Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I'll start worrying about rising sea levels right after Obama sells his beachfront property.

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Don't start worrying anytime soon. Word is he just installed a 2500 gallon propane tank at the oceanfront place in Martha's Vineyard. I think he's there for the long haul. But enjoy your crickets and your cold, peasant.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The only anthropogenic "climate change" I'm worried about is the kind due to chemtrails and HAARP.

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Weather engineering is disturbing and yet I have so many questions! Why are there droughts if they can enhance moisture and seed clouds? Are the droughts engineered too? Would be the perfect year for it with everything else going on.

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Of course the droughts are engineered! How else will they starve us to death?

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Well, in the US at least, the are endless "food processing plant accidents," that are numerous and "random." Plus... they've culled chickens and God only knows what else for "potential bird flu." And of course there are still "supply chain issues" which means "you can't get X because we use Y in processing and we can't get Y."

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Same here in Europe! All planned.

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They really want us dead yesterday. It never ends now.😥

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One could seed clouds over the ocean so it rained uselessly into the sea upwind of the usual rainfall patterns, if one was so inclined.

But I am not convinced anyone is actually doing this. GSM theory predicted, years ago, that increased solar flux due to the weaker magnetic field of both the sun and earth during the "quiet sun" period would have a GLOBAL cloud seeding effect, meaning all moisture streams globally would tend to dump more rain over the sea and near the coast, and less rain further inland, creating a pattern of coastal flooding and inland droughts.

I was telling my parents 5 years ago this would happen in Australia.

So if you see coastal flooding and inland droughts around the world...this was predicted a decade ago based on solar cycles, particularly the idea that we will have especially weak cycles between now and 2040, with the worst effects in 2022 and 2032 (11 year cycle low points).

But if you want to get really paranoid....these forecasts, while widely ignored, are probably tracked by The Cabal....so they might try and make a naturally occurring cyclical problem worse. "Take advantage" of the opportunity to create maximum chaos...for the sake of collapse and revolution?

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EARTH JUST DODGED A LOT OF CMES: It Seemed Like Sunspot AR3088 Would Never Stop Exploding!


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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Had a phone conversation with my lady friend, and she was telling me about this latest Greenland nonsense. Now I respect Tony Heller, and go to Allan Watt's web site most every day (WUWT) and also have that BS degree in geology, so I told here not to believe it, that it was just part of the globalist lie.. Her response to that was to curtly say good-by and abruptly hang up. Oh well, I will not be losing any sleep over it.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Most humans are idiots! How do they not realize we are what are to be eliminated?

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

i have a neat pic of the rising sea levels here: https://20thcenturyray.substack.com/p/truth-and-lies?r=14o3q9&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The Plymouth Rock meme? That's great. Thank goodness for snopes correcting us conspiracy theorist climate deniers! 🤣🤣


I think NOAA's own 2018 report said there has been no statistically significant changes in sea level the past 6000 years. Just slight ups and downs over millennia.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

whatever snopes say, fact is when i was a child they said sea levels would rise by at least a metre by the year 2000, its now 2022 and i live by the sea, its the same. i was there today, i see the same rocks! the sea wall is the same height! :D

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Yup. All the "fact checkers" are just paid/subsidized court jesters for the elites.

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Fran cringes every time anyone types the E-L-I-T-E-S word. Desist immediately! Don't you know they are the predators, the parasites and the Black Nobby Globbules? 🤣😂

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Isn’t it great !! Now if the alarmists could somehow view the seaside, but of course that would mean taking their blinders off🤦‍♀️

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I went to grad school for linguistics, a field that nobody cares about and that nobody funds. The sheer amount of ass kissing and parroting back of the established “facts” was astounding. And this is in a completely politically irrelevant field. I can’t imagine the peer pressure in a highly political and well-funded subject like “climate science”. If it comes out of an established academic program, we probably shouldn’t believe it. There is very little incentive to deviate from the norm.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I'm surprised every time I see that Heller is still allowed on YouTube; grateful, but surprised.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

"Anytime someone from the green borg tells you that 98% of scientists “agree” on anything, you should tell them that this should frighten the hell out of them and ask what is wrong with these “scientists”?"


God that's Tremendous !

Reverse THEIR Play.

All the way man !


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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen


I don't get that side-by-side water glass experiment.

What are ya tryin' to say !

That you prefer your water served cold.

With cold cuts or something.

~ Tony S.

Or is it JUST



I'll take the latter.




...OH MY !

DC or OZ,

Difficult to note

A Difference.

Great Work !

You & Your Gang.

As Always.

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water level with ice in ice form, water level with ice after melting. Half joking. But only half full half joking.

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Oh well well well.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

So....we're not all gonna die?

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Well, no one gets out alive, as they say.

I'm pretty sure thought whatever is on the other side has to be better than the sh*tshow here.

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Yeah we are if we don't stop the totalitarian tossers!

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This is good, as usual.

However, who is "we"? I bet the ones you are talking about are not reading your articles! :)

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They are not reading mine, either! :)

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Nor mine! 🤣😂

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Good Citizen


Haven't even read it yet.

Just the picture

Is too Funny.

Oh well, they played their hand, unwell.

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UN Agenda 2030 in full force to destroy all Western Democracies and to enslave their inhabitants. Sharpen the pitchforks it's almost time to storm the castles. Remember In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.”

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The scams keep coming. As to the 2020 election and Hunter's laptop, given that Dems have elevated voter fraud to an art form, as demonstrated during the 2020 election, I sincerely doubt that revealing the laptop story would have changed the outcome. At most, they would have had to print and ship more fake ballots in more districts than they had to do in 2020. The outcome of most elections in this country is now a foregone conclusion, IMO.

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Imagine if all people with their hair on fire over Climate Change or The Great Whatsits were obligated to turn over half their salary/worldly goods to “The Save Our World From ___ “ (fill in the blank) in order to be published or broadcast.

Nice quiet calm day, eh?

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And Greta's jacket....

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