Like Gillette and the Salvation Army and so many others. Gone woke, gone broke. The market will teach these control freaks a hard lesson. Unlike the banks, they are not to big to fail.
Like Gillette and the Salvation Army and so many others. Gone woke, gone broke. The market will teach these control freaks a hard lesson. Unlike the banks, they are not to big to fail.
They are not big enough to be accepted by the cool kids who hang out at Davos. Like many during these trying times they have turned on their friends to curry favor with the rich and powerful. Neither side will like them now. Gillette may succeed, but the Salvation Army won't. The globalists hate religion and are only using the Woke churches as transitionary steps. Online church services will pave the way to the Metaverse.
Like Gillette and the Salvation Army and so many others. Gone woke, gone broke. The market will teach these control freaks a hard lesson. Unlike the banks, they are not to big to fail.
They are not big enough to be accepted by the cool kids who hang out at Davos. Like many during these trying times they have turned on their friends to curry favor with the rich and powerful. Neither side will like them now. Gillette may succeed, but the Salvation Army won't. The globalists hate religion and are only using the Woke churches as transitionary steps. Online church services will pave the way to the Metaverse.
I agree.