This is a perfect example of how the elections we hapicked. California are complete bs. The Democratic Party picked her for Senator of Calif then picked her for VP of an old dottering fool President. No one in their right mind has voted for her. She is the Party's pick.

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What was she polling at 2%? Biden was not a favorite either. Harris even humiliated him in a debate.

They installed two widely unpopular candidates.

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Just to show that they could.

I cannot think of any other reason, other than to absolutely prove that votes do not matter and we can install a senile old child sniffer and a promiscuous nobody to the highest office.

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They knew the outcome before voting started. The ballots were printed, marked, and sitting in an NGO office, ready for stuffing.

They just didn't know how many more they would need.

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I love how you are embedding video into substack, creative way to get points across. 😊👏

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Now THAT !

Was Hilariously,




I drop to my knees & pray...

"Oh God please let JB live 2 more years."


"Alex... I'd like to buy a vowel."

~ KH

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Sorry, the vowel like the Vice President was already sold to the highest bidder.

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Somehow a classmate of mine from both high school and college got hold of one of my email addresses; an invitation to join a bi-weekly zoom call with university classmates came through on a rambling email from the linchpin of the group. (What the heck; some of the people were old friends, though I had not seen nor spoken with any in twenty years…what have I got to lose?)

The men were cordial and I gave a two minute summary of my last twenty years. The stragglers zoomed in; suddenly the joyous news of the day: the pick to round off the Biden ticket got them all atwitter with a giddiness which left me dumbstruck. Gobsmacked. Stunned.

The call eventually came near its ending. I thanked them for the invitation and wished them health. (Remember the Scam ramping up.) I remain in awe of these intelligent, successful men. Thankfully, I received no more invitations. They sussed me out. Good!

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There was this talk show : the late late show w Craig Ferguson . He had a robot skeleton sidekick. We could exhume the body of Jefferson and his skeleton would make a better VP

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This is so completely devastating for Harris, because everyone knows it's true.

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May 29, 2022
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You put so nicely the common humanity we share, yet scarcely recognize in our elected officials and disconnect that has grown since the founding of our nation between those who took care in their responsibility with serving the public and those now entitled with defiling the republic for their own avarice.

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I spent a lot of time in the boy scouts. I was very sad when the scouts was revealed to have had so many problems. I see so much of our problems as being a side effect of men not being able to socialize properly with other men. the scouts was a place were boys could learn to build community with other men. One could learn to have a genuine appreciation for others abilities and unique personalities. One could measure oneself up against others. You realized that there were some boys that were better at certain things than you were, smarter, more athletic, whatever... and that was OK. You also learned that you didnt always have things in common and didnt always agree on things. You learned to have respect and appreciation for these differences and still get along. You learned to have some humility and see others as human beings no matter how different you were. Thomas Jefferson thought that the "natural aristocracy" should rule. By this he meant that those with talent; he didnt mean a hereditary elite. He thought the talent could be found in any class. The "elite" owe their status to the ethical and legal milieu, to the cultural tradition in which they have been raised. Those elevated to positions of authority wealth and power are able to achieve these positions b/c of the meritocratic tradition of our culture. For these people to behave the way they have been ; as malignant sociopaths is a profound betrayal. A wounding of our society's spirit. Its taken centuries to climb up the hill to the shining city ( as Regan put it) These people are blowing it up in a few decades. Hopefully we good citizens... the GC tribe... I hate to call it an "army" ; too militant... hopefully we will be like the Irish monks in the middle ages. We will preserve the sacred Rothbardian and classical liberal texts in our obscure corners of the dark web for when the world is ready to embrace freedom again.

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The rampaging decay of the Western ruling class is truly a sight to behold. It's like watching a combination between a train crash and a drunk chick making a fool of herself at her boss's party. Horrifying and yet impossible to look away.

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Holy sh*t...that was painful but then I am used to watching Trudeau and Freeland...still though...aaaahhhhhh....🤯

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The competition is fierce to stand out as a politician completely disconnected from the nation they supposedly represent, but Trudeau and freeland are right up there with Biden and Harris.

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YES!!!! Here some goodies for your viewing pleasure.....jsut because, you know, I am soooo proud.........facts don't penetrate Trudeau and his WEF members in our govt's blood brain barrier......we are still not allowed to travel within our own country...you know, the fringe minority......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oS-L9Exagg

.....AND.....he is very worried about mis/disinformation...BIG REPLY - Protest Against PM Justin Trudeau in Surrey British Columbia Canada News.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evdpt-iDBYc....he says he is worried about his safety, he means your safety.....

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I'm watching HBO's 7 part series John Adams.

Thanx for The Inspiration.

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That would actually be a funny bit… the corpse of Jefferson calling harris a raving lunatic with a wandering uterus

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Democrats and Republicans pick the worst person imaginable to be a VP. This is a strategy, by whatever party is in power, to insure that the House and Senate will not impeach and remove the President.

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Well, she does represent Democrats accurately.

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Oh my, sadly funny. Loved it. Will def include Good Citizen in my next round up! Thank you.

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Probably vaxx injury... Very little brain remains.

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Nah, she has always been that way. Even her bio on Wikipedia can't hide her lack of accomplishment or vapidness. She's a puppet for the Dem Party puppet masters.

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I can assure you that NO globalist leader in power has taken the kill shot.

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Freezingly Cold...

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Kamala Harris, is a clone of Barack Obams, Joe Biden, and Minnie Mouse.

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Love it!!! Linking tomorrow of course @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ !!!!!!

I'll be waiting for the Presidents video next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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