire planet must rise up now and realize what a bunch of evil narcissistic psychopathic criminals these pathetic lizard people really are. Come on people it’s time to wake up and realize what these people have done. It is time for these people to never, never, never feel any sort of security again. This thing would be over in a week if everyone followed the example of the farmers in Holland and the Canadian truckers. No more compliance with these ridiculous lockdowns, masks, vaccines. No more fear. Fear does nothing more than destroy critical thinking. What people need to fear is the world that these lizards will make for humanity if there is continued compliance. Let the tidal wave of lawsuits begin. It’s is also time for these perpetrators to feel the intimidation of hundreds of millions of outraged angry people that are demanding justice.
Where are these hundreds of millions of outraged angry people demanding justice hiding? Watch as the vast majority step back in line in the next six months…The revolution will not be televised.
The number, hundreds of millions, may be overestimated. But certainly in the tens of millions. Which should be enough to overwhelm the storm troopers and effect the justice so desperately needed to salvage a decent future for our grandchildren. But someone in a position of stature - Mike Flynn, perhaps? - needs to stand up and make the call to arms.
But, in light of the overwhelming inaction at events so far, I can understand the hesitation for anyone to take the lead. It’s one thing to lead a horde of citizens all armed with pitchforks and torches full of righteous rebellion into battle, and perhaps giving your life in the process because people will die in any uprising, but another thing altogether to die or be imprisoned as a martyr for a cause that too few stand up and join for any chance at success.
There have been so many events that should have precipitated the rebellion already, that did not, that it is disheartening:
- the passage of the “Patriot Act”
- the revelations of Edward Snowden
- Pelosi cackling “we’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it”
- the murder of Ashley Babbit, particularly with no charges brought
- the open southern border despite DECADES of voters electing “representatives” promising to control it
- the set up and incarceration of thousands of January 6th political prisoners
and the list could go on and on.
At every stage I see the psychopaths in charge turning to look at each other in wondrous bemusement saying to each other “Shit, I can’t believe we just got away with that!”. And, at every stage, they become ever more emboldened in their actions.
We all need to take to heart that we’re all going to die anyway. Whether by natural causes or force. We all need to understand that the WEF psychopaths intend to kill or enslave every single one of us and, far more importantly, our children and grandchildren. Meek acquiescence will not rouse a conscience in their hearts. The path we’re traveling, ever quickening, leads to millennia of suffering. This is an absolute certainty.
And we, the awoken, are watching it all happen before our very eyes.
Hundreds of million? Yes, globally, but how do they unite from across the globe, and if they even managed, would it be enough to overcome the inertia of the remaining 8 billion?
Exactly! They continue to rob the children of America of any hope for a decent future. Schools have turned into grooming centers. They continue to want to inject them with poison that will take away their health. I still see so much passive compliance. It is such a tragic sad time.
Oh please forget tidal waves of law suits, lets do it like at the end of the second world war ,when the inmates of concentration camps took care of the guards with their own hands ,nothing less will do . All the ones in a position of power and authority are guilty ,right down to school boards ,and city halls .Most all of the police are nothing more than gestapo for the evil doers .Hospitals are execution centers . My brother was murdert inside of one .
Both true, and yet faith restoration requires something be done, some semblance of justice metted out through proper judicial procedures. The longer it doesn't happen, and the more they continue the lies, history has shown that vigilantism will substitute in a similar fasion to the savagery the ending of this piece portends.
Too much playing nice anymore. We the people must step up, our elected officials and these elected officials here for decades must go! Need Term limits and not comply en mass.
Think about the crime of 911 that they perpetrated and the fact the criminals are still walking among us. Wasn't that 21 years ago? I can assure you that if one of my children died in that government sponsored lie, I would start hunting till the end of the earth.
All it would take is for the same laws that apply to us the plebs to be also applied to the perpetrators of this crime of all crimes. Fauci, Birx, both Gates, Soros, Schwab, Trump, Biden, Zuckerberg, Bezos, the heads of the news networks, the Rockefeller Foundation etc. etc. would all be executed for treason, just like a soldier who betrays his country would. be. I do not see why we should have any compassion for the worst psychopathic and sociopathic criminals ever - worse than Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler combined - when the law has none for the common people.
I agree with you completely. Only thing is, my response was to The Green Hornet, who stated that "mass murderers need to be dragged through the streets by horses and then trampled". Held accountable and punished, I couldn't agree more. But I'm glad we left those kinds of practices where they belong, in the middle ages. What I was trying to say is, we must be very careful to not become the monster we're trying to destroy.
I didn't take that context into account. And yes, revenge and justice are two different things. Besides, there is no way we could get revenge for what has been and is being done to humanity. That said, most of humanity is participating by complying. I don't want to turn everybody into a powerless victim either. We could have stopped the madness in its tracks if more of us had a) cared or dared to wake up and b) shown the courage to say "no". That's all it would have taken. In that way, the masses disappoint me more than the monsters. But the worst are the collaborators. Those who "just follow orders". Or are afraid of losing their job and would rather kill others than be fired. The same people who most likely still condemn Germans for their Nazi ancestors who for the most part also "just" followed orders... The hypocrisy is sickening.
“ And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? ….. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
The justification for this slaughter is too often attached to big pharma motives for profit and captured government agencies working in tandem. It’s such a simple and tired excuse for those who can’t wrap their minds around the intentional Malthusian operations targeting all of us.
I can’t get anyone to understand this. Yes there is undoubtedly a huge profit motivation, but it’s more than that. It’s like something out of a Greek tragedy or the Old Testament. We are witnessing what happens when a few very rich men become blinded by hubris and convinced of their own moral superiority.
The biggest obstacle to a Great Awakening is pride — people can’t admit that they were wrong about stupid things, and we’re asking them to admit that they were wrong about virtually *all* of their previous beliefs. I think this is the real reason why we see these ridiculous news articles about naps or whatever causing heart attacks. It’s easier to try to blame something, no matter how absurd, than it is to admit to worshiping a false god.
It’s going to tear people’s minds apart when it all finally comes crumbling down.
The greatest obstacle to a Great Awakening is apathy. Most people I’ve tried to talk simply don’t want to interrupt their busy, hollow lives, regardless of what it means for their grandchildrens futures.
Absolutely. Yesterday on another substack, I suggested that planting a vegetable garden and quitting social media would be a simple and practical way to fight back. People immediately came up with reasons why they wouldn't be able to do these things. I'm seeing a lot of DEER -- defend, explain, excuse, rationalize. It's going to be the death of us.
We started planting a garden a few years ago. Not even knowing, what the heck we were doing! It really is that simple! Basically, just through the seeds in some soil, and let nature take its course! Tons of veggies!
When I sent a well-educated (with all the implications of that concept) client, a consultant to boot, an article about the OWO - written by a financial advisor, so nothing earth-shatteringly "conspiracy theoretical" - he told me he didn't want to hear about any of this. And if we did live in a OWO, that was fine by him.
God knows what he would have thrown at me if the article had mentioned the toxic injection!
This absolute refusal to awaken, and the defense mechanism that turns any bearer of bad news into the enemy, which I see again and again in the people I work with, is disheartening.
"That loud digital beeping noise doesn't stop, that blaring throbbing obnoxious one that nobody ever selects on their phones because they’d prefer a wake-up experience that didn’t sound like the warning of an imminent nuclear holocaust to start their day."
" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet " - Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John B
" These human sacrifices by global managers are made to new gods —themselves — " even though they consider themselves gods amongst the "uninitiated and profane useless eaters", the sacrifices are made to Lucifer and his fallen watchers the satanic elites been worshiping for centuries.
From the Horse's Mouth
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” Robert Muller (United Nations), author of the World Core Educational curriculum
When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24
Excellent article! The alarm analogy is perfect. I have family I love that don’t hear the alarm no matter how loud or annoying it is. One family member is now having some health problems but the cause (micro clots & cellulitis) is caused by anything but the vaccine from his perspective. Please keep informing people far & wide!
I have a dear friend that got the jab and developed kidney problems , got him to take Serrapeptase and chelation therapy powder and he got better without any doctor visits
"...but nobody is laughing anymore because that isn’t enough to suppress all the collective rage that is building."
Tucker, on another issue, at the start of "Biden's" Plan, "The Opened Gates" of Immigration, flooding The Nation, with unknown participating factors.
He had his reporter showing the flooding 'cross the border-of-protection, like the skin's surface, of The Nation, carrying within it, who knows who.
Tucker was serious, slightly anxious, upset for The Nation. Not wanting to alarm or excite to action. But in reasoned & deep contemplation, & a bit of exhaustion, said cautiously & woefully...
This song is famous and special. It's a German song of a Father protecting his ill son from a monster. The music is from Schubert and the lyrics are based on a poem by Goethe. The year 1815 was important and terrible. The last year of Napoleon. The year a volcano erupted. The year without summer. Great famine. Many people died, from hunger, from the violence, from fear, from loneliness. Writers everywhere became obsessed with horror stories: vampires, Dr. Frankenstein's monster, ghosts, werewolves, demons, witches. After all this, the survivors were gratified with nicer melodies, beautiful paintings, great literature, incredible inventions. OK, there was a lot of war too. But those who survived, were somehow compensated with the best humans can do. Enjoy art while you can, people!
The wikipedia article is superb.
I don't know when this War is going to end. But I'm doing all I can to survive. I want to see if there is a reward. I'll probably won't like it, but I want to know.
Sean's Father, thanks for your courage telling your story. You have helped many people people, even if now things look too bad. Thank you!
My heart sunk for Sean’s Dad . A surgeon I know , daughter died in her sleep after about a week after the jab , she was only 12 years old . Parents told medical community she had a congenital heart condition . She rode her bike all around the neighborhood and played with other kids . What psyops and denial we live in .
Epic. Glad I was a skeptic from day one. Being a survivor of the 1968 Hong Kong and 1973 London Flu, which were much worse, I knew it was a load. Would I take an emergency use, short term tested, experimental vaccine? Under no circumstances. Early on Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Professor Michel Chossudovsky and others convinced me my skepticism was well founded. Thank you for this magnificent essay.
For those that are so inclined, there is a Substack writer by the name of Clif High that has a bunch of letters called "Vox Populi: Legislator Be Advised" that echo the thoughts here. Essentially... he is warning those underlings who think that they can hide behind the shield of "I'm just doing my job" that we are at a time of war, and that they ARE culpable for their actions.
Clif High is great. Woo man is tuned in. Started following his bitchute channel in woo year zero.
I got some of his Alta/ Webbot reports back in the day. He was always spectacularly wrong in terms of when.
Now... he's not. Which is frightening.
Found the Bitchute vides around the same time you did.
Will do thanks! 💜
Of coarse. But a better question is, how much misery and death ly between now and when they have to answer for their actions. How much are we going to put up with?
That's a Yuuge question that's hard to shake. I often wonder if the testosterone levels of men two generations prior (2-3x higher than weenies today) would have put a stop to all this already, but the power of their grip on information really decides everything now. Getting answers to important questions takes work and most people just aren't willing to do it. The Internet really is the most powerful tool, just not in ways people thought it would be.
Like. Frankly Gates and Bezos and Fauci and Soros and Schwab et al do ot seem to have any more testosterone than our current crop of ordinary men. I draw a little comfort from that fact. 'Gates even has man boobs.
I was hoping I would not be alive when the globalists made their move, which I knew was coming. Now I hope I'm still alive when they are taken down from their self-made thrones and held accountable for their deeds.
Rejoyce! You may yet play a bigger role in our victory than you thought.
I am hoping to watch Trudeau walked up the gallows in leg chains and meet the rope. I will cheer when the lever is pulled. And probably cry in relief for all the murder he is causing.
Oh to have the privilege to pull the lever.
That would be the highest honour IMO. We should have a lottery for the possible winner to pull it. Money generated could go go the poor. With no NGO's involved, no celebrities to pay, just honest to goodness charity to those in need.
For two years now i have been utterly amazed that there isn’t an absolute torrent of rage against the perpetrators of this horrible crime. These Doctors, scientists and hospital administrators have killed and or maimed for life your children, parents, spouses, friends and quite possibly even you if you succumbed to their calls of trust the science or don’t you care for your fellow man. They are either cowards or psychopaths who have been the paid assassins who have caused all of this suffering. These Doctors who have pushed these vaccines ( believe me they all knew better ) need to know in no uncertain terms that there are hundreds of millions of outraged people that are seeking both justice and reparations. Each and every participant of Klaus Schwab’s private globalist club needs to be hunted down arrested, stripped of every asset and face justice for their selfish sickening participation in this agenda that is rapidly destroying what’s left of this world. Gates, Soros, Schwab, and every single executive in big Pharma must face the cold wrath of justice. All of these people are hell bent on creating a complete dystopic hell with untold suffering for all but them. The entire planet must rise up now and realize what a bunch of evil narcissistic psychopathic criminals these pathetic lizard people really are. Come on people it’s time to wake up and realize what these people have done. It is time for these people to never, never, never feel any sort of security again. This thing would be over in a week if everyone followed the example of the farmers in Holland and the Canadian truckers. No more compliance with these ridiculous lockdowns, masks, vaccines. No more fear. Fear does nothing more than destroy critical thinking. What people need to fear is the world that these lizards will make for humanity if there is continued compliance. Let the tidal wave of lawsuits begin. It’s is also time for these perpetrators to feel the intimidation of hundreds of millions of outraged angry people that are demanding justice.
It's time.
Superbly said.
There is no political, or legal, solution to tyranny.
Nailed it. And we are in it already
Where are these hundreds of millions of outraged angry people demanding justice hiding? Watch as the vast majority step back in line in the next six months…The revolution will not be televised.
The number, hundreds of millions, may be overestimated. But certainly in the tens of millions. Which should be enough to overwhelm the storm troopers and effect the justice so desperately needed to salvage a decent future for our grandchildren. But someone in a position of stature - Mike Flynn, perhaps? - needs to stand up and make the call to arms.
But, in light of the overwhelming inaction at events so far, I can understand the hesitation for anyone to take the lead. It’s one thing to lead a horde of citizens all armed with pitchforks and torches full of righteous rebellion into battle, and perhaps giving your life in the process because people will die in any uprising, but another thing altogether to die or be imprisoned as a martyr for a cause that too few stand up and join for any chance at success.
There have been so many events that should have precipitated the rebellion already, that did not, that it is disheartening:
- the passage of the “Patriot Act”
- the revelations of Edward Snowden
- Pelosi cackling “we’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it”
- the murder of Ashley Babbit, particularly with no charges brought
- the open southern border despite DECADES of voters electing “representatives” promising to control it
- the set up and incarceration of thousands of January 6th political prisoners
and the list could go on and on.
At every stage I see the psychopaths in charge turning to look at each other in wondrous bemusement saying to each other “Shit, I can’t believe we just got away with that!”. And, at every stage, they become ever more emboldened in their actions.
We all need to take to heart that we’re all going to die anyway. Whether by natural causes or force. We all need to understand that the WEF psychopaths intend to kill or enslave every single one of us and, far more importantly, our children and grandchildren. Meek acquiescence will not rouse a conscience in their hearts. The path we’re traveling, ever quickening, leads to millennia of suffering. This is an absolute certainty.
And we, the awoken, are watching it all happen before our very eyes.
What’s a Cassandra to do...
Hundreds of million? Yes, globally, but how do they unite from across the globe, and if they even managed, would it be enough to overcome the inertia of the remaining 8 billion?
Revolution methinks is over before it began. We woke up 20 years too late
Late is better than never, but unfortunately the vast majority of humanity(95+%) continues to sleep soundly..
Exactly! They continue to rob the children of America of any hope for a decent future. Schools have turned into grooming centers. They continue to want to inject them with poison that will take away their health. I still see so much passive compliance. It is such a tragic sad time.
Yes, these compliant parents continue to rob their children of any hope for a decent future. There is no line in the sand for them….
Oh please forget tidal waves of law suits, lets do it like at the end of the second world war ,when the inmates of concentration camps took care of the guards with their own hands ,nothing less will do . All the ones in a position of power and authority are guilty ,right down to school boards ,and city halls .Most all of the police are nothing more than gestapo for the evil doers .Hospitals are execution centers . My brother was murdert inside of one .
These mofo mass murderers need to be dragged through the streets by horses and then trampled. After they’ve been given multiple jabs.
Yes, on the one hand. On the other hand, if we ever want to restore faith in humanity once this has all played out, we can't.
Both true, and yet faith restoration requires something be done, some semblance of justice metted out through proper judicial procedures. The longer it doesn't happen, and the more they continue the lies, history has shown that vigilantism will substitute in a similar fasion to the savagery the ending of this piece portends.
70 million USA deer hunters all acting on their own accord.
And getting away with it. That is my secret dream. I kinda think of the Wicked Witch of the West...I can cause accidents too.
You will have a lot of help here soon.
Too much playing nice anymore. We the people must step up, our elected officials and these elected officials here for decades must go! Need Term limits and not comply en mass.
I doubt if there is a political solution. Maybe.
Stepping up could mean lots of things . People can decide.
Indeed. Lots of variables.
Justice deferred is Justice denied.
Good one Duchess!
Think about the crime of 911 that they perpetrated and the fact the criminals are still walking among us. Wasn't that 21 years ago? I can assure you that if one of my children died in that government sponsored lie, I would start hunting till the end of the earth.
All it would take is for the same laws that apply to us the plebs to be also applied to the perpetrators of this crime of all crimes. Fauci, Birx, both Gates, Soros, Schwab, Trump, Biden, Zuckerberg, Bezos, the heads of the news networks, the Rockefeller Foundation etc. etc. would all be executed for treason, just like a soldier who betrays his country would. be. I do not see why we should have any compassion for the worst psychopathic and sociopathic criminals ever - worse than Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler combined - when the law has none for the common people.
I agree with you completely. Only thing is, my response was to The Green Hornet, who stated that "mass murderers need to be dragged through the streets by horses and then trampled". Held accountable and punished, I couldn't agree more. But I'm glad we left those kinds of practices where they belong, in the middle ages. What I was trying to say is, we must be very careful to not become the monster we're trying to destroy.
I didn't take that context into account. And yes, revenge and justice are two different things. Besides, there is no way we could get revenge for what has been and is being done to humanity. That said, most of humanity is participating by complying. I don't want to turn everybody into a powerless victim either. We could have stopped the madness in its tracks if more of us had a) cared or dared to wake up and b) shown the courage to say "no". That's all it would have taken. In that way, the masses disappoint me more than the monsters. But the worst are the collaborators. Those who "just follow orders". Or are afraid of losing their job and would rather kill others than be fired. The same people who most likely still condemn Germans for their Nazi ancestors who for the most part also "just" followed orders... The hypocrisy is sickening.
“ And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? ….. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
The justification for this slaughter is too often attached to big pharma motives for profit and captured government agencies working in tandem. It’s such a simple and tired excuse for those who can’t wrap their minds around the intentional Malthusian operations targeting all of us.
I can’t get anyone to understand this. Yes there is undoubtedly a huge profit motivation, but it’s more than that. It’s like something out of a Greek tragedy or the Old Testament. We are witnessing what happens when a few very rich men become blinded by hubris and convinced of their own moral superiority.
The biggest obstacle to a Great Awakening is pride — people can’t admit that they were wrong about stupid things, and we’re asking them to admit that they were wrong about virtually *all* of their previous beliefs. I think this is the real reason why we see these ridiculous news articles about naps or whatever causing heart attacks. It’s easier to try to blame something, no matter how absurd, than it is to admit to worshiping a false god.
It’s going to tear people’s minds apart when it all finally comes crumbling down.
Let's hope their minds retain enough righteous anger to find the right targets.
Well put, but I’d make one change:
The greatest obstacle to a Great Awakening is apathy. Most people I’ve tried to talk simply don’t want to interrupt their busy, hollow lives, regardless of what it means for their grandchildrens futures.
Absolutely. Yesterday on another substack, I suggested that planting a vegetable garden and quitting social media would be a simple and practical way to fight back. People immediately came up with reasons why they wouldn't be able to do these things. I'm seeing a lot of DEER -- defend, explain, excuse, rationalize. It's going to be the death of us.
We started planting a garden a few years ago. Not even knowing, what the heck we were doing! It really is that simple! Basically, just through the seeds in some soil, and let nature take its course! Tons of veggies!
When I sent a well-educated (with all the implications of that concept) client, a consultant to boot, an article about the OWO - written by a financial advisor, so nothing earth-shatteringly "conspiracy theoretical" - he told me he didn't want to hear about any of this. And if we did live in a OWO, that was fine by him.
God knows what he would have thrown at me if the article had mentioned the toxic injection!
This absolute refusal to awaken, and the defense mechanism that turns any bearer of bad news into the enemy, which I see again and again in the people I work with, is disheartening.
Great, succinct, analysis.
I believe, the gene depletion, is very much real and hard at work!
"That loud digital beeping noise doesn't stop, that blaring throbbing obnoxious one that nobody ever selects on their phones because they’d prefer a wake-up experience that didn’t sound like the warning of an imminent nuclear holocaust to start their day."
" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet " - Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John B
" These human sacrifices by global managers are made to new gods —themselves — " even though they consider themselves gods amongst the "uninitiated and profane useless eaters", the sacrifices are made to Lucifer and his fallen watchers the satanic elites been worshiping for centuries.
From the Horse's Mouth
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” Robert Muller (United Nations), author of the World Core Educational curriculum
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: The US Department of State Requesting Documents Pertaining to the Buried NEPHILIM
The New World Order in the Last Days
Is the Biblical End-times prophecy unfolding right before our eyes?
When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24
This is a golden nugget Good Citizen, sharing to try and wake some people up! 💜
Thanks Becka!
You're welcome 🙂
Excellent article! The alarm analogy is perfect. I have family I love that don’t hear the alarm no matter how loud or annoying it is. One family member is now having some health problems but the cause (micro clots & cellulitis) is caused by anything but the vaccine from his perspective. Please keep informing people far & wide!
I have a dear friend that got the jab and developed kidney problems , got him to take Serrapeptase and chelation therapy powder and he got better without any doctor visits
Blessings Oh Great Warrior Of Truth!! Nobody Does It quite Like You!!
"...but nobody is laughing anymore because that isn’t enough to suppress all the collective rage that is building."
Tucker, on another issue, at the start of "Biden's" Plan, "The Opened Gates" of Immigration, flooding The Nation, with unknown participating factors.
He had his reporter showing the flooding 'cross the border-of-protection, like the skin's surface, of The Nation, carrying within it, who knows who.
Tucker was serious, slightly anxious, upset for The Nation. Not wanting to alarm or excite to action. But in reasoned & deep contemplation, & a bit of exhaustion, said cautiously & woefully...
"This can only end in revolution."
Wow. Savage title. Fit for the the content.
The story of the death of Sean, the hockey player. What horror.
Please, look this video, and listen:
This song is famous and special. It's a German song of a Father protecting his ill son from a monster. The music is from Schubert and the lyrics are based on a poem by Goethe. The year 1815 was important and terrible. The last year of Napoleon. The year a volcano erupted. The year without summer. Great famine. Many people died, from hunger, from the violence, from fear, from loneliness. Writers everywhere became obsessed with horror stories: vampires, Dr. Frankenstein's monster, ghosts, werewolves, demons, witches. After all this, the survivors were gratified with nicer melodies, beautiful paintings, great literature, incredible inventions. OK, there was a lot of war too. But those who survived, were somehow compensated with the best humans can do. Enjoy art while you can, people!
The wikipedia article is superb.
I don't know when this War is going to end. But I'm doing all I can to survive. I want to see if there is a reward. I'll probably won't like it, but I want to know.
Sean's Father, thanks for your courage telling your story. You have helped many people people, even if now things look too bad. Thank you!
Thank you for this!
Wow! That’s a pretty powerful piece of work there. I am proud of you for speaking truth to power.
"...the psychological kneading
of amygdalas
prepared the way
for the real slaughter."
Phewwwewe !
Where Do You Come Up With This Stuff ?
But Don't Stop.
My heart sunk for Sean’s Dad . A surgeon I know , daughter died in her sleep after about a week after the jab , she was only 12 years old . Parents told medical community she had a congenital heart condition . She rode her bike all around the neighborhood and played with other kids . What psyops and denial we live in .
So damn sad 😔
Epic. Glad I was a skeptic from day one. Being a survivor of the 1968 Hong Kong and 1973 London Flu, which were much worse, I knew it was a load. Would I take an emergency use, short term tested, experimental vaccine? Under no circumstances. Early on Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Professor Michel Chossudovsky and others convinced me my skepticism was well founded. Thank you for this magnificent essay.
The right guides to follow. Thank you.