In case you missed Part 1: “It ain’t the guns.”
As the latest current thing rolls on down the prefabricated tracks toward the intended end goals of all current things — less liberty for you and more power for the state — astroturfed groups funded by the usual global managers in joint efforts with massagers of celebrity culture are doing their part to activate the borg toward wanting more gun laws.
As always, all of it is cloaked in pretenses of safety and security and saving lives. Absolutely none of it intended to actually solve the problem, because the state is never interested in real meaningful solutions that result in improving the quality of life for citizens. A state at perpetual war with its citizens would never create problems and then provide solutions that do not make things much, much worse for those citizens, hoping to only create future opportunities for providing “solutions”.
Without chaos and disorder moving the masses through fear and apprehension the state’s power is weakened, and politicians lose the dependency of their constituents and the ability to further entrench them in self-desired subjugation, and that is precisely what more gun laws are intended to do.
In part one we exposed the fallacy of attributing mass shootings and school shootings to “assault rifles”, and firearms in general. The entire forced debate around firearms as isolated culprits, divorced from the humans that control them and their evil intentions, is meant to demonize this most effective self-defense tool and make pariahs of the law-abiding citizens who seek to exercise their constitutional right to own and carry them for protection.
This is the essence of the Anarcho-Tyranny of conservative social scientist Samuel T. Francis. A rudimentary definition: refers to armed dictatorship without rule of law, or a Hegelian synthesis when the state tyrannically or oppressively regulates citizens' lives yet is unable or unwilling to enforce fundamental protective law.
In part two we will reengage with the humans behind the carnage of these violent premeditated acts called ‘school shootings’ which occur with greater frequency. By doing so we might arrive at some combination of factors that approximate viable “causation”. This can only be done properly through well-funded research, and some of it is included here, but most of what follows is merely a Good Citizen attempt to probe for likely culprits that work in concert to contribute to this uniquely 21st century disturbing phenomenon. Concluding with a brief look at a popular “conspiracy theory” around the rise in school shootings that sufficient evidence and testimony of whistleblowers reveal may no longer be either conspiracy or theory.
Destroying The Family
Once a mere talking point of evangelicals and social conservatives, the dedicated destruction of the family unit by society and the state is one of the gravest factors contributing to so many social ills: delinquency, crime, drug addiction, mass incarceration, and poverty to name but a few.
The ongoing social and psychological research on children who come from homes with broken marriages, or single parents, is often ignored by global managers and their political stooges who are intent on destroying the one institution and indicator that ensures the greatest likelihood of future success for children — the family.
As of 2018, the poverty rate for single-mother families was 34 percent, nearly five times more than the rate of 6 percent for married-couple families.
Over 20 million children in the United States come from broken homes or live with either a single parent or relative. Of the top 10 deadliest school shooters in the U.S., all but the Columbine duo of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (watch Greg Reese’s video at the end for more on these two) came from a broken home, were adopted, or had a physically or emotionally abusive parent. According to research on common attributes of 41 school shooters, the vast majority have some domestic anomaly or dysfunction.
Vossekuil et al. found that 44% lived with both their biological parents, 19% lived with one biological parent, 19% lived with a biological parent and a step-parent, and 5% lived with a foster parent or legal guardian. These findings suggest that the majority of the offenders in their sample (63%) came from two-parent homes. However, studies have found that within offenders’ families, there is frequently a lack of supervision, low emotional closeness and intimacy, and parents having little knowledge of their children’s activities. With parents knowing little about their children’s interests, peers, and school performance, limits and boundaries are either missing or set by the children themselves.1
One Closed Down The Cuckoo's Nests

The mainstreaming of mental illness in the ‘tolerance and acceptance’ culture with which we are self-immolating allows the masses of clinically mentally ill to roam free on the streets of America. Instead of the necessary care they need, they are ignored by a callous and indifferent society who have no time for their attention or care. They are left to fall through the cracks into further unruly behavior through drug addiction, petty crimes, and at times violent and unpredictable behavior.
State mental institutions in the U.S., with a dubious history of ethical treatment, are not necessarily a solution to the rise of mass and school shootings, but it’s another factor worth considering in the totality of consequential social and cultural changes. Historically the mentally ill were locked up for their own safety, and more so for the safety of the public. Any individual who threatened violence on innocent children in the past would have at the very least been court-ordered a psychiatric evaluation and further assessment of their mental state to prevent such a destructive event from meeting innocent school children. The masses of mentally ill nomads are now convenient tools of anarcho-tyranny in blue states and cities, free to terrorize the public without consequences or legal ramifications.
The behavior of many school shooters is bathed in mental illness indicators that are often ignored or overlooked. The majority are socially isolated and mentally unstable. They have difficulty making friends and keeping them. They are often ridiculed or bullied. Many suffer from various mental disturbances and are diagnosed with one or multiple psychiatric disorders in childhood. A troubling high number are prescribed mind-altering psychotropic drugs. More on that later.
Rise of Narcissism & Nihilism
The rise of Narcisissism in the twenty-first century is well documented in the psychological research and ubiquitously present to anyone with a discerning eye for socio-cultural transformations and generational transitions. The rise of performative platforms like attention networks that allow ever-younger people to curate re-presentations of themselves in return for fleeting addictive neurological rewards has immolated previous conceptions of self and self-worth and completely altered accepted customs of social relations. This has only exacerbated the disassociation between individuals and society, in favor of living through artificial perceptions of a disconnected ‘asynchronous’ digital reality where the established order is all smoke and mirrors.
Already encumbered with the stresses of fractured families, the mind-numbing and altering pills of Big Pharma’s drug pushers, the youth of the twenty-first century have been captured by the lures of artificial and superficial technologies curated and engineered by the greatest social engineers in history who openly admit their goal is to extract attention and monetize it. This renders every individual and the totality of their public and private selves an exploitable commodity, reducing social relations further and isolating individuals onto digital islands where the only source of temporary relief from despair is to return to its very source.
Reducing “friendships” to the click of a mouse, conversations to character-limited blurbs, and human emotions to cartoonish representations or three-character abbreviations lol has completely degraded the meaning and worth of human relations. The disconnect between already unstable individuals only grows in such a society. This essence is encompassed in that sociological phrase: how we as individuals choose to live in society. That is to say, when one looks at the totality of social ills that are mainstreamed and accepted, perhaps we increasingly don’t know how to live anymore.
One of the great contemporary ills described by social theorist Theodore Dalrymple is the nihilistic, decadent, and self-destructive behavior of people who do not know how to live. Both the smoothing over of this behavior and the medicalization of the problems that emerge as a corollary of this behavior are forms of indifference. Society accepts this behavior instead of patiently and with an understanding of the particulars of the case telling them that they have to live differently.
Altering Minds
As with all of the Big Pharma agenda, the rise of SSRI (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) prescriptions for adolescents in the 1990s, was not rooted in science or research but in greed and avarice. These powerful psychotropic drugs create dependency. They numb the thoughts and feelings and limit our beautiful wide range of human emotions so that individuals cannot feel any joy or euphoria with the aim of eliminating sadness and oft-misdiagnosed depression. They cause suicidal ideation, and aggressive behaviors including homicidal ideation. That millions of American children have been prescribed these drugs is one of the greatest medical tragedies in a very long growing list of tragedies inflicted on the population by “science” and “medicine”.

State Operations [Mind Control]
The CIA and Pentagon have been engaged in psychological and human behavioral research since the 1950s. The CIA’s infamous MK-ULTRA program sought to manipulate individuals using advanced hypnosis techniques and overt mind control. The operations ranged from experimenting on subjects under the influence of mind-altering “truth serum” drugs like LSD to psychological interrogation to repetitive extermination of hypnosis techniques on civilians and military personnel. The ultimate aim was to see if an individual could be “remote-controlled” and made to engage in behavior by diminishing or eliminating their moral or ethical boundary to move them to carry out a violent act they normally would never consider.
The experimentation wasn’t limited to adults. According to Jon Rappoport, a program that included children was operational from 1948 to the 1990s, though he admits it may never have ceased.2

The common links between school shooters:
Broken families; Single-parent homes; Abusive Parents; Neglected by parents
Fatherless homes
Epidemics of Narcissism and Nihilism (1990s - Present)
Copycat desires from “celebrity” culture and media glorification
Psychotropic drug dependency (SSRIs)
Isolated “lone wolf” psychological profiles
Bullied and harassed by peers, or outright ignored (social isolation) was reported in 80%
Premeditation with a dedication to studying past shooters, their manifestos, and logistical efforts
History of abuse, online threats, verbal threats to carry out the act 60%
*Percentages from Characteristics of school shooting incidents
All of the above is ignored by authorities with mass surveillance operations against healthy law-abiding citizens. When considering the FBI conducted 3.4 million unconstitutional warrantless searches of American citizens’ online behavior in a single year, one has to wonder what the hell they’re really searching or “investigating”?
Is it possible they’re actively seeking out youth around the country who check all the boxes of “future school shooters” and then doing absolutely nothing to prevent them from obtaining the weapons needed to carry out the act? The FBI has long been the Federal Bureau of Incitement, and January 6th last year only cemented this legacy for this useless federal secret police organization.
Where was the FBI to stop the latest school shooter? The Uvalde, Texas shooter checked all the above boxes and had a laundry list of red flags that were ignored. He openly bragged about shooting up a school, about accumulating an arsenal for the job. Hell, his Wendy’s drive-thru colleagues gave him the nickname ‘school shooter’.
If the aim of gun control is to go after law-abiding citizens and to outright desecrate the second amendment, which Papa Dementia (the executive puppet installed through a rigged election by global managers) openly admitted this past week was “not absolute”, then more mass shootings and school shootings would be the most effective method of assimilating the mindless borg to this latest “current thing” and its prescribed solution to disarm law-abiding Americans.
That a government at war with its own citizens across multiple fronts would not engineer actions, intentionally ignore red flags, and push individuals to commit these atrocities with greater frequency and viciousness cannot be ruled out.
In fact, a cursory examination of shadow government efforts to terrorize the population in service of already-written legislation that needs an event as justification to jam through into law reveals that the state likely has played a role in many of these mass shooting events.
The other roles are always dutifully performed by the other actors in these absurd tyrannical dramas. Astroturfed groups funded by the usual oligarch tyrants rally the mindless borg through performative attention network symbolic action to “influence” the unthinking influenceable masses. The corporate-state media amplifies hysteria and limits the narrative to firearm demonization and the elimination of law-abiding citizens’ constitutional rights in order to “save the children”.
If there’s anyone that needs saving across all of these Silent War fronts, it’s the citizens from the tyranny of the illegitimate perpetual police state that seeks to disarm them. The perpetual police state knows full well which tools can best perform this indispensable “saving” duty on behalf of resolute citizens.
The United States is the last holdout on the global manager’s map of an armed citizenry. As their Agenda 2030 timeline moves closer and accelerates, look for more mass shootings and school shootings to assist their aim of desecrating one of the wisest and most necessary amendments bestowed by the founding fathers: “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.
— Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787
The Great Greg Reese Connects the dots on School Shootings from Columbine to the Present:
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I’m glad that you brought up fatherless homes. The mainstream attack on men and traditional masculine values has profound and insidious consequences throughout our whole society. I would argue that many of our problems are a result of the overfeminization of our culture.
Got here late, once again; notwithstanding that I will highlight a few of the kernels of “shocking” wisdom in your well aimed bullseye piece:
The paragraph near the end: “That a government at war with its citizens…”
This is the crux of the situation. If anyone doubts the truth (and pervasive., ongoing) statements about MK-Ultra check out Bitchute or your favorite alternative channel, type in MK Ultra, hit search and get ready to get mad. (And I do not mean simply angry…)
William Cooper
Dr. Peter Breggin
And/or type in some of the schools:
Sandy Hook
Final point for now: is it not gruesome irony that our current Regime is using these tactical “tragedies” to the endgame strategy of disarmament of the population at the same time as they send billions to arm one of the most corrupt governments on Earth? Why?