I think it’s the idiotic organisers(ASO) forcing this theatre of virtue signalling. It’s also the soigneurs, the camera people, and the podium girls(and boys now!) being forced to wear them. The podium presenters even have face nappies that match the particular jersey category. How delightful…..
True, before the global warming epidemic, there was the impending global cooling. I think they now just cover their basis with the nebulous Climate Crisis™️. The details don’t really matter, only the fear does.
Did you see the video of climate change protestors blocking the Tour de Farce race course and then getting run over? One farce on top of another, just like the recent NBC news headline: "A study found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after their Covid vaccination."
Dr. Kory noted the irony that the women that first brought up menstrual cycle disruptions were ignored and written off as hysterical. Despite all of its modern day wokeness, The Science resurrected an old and ridiculous label to protect the safe and effective narrative.
Dragged kicking and screaming, they will be forced to eventually admit everything we knew since the spring and summer of 2021.
Your Pieces always stimulate thought within me. Great Writers always do that. It's a sign post for me.
With that said, I want to vent, just a bit. It's about the tragedy of post-vaxx symptomatology & their choice.
I would never make light of anyone's symptoms post-vaxx.
But we are, where we are.
I have a long-time friend of 30 years. 69 years old. Smart guy. Teacher. I told him CONTINUOUSLY about Jon's Reportage on all-things-Covid.
If memory serves, 1 day or a few days after Fauci was announced King of Procedures, Jon wrote A LIGHTENING SCATHING Piece on Fauci.
I held him down (figuratively) & read it to him.
5 minutes in, looking at him, he was shaking his head "no" at certain statements of Jon.
He said, "It [Jon's Piece] was over-the-top. He couldn't believe it."
I told him, sans arguing with him, respecting he must decide for himself, that if it were me, I wouldn't take the shot, or at least, stall as long as he could.
He replied, "No, I want to get back in the classroom, they won't let me in without it, plus I don't want to wait in the long vaxx lines."
So, he immediately signed up & got 2 Modernas'.
His school was on full lockdown. Both labs & lectures were being taught online.
He hated it. He teaches a science class. He said he 'could' teach lecture, tho' not favoring it, but the lab portion was unteachable & untestable, online-wise.
He was frustrated.
School issued statement that labs would be opening up in 6 months to 1 year. But if they wanted to teach, they MUST be vaxxers, no exceptions.
Because he likes teaching, he chose vaxx.
1st shot symptoms, pain at injection site.
2nd shot, 4 weeks later, resulted in him laying on the couch for 6 weeks.
He was an active guy.
He's suffering mental symptoms best described this way.
He cannot answer a simple question.
These are not the actual questions, but they are the same quality, etc.
Me: M
Him: H
M: Do you want to get a hot dog or hamburger?
H: I bought a package of hot dogs a few weeks ago, I think they're in the refrigerator.
M: You said you have a dentist appointment on Thursday, do you need a ride?
H: Well, I had a cleaning about a year ago.
M: Do you spell "tired" with an "i" or a "y"?
H: I've been tired lately.
I've pointed out to him REPEATEDLY that he's not listening to me. I explain to him, it's a simple yes or no question or a single answer question.
I AM SURE, that all Coviders, will surmise, & testify, with the greatest of vigor, that he is/was, on the sunrise, of his nascent Alzheimer's.
I don't believe it.
"THEY" have an already built defense, regarding upper center (brain) dysfunction.
Blame it on Alzheimer.
I feel bad for everyone having post-vaxx symptoms, especially healthy athletes.
Sorry about your friend Paul. You tried to be the best friend one can be. It's not so much having a laugh at the expense of those who had bad information and made a choice on that bad information, as mocking the world we live in where we can't admit the truth of anything anymore. If we can't admit the truth, there will be more and more like your friend who suffer. They want us to all play along and deny reality no matter how hard it kicks us in the nuts - and the Alzheimers is a perfect example along with all the media headlines about what can cause cardiac arrest today. It's all very similar to a farce.
We live in a country under siege. And...~half the population disagrees with that notion.
All previous values that built this country are dissolving, rapidly, & with quickening pace.
"Buy gold/silver." Do those saying that realize that any online purchase is known.
An example, not so much of futility, but surrounding & encompassing reality.
When I was ~11 years old I wanted to invent something new. I don't remember what it was & it probably wasn't fantastic, but I talked to some adults & maybe even contacted the patent office for info. And I remember, very clearly, perhaps by questions on their paperwork, or by asking someone familiar with such (they said all the questions were designed to protect the inventor) but I reckoned, at that tender age, somehow, I received a sneaking suspicion, that THEY, nebulous at best, in my young mind, were interested about ANY/ALL submitted products, for some interest of THEIRS. I know it sounds crazy, but I think this world is highly controlled, & we're at a spot in Time, where they are just figuring their next move. What that is, I don't know clearly enough to articulate.
25-years-ago, I spent a week at the PTO to self-research a laser-measurement device. My first day (of four) was a Friday (which is the 'eve of the sabbath') and half the examiners on-staff wore yarmulke's. And they descended on me like sharks until they understood that my device was intended for 'pulling dimensions' on construction projects and NOT for intergalactic war.
The PTO is located in Crystal City, VA and is nestled (geographically) between the Pentagon and The Naval Reserve Annex. Kind regards to All.
I have one of those folding bikes. They're really authentic ridin' machines. You can use them for quick travel, a blockhead or two.
Anywho...so I'm driving 4-wheeled to the store, I didn't tighten well the turn-key that makes the folding bicycle into a single functional unit.
Well...on a gravel road-ed shoulder I take a spill over the handle bars. I flew through air & then to ground, like a swan loaded down with big breasts.
I broke both forearms & it was killing me. I couldn't call for an ambulance because I can't afford health insurance. And even if I had health insurance, I couldn't dial 911 'cause my hands were paralyzed by pain.
As I managed to pedal away, as my legs were okay, but the steering part, was hard.
So I thought, "Oh I'll show them ! Those bastards at the insurance company."
So I stopped, reversed my course of action, laid my sternum atop the seat & looking backwards, I steered with my feet, all the way to the hospital.
Upon admittance, the doctor said, "Man that must hurt, steerin' with your broken forearms!"
I then whispered into his ear how I got there & he exclaimed, "God! That took guts, it musta hurt more!"
Tesla had a laboratory on Long Island, New York. Very close to what later became Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant (which never became operational).
During the past decade there has been talk of building a high voltage powerline under Long Isalnd Sound in that vicinity, to bring power from Quebecois hydropower facilities down to Long Island.
I always thought that electricity could move through air. I thought this before knowing about The Great Serb.
Think of the tremendum of just using an electric saw, or blender, or can opener & not needing all that bothersome wiring !
However, I had a long & electrified debate with an electrical engineer student once.
The most I understood of electricity at that time, was where most likely to find a wall socket
So, I deferred to his greater, academic knowledge. And rightly so, I believe.
He said it would be impossible, due to air resistance. And this is true...
...And here goes Paulie...
...@ the present current & voltage ranges running through the typical home ! Which Poindexter clearly did not fathom.
What if, World, we bucked up both voltage>push & current~flow ? Huh ! Ya ever think of that, World ! Nooo...YOU were too busy spinning. YOU, make, me, sick, World !
Now...putting aside the concerns of skin surface frying or bone marrow boiling with its resultant leukemia, among a host of other travails, I think it could work, somehow.
I believe Tesla said similar & far better, a very long time ago.
Buuttt...If THEY can't slap a meter on your house, THEY would not be well pleased.
I believe, an experiment was run, a # of years ago, in which a metal cable, acting as a conductor, was dispensed in space, just outside Earth's atmosphere. Or more likely, in Earth's ionosphere, but not positive. Pun intended.
As cable simply traveled around the Earth, perhaps rotating synchronously with Earth, that is fixed generally above a certain spot, as it ran thru charged atmospheric particles, it generated so much current, that it soon heated to burning destruction.
I swear they are putting something in the air. I have a 25yo friend that is an unvaccinated fit and healthy climber. He has a terrible cold and not COVID. People never used to get colds in the summer. Especially not bad ones. What the hell is this?
What has been done to these finely tuned athletes is absolutely criminal. Bourla, et.al. should be drawn and quartered.
Then again, LaFay had the option of standing on principles (I'm assuming he has them) and refusing like the tennis pro. Principles are anathema to the criminal creeps like Bourla, Fauci, Biden, Gates and all the rest of the rectum orifices.
Watching the riders wear masks during outdoor interviews is the epitome of lunacy unchecked.
After riding through groups of people thronging the roadway, screaming words of encouragement. The Theater of Absurd is still strong in Europe.
thats funny cos i get most of my The Theatre of Absurd from the US!
It's everywhere. The coaches in the NBA finals were wearing masks while surrounded by 20k unmAked fans, inside. Ridiculous
It's actually frightening. How can people be so incredibly stupid?
I think it’s the idiotic organisers(ASO) forcing this theatre of virtue signalling. It’s also the soigneurs, the camera people, and the podium girls(and boys now!) being forced to wear them. The podium presenters even have face nappies that match the particular jersey category. How delightful…..
I wouldn't be surprised if the masking was a requirement from the National French government for the permits.
That sounds logical.
What do you think? Was this year’s winner at least partially determined by nonsensical PCR tests?
Athletes sacrifice so much time to become good...glad a few at the top are breaking ranks with this 'sacrifice'.
do they wear them during riding too?
Not yet Ray, not yet
It was amateur level racing here in the states, but they were certainly wearing them while racing a couple seasons ago…. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhgSLYlUl5/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
In my time, it was called natural selection. :)
It could be any number of things. The sky's the limit really. The one and only thing we know with absolute certainty is that it isn't the jabs.
I can't wait til they say this at a funeral! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
There's a general consensus that you are absolutely correct about this! https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/sids-sads-siss?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
It’s definitely climate change. I know they’ve been warning us for forty years about it, but Climate Change™️ started in earnest about 18 months ago….
Actually longer than that.
Sometimes freezing is the Fear porn
Peace ✌️
True, before the global warming epidemic, there was the impending global cooling. I think they now just cover their basis with the nebulous Climate Crisis™️. The details don’t really matter, only the fear does.
Very attentive! You got it.
I want Greta and Mr. Fauci ti do a video! Have missed her brand of bullshit, and hysterical memes
Global crisis...
They were reading sedevacantist groups, who are all over these bastards.
Did you see the video of climate change protestors blocking the Tour de Farce race course and then getting run over? One farce on top of another, just like the recent NBC news headline: "A study found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after their Covid vaccination."
"people with regular menstrual cycles". Liberating mentally ill "men", from the dreaded "W" word.
From Raising Arizona. See it before you die. Who coulda freaken dream commie bastards would actually put this bullshit forth?
So painful , the satire helps.
Thank God for smart asses
Dr. Kory noted the irony that the women that first brought up menstrual cycle disruptions were ignored and written off as hysterical. Despite all of its modern day wokeness, The Science resurrected an old and ridiculous label to protect the safe and effective narrative.
Dragged kicking and screaming, they will be forced to eventually admit everything we knew since the spring and summer of 2021.
Women dont care otherwise they wouldn’t get another jab and booster and can’t wait for the fall jab. …And get jabbed while pregnant.
Why would Vladimir Putin do this?
its obviously pollution, i expect mainly from all the bullshit flying around
To T. Goode,
Your Pieces always stimulate thought within me. Great Writers always do that. It's a sign post for me.
With that said, I want to vent, just a bit. It's about the tragedy of post-vaxx symptomatology & their choice.
I would never make light of anyone's symptoms post-vaxx.
But we are, where we are.
I have a long-time friend of 30 years. 69 years old. Smart guy. Teacher. I told him CONTINUOUSLY about Jon's Reportage on all-things-Covid.
If memory serves, 1 day or a few days after Fauci was announced King of Procedures, Jon wrote A LIGHTENING SCATHING Piece on Fauci.
I held him down (figuratively) & read it to him.
5 minutes in, looking at him, he was shaking his head "no" at certain statements of Jon.
He said, "It [Jon's Piece] was over-the-top. He couldn't believe it."
I told him, sans arguing with him, respecting he must decide for himself, that if it were me, I wouldn't take the shot, or at least, stall as long as he could.
He replied, "No, I want to get back in the classroom, they won't let me in without it, plus I don't want to wait in the long vaxx lines."
So, he immediately signed up & got 2 Modernas'.
His school was on full lockdown. Both labs & lectures were being taught online.
He hated it. He teaches a science class. He said he 'could' teach lecture, tho' not favoring it, but the lab portion was unteachable & untestable, online-wise.
He was frustrated.
School issued statement that labs would be opening up in 6 months to 1 year. But if they wanted to teach, they MUST be vaxxers, no exceptions.
Because he likes teaching, he chose vaxx.
1st shot symptoms, pain at injection site.
2nd shot, 4 weeks later, resulted in him laying on the couch for 6 weeks.
He was an active guy.
He's suffering mental symptoms best described this way.
He cannot answer a simple question.
These are not the actual questions, but they are the same quality, etc.
Me: M
Him: H
M: Do you want to get a hot dog or hamburger?
H: I bought a package of hot dogs a few weeks ago, I think they're in the refrigerator.
M: You said you have a dentist appointment on Thursday, do you need a ride?
H: Well, I had a cleaning about a year ago.
M: Do you spell "tired" with an "i" or a "y"?
H: I've been tired lately.
I've pointed out to him REPEATEDLY that he's not listening to me. I explain to him, it's a simple yes or no question or a single answer question.
I AM SURE, that all Coviders, will surmise, & testify, with the greatest of vigor, that he is/was, on the sunrise, of his nascent Alzheimer's.
I don't believe it.
"THEY" have an already built defense, regarding upper center (brain) dysfunction.
Blame it on Alzheimer.
I feel bad for everyone having post-vaxx symptoms, especially healthy athletes.
I am sure there are many 'reasonable' answers.
It's frustrating.
It's sad.
It's a pity.
Sorry about your friend Paul. You tried to be the best friend one can be. It's not so much having a laugh at the expense of those who had bad information and made a choice on that bad information, as mocking the world we live in where we can't admit the truth of anything anymore. If we can't admit the truth, there will be more and more like your friend who suffer. They want us to all play along and deny reality no matter how hard it kicks us in the nuts - and the Alzheimers is a perfect example along with all the media headlines about what can cause cardiac arrest today. It's all very similar to a farce.
Here's my thinking on the goings ons:
All of these are obvious.
We live in a country under siege. And...~half the population disagrees with that notion.
All previous values that built this country are dissolving, rapidly, & with quickening pace.
"Buy gold/silver." Do those saying that realize that any online purchase is known.
An example, not so much of futility, but surrounding & encompassing reality.
When I was ~11 years old I wanted to invent something new. I don't remember what it was & it probably wasn't fantastic, but I talked to some adults & maybe even contacted the patent office for info. And I remember, very clearly, perhaps by questions on their paperwork, or by asking someone familiar with such (they said all the questions were designed to protect the inventor) but I reckoned, at that tender age, somehow, I received a sneaking suspicion, that THEY, nebulous at best, in my young mind, were interested about ANY/ALL submitted products, for some interest of THEIRS. I know it sounds crazy, but I think this world is highly controlled, & we're at a spot in Time, where they are just figuring their next move. What that is, I don't know clearly enough to articulate.
What do you think ?
25-years-ago, I spent a week at the PTO to self-research a laser-measurement device. My first day (of four) was a Friday (which is the 'eve of the sabbath') and half the examiners on-staff wore yarmulke's. And they descended on me like sharks until they understood that my device was intended for 'pulling dimensions' on construction projects and NOT for intergalactic war.
The PTO is located in Crystal City, VA and is nestled (geographically) between the Pentagon and The Naval Reserve Annex. Kind regards to All.
I have one of those folding bikes. They're really authentic ridin' machines. You can use them for quick travel, a blockhead or two.
Anywho...so I'm driving 4-wheeled to the store, I didn't tighten well the turn-key that makes the folding bicycle into a single functional unit.
Well...on a gravel road-ed shoulder I take a spill over the handle bars. I flew through air & then to ground, like a swan loaded down with big breasts.
I broke both forearms & it was killing me. I couldn't call for an ambulance because I can't afford health insurance. And even if I had health insurance, I couldn't dial 911 'cause my hands were paralyzed by pain.
As I managed to pedal away, as my legs were okay, but the steering part, was hard.
So I thought, "Oh I'll show them ! Those bastards at the insurance company."
So I stopped, reversed my course of action, laid my sternum atop the seat & looking backwards, I steered with my feet, all the way to the hospital.
Upon admittance, the doctor said, "Man that must hurt, steerin' with your broken forearms!"
I then whispered into his ear how I got there & he exclaimed, "God! That took guts, it musta hurt more!"
I replied, "Yeah, pretty much."
I've added this, post-script, for emphasis:
"...no matter how hard it kicks us in the nuts -"
You're Tremendous T. Goode !
Just Makin' Light...
Thank you so much !
Since I believe in rainbows & butterflies.
I'm gonna send over that story about that other cycler.
Yes, it's tragic, but who doesn't have tragedy in their lives these dark days.
I called the author, he wrote it about 3-4 hours ago. He gave me permission to submit it.
Just hold on to your bicycle seat.
I remember reading books about Inventors, at a young age, & it was terribly exciting.
Definitely Edison. Some others. Our Electric Company had Edison in its name, I think.
I believe:
Edison's lab was in Jersey.
Einstein did a stint at Princeton.
(Maybe) Tesla did some work in Jersey.
The Hindenburg went down in Jersey.
King Kong was hanging on the Empire Building.
So all this stuff had/was happening around my little state of Mind. I was in no way part of it, but I could feel it.
I remember that patent-thing sort-of quashed my enthusiasm.
It's funny, Jon recently wrote a Piece about a domed (or was it doomed) colony on Mars.
He made fantastic statements:
"There is no private enterprise."
"All in all, nobody is supposed to fuck around under the dome."
I know he meant, or I take it as, "No one is to be at ease. No one is to fool around. No one might serendipitously create something."
I think that world sucks & I, like ALL your Readers, don't like it also.
What to do ?
I don't think there is escape.
I don't WANT to fight, but will, if pushed.
I think we have to transform stuff, somehow, in some way.
And get this, I don't know what that means. And I just said it.
"Tesla did some work in Jersey."
Tesla had a laboratory on Long Island, New York. Very close to what later became Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant (which never became operational).
During the past decade there has been talk of building a high voltage powerline under Long Isalnd Sound in that vicinity, to bring power from Quebecois hydropower facilities down to Long Island.
Thank you.
And for something completely different,
& possibly unworkable...
I always thought that electricity could move through air. I thought this before knowing about The Great Serb.
Think of the tremendum of just using an electric saw, or blender, or can opener & not needing all that bothersome wiring !
However, I had a long & electrified debate with an electrical engineer student once.
The most I understood of electricity at that time, was where most likely to find a wall socket
So, I deferred to his greater, academic knowledge. And rightly so, I believe.
He said it would be impossible, due to air resistance. And this is true...
...And here goes Paulie...
...@ the present current & voltage ranges running through the typical home ! Which Poindexter clearly did not fathom.
What if, World, we bucked up both voltage>push & current~flow ? Huh ! Ya ever think of that, World ! Nooo...YOU were too busy spinning. YOU, make, me, sick, World !
Now...putting aside the concerns of skin surface frying or bone marrow boiling with its resultant leukemia, among a host of other travails, I think it could work, somehow.
I believe Tesla said similar & far better, a very long time ago.
Buuttt...If THEY can't slap a meter on your house, THEY would not be well pleased.
I believe, an experiment was run, a # of years ago, in which a metal cable, acting as a conductor, was dispensed in space, just outside Earth's atmosphere. Or more likely, in Earth's ionosphere, but not positive. Pun intended.
As cable simply traveled around the Earth, perhaps rotating synchronously with Earth, that is fixed generally above a certain spot, as it ran thru charged atmospheric particles, it generated so much current, that it soon heated to burning destruction.
I never heard anything more about it.
Paul another guy from New Jersey who writes a stack is Frederick R Smith …. If you like history!! Lot of lessons to be learned there.🌞
Thank you very much.
Damn, I always knew Jersey was tremendous !
I'll ✔️ it out.
Hey Paul I’m from central Jersey 😀
I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but it's spelt Joisey !
Hi/Welcome Friend !
Ha Joyseeee
I don't know how much longer I "can stare into the Covid abyss."
With that said, I am most thankful to all writers & reporters, writing & reporting on all-things-Covid.
As Jon counsels, this story MUST be kept on the front page, each day, hammer away. Don't stop.
But alas, what to do?
I have an Aquarian Sun Mind. I feel for friend or stranger alike.
I still read, each day, all updates on Covid.
Do you think if the Republicans get the House, they will launch Covid investigations ?
Will any Governmental body ?
What do you think the future holds ?
Sorry to pressure you, but I'm out of answers.
Thank you again for your previous most thoughtful Words.
“I see you haven’t received your fourth booster monsieur. What is zee problem?”
Only the fourth booster? My God, keep those lepers away from me!
Imagine not gigavaxxing in 2022.
All you can do is cringe when witnessing such gullibility. Tragic that their naivete has resulted in profound physical harm.
I swear they are putting something in the air. I have a 25yo friend that is an unvaccinated fit and healthy climber. He has a terrible cold and not COVID. People never used to get colds in the summer. Especially not bad ones. What the hell is this?
I definitely agree! The flies coming in my house are dying very fast when prior they’d fly around forever. Very suspicious our air quality.
As Always.
Great Call on The Maps !
& U.N. Predictive Traps.
But he stuck the landing !!!
"We talk a lot about the covid, but there may be something else."
The price is too high to state the obvious, especially to the institution holding society hostage.
So sad. I wonder if Victor Lafay suspects the injection but does not say so.
I think yes, he does.
Thinking, thinking... what could it be? Oh my how some dots - no matter how OBVIOUS - are just impossible to connect for some.
What has been done to these finely tuned athletes is absolutely criminal. Bourla, et.al. should be drawn and quartered.
Then again, LaFay had the option of standing on principles (I'm assuming he has them) and refusing like the tennis pro. Principles are anathema to the criminal creeps like Bourla, Fauci, Biden, Gates and all the rest of the rectum orifices.
I'm surprised none "unexpectedly" dropped dead.
I think one did near the finish line of one stage last year.