Brilliant summary. Eagerly awaiting the hopium in Part II.

Thank you for your work.

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"As I’ve stated before, our reservoirs of sympathy can only run so deep for the easily programmed before we have to declare these lost souls our enemies and move on to the next battles."

I like your writings but I differ on this. They are victims, poor souls taken in by propaganda, friends, family, coworkers. When we turn them into enemies we will have lost. The fascists know this. That is why they try to portray us as enemies. There is no "next battles." This is the battle -- spreading truth, offering a counter narrative, reaching out, dispelling lies and misinformation. Those who are guzzling the MSM kool -aid are victims to a greater degree than you or I. They need help. Yes their cognitive dissonance can stir frustration and anger. I think that needs to be tempered with empathy, pity, and understanding. Who is the less fortunate, the kool aid guzzlers or those who see beyond the MSM lies?

I hope that all of the above is taken in the spirit in which it was intended. Keep up the good work. Keep spreading the words!

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You make excellent points. Thank you. As I wrote in The Squid Game piece they are indeed victims and we will very much need them. I believe more will come around as the gulf between reality and propaganda widens. The double jabbed will refuse the booster, then the triple jabbed will catch on etc. The exits to the theater of the absurd will flood with millions in our favor. Let's say then, by the fourth booster if they don't catch on? There will be a good many who never do, and we must recognize they will work for the enemies of good, to what extent and what evils will require we reconsider our sympathies. Something to ponder more deeply in a future piece maybe. Thanks again.

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Yes. We cannot defeat"Them" until we stop fighting each other.

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"Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12).

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Professor : Echoing the Citizen's reply, your thoughts and argument are on point. This is indeed the battle, exactly as you delineate. The only difficulty is in your unwillingness to recognize that a "next battle" may yet exist.

You may wish to consider that those who *are* willing to accept such a sad state of affairs may well be the only thing standing between you and the eventual knock on your door should society continue down this treacherous path.

Gazing back over the span of recorded history -- the orthodox narrative AND the less acceptable versions not penned by the "winners" -- it's not difficult to discover that the struggle to remove boots from faces has always required more that words.

Words are clearly the most powerful tool in the box, but when words fail -- then what?

When the black-clad minions appear at your door, do you think that a few eloquent, well-informed words will lift you from their systemic embrace?

Truthfully, as both an overly-sensitive "intellectual" type and a former US Marine, I've had the rare benefit of training and experience in both worlds.

As such, I clearly recognize what the "next battle" will look like and what will be necessary if/when such a tragedy arrives unbidden on my own rural doorstep.

Ironically enough, as a practical historian of many years, the staunchest pacifists I've met are/were the many WW2 veterans I've had the honor to know and guide over the last 20+ years here in my adopted land.

You would do well to open your mind to what's next. Your life may depend on it.

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I guess I came across wrong. I'm not a pacifist and believe strongly in the right to self defense. I don't think we are the point of what you call the "next battle" yet, at least not in the US. I guess you don't think we are either or you would not have said "next". If we are successful in waking people up and opposing the propaganda we won't get to that point. Hope and work towards the best but be prepared for the worst.

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Excellent piece and film she made. Some frightening parallels to today, especially with Austria and Hungary. The calls by the vaccinated for intentional cruelty toward the unvaccinated means many are almost already lost. About half of Europe is trending this way. Blatant, intentional discrimination and cruelty for an experimental toxic shot that doesn't even work. "They are not evil, yet evil exists in them because they stopped thinking and allowed other to think for them."

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I keep remembering my hypochondriac colleague (nicknamed Mr. Disability by our manager) from 3 decades ago who pressured his dr into antibiotics for a normal, minor viral infection. He said he knew they were ineffective against viruses, but he needed to feel they were doing "everything possible." Lots of drama over his sniffles. Later when he was laid off, he viciously turned on me, blaming it on "people like you" even though he knew my group was targeted in 2 weeks. Afaik, "people like you" were high performers who didn't claim disability due to lighting.

I imagine he trampled more than a few like boneheads in his rush to get jabbed 1st, boostered 1st, re-boostered 1st. Doubtless when he succumbs to the endless vaxes, he'll blame unvaxxed "people like you."

They already are the enemy.

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It is very worrying. In the UK the chief medical officer said highly vaccinated countries will mean Omicron is more severe.


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Viper Room

NO "smart" phone, NO tracking device, NO Qr code, NO virus.

Kill the beast and destroy that damn Teeeeeee Veeeeeee .

If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or tightly grasped in your simian fist as if it were some kind of extirpated still pulsating body appendage or brain abortion as the case may be, then you are part of the problem and will never contribute anything of worth to stop the real zombie virus that is leading the herd of mutton over the cliff, at least not until you smash your personalized tracking demon to bits. Slouching naked apes thumb jabbing their hand held thingies and drooling over their idiot gizmos are no longer fully human, rather mindless mutton-headed interfaces with nobody home, or seldom available as they spend their pathetic half-lives peering down the black hole of their tacky, third rate NWO Chinese junk shop virtual “reality”. It’s like listening to East Germans, that were surveilled by STASI psychopaths 24/7 before the Wall was moved, explaining how free they became (at least until 2 years back) even as they exhibit the same nauseating “smart” phone ticks and prosthetic brain addictions as their thoroughly brainwashed cousins in the West while they themselves, without question, pay through the nose for this constant monitoring of their lives and interference from goons and "nudging" by the psychopaths that own the so-called "social media platforms" of Fecesbook, Twatter, EweTueb, Goggle and ilk..."safe" spaces where the sheeple bleat.

Though the STASI orphans should have known better, they too have already been consumed whole by trans humanist Mickey Mouse BS so the logical next step for the reptilians in charge is to pump their graphene oxide and nano dirt directly to their ovine brains and put them under complete remote control where monkey man never again has to miss a Twatter outburst or a Goggle command or Fecesbook "breaking news" fart or whatever crap they get from their blinking, prosthetic, vital organ when they deep dive into their amoled glass swamp. By all means you four-legged critters of the herd do download the "essential updates" in your monthly covaids “booster” death vaxx squirt to become a truly fulfilled silicon meat puppet like the rest of the protoplasm squirming around you. Your viper in residence and its Qr coded commands (straight from the hell that you couldn't wait to jump into) will indeed award you with the appropriate Chicom slash NWO credits for being an obedient and soulless slave of the hell on Earth they are now erecting for the dying herd as the last stage of this dystopian farce plays out.

Otherwise kill your diabolic “smart” phone or shut up already. If you can’t do something that simple yourself, as one who claims to “get it”, then why should you expect the herd not to willfully poison itself considering they are no longer in control of anything in their miserable existences other than shoving stuff in their facial orifice or squeezing shit out their sphincter end as the case may be, in between perusing their "smart" phone smut and kitty litter videos, as they proudly and dutifully exhibit their covaids death squirt status Qr code to every jackbooted robopig thug that demands compliance as they go about their shameful and soon to be terminated lives...all in the prurient interest of course of the demons that unleashed this genocide and "watched over by machines of love and grace". When the 5G towers and soon the 6G towers light up in the coming Dark Winter then the real electronic gulag will become apparent to even the most challenged leg of mutton out there in the pathetic human herd.

Never let any psychopath in your pocket or your life that is obviously "smarter" than you.

“Smart” phone macht dumb

But PfiZer macht frei .... permanently

Same as it ever waZ

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1


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Top notch analysis. 👍👍

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This was a tour de force of thinking and writing. You tied everything together so that even the disbelieving have to stop and think. Thank you for this. It is a keeper. I hope I live long enough to see at least some people uncouple from this Brave New World...because I would like to find them and live among them.

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So TGC, you nailed it months ago; and then new addictive strategies have come to galvanize the stainless steel (oxymoron intended) hordes glued to whatever the Next Big Thing of Today is offered up at the AllYouCanStomach MSM (but no MSG,please) buffet.

As the leaky experiments’ numbers start leaking out into the domain of the non-censored media, one can still hear things such as “a systemic failure of yet to be known proportion.” Now, personally that sounds like fobbing off true culprits to the realm of one more huge issue which “oh, well, we cannot deal with something that Big.”

Weather “events” were mentioned: the old adage “Everyone talks about it, nobody does anything about it” no longer holds water. One need not be in league with the Swedish Idiot Savant to know there’s an ongoing (yet very hush-hush) phalanx of planes (just look up!) spewing and DEW teams just having a blast, tinkering, akin to a bunch of hyped-up grease monkeys out in the barn working on their latest 100 octane dragster. And they’re getting damn good at their project.

One can imagine the mental high fives that the 1% are congratulating themselves with: they have there own addiction. The simulations were so well played. The experts are doing an extraordinary job in their legerdemain.

And now, MIC and the compliant and complicit militaries are doing a Bang Up job, with no prying embedded reporters or videographers. The one explosion seems to be churning out the same furls of fire and smoke night after night. Without making light of being in the vicinity of rockets, it’s a crying shame, whoever pulls the pin, the loops are dizzying. On purpose.

All are playing their respective parts: the Bear states they have accomplished their goals, while Odd Uncle says they are at a impasse, and the Comedian goes around from country to country invoking emotions to garner more gold and ammo.

And I blog in a forgotten comment section. Venting again while you revive. C’est le guerre.

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