May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

2020 changed me from "who would ever want a gun?" to "who wouldn't want a gun?" Bought a shotgun and learned how to shoot clays to get my feet wet, then took a concealed carry course. Never looked back. These people want us dead. Looking forward to part 2.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

“Protection” is a product. Its a service. In the USA police protection is socialized; its a government service. When u socialize something you are handing monopoly control over to a political bureacracy . Inevitably one gets the same Thing one gets with any monopoly: low quality and high prices and misallocation of resources. Billions spent on nuclear missiles, huge entourages of armed guards for politicians. And the most vulnerable among us massacred. If some bigshot pols kids went to that school theyd be guns everywhere and metal detectors. Every school shooting is a 2nd amendment promotion.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

One aspect of these mass shootings that doesn't seem to get much attention is the potential for perpetrators to be using Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); i.e., mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs. Examples include Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, to name a few of the most commonly recognizable names. Many of these drugs are extremely powerful antidepressants that can have adverse affects on users's minds. I'm guessing that, if we looked at the drug use histories of some of these mass shooters, we'd find they were either using at the time of the shooting or had been using in the past. Just food for thought. No one talks about this, because Big Pharma owns the media.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

SSRIs have the potential to make the user either suicidal or homicidal. Over 90% of school shooters are on SSRIs. This fact will never be mentioned or discussed, because America is owned by the pharmaceutical industry and the MIC.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Thank you for posting this. And........yes, Americans have a spiritual sickness and the medical cartel (doctors and big pharma) are happy to exploit this misery with their deadly mix of mind and body altering poison. Doctors and politicians are culpable for the upcoming death of billions world wide due to the kill shot vaxx. I am looking at you, Orange Judas.

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And then gun manufacturers put lethal weapons in their hands. Who's responsible?

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Stop being stupid: https://banned.video/watch?id=62977d805ce0a2355898d9c5

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And still, you want to make it easier for everyone to get drugs. Sounds stupid to me...

I get that you want people to be able to get guns, any kind of gun, and don't seem bothered by the consequences. Sounds stupid to me...

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"Sounds stupid to me." I am not surprised.

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Thank you. I hadn't yet seen this; it speaks directly to concerns about psychotropic drugs and their affect on behavior.

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A Midwestern Doctor writes very well. You are welcom.

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Yup. That and absent fathers. I still want to know where he got the money to buy all this expensive gun and equipment...roughly about $7000 worth.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Your writing is generally solidly on point, but this is among your best pieces. Just the right balance between the absurdity and the horror of it all. Many thanks. Will spread it widely.

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Thanks doc. Appreciate it.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Excellent post. Speaking of “amplifying mass shooter events,” why was a US Army recon plane in Uvalde during the event? https://strangesounds.org/2022/05/a-us-army-recon-plane-landed-in-uvalde-before-the-shooting-and-left-just-before-the-shooter-was-killed-2.html

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They've got so many black ops, dark projects on the mind control operations going back to MKultra/ hypnosis and controlling "assets". Wouldn't surprise here either, especially with such grotesque police incompetence that perhaps was an intentional 'stand down' command.

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I believe that, Tritorch has written of these things.

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Nice. Tritorch is an animal. A real Lion.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Hans hermann hoppe. The private production of defense. Must read for anyone who owns a firearm(s) or cares about 2A issues


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it seems the only thing a LEO is good for is harassing everyday citizens with senseless speed traps and the like. Like the author says, we give these PD's enormous amounts of tax dollars to spend on military style weaponry, and for what. Just like in Parkland, when confronted with an actual madman, not some subservant unarmed regular joe, they cowher under staircases in there bulletproof vests, awiating some sort of directive, or simply because they are chicken shit and do nothing. Uvalde was especially disgusting as they tased and tackled pissed off parents with no problem, while this lunatic was shooting 5th garders like fish in a barrel. What a disgrace. Luckily the off duty agent grabbed a citizens rifle and went in on his own to take this psychopath out. What a joke. Never trust or depend on a cop, ever. They exist only to make the regular citizens life miserable. Coffee with a cop, fuck off.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Just got back from grocery store with one bag in hand and fuel for mower. Wasn’t going to bother carrying, but thought about it and brought the P365 with the 12 rd mag, 13 in all, with the spare 10 mag pocketed.

It’s not nothing; it’s not for everyone. Good on you for bringing attention to the YouTube channel ASP. It doesn’t always work out for the law abiding, but I ask myself:?would rather go down as a victim, or die trying to save lives.

It changes my mind set, having a hot gun. Awareness. Responsibility. Don’t go looking for trouble; but look, sense, think.

I look forward to #2. You responded with something which I feel is certainly worth investigating further. We’re being used by criminals: CokeImportAgency

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Great charts!

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May 30, 2022·edited May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Americans have certainly not been buying 20 million guns a year in order to give them up under any circumstances, because they know what awaits them, if they are disarmed. For latest examples, Australia and New Zealand offer appropriate references, but perhaps the artificially-created "riots" by criminals released from prison for the very purpose in the summer of 2020 might also serve as decent guidelines, especially in food riots that, due to the intentional disruption of food supply (e.g. fires in plants and the fake "bird flu," resulting in tens of millions of poultry sacrificed on the altar of mass murder) and distribution, seem to be in the works.

Of course, satellites, drones, and DEWs are now actively in service for crowd control, but they do not discriminate between the "good" and the "bad" guys, which, again, seems to serve the same purpose the whole show has been serving since early 2020.

Moreover, law-abiding citizens are more and more cornered, because even in a case of justified self-defense (as was the case with Rittenhouse), they can face endless persecution and prosecution that, eventually, can result in martial law.

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They shut down the economy, and forced many into taking kill shots. Orange Judas brags about his toxic cocktail. They allowed Antifa and BLM to burn down cities. They stole an election. They renewed the Patriot Act, they steal your tax dollars and make the MIC fat. They turn your children into trannies right before your eyes. And.......what have your guns done so far to stop this?

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Exactly! Guns are only the very last line of defence. Guns don’t kill on their own, and they also don’t protect liberties on their own.

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Posting a link to your blog is not a reply, it is a marketing attempt.

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You are right, but it also saves space here and gives readers a chance to explore my thoughts. Moreover, everything on my site is free and you couldn't send me money even if you wanted to. No, I am not paid from other sources, either, only trying to stay human as long as such a thing is still halfway possible.

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A link to your blog is not a proper response in a conversation, unless it is accompanied by additional thoughts.

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Not sure where that etiquette comes from, but some explanation could have been possibly helpful, which I usually provide and this was an exception; I took it for granted that my blog was a direct comment on the article, which it was and still is.

Funnily enough, previously, I got chided the other way around, when I copied and pasted my blog. :)

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Thanks again for such an excellent post. As usual the single cell politicians immediately pander to the other single cell virtue signaling pathetic losers that are incapable of producing a coherent well thought comment on what really is behind these mass shootings. I used to feel sorry and even a little empathy for these people. The only emotion I can muster these days for such people is revulsion. If it wasn’t for such people the fraud that is all things Covid, Green energy, Global Warming and others these things could and most likely would be stopped before they become the malignant profit making scams that are literally destroying the world and enriching the evil greedy monsters that are the perpetrators.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

If the Dems succeed on taking law-abiding Citizens guns away, will they also agree to remove their own incredibly heavy-armed security details from themselves, since they were successful in removing the inanimate-metal-attackers, & are now completely safe, as are The Citizenry.


Another Work-of-Art, Dear Sir.

Looking forward to Part duo.

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The most important question. Rules for thee but not for Pelosi's royaltee.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

You're A Poet !

And Know It !

Love Ya!


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Amazing essay, can’t wait for part 2

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Excellent use of stats and data. Evidence-based arguments. I'm old enough to remember when the MSM did so on occasion.

One comment of caution, please. Many Americans grow up in 2A communities. The safe and proper use of firearms is a family tradition. They learn that as they learn how to clean the house, take care of their own laundry, cook basic meals, and so on.

For people like myself who did not grow up in a 2A household, please get training from a qualified instructor. Invest in skills.

Whatever you might think of the NRA, for example, the NRA certified instructors typically do meet certain minimal and vital standards. Invest in basic training, and then with your own range time or new 2A community, you take the rest from there. Basic training, of course, is gun safety and maintenance, as well as hitting your target. Right?

I already sense that I am offering advice to people who are far more qualified to offer it to me. But here goes anyway. Invest in the skills, and you will be able to use a wide range of firearms. Invest just in the firearms, and maybe you can use them effectively or not. All best!

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Let me add that I am not weighing on who suffers the most from school shootings. I still have a niece (high school) and two nephews (high school - late grade school) that I hope will do some college in Europe. I won't even imagine their deaths. Please live well past my age.

But I share the concerns expressed in this discussion about how the shootings are being politicized by the same parties (people; organizations) who have been undermining both law enforcement and our Constitutional Rights.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I was not a gun owner before 2020. Stock piling now. Thanks for the Youtube ASP link.

Each of your offerings resonate with greater clarity.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Been saying to myself “Let it be, don’t go linking”…i took two plus nights this weekend to re-watch this 3.5 hour video which I can poke a hole in, but I’m engrossed with trying to see the truth of my lifetime, my parents, see the roots; this is well produced and at the very least, should make one’s fantasies scatter like cockroaches in light:


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Interesting. Will be my go-to tomorrow night. thx

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