9 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

This is simply brilliant! You are a storyteller in the ancient tradition of the bards.

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Thank you Gwyneth. 🙏🏼

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Personally, I think they've selected Trump. The author of "The Art of the Deal" has cut a deal to stay out of jail. All he has to do is lead America's sons to bleed out on the sands of Iran. Once again, the US of A will do Israel's bidding. Remember that shortly after 9/11, Netanyahu stood in front of Congress and delivered Israel's wish list: regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Iran.

TPTB have tipped their hand with CBS' ambush interviews of the Democrats over the weekend. Walz and Harris, like Biden in the June debate, were brought on stage to be humiliated and then discarded. Couple this with the Coolest Man on Earth Who Also Wants to Implant a Chip in your Brain's enthusiastic endorsement of Trump, and I would put a substantial amount of cash money on Trump to get the W next month.

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I agree, mostly. He appears to have been tapped again to help sell a variety of agendas to conservatives who never would fall in line otherwise. Greater chaos would ensue and they could use him to take the fall for many calamities as well, even the collapse of the dollar. Naming Larry Fink as treasury secretary? Might as well install Gates at the CDC, Mr. Crickets at the FDA, Alexa at the NSA and Dr. Strangelove as Secretary of Defense. More on all this soon.

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If chaos and the destruction of the US is the goal, then Trump's presidency would definitely do the trick. Blue states would riot, and this time the hardened criminal migrants would lend a big hand to the soy-fed Antifa army. Enjoy the few weeks of peace that we have left.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Yes. On other hand if they do the midnight ballot dumps and vote switching, and swing states find hundreds of thousands of illegals and corpses voted for the chained lady, and the results weren't announced for two weeks to increase the temperature even more, would that be the final piece of tinder to kick off the civil war psyop? Either canditdate will do what they're told with FP. War with Iran could come from either, though Trump appears hellbent on selling his Zionist masters his bonifides on that front. Either will gladly continue the sacrifice of another million slav Gentiles in Khazaria for the real owners of the executive. I suppose it all depends on their domestic goals for engineered chaos and destruction. Pinning a financial catastrophe (monetary calamity) and national bankruptcy on Trump, and whole host of other engineered tricks beyond weather warfare could be in the cards. But then he has to pretend to care about the southern border and actually stop the millions of fifth collumnists, which he could pretend to do by switching to "legal" immigration where he pins a green card to Paco and Mumbakatumbo's associate degrees. In the end, no matter the outcome, it's all prepared theater and the American people will lose again. When will they get tired of it?

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3 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Once upon a time, there was a man named Rush Limbaugh. He predicted that at the time of Collapse [aka the Death of the Dollar and Bankruptcy of Social Security] that The Powers the Be would choose a non-traditional president to preside over said collapse. That way, neither of the political parties would be damaged by the fallout.

Trump fits the bill.

However, with his ego, you have to wonder... will he be OK with going down in history as the man who presided over the collapse of the USA? He might tell those in charge that he agrees to their plan, but he might do something entirely different. Only time will tell.

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He's the man for the CBDC sales job. Wipe out $100 trillion in accounts and entitlements and sell digital shackles. It'll be conservatives, libertarians and independents who need to be sold. "Dont worry about your retirement. It's gonna be tremendous, this new Fedcoin, it's truly something spectacular. We built it in record time, they couldn't believe we'd do something so fast, they said Trump, he can't do it in weeks, and we did it and it's working and it's just tremendous and the people love it, they tell me how much they love getting their UBI."

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3 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Earlier in the year, I was in the Caribbean. Hurricane country.

They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cash there.

Why? They know what happens when there is no power for weeks or months, or the web goes down.

Right now, thousands in the US, if not tens of thousands, know what happens when there is no power. They know they need cash.

They might try to sell this, but I'm not sure who will be buying.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

limpbaugh was a fat draft dodging drug addict and a servant to the jews. he dies with 700 million. not once did he and hannity put together couple of 100 million and declare lawfare on the white hating communists. being they are mostly jews they sue the suicidal fake right every chance they get

limbaugh was an insider and his predictions about the dollar was easy being while the US serves israel bombing and sanctioning over half the world an idiot would know most of the world would get out of the dollar domination

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The Orange Moonchild has certainly been selected, although this time I believe (based also on what is written in the stars) that it is for martyrdom purposes

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Disagree. The selection of Harris is necessary for the completion of the communist takeover of the country. They have come too far to give up power now. Have you seen the unedited clips of the Harris interview that did not air? They will throw Trump in jail and then Epstein him.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Is it by happenstance that M76, the little dumbbell nebula, is in the area? Greek mythology could have been invented in a million different ways. Why did they pick this one?

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Haha, great observation. Are we sure there is also no dingbat or bird brain nebula nearby?

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9 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Magnificent thank you. I am sorry I’m not in a position to pay, yet, cos you really deserve it.

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No worries. Thanks for the kind words.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

I am in despair now....I had faint hope..but now? None.

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Don't despair Duchess. The more they expose the rigged farce to millions the sooner this rotten system comes crashing down.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

But the total destructi9n of the IDEA 9f America will be gone in four years,,,then darkness f9r centuries

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I think we've had darkness for centuries (maybe even millennia?) it's just been packaged for our perceptions as something else - false gods, myths, origin stories, fake science, enlightenment, democracy, liberty. Everything is energy and frequencies, and they need people hopeless and desperate because it emanates a feeding frenzy life force for the darkness. Stay away. No politician will ever provide anything for you so don't become hopeless because they're corruptible contemptable beings who lack integrity and virtues - that's why they are chosen. It's a planned dead end. Post tenebras lux.

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Phenomenal piece, GC. Kackala Harris is a communist Tranny and Springsteen is a Dutch Jew Communist, typical of the scum whose wealth insulates him from the destructive and perverted anti-White policies he always espouses. I think the gods the ancients revered so much but could never quite appease, and who derived great satisfaction from inflicting pain, misery, and suffering on mortals, are one and the same entities the Gnostics wrote so much about. The Archons, henchmen of the Demiurge. Creator and lord of this material Hell.

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Thanks HD. Springsteen, such a sad sad man the past...decade. Once "artists" became captured by demons, forced to prostrate themselves for political bowel movements, everything went to hell. I don't believe they believe what they're saying. Not for a second. They have to have all these chosen platinum performers under some kind of blackmail/extortion guillotine. There's no such thing as money for nothing and the chicks for free.

Speaking of Archons and Demiurge, you may find this Substack piece (+writer) enjoyable.


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You are more than welcome, GC, and right on target as always. There is nothing organic about success in the music/entertainment industry (I include politics under entertainment). The ones on top are not there because millions of people buy their music and flock to their concerts. Quite the opposite. Millions of people buy their music and flock to their shows because they are on top. They are placed there by the Jews' multi-billion dollar promotion, marketing, and public relations machine, and the Jews own them lock, stock, and barrel, like you would own a dog, cat, or horse. (or politician). Years ago I communicated with a lady friend who lived in Colorado. Both being fanatical bibliophiles, we connected through our love of books. We discussed anything and everything. She told me that even though the surname, Springsteen, is an ancient Dutch name, over the centuries it has been adopted by the Jews to the extent that they possess a virtual monopoly on it now. I remarked that is similar to the Germanic surname, Rosenberg. An ancient German name co-opted by chameleon Jews to such a degree that anyone hearing of someone with that name will reflexively think, Jew. Keep punching, Brother, and thank you much for the link.

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It all makes sense in that context.

Why do you think they let Diddy Doggie off the leash and threw him to the wolves? He kept his racket going for 25 years, working with the feds, and his Jewish handlers (Mossad), getting all the filth on tape, using the kiddies, breaking in the young popstars without vaseline, but tossing him under the bus only makes sense if he was going to squeal to send a message to their other Dogs to stay in the Kennel and keep providing material (tapes) on a regular basis. Perhaps he wasn't careful enough and too many leaks in the ship forced them to scuttle it?

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There are many reasons why the Yids will suddenly throw one of their perverted pets under the bus. You bring up some excellent ones. I've always thought one of them is to foster the illusion for the Goyim that there is justice and the System works. It doesn't. Let me qualify that. It does for those demonic scumbags.

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The illusion of a republic requires the illusion of choice requires the illusion of justice and functional institutions. Well said.

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And the masters of illusion and deception are the Chozen Pipple. Well said by you, Brother.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

A small anecdote that will show you how interwoven things are.

Take a look at this company and this designer:


The name "Tribe" is not coincidental. The principal is a Khazarian.

Note the people he was worked with. He mentions "Michelle Obama." He also did the stage production for the 2008 Democratic convention. He's very involved with the DNC, and has done numerous Super Bowl Halftimes and concert tours.

Notice how politics and entertainment are seamlessly woven together

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Haha "Tribe". Quite a collection of entertainment deviants they've compiled. Even the stage image in the 'about' section looks like Baphomet.

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This is someone I've spoken to many times in a previous occupation.

During C0VID, I watched a 5 hour program by the winner of X Files Australia about freemasonry. The higher ups are Luciferians.

I immediately thought of this guy.

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"There's no such thing as money for nothing and the chicks for free."

Please don't tell me Mark Knopler too has sunk to such low levels?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoAuthor

I don't think so, but I haven't checked. It's hard keeping up. Anyone in the spotlight who doesn't prostrate themselves for demons has my total respect. I guess that's how low the bar is for respect now days.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Eric Clapton? 🙏

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Amen Spek. Van Morrison, Roger Waters, and Ian Brown. It's possible Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington werent' playing ball either and were on to something with the Kiddie trafficking in Paedowood.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

Did I just catch some clips from some stupid teen summer movie? Man! That's scary stuff.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Good Citizen

this reminds me of an old Greek proverb.....you must never leave your friends behind

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Kamala Harris. The cosmological foot and mouth disease personified. No matter how you spell it.

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Wow, what a post!! Brilliant, eye-opening. Sounds insane, so pretty likely.

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Brilliant. Further proof we are being celestially pranked on a quite profound level. What other choice but to find a way to Enjoy The Show?

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