Great article and eye opening. I was just thinking how great the Twitter Files are to read, but now feel foolish. Of course, I can’t tweet because I was permanently suspended for the audacity of having free speech that went against their ‘rules.’
I’m thankful for the Professor. In a way, he taught me much even though I didn’t attend one class. He pushed you to be here and I learn all the time from you. God bless, TGC♥️
100% I don't ever care what it looks like from the outside. The only thing I do know for sure is that nothing happens without permission. People think these are "wins" but real wins are not allowed. Threats against the real monster are not allowed. There are only fake wins to soothe the masses when things start to get just a bit too edgy.
Honestly, the whole Twitter buy out--especially knowing of the intelligence infiltration, seems utterly ridiculous.
You made great observations regarding the use of language and the subtlety of movement.
"Did anyone really not know Twitter was working directly with the federal government in the same way YouTube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and every major media and tech company has for decades?"
Oh...forgive my lack of sophistication (I shit in an outhouse after all!) but I sometimes find myself wondering what Kurt Vonnegut would be thinking of all this shitfuckery and wasted human metabolism had he not smoked himself to death.
"So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too."
― Kurt Vonnegut, “Breakfast of Champions” (1973).
I'm off to play with the fucking dog now if you don't mind.
"People have known this [that Twitter blocks wrong-think] for years and still choose to devote the two most valuable human commodities to diddling in the Twitter Carnival—time and attention."
So true.
See what happens when you decide to apply your time and attention to something worthwhile. The key is to **pay attention** during the task.
I can tell you what happens when you put your time and attention to good use. I'm preparing to self-publish my first book and will be making my website into an e-commerce website.
Well, you highlighted the way the inflated balance sheet of one regulatory capture, rent seeking ponzi can be leveraged into another, i.e. Tesla, so it would not be a stretch that the FTX funnel propped up the twit deal. Interesting also how the $14B of LBO loans musk used were impaired prior to closing - and yet they still closed. The 'invisible hand' is real. It just isn't quite what Smith imagined.
'The only thing absolute about our fren Elon is that he’s absolutely not who or what he wants us to believe.'
I beg to differ. Their plan is out in the open. They're confidently showing who they are and what their plans are. Just look at his twit pic, he's a disciple of Satan. He's no different than the guy that you do business with upon him first meeting your girlfriend, where he tells you how lucky you are to have such a beautiful, intelligent lady all the while he's rubbing her ass. It's fk'n really hard to get to the truth eh?
Once you see the satanic signs you'll never unsee them again eh?
You know soon after the plandemic started I literally prayed for the truth. Fk' man down the rabbit hole I went and little did I know it's a fk'n bottomless pit. Have you seen the clips from the 96 games, opening ceromonies ?
First documented exposure of the plan, including the spike protein ? Hell if I know.
2012 games highlighted the dancing covid nurses. How fun. Good times.
Edit, 92 games, go to around the 40:00 mark. Listen to the beat of the's struggle against the machine (Satan) ? Wait for the spike protein....pure evil.
You are doing a great job informing us out here.... Glad that you are aware of LifeLog, most people are not and don't understand why one would not be on Farcebook...
Prior to Al Gore inventing the Internet, when it was ARPA companies, we did trace routes of two well known companies that were line of sight a quarter mile apart in Silicon Valley. (Now blocked by Google campus.) All the packets were going through Virginia. So Ed Snowden was showing crystalized stuff that had been going on since the 80s. "They" have been collecting for a long long time.
And we were using email using a program called Wheel back in the 70s, as well as probably a bunch of other means to communicate. Then there were private protocols in 80s and RFCed to standardization which is what is used now by real people not some teenage kid in a summer job.
Great article and eye opening. I was just thinking how great the Twitter Files are to read, but now feel foolish. Of course, I can’t tweet because I was permanently suspended for the audacity of having free speech that went against their ‘rules.’
Fuuuuuuuiccccckkkkkkking good article TGC. You're working on a book? Nice.
I’m thankful for the Professor. In a way, he taught me much even though I didn’t attend one class. He pushed you to be here and I learn all the time from you. God bless, TGC♥️
100% I don't ever care what it looks like from the outside. The only thing I do know for sure is that nothing happens without permission. People think these are "wins" but real wins are not allowed. Threats against the real monster are not allowed. There are only fake wins to soothe the masses when things start to get just a bit too edgy.
Honestly, the whole Twitter buy out--especially knowing of the intelligence infiltration, seems utterly ridiculous.
You made great observations regarding the use of language and the subtlety of movement.
"Did anyone really not know Twitter was working directly with the federal government in the same way YouTube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and every major media and tech company has for decades?"
LOL yes, 99% of the public.
What kills me is that the same people who knew that can't put 2 and 2 together and realize its Google, youtube, instagram, etc etc.etc.
Oh...forgive my lack of sophistication (I shit in an outhouse after all!) but I sometimes find myself wondering what Kurt Vonnegut would be thinking of all this shitfuckery and wasted human metabolism had he not smoked himself to death.
"So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too."
― Kurt Vonnegut, “Breakfast of Champions” (1973).
I'm off to play with the fucking dog now if you don't mind.
Happy New (Normal) Year GC!
Happy new year neo!
The Coup is complete.
Now we just have to wait for the jack-boots to show up on the doorsteps of the dissenters.
I am glad I am old.
Our best hope is to endure until the "revolution eats its own" phase.
Asteroid double-tap John Henry, asteroid double-tap.
Oh, how I wish we could be so fortunate...
Do you think they'll warm up our bugs before serving ?
Only if we're good...
I am glad I am not too old to stand in the breech. How'd we get here? It's a real mystery.
Depressing but much needed reality ✅
Decidedly less depressing than spending your last days like Kirstie Alley, however.
As The Band sang, "Life is a Carnival, believe it or not. Life is a carnival, two bits a shot."
Except if you're Elon. Then it's 44B.
Aligned. Completely.
"People have known this [that Twitter blocks wrong-think] for years and still choose to devote the two most valuable human commodities to diddling in the Twitter Carnival—time and attention."
So true.
See what happens when you decide to apply your time and attention to something worthwhile. The key is to **pay attention** during the task.
“The key to is **pay attention** during the task.“
Tends to have the effect of improving quality of life. In my experience. But what do I know?
Did you notice the typo I made in my comment? I fixed it, but you quoted me so my fou-fou is still there. I need to pay attention!
Knew what you meant. Happens all the time. From a copy editor. (Just did the c-p, left it alone. You not be a client ;)
I can tell you what happens when you put your time and attention to good use. I'm preparing to self-publish my first book and will be making my website into an e-commerce website.
Wow, a lot to ponder. I like it. And I thought I was cynical. You are the man, GC!
GC, nobody says it better!
Great post! And now Elon wants to buy Substack
Yes, let's hope not. I do wonder if some of the FTX billions went to his Twitter purchase right as he was getting cold feet. The timing all fits.
Yeah I thought the same.
Well, you highlighted the way the inflated balance sheet of one regulatory capture, rent seeking ponzi can be leveraged into another, i.e. Tesla, so it would not be a stretch that the FTX funnel propped up the twit deal. Interesting also how the $14B of LBO loans musk used were impaired prior to closing - and yet they still closed. The 'invisible hand' is real. It just isn't quite what Smith imagined.
'The only thing absolute about our fren Elon is that he’s absolutely not who or what he wants us to believe.'
I beg to differ. Their plan is out in the open. They're confidently showing who they are and what their plans are. Just look at his twit pic, he's a disciple of Satan. He's no different than the guy that you do business with upon him first meeting your girlfriend, where he tells you how lucky you are to have such a beautiful, intelligent lady all the while he's rubbing her ass. It's fk'n really hard to get to the truth eh?
Great writing man.
True. They have to show us before as part of the ritual.
Once you see the satanic signs you'll never unsee them again eh?
You know soon after the plandemic started I literally prayed for the truth. Fk' man down the rabbit hole I went and little did I know it's a fk'n bottomless pit. Have you seen the clips from the 96 games, opening ceromonies ?
First documented exposure of the plan, including the spike protein ? Hell if I know.
2012 games highlighted the dancing covid nurses. How fun. Good times.
Edit, 92 games, go to around the 40:00 mark. Listen to the beat of the's struggle against the machine (Satan) ? Wait for the spike protein....pure evil.
“But (he) has to be real, or (he) wouldn’t look so fake.”
Way to ram it home, you wooly pecker!
Ha ha he said Ram!
You are doing a great job informing us out here.... Glad that you are aware of LifeLog, most people are not and don't understand why one would not be on Farcebook...
Prior to Al Gore inventing the Internet, when it was ARPA companies, we did trace routes of two well known companies that were line of sight a quarter mile apart in Silicon Valley. (Now blocked by Google campus.) All the packets were going through Virginia. So Ed Snowden was showing crystalized stuff that had been going on since the 80s. "They" have been collecting for a long long time.
And we were using email using a program called Wheel back in the 70s, as well as probably a bunch of other means to communicate. Then there were private protocols in 80s and RFCed to standardization which is what is used now by real people not some teenage kid in a summer job.