Ah--if only it were true. Well, it is true that all "good" things come to an end, and it does seem to me that the pendulum is beginning to swing away from the "woke" and back towards the place the rest of us live. Can Only hope I live long enough to see it get there.
Ah--if only it were true. Well, it is true that all "good" things come to an end, and it does seem to me that the pendulum is beginning to swing away from the "woke" and back towards the place the rest of us live. Can Only hope I live long enough to see it get there.
Ah--if only it were true. Well, it is true that all "good" things come to an end, and it does seem to me that the pendulum is beginning to swing away from the "woke" and back towards the place the rest of us live. Can Only hope I live long enough to see it get there.