Last month that train from Wyoming to California had its cargo load of 30 tons of ammonium nitrate suddenly disappear with no federal outcry or investigation.

Kinda like how nobody cared about the train derailment in PA. If it's something the regime is pushing, it's a crisis. If it's something only conspiracy theory nutbugs care about, it's just misinformation.

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Common sense is getting welded inside the slaughterhouse more and more each day. If the perpetrators of 9-11 are still loose, no one is safe. Controlled demolitions are the new normal. Get out of the way, and get back to Earth - she still has some common sense left.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

“Do liberals and progressives realize by the time they jam their anti-human, child grooming, chemical castrating, anti-liberty, anti-life affirming agenda down every minority community’s throat their only constituents remaining are going to be dickless men formerly known as men, paedos, and unemployed vice and BuzzFeed workers?”


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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Great article. I’m still voting Trump 2024. The left and deep state fear him, so that makes it an easy choice.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Alright, let’s think about the “lightening causes fire” idea for a minute.

The “authorities” tell us that it’s not lightening that causes the fire, but the superheated air around the discharge that is the ignition source, with lightening being anywhere from 25,000-50,000 degrees, depending on which expert is quoted. Think about those temperatures.

1. Show the instrument that measures temps that high please. And a video of it measuring an actual lightening strike.

2. I have a pizza oven that I’ve gotten up to 900 degrees, which I don’t dare stick my bare hand into the superheated air for more than a second. It’s only 900 degrees…. Now think about those souls who get struck by lightening. With superheated air at 25-50k degrees all around them, experts tell us. See what I’m saying?

3. We know that lightening happens everyday around the world. At 25-50k degrees, even for a nano-second, you’d have burn scares EVERYWHERE. I’ve watched lightening hit right on my front lawn, not 100 feet away, and …nothing.

Conclusion: The World would be continually on fire if lightening causes fires. Lightening is a convenient cover for whatever else is causing wildfires.

P.S. - wild land firefighting is a HUGE industry, with the bulk of funds going to private contractors - hospitality services for crews, rental aircraft and water tenders, suppliers of retardant, etc. what do you bet Blackrock has a piece of that pie?

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It's really challenging to take in, synthesize and attempt to make reasonable sense out of insanity. We want to make sense, meaning. You're remarkable at it.

I'm in an intuitive waiting... like gears on a bicycle changing in mid-stride, there is an awkwardness right now, as we shift into a new - very temporary - pattern. You can write in mid-stride. Nice.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I don’t think they care who runs. It’s all rigged elections at this point anyway.

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I'm glad you covered the topic of the Canadian wild fires. I came across an excellent article on the topic here on substack (lost the link) where the author compared the historical nature of wild fires based on time of year, rainfall levels, weather patterns and the likelihood of what could cause them in such a rapid succession at the exact same moment.

His conclusion was it wasn't mother nature or a pink haired tree hugger.

Your article, excellent as usual, is more fuel to light the fire of truth in this ever increasing dark world.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

One of the few people I still trust is Martin Armstrong. According to his Socrates computer which looks at everything using cycles, the end of America as it has been known, comes in the early-mid 2030's. This coincides with the 2030 agenda. We have seen that all governments, societies, civilizations and countries eventually peak and then crash and burn. Every one.

It is because governments are all highly at risk of extreme corruption at the hands of humans who are usually in direct conflict with Mother Nature. A/I and machines will not solve the problem because they are programmed by silly and arrogant humans.

The dinosaurs survived for about 170 million years with NO governments telling them how to live. Man will never make it that long unless he gives up his love affair with always having to be controlled by a government.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I have written countless emails to 45 asking him to admit that the jabs are awful and that nobody should take them. I never received any kind of reply. This went on for two plus years. Fool me once...

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Warp Genocide is an apt description. In fact everything is moving at Warp Speed now. It's as if they can't afford to wait any longer, Time is running out.

As I commented last week on 06/01/23 about an article on Ireland going to cull 200,000 cows to supposedly help the climate; that this was "Udder Madness"; especially when children in Ireland and other countries can't even get enough to eat!!!

Linking tomorrow as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

🎩🎩🎩🎩Larry Cook- BOOM! And that's called a Mic drop.👏👏👏

You may be right GC, re the ammonium nitrate- I saw that when it quietly popped up in the aftermath of the Jerusalem train derailment, and wondered, How do you misplace such a large amount of chemical?🤔🤔🤔 I mean it's not luggage that gets picked up by mistake- "whoops! Oh no! I've accidently collected 30 tonnes of someone elses ammonium nitrate!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ But I never looked into the flammability/incindery aspects. Yes, i did just assume summertime in Canada and that they too had disregarded indigenous fire management practices, like here in Australia.

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While it is tempting to blame these fires on the stolen fertilizer, I live just four miles north of where the 2016 Gatlinburg Fire finally stopped. All day, the skies over Sevierville were mustard yellow. In 2020, hundreds of anarchists, Marxists, and Democrats rioted throughout the USA. Some questioned where the pallets of bricks came from that these criminals threw at the police. No one has bothered to answer. I suspect that teams of subversives started the Canada fires and they are waiting for July 4 for their big attack on the USA.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

So do we just give up and take it up the ass? Eat bugs? Capitulate to the communist Overlords?

Or somehow fight back?

Should we sit out elections, or vote for someone who *might* get us on track? And who might that be?

I understand the cynicism. Truly. But some of us are not quitters.

I'm no big fan of Trump. I totally disagree with him on vaxxxes, which he won't admit he was hoodwinked. That said, there is no one else willing to fight back, no one. I can overlook the one policy issue on which I disagree if he fights the deep state, the ones trying to destroy him.

That said, I am ready to discuss secession. The US needs to be broken up. Let the commies be commies, and let The Normals be normal.

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This is good. When I read about Aluminum in vaccines, I recalled the old Sun-maid Raisin ad, which asked, had your Iron today? Vax manufacturers following suit, should ask, had your Aluminum today? It'll only fuck you up.

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Climate change is man-made. Civilization is a social construct. These are self-fulfilling prophecies. Things came into being by figures of speech. These things are truly man-made and really socially constructed... but in a satanic and most horrible way people could ever fathom. Prepare for the first man-made reset of humanity.

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