Apr 19·edited Apr 19Pinned

To those curious about the consequences of an empty house and senate in times of conflict, one solution could be bringing in bonobos to fill those seats until their duty is done overseas. If they return in a coffin then hold snap elections to fill seats. I assure you nothing more catastrophic could befall the nation with monkeys in stead of present officials. Thanks for reading.

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Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen

(In my best Barry White voice:) Right On.

I am so sick of war, death, the pissed-away treasure and humanity!

This s#!t gets OLD.


Funny how ideologies change. Back in The Day progs were all about peace, and love dove. Now they are the war mongers.

Maybe the world would be better off with a nuclear holocaust. Please, lord, let me be at Ground Zero.

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Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen

well written well intentioned but totally unnecessary. Just repeal the 16 and 17th amendment. ANd repeal the federal reserve act.

The 28th should say... "hereby the 16 and 17th are repealed" thats it. None of this war mongering nanny, totalitarian police state nonsense would exist if it werent for the income tax and the central bank criminal counterfeiting cartel.

Frank Chodorov said it best " the root of all evil"


The creature from Jekyl Island about the federal reserve


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Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen

Nice thoughts GC, but I doubt such an amendment of this nature would ever get approved ---particularly by a government that has a history of totally ignoring the constitution as is. In my opinion, it has been far too long since the tree of freedom was watered, and as we all can see it has withered away. That is what it is going to take to save this constitutional republic. A famous general once said that all wars are banker's wars, and another famous general told the American people to beware of the growing influence of the MIC---now expanded to MICIMATT by another cold warrior who was not a general. Well founded observations and warnings that were totally disregarded by the people, so a giant leech came into being that has sucked this nation dry. Yes there is a large number of just regular folks (quite possibly a majority) who have had it with what is going on in DC, but are they fed up enough to take control of this government for/of/ and by the people back. Stay tuned, the next episode should be very interesting

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What a beautiful dream.

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Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen

I saw an excerpt from a speech today MTG made where she said...we do not want the american economy be based on blood and dead bodies . we want a real america first economy. I was stunned knowing the jews have her prisoner.

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Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen


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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Good Citizen

I support the principle, but sigh at the innocence. Change will not happen through words on paper, only by fruit hanging from lampposts.

If we had politicians that would implement these rules AND follow them, we wouldn't need the rules in the first place. Such rules only end up hindering those that were moral enough that they shouldn't be hindered by rules with a war for survival at stake. An example of such rules not hindering those it is most meant to hinder might be the Trojan War, where Agamemnon was forced to sacrifice his daughter in order to motivate the rest of Greece to go to war. In our case, I'm sure every congresscritter would suddenly have some immigrant adopted into their family to do menial labor around the house, until they can sell their vote for war and throw their "son" into the bonfire outside the Lincoln Memorial.

Our "leaders" are already figureheads, with the real shot callers off the stage, insulated by several layers of ever being held accountable. Implementing such an amendment wouldn't lead to our current leaders being afraid of going to war, it would lead to a replacement of them by leaders who would be willing to make that sacrifice.


"The only aspect that matters is acknowledging the existence of a “cabal” in the pursuit of individual psychological and spiritual liberation from its perceived omnipotence."

I've done a lot of research on this as well, and the best I can come up with is an analogy that mostly works to roughly predict outcomes. The cabal is like a megacorporation, with lots of departments and subsidiaries. The big difference is that regular corporations' rules are enforced by an outside entity, the government. So this megacorp has a board of directors, of a sorts, but no real way for them to force each other to follow the written rules (because if there are any, it's like the Pirates Code: "more a set of guidelines than actual rules.")

So you get competing interests who might cockblock another department simply because they are competing over the same budget, or because the VP of one banged anothers' mistress, or whatever. Also, orders tend to get intentionally mistranslated and forgotten, depending upon actual power relationships and ability to actually FORCE someone to do something.

BoD sends down a directive: "it is of the UTMOST importance that we paint all walls blue!"

VP 5 levels down: "I am a loyal servant, so of course I shall hire a consultant who just happens to be my BiL who'll kick a bit back to me, who I'm sure will recommend a certain painter of his (more kickbacks) who will then repaint the wall the same shade of red it is now and call it blue on the invoice because that's the motherfucking color I like."

Look out if everyone on the BoD is on the same page though, as they can still make shit happen. Biggest example: Covid response being rolled out in virtually every nation worldwide, all operating on the same playbook. But for most other things, intra-cabal competition is the rule.

“The Soviets are our adversary. Our enemy is the Navy.”

— Air Force General Curtis LeMay

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Thank you for the mention, and more importantly, for the outstanding review of our Forever War history. Although I see no chance of anything like your Amendment being adapted anytime soon, it certainly provides a roadmap for the future we should be working towards. I will return the favor of a mention with a brief follow-up post of my own on NATO.

Most Americans -- and I think, most Europeans -- do not realize that NATO has abandoned all pretense to being a Defensive Alliance. Their own statements make this explicit. NATO now claims the right to intervene pre-emmptively and globally in response to any crisis or *potential crisis in the political, economic, information, and "climate change" spheres.

We have what the Irish politician Clare Daly calls a "slow rolling coup." The NATO nations are being committed to a FOREVER WAR agenda which none of their citizens voted for, and for which there was no public debate or discussion -- let alone a referendum.

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I am in a unique position to be mature enough to understand all of that history of the war machine. I have first hand experience having an uncle and also made at least several friends that are Vietnam vets. But, the most relevant position currently is that I have a 17 year old son. I had him when I was 40. We are of no staus or wealth (there will be higher education though even if I have to live in my car) so he would be snatched up in a minute by the military if there was a mandate. I have been telling my son for years to never participate in this war machine and he believes in me but what if they start a draft? I might be more terrified by all the stuff they inject our soliers with than I am the bombs.

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Ted Pike and his ole lady told the truth. Many people have.

Virtually every difficult and tainted issue we face is a jewish construct. How could we have been so complacent and stupid?

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This is a great post, GC, but no amendment to that, "Scrap of paper", as the imbecile Dubya Bush deemed it is going to pull our buns out of the fire. The most important part of it, the Bill of Rights, should be called the Bill of Wipes and printed on rolls of toilet paper for all the protections it gives the American slaves. Where was it during the Covid scamdemic? If the Bill of Rights was really respected and adhered to, the swine would have never been able to pull off that monstrous, criminal fraud. But they did. As far as all of the plethora of branches and groups of the world matrix goes, I find it convenient to refer to them all as the Synarchy. They all ultimately have the same daddy. If the con-artist-servative Marjorie Taylor Greene did have an affair with that tantric sex guru. he put it in "her" bunghole as that bitch is a male to female, transsexual androgyne. You'd be hard pressed to find even one of the ruling class sycophants of either alleged gender who is not one of those pervert, freaks. "The Jews sell at cut prices as many dreams as you wish." - Juvenal

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

We only keep needing more amendments because the previous amendments are being ignored. We only keep needing more rules and laws because the previous rules and laws are being ignored. How about 40 or 50 amendments? Another 5,000 laws? Will anything change? No.

The system of government (any government) was created by man and it is a constant failure. Therefore, more government of any kind is not the answer. History is replete with thousands of examples.

The solution may be to go where few men have gone before...that world is available to us all but it is hidden from us while we are cosmically and psychologically asleep. We must become aware and awake...live in the world but not be a part of it.

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This article deserves two great big 👍👍. In a perfect world, you would be “king for a day” and most-likely longer if you could overthrow the largest organized mafia mob in the world known as the US Government.

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Isn't it amazing that people are unable to see how a small group of people use money and "free people" to conduct world affairs such as war, political destruction, and mass corporate takeovers in order to enrich both their ego and their wallet!

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I wasnt lecturing anyone. And you’ve proved my point. The cockraoches are flushed out into the light

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