The great mystery continues at the Tour de France. The fittest men on the planet are dropping like flies.

🇫🇷 TourDeFrance Victor Lafay, 26, retires.
I find it hard to breathe.I lack oxygen,I have pain in all my legs,no strength. All the COVID tests are negative, it could be something else We are many in the group who have the same symptoms,💉💉💉
Must be that dangerous global warming again.

TOUR DE FRANCE VICTOR LAFAY Impossible to breath. Is it because of the heat?
The heat, again, is fine.
We are well supplied, we water ourselves, we have ice cubes. “We all have our lungs screwed up” there are many who have it.

Victor Lafay is not alone.
“We’re negative but still have it, or it’s something else.”
What could it be?
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Watching the riders wear masks during outdoor interviews is the epitome of lunacy unchecked.
It could be any number of things. The sky's the limit really. The one and only thing we know with absolute certainty is that it isn't the jabs.