This is me giving you a hug, as I stand somewhere between preparing to die on the hill and realizing the hill is made of ashes and just sitting down and sifting through it.

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Hemingway lives again !

Thank you Good Citzen for this reverie of an essay.

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Pinche Brandon.

Pinche Garland.

Pinche Wray.

Pinche fecking DC.

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Stay away from these doctors amigo. They will make you better so that you don't die, but leave you so ill you have to come back for another consult and a refill. I stopped going, and now there's nothing wrong with me anymore.

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It's mostly insurance. Preparation for the future. Nobody ever needs anything, until they do, and soon, llke the grocery shelves, it won't be there.

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Pinche Covid! Damned Bill Gatesofhell! Damned Klausterphobic Schwabyournostrils! I'm moving to Mexico. I magnified the picture of the drugstore and looks like they sell some good shit over the counter. I wish they would do that in America but no, they don't even have the balls to legalize marijuana in the state I live in (Wisconsin). Great writing again by The Good Citizen!

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“BC - Before Covid.

AG - After Gates.”


“ Pinche Covid.

Pinche Globalists.

Pinche Rigged Elections and Fading Empires.”


“ Alone but powerful.

Pinche IMF.

Pinche Covid.”


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An atmospheric, classic blast of truth-telling that vaporizes all the covidian Lies and weasels in its path. In year 2 AG (After Gates) or sooner, this will be anthologized.

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Wow what a great article.

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That means, "There Are No Words, To Describe Such."

But I will attempt later,

Out of The Deepest Respect,

& Gratitude.

But Thank you, for NOW.

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You are an absolutely amazing writer and I often wonder what your life story is that gives you such an amazing perspective and insight . That mind if yours not only constantly articulates when many of us are thinking but puts in words horrors we can’t even verbalize . Your truth is our truth . Please keep it coming as you make us feel

Less lonely in this insane world ❤️ Pinche corruption.

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⛵ 🍸🎸🍸🍸 🎶🍸🍸 🎶 💃🍸🍸🍸 ⛱️ 💤 💤

In the words of Mr. Buffett Time for Siesta and a belly full of rice and beans, and let's forget this crazy scene!!! Linking as ususal @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Superb article, Hopefully it will awaken someone who hasn't seen the light yet, If it doesn't, then I am afraid it is getting too late!!!!!!

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Your mise-en-abyme about the little girl in the courtyard was haunting and reminded me of the dream sequence from Terminator 2 (Nuclear Nightmare). https://youtu.be/1jv_7PXoFZA

P.S. If this doesn't post as a live hyperlink, simply highlight and use go-to command or paste in omni box) ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

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These Mexico pieces are fascinating and helpful for me to better understand this quixotic bastion of freedom ( still).

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The little girl is correct. The Gringos are not coming because they are too busy taking care of the corruption taking place at home. This is no time for solitude or solace. We are in a pitched battle against their and our own Self-Contempt, which knows naught but destruction of ourselves and all else.

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The dolphin reference reminded me of sitting in one of those plazas down in Puerto Vallarta years ago watching some dancers in traditional garb celebrating one of those religious feasts that seem to occur about every other week. The tour bus pulled up to the pharmacy and after the tour guide droned on for a few minutes on how this bus load of dumb Gringos needs to pay attention to where they're walking because you can't sue anyone down here if you trip and fall. The sidewalks looked like some abandoned rock quarry and as the Gringos stumbled out of the pharmacy like a bunch of drunk lemmings, one by one they began tripping and falling into the street, some reaching for their life alert buttons which were now somewhat out of range. No worries though, they could just reach into their sack and pop a few of the pills they just purchased.

There's another reason why the Gringos aren't as eager to rush down to Mexico like they used to. Their money isn't worth as much as it used to be and it will only take a few trillion more of those fabricated dollars to flow into circulation before you will be hard pressed to find any Mexican who will take them anymore.

Twenty years ago every Gringo I encountered had this knowing smile on their face. It didn't matter where I was in Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama etc. everyone knew the same secret which was that we were all outside the gates of the prison. We were free, and no one was ever going to find us.

The trend is changing though, and the prospect for that life isn't as apparent as it was 20 years ago. Heading east into the Caribbean appears to be a better option now. The culture shock doesn't appear to be as striking there anymore, although you can still pick out the weekend warriors from a safe distance.

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