There is absolutely no reason for any advanced civilization or UFO to come to earth. We have nothing of value to offer. Where would these UFOs come from? It would have to be 100's or 1,000's of light years away and to have the technology to travel those distances speaks of a very advanced entity. We are a threat to no one but ourselves and at this time headed for Armageddon because a few really stupid people are trying to murder humanity.

Fake UFO's, viruses, balloons, etc all causing angst and anxiety with the purpose of misdirection. A scared, fearful and panicky person is easily controlled and persuaded to follow the government pipers to their surprising demise.

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Very true. There's nothing here anymore. If they would have come it would have been when they first released Crystal Pepsi.

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Don't you know it!

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New Coke.

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We have gold. Still one of the most useful substances re electricity conductor and valued in high density computer chips.

We also have water. Which holds almost unlimited information and who's capabilities have been used to develop Q-bit- the next iteration of big data computing, the stuff required to hold all the data they are generating from biotechnology wearable tech, etc. Plus qbits are needed re AI.

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I'd be a byte less cavalier with attempts to read aliens' mind 😏

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Quite right! They have been particularly noticeable around nuclear power plants and rocket liftoffs; I would guess that with their advanced technology they also have exceptional thinking sskills and mental powers ; I also surmise that their interest in our pathetic human race is to enlighten us and help us in avoiding our own self-destruction; we most certainly don't have anything of value to offer them other than being another species who can learn to share the universe with them; sadly it might already be too late!

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While psyops after psyops are on the menu, one would do well to judge from the place of knowledge or reserve his judgement.

For starters:






and then you can continue with Jacques Vallée - Dimensions, Confrontattions, Revelations

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Well said!

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Bread and circuses what every failing empire uses to distract their citizenry. There is no doubt that we do live in interesting times. Behind every official narrative, there is an agenda. The narrative is always a lie, and the agenda id not intended to benefit we the general public. Maybe the great "woke" unwashed will actually open their eyes and wake the f up. Well, I can always hope can't I?? Mean while, well glad to be an old man, I do want to live long enough to see how it all comes out.

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Meanwhile throughout the current mean while, motivation does wonders to human spirit, and curiosity is one big heck of a motivator 🤸

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You are right this new government propaganda is a “completely made-up heaping pile of dog shit.”

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Blue beam, balloons, and holograms are made to distract a person from the other news, like wars, egg problems, and all the other troubles in the world. Great trippy info again Good Citizen!

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The thing is, with satellites n shit we can see very very far. We can't travel basically anywhere, but we can see really damn well. So the level of technology required to travel from beyond our visual range is so absurdly high it won't be troubled by a fucking F16. Independence Day it will not be. It'd be like a caveman watching Enola Gay drop Little Boy. The Caveman won't be able to comprehend what he is seeing.

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no shit, you mean they wont hover over cities, in crafts exactly like portrayed in movies. They wont shoot laser beams at landmarks, and teleport humans up into there ships to poke and prod and study?? Thats disappointing.

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Yes, holograms and robotic armies are probably coming, as I indicated it already on August 17, 2022. And, for that matter, a lot more:


It's already happening:


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I will have to check those links out. Thank You

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A lot more links in there, because everything I write belongs together.

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I just don't see this particular psyop working. UFO's aren't scary in the same way that a "global pandemic" is. UFOs elicit feelings of awe and wonder, not brainwashed terror. To me, it just shows how desperate they are. If the goal is to try to unite mankind in a one world government to fight off the invaders, I think they're in for a rude shock.

As you pointed out, the bigger problem is the ease with which they can crowd out undesirable news stories.

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It could be scary if used in conjunction with actual directed energy weapons. Space laters melting humans live on the street would achieve the fed effect.

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Love your BS detectors. Something I too have been lobbying for.

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Ernest Hemingway approves 😉

🗨 The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof, shit detector. This is the writer’s radar and all great writers have had it.

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Hemingway understood a great deal. He is with us.

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Excellent post as usual. I mostly agree with it except for the current Twitter hearings. TPTB are not trying to distract us from the Twitter hearings. They are using the Twitter hearings themselves to distract us from other things (Nord Stream, Ohio, deaths from the kill shots, etc). They want us to focus on Twitter. The takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk is part of the NWO plan. It is just a good cop, bad cop routine. None of the former Twitter employees are going to be arrested or prosecuted except possibly one or two low-level people will be sacrificed if that becomes necessary for the NWO orchestraters to maintain the narrative.

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Those balloons are like politicians, all full of hot air!

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If you never wrote another piece, you would have ended on probably one of the best ever written.

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Thank you for putting this together. It is much appreciated 😊👍

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Book of Revelations has foretold our future; only the timing is unknown by us, but the warnings are clear.

We all need to pray for salvation. This new demonic religion by the NWO doesn’t stand a chance.

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Amen, sister.

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it looks like to me they have unleashed mass hypnosis onto the public cause it is hard to believe how dumb people are

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Nice piece. Thanks for including the bit re transmitting telepathic information over long distances. It's important for peeps to understand that, so they understand how dangerous Starlink is. That magnifies the danger when you realise that everything can be turned into data and transmitted.

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cool hunger games movies references with comments about holograms

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What's hunger games?

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hunger games is a movie series based on a book series of the same name. during games in the first two movies, contestants had to deal with generated, using advanced technologies, creatures and circumstances .

the holograms to which you referred reminded me of the generated creatures and circumstances within the hunger games movie series.

does this explanation clarify my comment?

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Ah 👍

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