The Good Citizen is rarely interested in partisan politics and all the engineered theatrics and hysteria meant to distract us from those with real power behind the scenes so they can continue to get away with their crimes, but politicians are their servants and we saw yesterday that on a long enough timeline no politician is exempt from this dutiful role.
Former President Trump tripled down on defending a toxic spike protein bioweapon that has maimed millions and killed hundreds of thousands so far and will likely kill more if things go according to the plans of those who unleashed this horror on humanity. He claims we’re all “playing into their hands” by opposing these crimes against humanity, and this global terrorism.
Trump continues to celebrate this horror as a great triumph of his presidency.
His more obstinate supporters will say he’s playing 4-D political chess as usual and we’re all too stupid to see the great genius behind this mysterious methodology.
This is a guy who didn’t have the guts to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci and who appointed to his administration some of the most odious neoconservative and neoliberal globalist cretins and big finance servants.
But remember, he’s playing “4D Chess”.
Dr. Shankara Chetty of South Africa who has successfully treated 5000 Covid patients would like to have a word with those who still believe this cultish nonsense.
*This video thread is best viewed on Substack, in a browser.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
“4D Chess”.
Alex Jones has left the MAGA train.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, I went off the board for Gary Johnson. I voted begrudgingly for Trump in 2020. I believe large amounts of votes were manufactured in urban areas of key swing states (not a new phenomenon, the Democrat machine is quite good at it). That said, as a Floridian, I'll take DeSantis any day of the week and twice on Sunday. He's got the right amount of Trumpy fight to him but backed with a brain and a knack for policy and knows how to beat the press in a way that doesn't look petty or narcissistic.
A regular lunch buddy and fellow historian was/is and will surely remain a diehard Trumpian, which I less-and-less gently ridiculed in the run-up to his eventual election. I also predicted he would win the election, despite the bleating press pointing fingers at Mrs. Mena -- much to his delight.
When he eventually asked what I thought Trump's political purpose would be, after events played out as I had predicted, I invoked Nero playing his violin as Rome burned.
He didn't like the analogy, but as previous (and numerous times prior) his head was turned when said prognostications played out seemingly as if scripted. Despite this, he remains a devoted Trumpian -- and has submitted to each and every jab without question.
He also struggled to wrap his "Rhodes scholar" mind (yes, really) around the idea that the Clinton and Obama terms were little more than a linear continuation of pre-approved candidates, all of who owed their education and political careers -- and swore fealty to -- the Company.
For what it's worth, my instincts on the Biden regime are equally dire : he will not see the end of his term, thereby ushering in the even-scarier proposition of Harris in the oval office. All of which will unfold as the overarching financial tactics of '29 are brought to bear yet again.
Personally, the wife and I relocated to her ancestral family farm back in 2001, in the immediate aftermath of you-know-what. Our local food net will keep us healthy as the urban centers are brought to heel with massive economic disruption and failing supply chains.
The only real question is whether or not the pitchforks and torches will be enough to get the job done this time 'round, in the face of media-moderated intellectual capture (programming) and technologies (directed energy, nano-tech, etc.) created *precisely* to enable large-scale crowd control in the glorious new Global Panopticon state.