Last month that train from Wyoming to California had its cargo load of 30 tons of ammonium nitrate suddenly disappear with no federal outcry or investigation.

Kinda like how nobody cared about the train derailment in PA. If it's something the regime is pushing, it's a crisis. If it's something only conspiracy theory nutbugs care about, it's just misinformation.

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Common sense is getting welded inside the slaughterhouse more and more each day. If the perpetrators of 9-11 are still loose, no one is safe. Controlled demolitions are the new normal. Get out of the way, and get back to Earth - she still has some common sense left.

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"If the perpetrators of 9-11 are still loose, no one is safe."

They're the spawn of the perpetrators of 11/22/63. We haven't been safe for 60 years.

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You haven’t been safe for much longer than that.

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Fair point.

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Great point- yes GB senior , Biden were at JFKs assassination

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Its 2,000 + years now.

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“Do liberals and progressives realize by the time they jam their anti-human, child grooming, chemical castrating, anti-liberty, anti-life affirming agenda down every minority community’s throat their only constituents remaining are going to be dickless men formerly known as men, paedos, and unemployed vice and BuzzFeed workers?”


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Great article. I’m still voting Trump 2024. The left and deep state fear him, so that makes it an easy choice.

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What's to fear about him? He was totally gelded for four years and did what he was told. Maybe they use him like WWE does a good heel and he plays along like the actor he is?

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Exactly. People excuse his inaction during his first term, thinking that NOW he'll get to work on swamp draining activities.

His 2020 was the worst year any POTUS has ever had. Rolled by Fauci, quiet as rioters terrorized Americans, and completely incompetent in contesting a "fortified" election.

We are in this mess because of him. I appreciate that he's the embodiment of a well-deserved middle finger thrust into faces of our elites, but that's about it. He's a first ballot Hall of Fame twitter shi*poster and nothing more.

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Zelenskyy is not the only actor on the world stage.

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"He was totally gelded for four years and did what he was told."

As they say on Wall Street, "This time it's different (we hope)."

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They hamstrung him at every turn. Two phony impeachments. He won 2020 and the left cheated and installed slow Joe, the biggest racist and crook ever. Trump now knows who to fight and who to trust. I hope he burns down the uniparty.

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I'll praise him for not starting any new wars. A low bar I suppose. But he did steal Syrias oil, and licked Israel's boots, as every President must do. He filled his cabinet with Goldman rats and neocons, and gave his idiot son-in-law incredible power, who used it to enrich himself with the Saudis to the tune of $2 billion. Hunter. Jared. One smokes crack, the other doesn't. What's the difference? He's also been celebrating vax genocide for two years like a buffoon at all his rallies, "I saved millions and millions of lives." The exact opposite is true. He helped kill millions. But it's all a rigged play. A performance. Don't even go inside the theatre or you'll see the same play you saw in 2020, only worse, and there are no refunds, only regrets.

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I'm glad I made the decision to stop voting which confuses everyone when they ask who I like for 2024. George Carlin was right.


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I’m about there. What’s the point? The entire thing is rigged. It’s basically just a scripted tv show.

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Just Another Movie - Pat & Barbara K MacDonald (aka Timbuk3)

"Presidential elections are planned distractions,

to divert attention from the action behind the scenes.

Like a game of chess when the house is a mess,

or a petty money squabble when your marriage is in trouble,

or a football game when there's rioting in the streets.

It's just another movie, another song and dance,

another poor sucker who never had a chance.

It's just another captain going down with the ship,

just another jerk taking pride in his work."

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Basically. Nothing ever improves despite all the nice sounding words of politicians. That's all they have-words. Best to turn them off and focus on yourself.

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Rush said it best imo


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Trumptards are no longer humorous.

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I don't think there are any choices to vote for anymore. If there was a real person running, he would end up tying himself up, hanging himself, then shooting himself twice in the back of the head.

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They don't "fear him"

It's all political theater to provide an illusion of choice.

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What does the Left or the deep-state have to fear from Trump?

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He knows the truth and he’s fully aware of all their lies, crimes, deceits, and evil games. Comey himself basically outlined his fear when he said ‘Biden must win.’ It sure as heck not because Biden’s doing a stand up job, it’s now been set by precedents by the Dems just how far POTUS can go. When the tide turns, it won’t be pretty. Comey is right to be nervous cause his a$$ is on the line when justice is truly served.

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This will never ever happen, ever. Trump and his cuck republicans will grandstand like they always do, but the beat will go on and nothing will happen to any of these people. Expect a lot of strongly worded letters and meaningless committees. That’s all

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Hope you are right, and we're not still holding our breath when 2028 rolls around.

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Hope and pray. Our nation needs God and prayers to fight the evil being shoved at us daily.

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Then why exactly are you trusting orangeman? What has ever done for regular people? Can you afford his hotels or golf courses? Sounds like you ate the purple pill.

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I saw many things he did during his 4 years, all while having his hands tied by Dems with media support to attack everything done or said. Also we had RINO Paul Ryan hamstringing Congress acting as if he’s conservative but a spineless POS and fighting Senate/McConnell another POS. Only good thing McConnell did was push thru federal judge nominees against Schumer trying to stop him. Trump got 3 SC Justices and kept Garland from a nominee. We dodged a bullet on Garland; he’s a radical and abuses our laws.

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The tide may eventually turn, but it won't be because of anything politicians do. It will be from young men being fed up that they are unable to advance in life, etc. See part three of this video. I'm not holding my breath.


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But that's where the hyperinflation plan comes in, hide it through rigged statistics and let the workers see an increase in wage to feel better while falling further behind. This inflation was just the demholes, don't forget, orangeass also pushed another trillion+ stimmy in late '20 and the demholes blocked it, but orangeidiot wanted it. And people still trust that lying slimebag?

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sorry, edit - the inflation was NOT just the demholes, etc

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While the lemmings clamored for another "hero", I was making videos showing why the man should have been a non-starter.


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Alright, let’s think about the “lightening causes fire” idea for a minute.

The “authorities” tell us that it’s not lightening that causes the fire, but the superheated air around the discharge that is the ignition source, with lightening being anywhere from 25,000-50,000 degrees, depending on which expert is quoted. Think about those temperatures.

1. Show the instrument that measures temps that high please. And a video of it measuring an actual lightening strike.

2. I have a pizza oven that I’ve gotten up to 900 degrees, which I don’t dare stick my bare hand into the superheated air for more than a second. It’s only 900 degrees…. Now think about those souls who get struck by lightening. With superheated air at 25-50k degrees all around them, experts tell us. See what I’m saying?

3. We know that lightening happens everyday around the world. At 25-50k degrees, even for a nano-second, you’d have burn scares EVERYWHERE. I’ve watched lightening hit right on my front lawn, not 100 feet away, and …nothing.

Conclusion: The World would be continually on fire if lightening causes fires. Lightening is a convenient cover for whatever else is causing wildfires.

P.S. - wild land firefighting is a HUGE industry, with the bulk of funds going to private contractors - hospitality services for crews, rental aircraft and water tenders, suppliers of retardant, etc. what do you bet Blackrock has a piece of that pie?

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Fine points prophesy. Was near a LS in lolo forest in Montana. Like college idiots we hiked closer to it only to find a few trees down and nothing else. They get hundreds a summer. Most don't start fires. Blackrock has their hands in all things climate scam, transhumanism, agenda 2030, great reset. When la resistance hacks those DEWS they should aim the first beams at Larry Fink's crotch.

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Hmm, I wonder if he has three testicles like Harvey Weinstein?

I always make my wife cringe when I bring up the fact that Georgina Chapman, actually had to suck that guy’s sweaty Willy. And yet, she’s still so elegantly British. How do you do it Babe?

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larry fink most powerful jew on earth. you can see a video of him telling his hosts how they the jews are forcing globo homo DIE versity on the US and whole world

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A channel called WaykiWayki calls them “The Mischief Gang”. Quite appropriate. Another channel from a long time ago called them, “those who call themselves Jews, but are of The Synagogue of Satan”. They are close to shutting down that channel with their domestic terrorism laws, brought to us by the pied Piper orange man. The media in full blast linking all things conservative and Christian to Orange Man - this guilt by association. If you go back to his build up, he courted (suckered) the evangelicals by speaking their buzzwords. Quite a few still cannot admit their mistake. But I get to say “I told you so”.

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cancel culture started by the jews against holocost denial. the marmalade messiah cares more for israel then the US and so do the even-genitals

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Marmalade Messiah? LOLLOLLOL! I love it!

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thank you lol

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It's really challenging to take in, synthesize and attempt to make reasonable sense out of insanity. We want to make sense, meaning. You're remarkable at it.

I'm in an intuitive waiting... like gears on a bicycle changing in mid-stride, there is an awkwardness right now, as we shift into a new - very temporary - pattern. You can write in mid-stride. Nice.

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The Great Unravelling merrily proceeds at accelerating pace. The best show ever on planet Earth—what a time to be alive! 🫣

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I don’t think they care who runs. It’s all rigged elections at this point anyway.

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They’ve legalized the theft in enough states to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to win.

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I'm glad you covered the topic of the Canadian wild fires. I came across an excellent article on the topic here on substack (lost the link) where the author compared the historical nature of wild fires based on time of year, rainfall levels, weather patterns and the likelihood of what could cause them in such a rapid succession at the exact same moment.

His conclusion was it wasn't mother nature or a pink haired tree hugger.

Your article, excellent as usual, is more fuel to light the fire of truth in this ever increasing dark world.

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Clearly not the one you lost, but might justify a fleeting glance 😏

🗨 Carbon dioxide concentrations have finally gotten out of hand, the tipping point has been reached, and Canada is burning as a result. Cue Greta, waving her hands in the air like the Ron Paul meme – It’s HAPPENING! You should have eaten the bugs, damn you. A cricket a day keeps the wrath of Earth Mammy at bay.

Canada Burning: Climate change or climate terrorism? --> barsoom.substack.com/p/canada-burning 🔥

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Thanks for the link, it's the exact article I was referring to

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Where's Elon with the rocket ship to Mars, I got to get off this thriving green planet and to that red hot rock. :)

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One of the few people I still trust is Martin Armstrong. According to his Socrates computer which looks at everything using cycles, the end of America as it has been known, comes in the early-mid 2030's. This coincides with the 2030 agenda. We have seen that all governments, societies, civilizations and countries eventually peak and then crash and burn. Every one.

It is because governments are all highly at risk of extreme corruption at the hands of humans who are usually in direct conflict with Mother Nature. A/I and machines will not solve the problem because they are programmed by silly and arrogant humans.

The dinosaurs survived for about 170 million years with NO governments telling them how to live. Man will never make it that long unless he gives up his love affair with always having to be controlled by a government.

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Well said. Government power always ends in tyranny. It will be interesting to see the country in 2035.

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I have written countless emails to 45 asking him to admit that the jabs are awful and that nobody should take them. I never received any kind of reply. This went on for two plus years. Fool me once...

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Nine months ago at his rallies he was celebrating them still. "We saved millions and millions of lives." A guy who can never admit even the slightest mistake is not one worth supporting. A guy who celebrates a genocide he helped engineer is a worthless POS.

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The last time I checked trump was still saying that vaccine was good and saved people I’m not sure where because the people I know vaccinated were sick... sick... sick all the time people missing work and now people having heart problems and some blacking out while driving .... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2023/06/02/trump-needs-a-reality-check-on-the-mrna-jabs-n1700155 https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/06/09/california-bill-would-charge-any-parent-doesnt-affirm-transgenderism-child-abuse/

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That CA piece. Oof.

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Trump puts great stock in vaccinations--because he owns a lot of stocks in them.

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He's amoral and should be ostracized. Diego Garcia?

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He will never admit how wrong he was about everything Covid. Just another sheep like the rest of the masked lemmings at the time. He loves his wonderful vaccine.

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Warp Genocide is an apt description. In fact everything is moving at Warp Speed now. It's as if they can't afford to wait any longer, Time is running out.

As I commented last week on 06/01/23 about an article on Ireland going to cull 200,000 cows to supposedly help the climate; that this was "Udder Madness"; especially when children in Ireland and other countries can't even get enough to eat!!!

Linking tomorrow as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Nice pun. Mad Now disease.

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🎩🎩🎩🎩Larry Cook- BOOM! And that's called a Mic drop.👏👏👏

You may be right GC, re the ammonium nitrate- I saw that when it quietly popped up in the aftermath of the Jerusalem train derailment, and wondered, How do you misplace such a large amount of chemical?🤔🤔🤔 I mean it's not luggage that gets picked up by mistake- "whoops! Oh no! I've accidently collected 30 tonnes of someone elses ammonium nitrate!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ But I never looked into the flammability/incindery aspects. Yes, i did just assume summertime in Canada and that they too had disregarded indigenous fire management practices, like here in Australia.

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While it is tempting to blame these fires on the stolen fertilizer, I live just four miles north of where the 2016 Gatlinburg Fire finally stopped. All day, the skies over Sevierville were mustard yellow. In 2020, hundreds of anarchists, Marxists, and Democrats rioted throughout the USA. Some questioned where the pallets of bricks came from that these criminals threw at the police. No one has bothered to answer. I suspect that teams of subversives started the Canada fires and they are waiting for July 4 for their big attack on the USA.

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So do we just give up and take it up the ass? Eat bugs? Capitulate to the communist Overlords?

Or somehow fight back?

Should we sit out elections, or vote for someone who *might* get us on track? And who might that be?

I understand the cynicism. Truly. But some of us are not quitters.

I'm no big fan of Trump. I totally disagree with him on vaxxxes, which he won't admit he was hoodwinked. That said, there is no one else willing to fight back, no one. I can overlook the one policy issue on which I disagree if he fights the deep state, the ones trying to destroy him.

That said, I am ready to discuss secession. The US needs to be broken up. Let the commies be commies, and let The Normals be normal.

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Secession would be tough since the commies control DC and the military now. It looks sensible on paper. But getting Americans to believe in political solutions is how they keep the uniparty con going. It's all theatre. I believe the only way to fight back is non compliance, spreading the truth as far and wide as possible and preparing physically and mentally for what they tell us is coming. That includes geographically. Being in Florida, being aware and prepared and focusing on what you can control, your health, your mind, your money, your relationships, and not what you can't control is how you fight back. Do that and you'll be 100 steps ahead of the average normie, but you're not getting your country back through any means. Focus on local elections, county commissioner, local sherrif, governor. If you know and can clearly see national elections are fixed, why waste emotional energy investing in them or any candidates? Especially the one they use as a heel? You're just buying a ticket to an 18 month long wrestling match that is already fixed against you. Just don't go. Don't show up. You know the results. You lose 18 months of your life if you go. Use that time for important things, like all those other things AND helping the kids you coach be better men! These younger generations are getting left behind. They’ll be lucky to have you around.

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In general that's the plan: control what I can, and be a disciple for red-pilling. Focus on community, in this case majority like-minded. Have a deep functioning well, functional septic system, and enough space for a good garden and food storage. Upgrade to solar for supplemental electrical needs when the SHTF, well pumps and lights. A pool with cover a double use as water storage.

Semi-auto shotguns.

I will once again promote a seminal writing by a brilliant friend, a true lover of liberty, two-time LP candidate for POTUS, who left us years ago. Harry Browne. Harry wrote "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World." When I first read it in 1992 I was like, "OK, Whatever. We're free now. Not sure what he's talking about." But Harry was much smarter and wiser than I was. Or am. I still believed in honesty and good intentions in American politics, Viet Nam aside. Of course I was naïve and wrong. I now "get" the message Harry was trying to send. He saw what was on the road ahead. I hate it when a smart prophet with doomsday predictions is right.

I'll be happy with 15-20 more years on this earth. I am bound and determined to live it fully, as "free" as I can be. And Lord willing, spread the message of masculinity, family focus, and self-determination to those young skulls who will listen.

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This is good. When I read about Aluminum in vaccines, I recalled the old Sun-maid Raisin ad, which asked, had your Iron today? Vax manufacturers following suit, should ask, had your Aluminum today? It'll only fuck you up.

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Climate change is man-made. Civilization is a social construct. These are self-fulfilling prophecies. Things came into being by figures of speech. These things are truly man-made and really socially constructed... but in a satanic and most horrible way people could ever fathom. Prepare for the first man-made reset of humanity.

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