Substack is a s**t show Good Citizens! Unfortunately, the link to Notes From The Past's fantastic short documentary of this post ended up as a URL because we scheduled to publish at the same time, and not an embedded post or video. Substack still hasn't even enabled embedded videos for some reason. He spent many hours putting it together, uncovering rare film footage and photos that really bring these words to life. Please check out the documentary. You'll be glad you did...


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I watched the doc and it really makes your script come to life. Amazing job. But f*ck man, does this sh*t ever end??? I mean, history keeps unraveling. Nothing will ever be the same. I guess it's all thanks to Covid, which backfired spectacularly.

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The past five and twenty years have been like Truman discovering the show. The conspiracy to subvert historical truths now makes me wonder, what of it was even true? And not just the past century but the past three millennia.

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Well put, for the most recent hundred years saw some very heavy rewriting of current times… why would it have just been limited to “now?”

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An excellent description of the truth about the degenerate, perfidious, mendacious and malevolent drunkard Winston Churchill, who because of his incompetence had to be removed from most of the posts he was given. He was directly responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of his own people and the difference between his "reputation" and the truth is breathtaking.

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how about churchill being responsible for over 100 million dead in both world wars that he instigated? I have read speeches given in britains parliament in 1905 and just before the war where they said if we dont confront Germany now they will overcome our economy in Europe being their steel production was passing britain. in those days steel production was key to the economy not like now where paper financial useless instruments make the economy

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I fully agree. it is obvious that all these so-called "great statesmen" ought to be categorised as "mass murderers".

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David Irving is the greatest historian to cover the WWII era.

Hitler is the most lied about man in history.

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Darwin, Freud Einstein, Churchill,...all are worthless historical figures made famous by Geou-wish media.

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All 100% frauds and plagiarists.

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Jewish Churchill's Mother, Jenny Jacobson

[When David Irving stayed at my home in September 2012, I brought up this subject, and asked him if it was true that Jenny "Jerome" Jacobson the mother of Winston Churchill, was Jewish. David talked to me for a couple of minutes about this. To sum his remarks up, he told me yes, it was true, and was one of the most forbidden secrets the Jewish oligarchy didn't want known.]

Jenny Jacobson Churchill, Winston Churchill's Mother was Jewish. According to Jewish religion - if your mother is Jewish, then you are Jewish. Born In 1854. Mother of Winston And Spencer Churchill. A Brooklyn Girl With a Wealthy Father. She Marries Royalty and Becomes an English Socialite. Her Affair With King Edward VII Was The Key To Winston's Rise. They were lovers for over twenty years. One of the best kept secrets of World War Two was Churchill's racial heritage. His mother was Jenny Jacobson, daughter of Jerome Jacobson, a multi millionaire from New York. Born in Brooklyn She was born in 1854, at 197 Amity Street, in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn, New York. There Were Three Sisters, Jenny, Clara and Naomi. Jenny's Family: Her father, Leonard Walter Jerome born November 3, 1817 in Pompey, New York. Leonard Jerome (nee Jacobson) was a Princeton Graduate. He moved to Brooklyn, New York, where he became a notable and flamboyant stock market speculator and promoter. Proprietor, and editor, of the New York Times, who used Gatling guns on his striking employees. He was a stock speculator, and a close friend of August Belmont, Sr (nee Schoenberg), American representative of the Rothschild family's banking. He had interests in Broadway theaters, race tracks and railroads. He was plagued by scandals such as (Minnie Hauk was believed to be his illegitimate daughter). He changed his name from Jacobson to Jerome. The New York social scene was run by a German named Lady Astor, and under no circumstances were these blue bloods interested in some natty second generation Polish Jews.

by Sanda Abramovici


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Interesting... Thanks Mark.

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what a great article. Imagine after all these years they still prop up the bloated drunken degenerate gambler and war monger who bankrupted the Brits churchill as a great hero . I am sure GC knows churchill being a main antagonist for starting WWI. he instigated both wars under orders from the jews.

I dont see zionism vs bolshevism being israel was founded by russian and polish communists they are demonic twins. every PM was a full fledged communist or the parents were like bibi satanyahoo. churchill turned down 5 peace offers from Hitler who made a horrible mistake allowing the british army to escape at dunkirk. he was repaid by churchill with many firebombed cities in Germany.. Hitler stopped the Russian invasion of Europe by stalin who had massed 3 million troops at polands border. but in the end the crippled communist Stalins nephew FDR and churchill gave half of Europe to stalin

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It's been said that Hitler made a horrible mistake at Dunkirk. A blunder. Some say Hitler was not or ill informed. Not true. No battle occurred in Germany without Hitlers knowledge and approval. Woe betide the general who approved something without Hitler's consent as was seen by 2 generals he had executed for wanton acts of cruelty. He said to Bormann, Goring etal "this is not how you fight a war". He believed it a trap also. He refused to kill what he considered the flower of British and French youth when he could have easily done so and ended the war that very day.

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We would do well to have a leader like Hitler today. A real Hitler, not the one conjured up by the jooish controlled media.

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Damned good, fact-filled article, Citizen .....

There's nothing wrong with living well and enjoying the finer things in life, but a person needs to acquire them through his own abilities and on the merit of his own work. It appears that, similar to too many politicians today, Churchill was a leech and a parasite, a grifter and a ne'er-do-well who wasted his people's money at will and without consequence to himself __ that they allowed it, even brokered it __ speaks to the corruption that ran rife through Western civilization those many decades ago.

Principles are great __ only when children are taught them and learn to follow them well, more importantly, to cherish them in a way that leads them to maintain a moral society led by moral men who have a true sense of honor and right and wrong.

Oh well ... life goes on, and those of us caught in the trap continue doing the best we can to resist tyranny and live free or die.

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Don't confuse Zionists with innocent Jews! Your analysis misses a key perspective: freemasons! Rothchilds, Churchill grandfather, father and son, Hearst, and most of those mentioned in this article were masons.

Hitler banned freemasonry for a reason.

Here some rabbit holes, I've been investigating:

Both Churchill and Roosevelt were warned in advance about a potential Pearl Harbor attack. They were both masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs, while leaving the fleet at Pearl Harbor defenseless, as an easy candy to be taken from a kid: no radar warning from outer islands!. By the way, the large aircraft carriers were out at sea, as if they wanted to preserve the most critical assets.

In 1926, Schacht provided funds for the formation of the masonic Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, IG Farben.

Schacht became a friend of the mason Governor of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, both men belonging to the Anglo-German Fellowship and the mason Bank for International Settlements. Norman was so close to the Schacht family that he was godfather to one of Schacht's grandchildren

1933–1939 was President of Reichsbank under Adolf Hitler's government, supporting mason Kalergi’s plan for a masonic Pan Europe government. Hitler was clear that the masons were behind that plan, in spite Kalergi had already left the Viennese Masonic Lodge in 1926 to avoid exposing that truth. All supporters were masons: Winston Churchill, Allen Dulles, "Wild Bill" Donovan, Otto von Habsburg (founder of the covert transnational intelligence group Le Cercle), etc. 1

IG Farben

It was funded by the Rothschilds, represented by their mason German banker, Max Warburg, of M.M. Warburg Company, Hamburg. His brother Paul Warburg served on the board of directors of I.G. Farben’s specifically owned by an American subsidiary. Two brothers were controlling two different banking systems in countries that supposedly are at war with one another.1

It was a merger of six chemical companies—BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer, accused by the Nazis of being an "international capitalist Jewish company”.2

1953. Why was Churchill1 given the Nobel Prize of Literature for his “speeches”, having produced 1 infamous novel nobody is able to mention? 2 Because he was a mason.3 By the way, that’s how they got the US into WW2 after setting Pearl Harbor with mason Roosevelt, as a bait Japan. 4

“Because of the particular position of the new laureate, the Academy gave a flexible interpretation to its rule, always scrupulously respected before, concerning the secrecy of the vote until the final count.”5

Even Churchill recognized he didn’t deserve it but sent his wife to take it and cash it anyway. 6

By the way, his complete speeches were compiled by another mason, Robert Rhodes. 7

Even if it was a political prize, why did nobody object the genocidal past of the laureate, deliberately starving 3 million Indians to death? 8 Masonic cover-up: the winner gets to write history. What happens in masonland, stays in mason-land.

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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See the title of the essay and its focus. They were all jews. That's not my opinion. I've covered many of your points in other posts but this was a collaboration with a documentary film substack that had fixed limits about a historical figure with shadowy puppet masters most have never heard of. Thanks for the quotes and good luck with your investigation. Next time maybe read the essay before commenting, and tie in your comment to show you've read it. I've never deleted any comments and don't mind others promoting their stacks as long as they don't border on reactive spam.


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Thanks for these. Eustace Mullins should be required reading in Rockefeller indoctrination classes., but then they would no longer be Rockefeller indoctrination classes.

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My man!! Eustace Mullins singlehandedly opened my eyes.

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Amen CM. Moi aussi. After some notoriety with his 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve' he dared cover forbidden topics and questioned official history, and so his publishers dropped him. The usual suspects who shall never be noticed then went after him, his self-publisher (printers), and even his parents. Today wikipravda (Israel's Unit 8200) has him labeled an "antisemite" author which is pretty good confirmation he was telling the truth because they never call you a liar. His Demonology of History would help a lot of people make sense of the world.

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As my ancestors would say, "How did he live so long to keep his hair". Murder by Injection is all you need to know about the great poisoning.

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Boom. My second dive into Mullins. Excellent book. Instead of 86 poison CDC shots upon the birth of a child, new parents should be handed a copy of murder by injection.

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When asked, who rules the world, Mullins said one short reply. The Queen. That put me down a deep rabbit hole. Still can't find answers, nowhere. Hidden like no other. Mullins did not elaborate. Just, the Queen. He absolutely knew, and knew he daren't go there. That's how he kept his hair for so long.

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"The Queen."

I don't think Mullins was referring to the English Crown. I think he meant The Queen on a chessboard. He obviously knew how to play the game.

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No, I don't think so. Mullins was straight forward, no metaphors. There's only one acknowledged Monarchy left with such power, and it's the Queen.

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Well, you seem to know Mullins much better than I do, so you're probably right. It just surprises me that someone who had done as much research as Mullins didn't say it was Jews that rule the world. What are your thoughts on that?

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Figures actually. In Who Owns the World by Kevin Cahill she is listed as the largest landowner. One sixth of the planet if I recall. The British Empire posing as benevolent - upon which 'the sun ne'er sets'.

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Another one is "She's just a figurehead", yeah right, you got a purse worth 23 trillion (40 Years ago) and you have no power? That'll be the day!

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Exactly. The sweet smiling Elizabeth. Her son is showing the truer face of the 'royal' intent. Have you read Joan Veon's 'Charles the Sustainable Prince'?

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Curious. What is an innocent Jew. Survey says Israeli Jews are 100% behind the Palestinian genocide. Didn't Goldhagen write Hitlers Willing Executioners blaming all German citizens for the Holocaust that never was.

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There are no innocent or good Jews. The Torah on which the exterminatory Noahide Laws are based, according to Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there are to be, quote: "No survivors",

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds that the Torah (a scripture whose acceptance and use is fundamental and universally common to all different sects of Jews) states that when all the Gentiles in the entire world have been killed, that even all memory of all the Gentiles ever having existed in this world is then to be totally erased from the collective consciousness of the Jews, and the Jews will then occupy this entire planet alone. Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states that just for contavening one of the 7 Noahide Laws, the one against so-called idolatry, that "6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED".

The Zohar states that all Gentiles in the world are to be/will be exterminated. I have mentioned this to you several times already in extensive previous correspondence, and yet you still write of 'Zionists' as if they are somehow significantly different to other Jews in any way, which they are not.

Whether or not Israel exists at the present time is actually a totally petty issue in comparison to the real elephant in the room, the bigger picture, that Judaism is self-statedly fully intent only upon the total enslavement of all Gentiles throughout the entire world with Gentiles being held by the Jews as the supposed eternal inferiors of the Jews and the supposed eternal demonic enemies of the Jews, with all Gentile humanity on the entire planet then ultimately being intended only for permanent total physical extermination by the Jewish scriptures and the words of the Jewish rabbis, with the Zohar stating that all Gentiles in the entir world are to be sent to hell under the angel Duma.

Do you really think the Jews can honestly have no idea whatsoever what is contained in the words of their own scriptures after several thousand years of constantly reincarnating as Jews as their scriptures say the Jews do?

I think you have actually not been reading all the evidence of these things that I have presented you with before at great effort, and that instead, you have been letting Jews speak dishonest and deluding words in your ear assuring you that Jews mean the Gentiles no harm.

Forget 'Zionism' as being a supposedly separate organization, to Judaism, it is not, think instead about Judaism as being Zionism and of the common aim of all Judaism to kill all Gentiles, just like it says is to occur in their own 'scriptures' with the words of their rabbis today still clearly and unambiguously echoing that.

Chief Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, a big friend to King Charles, a founder member of the exterminatory Jewish-based WEF, and friend to the criminally insane terrorist Chabad Lubavitcher death cult, states that Zionism is essential and fundamental to Judaism and that it is non-different to it and inseparable from Judaism. You cannot presume to be able to justifiably make excuses on behalf of Jewry that entirely contradict even the words of their own scriptures and the words of their own rabbis.

The Jewish death cult based initially on the Torah is dedicated even in its very beginning to the intended total physical extermination of all Gentiles on the entire planet. I do hope you will bother to research properly in future on this issue.

Ancient Egyptian monuments contain Masonic symbols, so Masonry in its original form was never a Jewish-based cult.

But we all know already that ancient Masonry has been entirely hijacked and subverted by Jews now in the main to create the more modern 'Freemasonry', and that Freemasonry is now made to broadly serve the Jewish agenda alone, so you cannot justifiably say that 'Freemasons' and 'not Jews' are doing this or that.

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Thank you for this info. It explains further for me why Churchill allowed 6million Bengalis to die in India's famine, 1943-5. https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ww2-bengali-holocaust

He said when challenged: “Famine or no famine, Indians will breed like rabbits.” The Delhi Government sent a telegram to him painting a picture of the horrible devastation and the number of people who had died. His only response was, “Then why hasn’t Gandhi died yet?"


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I greatly enjoy substantive pieces like this that explain the darker aspects of recent history, as well as slaughter the hideous and ridiculous sacred calfs of the Semitic ruling apparatus.

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Churchill's love affair with the jews might have had something to do with the fact that when Randolph Churchill died, he owed Lord Rothschild 70,000 pounds, which was forgiven, likely with the understanding that Churchill would cooperate with jewish desires...

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Another fine essay that went perfect with my cigar and cup of Joe. The fraudulent history taught to us growing up needs to be questioned, needs to be rebuffed. Churchill seems to be only 1 in a long line of depraved sycophants that have been inserted into positions of leadership.

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Dag, GC, I just got Irving's latest book on Churchill, just last week. Six hundred page Churchill's War, Struggle for Power. Still on Hitlers War & Speeches by Hitler. I read 2 books at a time, different venues, one in the den, one in bedroom. If I read this article you'll blow it for me. Oh, alright, I'll read the article. That'll make 3 books at one time. Living room will do.

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"This included orchestrating extensive public relations and propaganda campaigns in American media, to counter the prevailing isolationist sentiment, which stood at 93% in public opinion polls even into 1941."

That is amazing that 93% of Americans were opposed to entering WWII in 1941. You wouldn't know that from the reaction to Charles Lindbergh's speech of Sept. 11, 1941, at an America First Committee Rally. Lindbergh argued that it wasn't in America's interest to join the European war, and he bravely pointed out that Jews were among those agitating for entry into the war.

The response?

"Rarely has any public address in American history caused more of an uproar than did Lindbergh’s Des Moines speech. Criticism and denunciations of Lindbergh’s speech came from all across the United States. Newspapers and organized interventionist groups joined in savage attacks on Lindbergh. Criticism of Lindbergh’s speech also emanated from high political levels in the United States. For example, Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York called Lindbergh’s speech 'an inexcusable abuse of the right of freedom of speech.'"


Media, special interest groups and politicians screaming in opposition to popular sentiment... sound familiar?

Absolutely brilliant essay, GC. You've done yeoman's work pulling all this together.

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Thanks Anna. History sadly repeats when history books are never honestly written so that history can repeat. But i repeat myself. And who took the Lindbergh baby? Under every upturned stone appear the same culprits. Some might dare call it a conspiracy. An interesting comment by mothman777 on here that might interest you. If 10% of it is true....oof....

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oof is right. But while I think much of what mothman says is interesting, I would need some more evidence to believe all of it. The manchurian candidates graduating from Soviet Gulags is a little much for me... most of those guys just died miserable deaths as far as I know.

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Fabulous work. Just fabulous.

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Thanks pop. Four months and a lot of reading went into it.

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Jan 12Edited

Great article you both! Right up there with listening to two or three hours of David Duke*.

What is the statistical likelihood that we Goy will escape our cucked slumber and wake up in sufficient numbers to forestall widespread annihilation? From where I'm standing the chances are pretty slim. The existential threat of worldwide organized Jewry isn't exactly water-cooler conversation yet, is it?

Meanwhile, "Naomi Wolf" is prattling on about the CCP burning down Hollywood, and how this constitutes the 4th "Pearl Harbour" America has faced from "The Japs", "The Huns", "The Ay-rabs", "The Great Gazoo" or whatever. But never da Djeusze, huh?

What is a War? The Battle of Brentwood: Fourth Attack on US Soil


These certainly are times of Revelation.

*Israel's Demented Middle East Aspirations - David Duke


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