According to the West, Uganda may be behind in human rights, but what about children's rights? Then again, Biden and many of the transhumanists don't believe in humanity or care for the rights of children at that.

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The videos of the kids arriving at school and the "family friendly" S&M parade are pure insanity. I can imagine Caligula shaking his head in disgust.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

If I were Ugandan President Miseveni, I would gladly accept all sanctions from the west and ask them to actually leave and never return, arm the gold mining operations with Russian and Chinese anti-aircraft technology, sell the gold rights to Russian for let’s say 1/3 and use 1/3 for military funding and border protection. Keep the rest hidden safely.

Oh yeah, divest from Gates and Who and the Ebola will disappear, I believe they dig up dead relations or some silly things like that, perhaps put a moratorium on that for 10 years also, maybe that would hurt short term but c’mon man…

GC, I was gonna scold on you for giving the alphabet weirdos any time on your stack, but I applaud this piece. Nice angle

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

My heart aches for those kids having that insanity forced down their throats. Things are going to hell in a hand basket, at breakneck speed.

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The alphabet mafia have taken over every inch of this morally bankrupt land that at one time was a country. They won’t stop until every kid is initiated into there cult of debauchery. The American flag has been replaced by the alphabet mafia cult flag. A sacred symbol of the satanists, like a photo of Mohammed, if it is defaced will result in punishment by the long arm of the law. Uganda is on to something, and at this point if this corrupt country accuses you of human rights abuses, you can rest assured your doing the right thing. After all we live in a place that will send feds knocking at your door for being anti-abortion.

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The "Empire of Lies": that could catch on. Thanks for the timely and informative essay.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen


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Exporting wokism? Lord help them.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

What a great piece, GC. While Russia's government is largely down with most of globohomo, they are resistant to certain dysgenic policies such as the Alphabet Mafia. As others have mentioned, Uganda should negotiate with Russia for their resources for the S400, a good grain deal, and a nuclear reactor. Really stick it to the West.

Dont forget Wagner is also active in Central Africa. Prigozhin has some badasses that have just stood down from Bakhmut. A tour ensuring stability there may be in the cards. There is the possibility of Wagner going into Belgorod but he would have some troops free to act as cadre in Uganda.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Another foreign policy triumph for JoeMentia and Blinkin Blinken.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Having to go to school in that place might make me act out and pull down some of that ugly stuff.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

There’s a big difference between actual gold in a vault versus “reserves“. There are proven reserves, and then there are suspected reserves. even proven reserves are very difficult and expensive and time-consuming to actually get out of the ground.

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Good geopolitical analysis,will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Hmmm, I wonder if Uganda will experience some extreme weather?

I participated in many pride weekend events and parades in San Francisco in my twenties (30 years ago). A lot of fun! I'm a woman, and mostly the men were into the kink. But even for me, to see a whole elementary school celebrating pride is strange. Most people aren't gay (or trans), so I don't understand why everyone would be celebrating it. It seems forced, and since the trans joined very extreme and part of an agenda. I really don't like seeing the trans triangle on the gay pride flag.

I do appreciate anti-bullying messages because more kids are growing up with gay parents and hopefully that helps reduce bullying.

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Marxism with a rainbow flag. Nice twist.

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Isn’t forcing one’s values onto another’s culture known as cultural imperialism? Neo-neo colonialism? Weren’t we told it was evil to do so? Aren’t we supposed to decolonize?

I’m so confused.

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