Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

JFC! What else can you say to all this destruction of our food security? MF's!

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Have you looked into jumbo cotournix quail? Apparently you can farm them in a closet

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Not to be a bleeding heart shitlib, but you probably haven't read this? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/157974.That_Quail_Robert.

I have not yet "harvested" my own meat, though I do intend to have chickens and hunt deer and elk. I'm full of sentiment and brutality. Human nature or just another bipolar woman, or is that redundant? I haven't even had any whiskey. Guess I am feeling like the shit is really hitting the fan and TGC is pulling back the curtain.

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lol I will check it out. I get it. I have chickens but haven't harvested one of them yet. I watched a YouTube video where he dispatched quail using scissors. Apparently easier than chickens because you can just peel the skin and feathers off rather than defeathering them. But if I get hungry enough it's gonna happen. I have one chicken that hasn't laid since Sept she's going to be the first to be soup

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You don't have any fryers? Come on... get it together. Lol

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They’re dual purpose

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Don't miss out on the good stuff...u

Cornish Cross and their associated hybrids are extremely favored when it comes to raising your own chickens for meat purposes.

They are capable of reaching a weight of 12 lbs in a mere 6-8 weeks of time. Because of their excellent growth rate they are the most preferred choice among the commercial meat producers and among backyard breeders.

The Cornish Cross also grows faster and tastes better than dual-purpose chicken breeds. It is also preferred over the breeds that are used only for meat purposes. Because of their super-fast pace of growth, the activity level of the Cornish Cross is very low.

These chickens have broad breasts, large thighs, and legs, with an enriched yellow skin which makes them perfect for the dinner table.

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Not yet.

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I’m not hungry enough


But if it’s between that and eating the gmo bugs I’m gonna contraband clandestine quail it up in here

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If ever you needed a clue who will survive their future, look no further than those they demonize or try to scare.

This is the one thing the corporate media is good for.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

1971 we bought an old farmstead on the Eastern Shore of VA, between Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic. Neighbor stored straw for his cows in our barn. He paid with the creamiest, freshest raw milk. He just raised calfs for auction. He told me, that Federal Inspectors had driven him out of his 30+ year milk business; as they did to another, who took the other option available: Perdue chicken.

You became indentured to Perdue or Tyson, both of which had large (stinky) processing plants in this skinny strip of land. You put down your only money, Perdue built you a metal building with all the newest things to receive 20k 3-day old biddies. They had weighed the semi before delivery. Six weeks later they showed up at night, turned on red lights to calm the birds, and four guys walked through calmly picking up two in each hand then tossing them to the catch & crater on the back of the truck, who would catch them two in each hand and stuff them into a crate which held 12, close the lid for the stackers. The truck was weighed again at the plant. The farmers got a percentage of how much weight gain vs food, electricity, water, heat and then of course their interest payments due. Just enough to keep a small family going and if you were young and ambitious then The Company would set you up with another house or two of 20k chicks.

Long comment to illustrate the indentured servant system being forced on people years ago: regulators forcing quitting a generational livelihood to become indebted to stay on your own land _ which also opened up lots of fertile fields for large Agribusiness to pull the same type stuff for soybeans.

Their seeds, their fertilizer, their herbicide, their pesticides.

Those days the chicken feed was full of antibiotics and growth hormones. Agribusiness technology has a bad track record. The fires were lit. They had small planes crash on plants. Vegan maybe?

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Incredible story. The number of family farms has fallen the past century to a trickle. Soon there will be none.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Just for a bit of a ray. Many pacifist Hutterites migrated from Prussian areas early 20th century. They live semi-communal, split when the number gets too high, use modern equipment, and have succeeded.

Many to northern US, then branched up to Canada. Fort Pitt Farm left their original group, congenially. This young woman vlogs: watch some of their work: refreshing:


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Beautiful. Simple, down to earth. Very refreshing.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Her first mistake was calling the state of OR for help and expecting anything to make sense, be reasonable or fair.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Exactly. She learned a lesson. I saw another guy on YouTube who went through something similar weeks ago. https://youtu.be/r-mwVxcl49M

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Notice he says bird flu killed his flock not the .gov killed his flock 🤡

I have backyard chickens. I’m not gonna tell the .gov if I suspect avian influenza (I don’t for the record they are perfectly healthy because I give them lots of space and high quality food). Still free ranging them

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Avian influenza? Does that translate to the government murdered them and told me not to have chickens?

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Good Citizen another 🎯

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Why would you call the state for any reason (about animals)?

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Yeah, you'd have to be. 😏

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TexBat I feel for her but if you raise chickens, how does one not know of that disease?

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Hers were geese. Pets that roamed her property that she let mix with wild birds. Then she called the state of OR for help which is like calling an arsonist when your home is on fire.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

That’s what’s so funny about the chicken community. There are plenty of shitlibs who love chickens but also lots of normal people who want to raise their own food. OP is a shitlib who got her eyes opened. There were other shitlibs defending the .gov in the thread but plenty of people who wondering what the hell she was expecting getting the .gov involved

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Shitlib great word , placed in my regular vocabulary today. 😉

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Could it be fellow good citizens that we suffer from our own cognitive biases. Ther doesnt have to be conspiracies for all of these things to be happening. 100 years or progressivism, inflation , foreign interventionism, growth of the state ; this is enough.

These people arent smart or talented enough to orchestrate all of this

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They orchestrated a global plandemic doc. Moderna's (Gates) 1 in 3 trillion odds of same furin cleavage site patent filed four years before the virus was released. A few fires and leaking some H5N8 into the bird population while faking more positive tests is easy work, child's play, monkeys could do it.


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You very well could be right. I’m completely open to the idea that this was all planned. I just don’t really think that’s the case. Research of the kind that was done at Wuhan is actually virology research that has been done all over the world ostensibly for good reasons. Virologists routinely experiment with the genetic make up of viruses and bacteria to try to produce better medicines and better vaccines. Human insulin is mass produced using a recombinant E. coli bacteria normally found in the human intestine. This bacteria was genetically modified using a virus to “infected” with the human gene for insulin. And now this modified bacteria produces bio identical human insulin for human use. This has been a huge benefit to millions of people. But sadly scientists have also done this research to produce weaponized germs. One can use knowledge of nuclear fission to create a power plant for clean electricity or one could use it to make a bomb.

It’s very possible that the Wuhan lab research was being done ostensibly for altruistic reasons. Tony Fauci et. al. possibly thought the research was too important to allow US lawmakers to ban it so they found a way to get it done in China. Tony Fauci might’ve been in this entirely for the glory. Maybe he wanted to win a Nobel prize? But if you’re experimenting with a chemistry set in your basement and your goal is to help humanity and you blow up your neighborhood and kill people that’s on you and it’s your fault. And then if you lie about it that makes you a criminal.

If you read Mises book “Bureacracy”

Much of what we are experiencing right now is described. Just like the Soviet union collapsed under the weight of its own bureacracy and inefficiencies so to now is our country. One does not need to resort to theories of some cabal of globalists intent on enslaving humanity. It’s far less glamorous and makes for less dramatic substack posts but it’s far more plausible that we’re just witnessing the natural outcome of 100 years of progressive bureacratic state growth, Fiat money, foreign adventurism, nanny state welfare programs, corporate cronyism and more.

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This is not correct. This work was done by Baric labs in North Carolina. When regulations got in the way Baric and Fauci used Daszak to move it to the WIV. You don't do this type of research without funding. Fauci controls the funding.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

It's probably AI.

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Now if the VAX was in fact engineered to intentionally to kill people . I could see it being done for this reason: the financial system of the Western world is done for. Most Western gov , the US especially are completely broke and all the fiat currencies in the world are worthless. By killing millions of people especially older and sicker people, the Western govenrnments would no longer be on the hook for pension and welfare and medicare obligations. It would be like a giant nature given bailout.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen


We Exist In Every Kind

Anger is a funny thing, not very healthy to hold within. But Righteous anger, I reckon, is another ball of wax. It's how ya use it, I guess.

Long long ago I saw a film about an Indonesian man in a small village. He was the town's 'shaman', possessing healing gifts too.

An American film crew was doing the investigation. The lead American was a bit ham-fisted in his approach toward the shaman, un-gently & ungainly disbelieving. Pushing the small-stature shaman about, constantly checking his hands to see if he was palming some ignition device.

The shaman was dressed in his Country's normal attire, sandals, loose-fitting long pants, & a button-down short sleeve shirt with collar.

The shaman often giggled happily by the pushy & unduly doubting American, as he handled him somewhat roughly. Holding his arms outstretched to allow American scrutiny.

The shaman balled up pieces of paper, dropped them on the ground, placed his hands over the paper without touching paper, concentrated hard, & set them aflame. He demonstrated other techniques, that I cannot clearly remember.

Upon interview the shaman explained in broken English that he gets his Power, what sounded to me, from daily meditation & the lower chakra system.

(The Ancients didn't name that bone 'sacred' fer nuthin').

The American wanted the shaman to perform something 'big', but the shaman demurred, saying something on the order of, 'This practice requires caution.'

The American, now thinking, he had 'proved' his disbelieving thesis, stood smug.

The shaman, not wanting the American to leave unseeing, & therefore disbelieving, said/pointed to him to place his palm just below the shaman's naval/waistband.

The American held it there for 2-3 seconds, then tore it away quickly, screaming 'ouch', & examined his own palm, as one would to check for injury.

The shaman giggled.


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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I think you may have missed a couple of bird cullings in Indiana this year.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Lather, rinse, repeat...2022 edition......

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yet Another MasterWork !

Love the embeds.

Really Appreciate The 3 Months-Ago-Prognostic-Piece.

Helps Trace The TimeLines.

Sirens Sound Clarion.

"The European Cannon is here"

We've all become too accustomed, to the distortion.

"It's too late,

To be late again."


Listening right thru the roof.

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Double 🎯🎯…. Btw I love freebird, saw them live few years back at the Doheny Jazz fest.

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Nice 👍

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Amazing how Cigarette man dies and always comes back. Indeed he has been busy. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Excellent update on a topic you've been on top off from the start. Just FYI, Michael Yon (War Correspondent ; unapologetic American nationalist; and seemingly too far out for even Alex Jones) also called this well over a year ago. Spelled out the coming Global Food Shortage, disruptions to the supply chain, and more. In detail. At the time, I thought "That's interesting [as in crazy]."

In apology in matter of speaking, I subscribed to his Locals: https://locals.com/member/MichaelYon?community_id=22444 He's raw source, at times very, so I shift carefully through his output. Likewise, he has a particular presentation style that some people love, but I can only take in small doses. That said, people like myself who consider this post "The Chicken, The Egg, or the Spook's Match?" important reading might also want to browse a bit of Michael Yon.

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