Reading this article I couldn't help but think it was describing most politicians, apart from defacing art.

The world will never please them. It will never fill the inadequacies they feel inside, the lack of connection to the lives of others.

Such individuals dream of imposing their power and their different experiential manner upon their environment and their society.

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Which explains why the only things they accomplish further destroy our country. They never fix anything.

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I'm struck by two perspectives.

One is that politicians (not to be confused with statesmen, leaders and role models) have ALWAYS been self serving narcissistic pampered spoiled little brats that would be best served with a few swats and some time alone in a room to think about what they've done. [Our conundrum is that we've have duped ourselves into giving them the keys instead of making them do their chores.]

Secondly, I am amazed that we as a society have been lulled into tolerating, not only the petulant children of the woketopian green cult, but that we don't speak up against their benevolent benefactors. This, "let them have their tantrum, it will pass" passive mindset is not how a healthy society improves.

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Unfortunately, there are some powerful people who find this kind of misplaced anger useful, so the institutions those powerful people control tolerate and even encourage these socially harmful tantrums.

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Please say it loudly: It's the KM and their Banksters! They hate everything, including themselves.

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Woke college kids. The kind who join or idolize Antifa.

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Maybe it is an Antifa initiation thing! Like to get into a cult or a gang. I'm just theorizing here.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

This current art defacement does not make sense. The man on the right has a backpack. Any major gallery is checking for liquids and more at the entrance. If I recall, backpacks are not allowed in. These galleries also have cameras everywhere. How do these people get in? And how are they not stopped after the first spritz of spray paint? Surely other patrons are apt to yell when the spraying and splashing begins.

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There's definitely the stench of state collusion.

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The backpack, the spray paint, and even their shoes are made from petroleum products. They probably took a bus to the museum. Useful idiots role playing "Captain Planet", while helping ensure their own future slavery.

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Because the gallery owners are in on it.

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Nee nee nee nee / Nee nee nee nee ...

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but… monsanto is pretty evil yeah? I know it’s a minor detail, but I am very against GMO food for profit margins in the same way I’m against GMO humans. Sometimes the lines feel a little blurry, because I’m against the climate change narrative, but also insane mega corporations…

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Same here.

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Feel you, the thing is that the original "greens" have been coopted. It started in Germany and happened very much along the lines described in Ponerology.

I have written up some thoughts about what happened here: https://luctalks.substack.com/p/how-the-new-left-turned-our-sacred

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Activists or advocates: ppl w/o real jobs who live to complain

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"Ev'rybody's Drivin' in a BMW, Nobody's got a job..." Swamp Dawg?

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Or Ive heard :” 200 dalla sneakas and i havent gotta job”

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They get triggered at Jordan Peterson because he won't play make believe when they tell him to and advises them to clean their rooms. They don't wanna.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

“The activism of political agitators can be traced back to their own private motives”: you mean barack obama?

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

If only these young and willing climate activists -lolz- would come and ask me what to protest about... Id give em tasks which, if they would do them, would not be televized

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Stop oil = Communism. Same old bunch of jealous psychopaths.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Love the cross-pollinating ecosystem you guys build here 🤩 Sustainable & undefaceable 😉

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I dont think "The only people who will respond positively are those with similar psychology: alienated, resentful, destructive, paranoid, narcissist, and potentially psychopathic," because that describes Normies, and they probably see the vandalism as entertainment...

And i think authors of most of the sites i subscribe to are agitators / activists...

There's something about the post i just cant put my finger on - and it's not digging up, and citing Laswell's opinion...

(Made me recall the psychologising of the student rebels cc 1964, occupying a university dean's office, photographed sitting in the dean's chair - "usurping the Father's place "(Freud)

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Never mind of course that the dreadfully sane normies were/are all enthusiastic supporters of the two most destructive cults in recent American history; namely the Tea Party movement and of course the psychotic-all-the-way-down MAGA cult inspired by the Trumpen-fuhrer.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Why can't these activitsts do something productive, like turn an abandoned building into a homeless shelter, or a golf course into Martha's Vineyard?

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Productivity isn't in their programming.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

If they simply removed these glued people from the object onto which they are attached by force, that would go a long way in deterring that particular tactic.

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I saw them do that to one guy who glued himself to the pavement. Let's just say he didn't leave entirely intact!

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Since they can't go anywhere, the solution is to setup a live feed to the internet and hire knowledgeable people to debate their irrational positions for whatever time it takes for them to publicly admit how wrong they are. It would go a long way to educating any sympathizers and discouraging future miscreants, shine a bright light on their lack of critical thinking.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

And because their parents did such a great job raising and looking out for them. 🙄

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Regarding Roger Hallam’s red hot poker this is obligatory:


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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

If you'll pardon my imposition, I'd like to elaborate on the true problems of the world, for, as I like to say, when a power vacuum exists (as in this present clown world), everything around sucks.

The Ballad of Lesser Shitstain

Once the idol of the world

Jack of union’s flight unfurled

Crowns anointed and set-pearled

Circling the bowl you swirled

Empire finds the drain

Eton snobs without a brain

Stupid slobs bring but pain

Welcome to lesser shitstain

And, please, please, please don't forget to give them all a shotgun enema before the gallows.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

There is a good number of shotgun enemas needed, so everyone should load up on 12 gauge ammo ASAP. The time is near.

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