Eugyppius, being an academic (and a genuinely decent guy from what I can tell), desperately wants to believe that academia, science (broadly), and even contemporary medicine is still mostly good and retrievable (from its recent departure to temporary evil insanity). I mean, he certainly goes out of his way to admonish and argue with his own audience to that end. I don't participate in that, but it is amusing to some degree. But really, I think that he is more trying to convince himself with such writing. That's how it comes off to me anyway. He wants to believe in the process, in the school, in the basic decency of most people in general.
I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed, the train has left the station, and things have become just as bad as they appear and sound. The flu didn't go anywhere. It was rebranded, along with garden variety respiratory virus of all manner and kind, to further an evil agenda. Period. my opinion this is dangerous. I highlight above the mask studies. The CDC lists 100 or so studies showing masks work. I knew the fraud taking place in 2 of them and that there was only 1 study pre 2020 that showed a minor benefit in tested, fitted, and in a health care setting use of N95 masks.... and it was a small sample atudy never repeated. So what are you going to do? Spend all your time debunking every study they come up with? They bury you in bullshit so you spend all your time in nonsense. This appears to be on purpose so they can spend all their time managing the narrative. Laura Dodsworth did a great job highlighting this in her book State of Fear. SPI-B in the UK and Fors Marsh Grouo in the USA
Excellent post. Even after all that’s happened, “smart people” still want to believe that the peer-proofread politics-reviewed model is the One Inviolate Source of Truth. Pointing out the obvious conflicts of interests makes you a prescientific barbarian like Plato, Descartes, or Aquinas.
if anyone still holds such beliefs, the very recent creation of a chimera covid with 80% mortality by that university should make one look deep into the abyss.
Who did they make it for, and how much were they paid?
To your excellent question there, I had in the comments offered a response based on psychological science (as you saw). As you may not have seen, eugyppius then banned me for 100 years from his substack and deleted my response. I've preserved it in my first substack article (written because I was so angered by the censorship):
It's also copied below:
The scientific explanation is that it's all psychological science.
COVID is completely fake, so the sociopaths needed to conjure COVID cases out of somewhere. Their hired guns borrowed COVID cases partly from influenza (whose numbers are also mostly fake [1,2], but at least the illness, even if not the virus, exists) and also from other illnesses. But there was no real change in all-cause mortality [3,4,5].
Having created enough fear, now the socipaths could then con people into taking or mandating the highly poisonous holy waters as protection against the fake disease. The waters' "side" effects are various, including death, and the nondeadly ones are numerous enough to allow relabeling as COVID and influenza. So, influenza can return -- just in time for getting a Convid jab in one arm and a flu jab in the other.
I'm sure. Others have also reported being banned by him/her.
My two comments on that post (e.g., the one to which you responded, "mind control + mass homicide by .gov + casedemic + "vaccines" + passports tied to liberty = plandemic.") now have "Removed (banned)" as the byline and "Comment removed" as the text.
And when I try to comment, posting the comment gives the server response: "You are banned from commenting until 100 years from now."
I'm not sure whether it was the links in that comment or the other, shorter comment itself (about the arguments of the virus promoters declining in quality) or their sum effect.
Eugypius not only does not like dissent but more importantly is ignorant on the fundamental issues of what has been happening over the past two and a half years.
Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen
My mother had married a born-in-Berlin German guy and he raised me as a kid -- she later divorced him. That "although I think he is German..." gave me a chuckle. Ja vol!!
My mother is German. (and French) Censorship is strong there. The AfD "right wing" populist party is under total surveillance from the german police state. The greens and communists are trying to ban the party in the name of....drumroll....democracy.
It is indeed strong. My daughter attended a German school (in the US) for two years. In the second year, we realized that they were not teaching children to read in English at all (they used the evil joke known as the whole-language method). I ended up having to take her out of the English class and to a nearby cafe where I taught her to read via phonics.
The school leadership hated it. They called a meeting of the parents and teachers, at which they had their stooges ritually denounce me for criticizing the teachers, whom they loved loved loved, and the teaching. Then the principal summed it up by saying that no one should disrupt the unity of our school.
The "strength through unity" training hadn't faded enough in the 70 years since the war.
It's really on point, especially part two (IMO). After my German stepdad, I've never lost the fascination for all-things German but lately it's really turned to disgust. Maybe, like Hoppe, it should be pity?
Yes because he banned me too. Of course covid is rebranded flu. And neither is caused by a virus. What an absurd farce this world is.
And since this was mentioned recently...
9/11 was a farce. An inside/outside job by mossad and deep state. Impossible to make phone calls at altitude in that year. Which means Phone calls were made on the ground. No planes hit buildings. Video editing at twin towers. Explosions at Pentagon masquerading as plane hit and no debris at shanksville. Planes rerouted to military airport.. Passengers disposed of.
Why not let the two planes hit, bring the three towers down controlled demolition, the only way possible, do the missiles into the pentagon? That's a lot of corroborating witnesses at a military airport who could leak the truth. Pilots. Stews. Hundreds of cell phones that can be tracked. Too many loose ends. Doesn't seem their style. On the phone in the sky I used a Nokia way back in the day at cruising altitude, but these planes weren't at altitude and calls were possible for short periods. Close family member works in CGI editing booth for commercials and films and said it wouldn't have looked that real back in 2001, the tech wasn't there yet- planes on impact. Go back and watch any hollywood blockbuster from that period and CGI is crap. Probably not video editing. Holograms? timed with explosions. Project blue beam, Serge Monast? I enjoy a good banter about all this and will never censor anyone unless they're telling me how they make $1400 per second working from home. I'm going to ask Eugyppius about the censorship and banning, see what he has to say.
At the time of the calls they were above the altitude to make calls
The photog guy in heli approaching twin towers was a pro editor. And the quality was good enough at that distance. Almost all Other later vids were all done by pros inserting a plane. I can give links explaining it.
The quality was not good enough as you said for the close shots which is why they DO look fake. Because...
1. Planes dont melt into buildings as those vids showed.
2. Real planes would smash on outside and debris fall down. And theres many other problems with the videos
3. But they NEEDED it to appear that they entered to give evidence that they destroyed core..instead of the explosives which is obviously what did.
E already gave lame explanations. The real reason is obvious. People dont like their beliefs challenged.
Planes at 460mph and 410mph going through glass with full tanks of jet fuel for a cross country trip would smash and fall down? I dunno about that, but that's the genius innit, nobody's ever seen a jetliner go into a skyscraper.
Steel. Not glass. They cannot even travel at that speed at that altitude. And if you hit a plane with a building the light materials plane will be smashed. Its physics. Same action in reverse
Plenty of info exposing the lies by flight attendant who knew procedures and spotted anomalies and impossibilities. Westover is the airport she found and the workers there were denied access around the time and placed in hotels
I watched the whole “New Pearl Harbor” on YouTube several times. Would love to see more regarding these issues, such as how they made the video look like the planes went into the buildings. Do you have links?
I believe this to be the truth or something close to it. Even Luc Montagnier stated he didn't think HIV was the sole cause of AIDS. That something else triggered it like hepatitis or tuberculosis. It was too bad when Kary Mullis confronted him he didn't know Luc had doubts. They could have had a better conversation. I think Luc was just caught completely off guard by the confrontation and really wasn't a bad guy. For a variety of reasons I quit participating in US healthcare a long time ago. So I haven't had a vaccine in decades. One of the reasons I knew this was such a huge scam was I was aware of the following... They did a trial run.
I had heard of this and also seen what Wolfgang Wodarg was saying about it . They were using the PCR to drive pandemic numbers too. It fizzled out because nobody was actually dying... I think they solved that problem this time with ventilators and remdesivir.
I was almost in shocked to see him in videos again speaking out about it this go round. He is still alive and in good health. LOL. These are some crazy times.
Sanjoy's post here is accurate except in the note about no change in all-cause mortality.
There was and is a significant change in all-cause mortality in the US beginning amazingly in the very week the WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020. Up until that week there was nothing that would indicate a coming storm of mortality.
In March/April 2020 there was a huge spike in all-cause mortality in the US but only in around 15 states and only in urban areas of those states and only with the elderly in those states and only the poor elderly in care homes and hospitals. Quite a selective pathogen, perhaps that is what they meant by unique.
These already fragile individuals were killed in concentrated numbers for that 6 week period by the well documented protocols. From that point on the age stratification changed and has been rolling all theway up to now. There were multiple reasons for this uptick and none of them hasanything to do with a virion from Venus. These were and are deaths caused by human intervention- most are medical murder for money with many others being administrative murder.
Some of us were shouting about this in real time as early as March 2020.
Yep. Was a case mgr RN and had to speak with families while their loved ones were imprisoned by Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. Mass murder is exactly what that was. I was shouting and crying too
I agree with all of the above. I should have said, "no change in all-cause mortality over a longer timespan." If I understand Rancourt's analysis right, it is that there was a spike in deaths at first (due to "protocols" i.e. medical manslaughter and murder, as you describe) and then a dip because the spike was of people who were older, weaker, and/or poorer and going to die soonish. When you add the spike and the dip, you get a nearly zero net change.
The analysis I did was for calendar years not "the Covid era." In 2020 the US had around 430,000 excess and for 2021 around 510,000- I have not done 2022 yet. Looks like it will end up around 300,000ish excess.
There was a dip after that 6 week spike in 2020 but the dip was still well above baseline. There was then another spike that lasted longer at the end of 2020 into early 2021 and then another around Week 35 2021 all the way to Week 7 2022.
On another note I work with the group linked below. I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend next Mondays Zoom meeting if you are interested. It is at 8 PM Central time. Very powerful first hand accounts from people who had loved ones killed by Covid hospital protocols. You get the exact details of how it sent down. We can work out contacts later if you decide to sit in.
Many are involved in litigation and/or pursuing legal action.
Those data are very interesting. Thank you for the correction.
Thank you also for the invitation. I must decline as it is the middle of the night. I live in Sweden now, as a result of the damage that was being done to our children by evil Convid protocols in Maskachusetts.
Uh, isn't this all explained by the crummy mistaken idiotic use of the PCR test as a diagnostic? In which case pretty much every sniffle became marked as COVID, because, that's what they wanted to find? Cha-ching!
BRAVO‼️ BRAVO‼️ GC nails it again. Only this morning I was saying to someone who gets it, “Am I the only guy still asking this DISAPPEARING FLU question?!” Because now they’re cooking up the “BIVALENT” counter attack! THANK YOU SIR for so succinctly articulating the obvious. BOOM‼️ Somebody give this to Candace & Kanye 💥
I generally avoid saying this, almost always, as I can't stand when people toss their credentials out as proof that they "know" what they are talking about and have an expertise in "something."
I am a professional researcher and have been involved in research on "all things Covid" every day for the past 30 months. I knew what was coming in January of 2020. In part due to tracking these things since back in 2005 with the Avian Flu fraud and the subsequent frauds such as the 2009 Swine Flu hoax. In larger part I was made aware of what was coming due to a 'leak' that was inadvertently sent my way from someone connected to a loudmouth at the WHO. From that point I started tracking various items of the coming Covid fraud and one of those details was the CDC's ILI surveillance system.
I would log into their system every morning and take and keep notes of what they were recording in that system. I would copy it both digitally and manually. As we moved into early March 2020 it was audaciously obvious that the CDC was daily altering their data. I couldn't believe it. I feared that one day I would wake to find that they altogether scrub the ILI data from the internet which is why I took screenshots and made journal entries.
In a two month period- Feb 2020 to April 2020- the CDC went from all-time record high 'flu positive' weekly case percentages to all time record lows. How they did this has nothing to do with anything other than engineering data.
Ultimately I wrote a little not-so-organized piece on this in April 2020- oddly the best version of it was published on an obscure blog. Two years later I wrote a better, more organize piece on this also published.
As for Eugypius he/she doesn't know what they are talking about on much of anything. The individual is also intolerant of dissent no matter how well reasoned. I too was banned for a week after challenging them, quite mildly I might add, on a topic not worth discusiing here. I simply unsubscribed.
Wouldn't the hard lockdowns and closing the country explain the drop to almost nothing, everyone staying home for anywhere from 3 weeks in red states to forever in blue states?
The first is that the precipitious drop offs began before lockdowns. The next is that, we are talking percentages here, these sorts of drop offs lockdowns or no are simply not biologically possible in such a compressed time frame.
Again, for those who have been following these things for years none if what was happening or what has happened comes as a surprise even as the magnitude of it was unprecendted.
Some of this falls under the category, "When they tell you what they are going to and then do it it's exactly what they did." That is what the Milken Institute video tells us.
You could be right, though I am inclined to go with the "codification bias" explanation. At that time, anything that looked like it could be Covid was codified as Covid. And that over counting practice (consistent with the over counting of "cases" via too-high thresholds in the PCR tests) got the fear reaction they were looking for.
I'm curious -- did you look at flu counts in the states where lockdowns persisted vs. states that opened up? That might add something to your hypothesis.
Aren't there something like 15-25% of deaths every year from PLI (pneumonia like illness)? Those are generally diagnosed by symptoms, not culture. These include, bacterial, flu, coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses. Those things never disappear, so it's not like covid came on a background of nothing. It just got awarded all the accolades.
I'm not totally convinced that viruses even exist.Terrain/exosome theory makes more sense to me.In the end it's all about pushing the masses towards the depop shot!
Only one thing puzzles me. I know of cases where people came down with bad, flu like sickness, where however the multiplex tests for various influenza and coronavirus types came back negative. Can that still have been "the" flu then?
I'm with you. There were a couple times I had a scratchy throat or sneezed twice or something and began thinking, "Oh no-what if I have CV19? They're gonna make me stick a broom up my nose!" Each time I recognized that my gosh I was starting to fall for it. I'd take a few vitamin C, make sure I got decent sleep and each time it was gone pronto. There were people around me with same stuff, did the broom up the nose, tested positive and came back reporting they had never felt that bad before. One I repeatedly called offer vitamins and such but was turned down. A few I actually visited or cared for. Only one of those people (my dad) seemed actually ill to me. And it was a doggone strange illness. Looked more like malaria to me than anything, honestly. Vitamins, IVM and nicotine and he was fine in two days-after being told at the ER the plan was to put him "on a machine to help him breathe". And, no, he wasn't having trouble breathing. Thank God he was impatient and canny enough to leave AMA.
So, I wonder what all was the flu, what all was in people's heads essentially, and what all was allergy or cold or even CV19. I fear there is no way on earth to know.
Is CV19 simply another version of the flu? I know that every year there is a dominant strain; is CV19 just a created version of the flu that became dominant? In other words... is the whole "this is derived from a coronavirus" inaccurate? Is it actually a created version of the flu? I tend to think that it is created because of the paper trail we've seen over three years. But maybe it's not a corona virus at all; just a re-formulated flu.
I got CV19 in late 2020 and treated it using a vitamin cocktail. We ran out of some of the ingredients when my husband got it. His turned into pneumonia, and he was briefly hospitalized; he's OK now.
"You know what else causes pneumonia? The flu." Love that and have said variations of it many times over the past few years. Know what else causes fever? The flu. Know what else causes cough? The flu. Know what else causes body aches? The flu. And on and on. My husband had a brief bout with something last winter and he asked me if it was CV. I told him....well, looks like the flu actually. But how can I be sure he persisted? Well, I'm a mom, a doctor, a woman, a non-news watcher and anyway what does it matter? Take your vitamins, drink your pine tea and go to sleep. Looked like flu to me. But who can tell?
No. I suggested nicotine because reading early in 2020 that smokers were just not heavily in the demographics of the reported ill got me to thinking....could it be that we smokers have higher niacinamide levels? Could it be that we have more ACE2 receptors? Could it be that there is something anticholinergic going on what with all the extreme malaria like rigors? Early on, too, it seemed that my smoking patients were not the ones I was seeing hospitalized. I had very few who were, but the three I recall were either never smokers or former smokers (very recently stopped). Then I read that in France they were giving nurses nicotine patches and I read a few articles about the very things I wondered about. It does appear that nicotine is protective. Not sure about the whole snake venom thing. Some of it sounded plausible but to break it all down to venom seems a jump off the cliff to me. My dad had just quit smoking two years prior to CV19 and instantly developed a hand tremor. The rigors he had were terrible. I gave him a nicotine lozenge, which he initially resisted, but when he eventually took it the shaking was mild within the hour.
I think so. Becuase there seem to be new influenza's every year, or they predict wrong...and there are also they say for those that beleive there are over 200 coronoviruses circulating at any one given time. I think they lucked out....the flu we got in 2020 (i had it but didn't go to doctor)...was a weird one...left your lungs hurting for a bit afterwards (or maybe its just my age)....and the coughing /waking up in the night...everyone I know kinda had it Feb/March....but we all thought it was flu...and anyone I knew who got tested it came back non a non b.
Ha! This is brilliant. It also jogged my memory about a very c-roll video I watched about two years ago of Dr. Wakefield presenting the actual flu graphs at a small symposium somewhere.. I will do my best to find that rabbit hole again!
I was working in a public health clinic until I was fired for COVID-non-vaccination a year ago.
It was true that the flu tests just came back negative in 2020. BOOM! gone...
My reading on it indicated that this has he=apened before, that a new viral epidemic/pandemic displaces the usual-suspects while it makes it's run.
SARS-CoV2 has always had a highr R0 (R sub naught) than influenza, and the amazingly high coefficient of transmission of the Omicron clan gae it new legs. Still, influenza is back, even if I'm not working as a doctor any more.
I was giving away free vitamin-D to patients and coworkers, and treating with HQ=CQ until ivermectin did so well in the bangladesh trial, always zinc, and quercetin. Lots of things help, and treatment should be in combinations, and early. Early really matters. Lots of good stuff OTC.
Thanks doc! How could they accurately measure the R0 of Covid without modeling, with only PCR that they admitted in the first half year had the CT turned up past 30 meaning a high false positive rate? Omicron was far more pathogenic yet the flu returns the year Omicron arrives? If there's viral competition wouldn't the flu disappear even more with Omicron? Thanks again.
Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen
"Omicron" is not more pathogenic. It's less pathogenic, doesn't attack circulatory system and lungs, less deadly than influenza. What A Relief! The free-range-vaccination. "Endemic" now.
People did quite isolating when "Omicron" arrived, at least it seemed that way, and it really is a "cold", with about 5-7 day course, even the newer "Omicron variants".
Why the quotation marks areound "Omicron"? The "Omicron variants" are not genetically a related clade, but separate entities, which are just more infectious and less fatal than the Delta-COVID from a year ago (which I caught).
What puzzled me about the first Omicron variant, which appeared about a year ago, was who released it and why. It is not a relative of anything that had circulated prior. A genetic mutation rate regression puts it's nearest relative back at early 2018 or earlier, even if the mutations were random, which I don't know them to be. The Ethical Skeptic had a good analysis:
I'm not saying he's right, and he doesn't push it hard, either, but these are all lab viruses, and only some mutations in the human population, which delta was, in India, where they beat it with ivermectin, which is what I took, too.
The PCR tests were used in the US to manipulate the COVID Pandemic progression curve in several ways. I lived through it, testing more people than any other doc in my clinic.
First there were no tests, so low cases.
Second: "Only test the sickest people, since there are so few tests". Hospitals got tests first.
This gave a gradual rise in cases, and assured that they were all bad and scary.
I broke the rules, and one of my first positives, in April 2020, did not even have a fever, but had lost the sense of smell and had a raw throat, which I knew to be typical of early COVID. I broke the rules and got a positive test, and gave her free vitamin-D and zinc and prescribed HCQ and azithromycin early, and she did fine.
By late summer 2020 there were lots of cases everywhere, and the turnaround on test results took a week or more, preventing early antiviral treatment, except on clinical findings. The politics had ramped up against HCQ. We were getting hog-tied. I was forbidden by the Medical Director to Rx HCQ, but I started Rxing ivermectin/Zn/doxycycline , Dr. Borody's protocol, after the first excellent hospital study from Bangladesh. I was able to do this on clinical grounds, since it was not yet politicized. I and others refined the dosing of these medicines over time. Lecithin/quercetin really help the bioavailability of zinc inside human cells, where it interferes with coronavirus replication.
Back to testing. We were flummoxed in Fall 2020, but the rapid antigen tests came out, Abbot and others. They were supposedly not-sensitive-enough, but I provided evidence to my clinic that they were ideally sensitive for people who actually had symptoms, like a rapis-strep test in that regard. It took a couple of months, but they finally arrived in December 2020.
Statistically the rapid tests were treated as lesser by official agencies, but they were really about right. they did not have a lot of false positives.
We did start seeing false negatives in testing with Omicron, because it was so different. I had been pulled from the game by then.
False negatives occur on PCR and rapid testing. They are common this year.
On the PCR, neither of the labs we used would ever reveal to us what cycle threshold they used, never. I was technically "Lab Director" due to a grandfather clause that qualified me. I tried for over a year to get an answer. No answer.
Crazy. Similar to what other doctors have been saying. I didn't mean pathogenic (my medical terminology ignorance), but rather more infectious/transmissible on the Omicron which would make it more competitive with influenza? IF they're competing to find new hosts, no? Unless they're not and influenza was counted as covid for certain vaccination reasons that one winter? Had a relative end up in the hospital the same week the vaccines rolled out. nearing 80, not fit, prime target. No ventillator or remdesivir like many others his age and health status got. Why not? His son was valedictorian at the university medical system 30 years prior where he was in the ICU and had called to check on his father's care. I don't think he'd be alive if his son was a plumber.
Sounds like the whole damn thing could have been ignored entirely if docs handed out those India kits, Vit D, Zinc, Doxycycline, HCQ and Ivermectin. Game over. Back to life everyone!
I don't pretend to understand every detail of how one viral wave can displace another, endemic seasonal virus, but it appears to have happened numerous times in recorded history.
There was so much bad medicine being practiced in some hospitals, but in others it was merely inadequate. Very few treated properly, because they would have more-liability and less money if they did not just do the standard government thing.
There have been so many studies and so many cheap, harmless things help.
Melatonin doses tested are very high. I took some high doses of melatonin to try to boost my recovery from Delta, which lasted a long time, mainly tired and achey. I did not notice much difference, but that was hardly a scientific approach. Melatonin is super safe, even in very high doses.
My problem with Delta COVID was stopping ivermectin/zinc/Quercetin/lecithin after 5 days when I felt fine. 3 days later I was clearly sick again, restarted everything, but it really dragged me out in the recurrence.
I'd be OK with Fauci being on a melatonin drip fo the rest of his life.
"'Vengance is mine" sayeth the Lord."
Still, "natural consequences" in life may arise from some of the mass murder he has facilitated.
Do either of you have a view on oysters as a zinc source instead of pills combined with quercetin to “help” get the zinc into cells? Further, there are multiple versions of zinc pills (elemental, picolinate, citrate, etc.) and I have not been able to find a clear “winner”. Any thoughts here? Thanks.
I heard from a traveling ER doc who went to some of the "hot zones" in the USA in 2020, as the specified protocols were forming mountains of bodies, that swabs for flu tests were very scarce, almost non-existent. I can conjure up a bunch of hypotheses as to why but no way to test them.
The cdc has a page that highlights the Bangladesh study.... but lists like 100 more to justify masking. All done since 2020. I looked to see if they still listed the Kansas study where they took a short snapshot of time where the data favored them and declared as loudly as possible "MASKS WORK!". Yes... that is included. I know the issues with the Bangladesh study. I am not interested in debunking the other 98. They literally bury us in bullshit. I am firmly of the belief thaf it is pointless trying to debunk them. I know they are evil. I understand there was a gigantic profitable black market in the days of the USSR. I understand the sanctions against Russia are currently being exploited right now to high profits. This is what I want to do. I want to grow the black market in the West. This is where the authoritarians are weakest. Nobody really wants to accept being a peasant in a new feudal economy. This is how we beat them.
Eugyppius, being an academic (and a genuinely decent guy from what I can tell), desperately wants to believe that academia, science (broadly), and even contemporary medicine is still mostly good and retrievable (from its recent departure to temporary evil insanity). I mean, he certainly goes out of his way to admonish and argue with his own audience to that end. I don't participate in that, but it is amusing to some degree. But really, I think that he is more trying to convince himself with such writing. That's how it comes off to me anyway. He wants to believe in the process, in the school, in the basic decency of most people in general.
I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed, the train has left the station, and things have become just as bad as they appear and sound. The flu didn't go anywhere. It was rebranded, along with garden variety respiratory virus of all manner and kind, to further an evil agenda. Period.
Like Fox Mulder he wants to believe. Yes, that ship is so far off any horizon. The bermuda triangle doesn't know where it is.
And they were almost always able to steer Fox where they wanted him to go.
Was Scully controlled op?
Wish I could control that OPP..... whoops, added a P by mistake...
I mean, who wouldn't want to?
I always thought she was an establishment plant!
Now I have the song from the X Files in my head
🤣 nailed it! my opinion this is dangerous. I highlight above the mask studies. The CDC lists 100 or so studies showing masks work. I knew the fraud taking place in 2 of them and that there was only 1 study pre 2020 that showed a minor benefit in tested, fitted, and in a health care setting use of N95 masks.... and it was a small sample atudy never repeated. So what are you going to do? Spend all your time debunking every study they come up with? They bury you in bullshit so you spend all your time in nonsense. This appears to be on purpose so they can spend all their time managing the narrative. Laura Dodsworth did a great job highlighting this in her book State of Fear. SPI-B in the UK and Fors Marsh Grouo in the USA
Great stuff. Thanks
Excellent post. Even after all that’s happened, “smart people” still want to believe that the peer-proofread politics-reviewed model is the One Inviolate Source of Truth. Pointing out the obvious conflicts of interests makes you a prescientific barbarian like Plato, Descartes, or Aquinas.
if anyone still holds such beliefs, the very recent creation of a chimera covid with 80% mortality by that university should make one look deep into the abyss.
Who did they make it for, and how much were they paid?
Except 'virus' was already a rebrand itself. Seems to me mostly of a vitamin deficiency but maybe a few others chucked in there as well.
To your excellent question there, I had in the comments offered a response based on psychological science (as you saw). As you may not have seen, eugyppius then banned me for 100 years from his substack and deleted my response. I've preserved it in my first substack article (written because I was so angered by the censorship):
It's also copied below:
The scientific explanation is that it's all psychological science.
COVID is completely fake, so the sociopaths needed to conjure COVID cases out of somewhere. Their hired guns borrowed COVID cases partly from influenza (whose numbers are also mostly fake [1,2], but at least the illness, even if not the virus, exists) and also from other illnesses. But there was no real change in all-cause mortality [3,4,5].
Having created enough fear, now the socipaths could then con people into taking or mandating the highly poisonous holy waters as protection against the fake disease. The waters' "side" effects are various, including death, and the nondeadly ones are numerous enough to allow relabeling as COVID and influenza. So, influenza can return -- just in time for getting a Convid jab in one arm and a flu jab in the other.
[1] Doshi, P. (2005). Are US flu death figures more PR than science? BMJ, 331(7529), 1412.
[4] ("We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.")
[5] (Title: "No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response")
Are you sure he banned you? 100%? That doesn't seem like something he'd do, although I think he is German...
I'm sure. Others have also reported being banned by him/her.
My two comments on that post (e.g., the one to which you responded, "mind control + mass homicide by .gov + casedemic + "vaccines" + passports tied to liberty = plandemic.") now have "Removed (banned)" as the byline and "Comment removed" as the text.
And when I try to comment, posting the comment gives the server response: "You are banned from commenting until 100 years from now."
Okay, I saw it. You think it was because of all the links you posted? I'll ask him next time he has a fresh post.
I'm not sure whether it was the links in that comment or the other, shorter comment itself (about the arguments of the virus promoters declining in quality) or their sum effect.
That virus or non-virus deal really fires some folks up.
Can you post a screenshot of that response on that substack post you made?
Good idea -- done.
I was banned for a week and simply unsubscribed.
Eugypius not only does not like dissent but more importantly is ignorant on the fundamental issues of what has been happening over the past two and a half years.
eugyppius' heart is in the right place but he's totally DBS (dolts botching shit, as sage says). he can't face up to the fact that this is genocide.
My mother had married a born-in-Berlin German guy and he raised me as a kid -- she later divorced him. That "although I think he is German..." gave me a chuckle. Ja vol!!
My mother is German. (and French) Censorship is strong there. The AfD "right wing" populist party is under total surveillance from the german police state. The greens and communists are trying to ban the party in the name of....drumroll....democracy.
It is indeed strong. My daughter attended a German school (in the US) for two years. In the second year, we realized that they were not teaching children to read in English at all (they used the evil joke known as the whole-language method). I ended up having to take her out of the English class and to a nearby cafe where I taught her to read via phonics.
The school leadership hated it. They called a meeting of the parents and teachers, at which they had their stooges ritually denounce me for criticizing the teachers, whom they loved loved loved, and the teaching. Then the principal summed it up by saying that no one should disrupt the unity of our school.
The "strength through unity" training hadn't faded enough in the 70 years since the war.
So, we definitely needed a new school.
Did you catch this presentation (or transcript)?
It's really on point, especially part two (IMO). After my German stepdad, I've never lost the fascination for all-things German but lately it's really turned to disgust. Maybe, like Hoppe, it should be pity?
Yes because he banned me too. Of course covid is rebranded flu. And neither is caused by a virus. What an absurd farce this world is.
And since this was mentioned recently...
9/11 was a farce. An inside/outside job by mossad and deep state. Impossible to make phone calls at altitude in that year. Which means Phone calls were made on the ground. No planes hit buildings. Video editing at twin towers. Explosions at Pentagon masquerading as plane hit and no debris at shanksville. Planes rerouted to military airport.. Passengers disposed of.
Why not let the two planes hit, bring the three towers down controlled demolition, the only way possible, do the missiles into the pentagon? That's a lot of corroborating witnesses at a military airport who could leak the truth. Pilots. Stews. Hundreds of cell phones that can be tracked. Too many loose ends. Doesn't seem their style. On the phone in the sky I used a Nokia way back in the day at cruising altitude, but these planes weren't at altitude and calls were possible for short periods. Close family member works in CGI editing booth for commercials and films and said it wouldn't have looked that real back in 2001, the tech wasn't there yet- planes on impact. Go back and watch any hollywood blockbuster from that period and CGI is crap. Probably not video editing. Holograms? timed with explosions. Project blue beam, Serge Monast? I enjoy a good banter about all this and will never censor anyone unless they're telling me how they make $1400 per second working from home. I'm going to ask Eugyppius about the censorship and banning, see what he has to say.
Too hard to get the planes to hit right.
At the time of the calls they were above the altitude to make calls
The photog guy in heli approaching twin towers was a pro editor. And the quality was good enough at that distance. Almost all Other later vids were all done by pros inserting a plane. I can give links explaining it.
The quality was not good enough as you said for the close shots which is why they DO look fake. Because...
1. Planes dont melt into buildings as those vids showed.
2. Real planes would smash on outside and debris fall down. And theres many other problems with the videos
3. But they NEEDED it to appear that they entered to give evidence that they destroyed core..instead of the explosives which is obviously what did.
E already gave lame explanations. The real reason is obvious. People dont like their beliefs challenged.
Planes at 460mph and 410mph going through glass with full tanks of jet fuel for a cross country trip would smash and fall down? I dunno about that, but that's the genius innit, nobody's ever seen a jetliner go into a skyscraper.
Steel. Not glass. They cannot even travel at that speed at that altitude. And if you hit a plane with a building the light materials plane will be smashed. Its physics. Same action in reverse
Plenty of info exposing the lies by flight attendant who knew procedures and spotted anomalies and impossibilities. Westover is the airport she found and the workers there were denied access around the time and placed in hotels
I watched the whole “New Pearl Harbor” on YouTube several times. Would love to see more regarding these issues, such as how they made the video look like the planes went into the buildings. Do you have links?
I just posted a few links
It did look fake
I believe this to be the truth or something close to it. Even Luc Montagnier stated he didn't think HIV was the sole cause of AIDS. That something else triggered it like hepatitis or tuberculosis. It was too bad when Kary Mullis confronted him he didn't know Luc had doubts. They could have had a better conversation. I think Luc was just caught completely off guard by the confrontation and really wasn't a bad guy. For a variety of reasons I quit participating in US healthcare a long time ago. So I haven't had a vaccine in decades. One of the reasons I knew this was such a huge scam was I was aware of the following... They did a trial run.
I had heard of this and also seen what Wolfgang Wodarg was saying about it . They were using the PCR to drive pandemic numbers too. It fizzled out because nobody was actually dying... I think they solved that problem this time with ventilators and remdesivir.
I was almost in shocked to see him in videos again speaking out about it this go round. He is still alive and in good health. LOL. These are some crazy times.
Sanjoy's post here is accurate except in the note about no change in all-cause mortality.
There was and is a significant change in all-cause mortality in the US beginning amazingly in the very week the WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020. Up until that week there was nothing that would indicate a coming storm of mortality.
In March/April 2020 there was a huge spike in all-cause mortality in the US but only in around 15 states and only in urban areas of those states and only with the elderly in those states and only the poor elderly in care homes and hospitals. Quite a selective pathogen, perhaps that is what they meant by unique.
These already fragile individuals were killed in concentrated numbers for that 6 week period by the well documented protocols. From that point on the age stratification changed and has been rolling all theway up to now. There were multiple reasons for this uptick and none of them hasanything to do with a virion from Venus. These were and are deaths caused by human intervention- most are medical murder for money with many others being administrative murder.
Some of us were shouting about this in real time as early as March 2020.
Yep. Was a case mgr RN and had to speak with families while their loved ones were imprisoned by Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. Mass murder is exactly what that was. I was shouting and crying too
I agree with all of the above. I should have said, "no change in all-cause mortality over a longer timespan." If I understand Rancourt's analysis right, it is that there was a spike in deaths at first (due to "protocols" i.e. medical manslaughter and murder, as you describe) and then a dip because the spike was of people who were older, weaker, and/or poorer and going to die soonish. When you add the spike and the dip, you get a nearly zero net change.
In Rancourt's and colleagues interviews and in the piece they cite around 1.3 million excess deaths during the "Covid era."
That is right about what I found and what can be noted here:
The analysis I did was for calendar years not "the Covid era." In 2020 the US had around 430,000 excess and for 2021 around 510,000- I have not done 2022 yet. Looks like it will end up around 300,000ish excess.
There was a dip after that 6 week spike in 2020 but the dip was still well above baseline. There was then another spike that lasted longer at the end of 2020 into early 2021 and then another around Week 35 2021 all the way to Week 7 2022.
On another note I work with the group linked below. I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend next Mondays Zoom meeting if you are interested. It is at 8 PM Central time. Very powerful first hand accounts from people who had loved ones killed by Covid hospital protocols. You get the exact details of how it sent down. We can work out contacts later if you decide to sit in.
Many are involved in litigation and/or pursuing legal action.
Those data are very interesting. Thank you for the correction.
Thank you also for the invitation. I must decline as it is the middle of the night. I live in Sweden now, as a result of the damage that was being done to our children by evil Convid protocols in Maskachusetts.
do you folks ever put those zoom calls up on rumble or odysee like steve kirsch does?
No these are not recorded. You can go to the site I linked and see some interviews.
Uh, isn't this all explained by the crummy mistaken idiotic use of the PCR test as a diagnostic? In which case pretty much every sniffle became marked as COVID, because, that's what they wanted to find? Cha-ching!
BRAVO‼️ BRAVO‼️ GC nails it again. Only this morning I was saying to someone who gets it, “Am I the only guy still asking this DISAPPEARING FLU question?!” Because now they’re cooking up the “BIVALENT” counter attack! THANK YOU SIR for so succinctly articulating the obvious. BOOM‼️ Somebody give this to Candace & Kanye 💥
I know the answer and have the answer.
I generally avoid saying this, almost always, as I can't stand when people toss their credentials out as proof that they "know" what they are talking about and have an expertise in "something."
I am a professional researcher and have been involved in research on "all things Covid" every day for the past 30 months. I knew what was coming in January of 2020. In part due to tracking these things since back in 2005 with the Avian Flu fraud and the subsequent frauds such as the 2009 Swine Flu hoax. In larger part I was made aware of what was coming due to a 'leak' that was inadvertently sent my way from someone connected to a loudmouth at the WHO. From that point I started tracking various items of the coming Covid fraud and one of those details was the CDC's ILI surveillance system.
I would log into their system every morning and take and keep notes of what they were recording in that system. I would copy it both digitally and manually. As we moved into early March 2020 it was audaciously obvious that the CDC was daily altering their data. I couldn't believe it. I feared that one day I would wake to find that they altogether scrub the ILI data from the internet which is why I took screenshots and made journal entries.
In a two month period- Feb 2020 to April 2020- the CDC went from all-time record high 'flu positive' weekly case percentages to all time record lows. How they did this has nothing to do with anything other than engineering data.
Ultimately I wrote a little not-so-organized piece on this in April 2020- oddly the best version of it was published on an obscure blog. Two years later I wrote a better, more organize piece on this also published.
As for Eugypius he/she doesn't know what they are talking about on much of anything. The individual is also intolerant of dissent no matter how well reasoned. I too was banned for a week after challenging them, quite mildly I might add, on a topic not worth discusiing here. I simply unsubscribed.
Wouldn't the hard lockdowns and closing the country explain the drop to almost nothing, everyone staying home for anywhere from 3 weeks in red states to forever in blue states?
Couple of problems with that explanation.
The first is that the precipitious drop offs began before lockdowns. The next is that, we are talking percentages here, these sorts of drop offs lockdowns or no are simply not biologically possible in such a compressed time frame.
Again, for those who have been following these things for years none if what was happening or what has happened comes as a surprise even as the magnitude of it was unprecendted.
Some of this falls under the category, "When they tell you what they are going to and then do it it's exactly what they did." That is what the Milken Institute video tells us.
You could be right, though I am inclined to go with the "codification bias" explanation. At that time, anything that looked like it could be Covid was codified as Covid. And that over counting practice (consistent with the over counting of "cases" via too-high thresholds in the PCR tests) got the fear reaction they were looking for.
I'm curious -- did you look at flu counts in the states where lockdowns persisted vs. states that opened up? That might add something to your hypothesis.
Any chance you can show us where to find your piece (the more organized version)?
Go here:
Aren't there something like 15-25% of deaths every year from PLI (pneumonia like illness)? Those are generally diagnosed by symptoms, not culture. These include, bacterial, flu, coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses. Those things never disappear, so it's not like covid came on a background of nothing. It just got awarded all the accolades.
Plus incentivized bonus $ to be awarded the accolades.
I'm not totally convinced that viruses even exist.Terrain/exosome theory makes more sense to me.In the end it's all about pushing the masses towards the depop shot!
Scientism adherents apparently have powers of rationalization exceeding those of alcoholics.
People like being flued, can't get around it.
Great, I like that!
Only one thing puzzles me. I know of cases where people came down with bad, flu like sickness, where however the multiplex tests for various influenza and coronavirus types came back negative. Can that still have been "the" flu then?
I'm with you. There were a couple times I had a scratchy throat or sneezed twice or something and began thinking, "Oh no-what if I have CV19? They're gonna make me stick a broom up my nose!" Each time I recognized that my gosh I was starting to fall for it. I'd take a few vitamin C, make sure I got decent sleep and each time it was gone pronto. There were people around me with same stuff, did the broom up the nose, tested positive and came back reporting they had never felt that bad before. One I repeatedly called offer vitamins and such but was turned down. A few I actually visited or cared for. Only one of those people (my dad) seemed actually ill to me. And it was a doggone strange illness. Looked more like malaria to me than anything, honestly. Vitamins, IVM and nicotine and he was fine in two days-after being told at the ER the plan was to put him "on a machine to help him breathe". And, no, he wasn't having trouble breathing. Thank God he was impatient and canny enough to leave AMA.
So, I wonder what all was the flu, what all was in people's heads essentially, and what all was allergy or cold or even CV19. I fear there is no way on earth to know.
Is CV19 simply another version of the flu? I know that every year there is a dominant strain; is CV19 just a created version of the flu that became dominant? In other words... is the whole "this is derived from a coronavirus" inaccurate? Is it actually a created version of the flu? I tend to think that it is created because of the paper trail we've seen over three years. But maybe it's not a corona virus at all; just a re-formulated flu.
I got CV19 in late 2020 and treated it using a vitamin cocktail. We ran out of some of the ingredients when my husband got it. His turned into pneumonia, and he was briefly hospitalized; he's OK now.
You know what else causes pneumonia? The flu.
Exactly right!!!
"You know what else causes pneumonia? The flu." Love that and have said variations of it many times over the past few years. Know what else causes fever? The flu. Know what else causes cough? The flu. Know what else causes body aches? The flu. And on and on. My husband had a brief bout with something last winter and he asked me if it was CV. I told him....well, looks like the flu actually. But how can I be sure he persisted? Well, I'm a mom, a doctor, a woman, a non-news watcher and anyway what does it matter? Take your vitamins, drink your pine tea and go to sleep. Looked like flu to me. But who can tell?
Dr Bryan Ardis claims they are poisoning people with synthetic snake venom. No idea if it is true. Is that why you suggested nicotine?
No. I suggested nicotine because reading early in 2020 that smokers were just not heavily in the demographics of the reported ill got me to thinking....could it be that we smokers have higher niacinamide levels? Could it be that we have more ACE2 receptors? Could it be that there is something anticholinergic going on what with all the extreme malaria like rigors? Early on, too, it seemed that my smoking patients were not the ones I was seeing hospitalized. I had very few who were, but the three I recall were either never smokers or former smokers (very recently stopped). Then I read that in France they were giving nurses nicotine patches and I read a few articles about the very things I wondered about. It does appear that nicotine is protective. Not sure about the whole snake venom thing. Some of it sounded plausible but to break it all down to venom seems a jump off the cliff to me. My dad had just quit smoking two years prior to CV19 and instantly developed a hand tremor. The rigors he had were terrible. I gave him a nicotine lozenge, which he initially resisted, but when he eventually took it the shaking was mild within the hour.
I think so. Becuase there seem to be new influenza's every year, or they predict wrong...and there are also they say for those that beleive there are over 200 coronoviruses circulating at any one given time. I think they lucked out....the flu we got in 2020 (i had it but didn't go to doctor)...was a weird one...left your lungs hurting for a bit afterwards (or maybe its just my age)....and the coughing /waking up in the night...everyone I know kinda had it Feb/March....but we all thought it was flu...and anyone I knew who got tested it came back non a non b.
Ha! This is brilliant. It also jogged my memory about a very c-roll video I watched about two years ago of Dr. Wakefield presenting the actual flu graphs at a small symposium somewhere.. I will do my best to find that rabbit hole again!
I believe you are spot on. Linking as usual @
The Cars was a good addition, so I added my version of the Who as well ( With apologies to Pete Townshend )!!
Won't Get Flued Again
They will be dropping in the streets
With their children at their feet
And the science that they worship will be gone
And Fauci who spurred them on
Sits in judgement of who he says are wrong
He decided the mRNA jab sings the song
I'll tip my hat to the WEF constitution
Eat my bugs for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get flued again
The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We are sheep in the same fold, that's all
And the world doesn’t look the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they are flown in the Ukraine war
I'll tip my hat to the WEF constitution
Eat my bugs for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get flued again
No, no!
I'll move myself and my family aside
If we don’t get a shot and stay alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
Oh I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do ya?
There's nothing in the streets
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are replaced, by the bye
And a parting on the left
Is now a parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I'll tip my hat to the WEF constitution
Eat my bugs for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get flued again
No, no!
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
👍 nice
You're just thinkin too hard. Accept the magic and move on...
I was working in a public health clinic until I was fired for COVID-non-vaccination a year ago.
It was true that the flu tests just came back negative in 2020. BOOM! gone...
My reading on it indicated that this has he=apened before, that a new viral epidemic/pandemic displaces the usual-suspects while it makes it's run.
SARS-CoV2 has always had a highr R0 (R sub naught) than influenza, and the amazingly high coefficient of transmission of the Omicron clan gae it new legs. Still, influenza is back, even if I'm not working as a doctor any more.
I was giving away free vitamin-D to patients and coworkers, and treating with HQ=CQ until ivermectin did so well in the bangladesh trial, always zinc, and quercetin. Lots of things help, and treatment should be in combinations, and early. Early really matters. Lots of good stuff OTC.
Thanks doc! How could they accurately measure the R0 of Covid without modeling, with only PCR that they admitted in the first half year had the CT turned up past 30 meaning a high false positive rate? Omicron was far more pathogenic yet the flu returns the year Omicron arrives? If there's viral competition wouldn't the flu disappear even more with Omicron? Thanks again.
"Omicron" is not more pathogenic. It's less pathogenic, doesn't attack circulatory system and lungs, less deadly than influenza. What A Relief! The free-range-vaccination. "Endemic" now.
People did quite isolating when "Omicron" arrived, at least it seemed that way, and it really is a "cold", with about 5-7 day course, even the newer "Omicron variants".
Why the quotation marks areound "Omicron"? The "Omicron variants" are not genetically a related clade, but separate entities, which are just more infectious and less fatal than the Delta-COVID from a year ago (which I caught).
What puzzled me about the first Omicron variant, which appeared about a year ago, was who released it and why. It is not a relative of anything that had circulated prior. A genetic mutation rate regression puts it's nearest relative back at early 2018 or earlier, even if the mutations were random, which I don't know them to be. The Ethical Skeptic had a good analysis:
I'm not saying he's right, and he doesn't push it hard, either, but these are all lab viruses, and only some mutations in the human population, which delta was, in India, where they beat it with ivermectin, which is what I took, too.
The PCR tests were used in the US to manipulate the COVID Pandemic progression curve in several ways. I lived through it, testing more people than any other doc in my clinic.
First there were no tests, so low cases.
Second: "Only test the sickest people, since there are so few tests". Hospitals got tests first.
This gave a gradual rise in cases, and assured that they were all bad and scary.
I broke the rules, and one of my first positives, in April 2020, did not even have a fever, but had lost the sense of smell and had a raw throat, which I knew to be typical of early COVID. I broke the rules and got a positive test, and gave her free vitamin-D and zinc and prescribed HCQ and azithromycin early, and she did fine.
By late summer 2020 there were lots of cases everywhere, and the turnaround on test results took a week or more, preventing early antiviral treatment, except on clinical findings. The politics had ramped up against HCQ. We were getting hog-tied. I was forbidden by the Medical Director to Rx HCQ, but I started Rxing ivermectin/Zn/doxycycline , Dr. Borody's protocol, after the first excellent hospital study from Bangladesh. I was able to do this on clinical grounds, since it was not yet politicized. I and others refined the dosing of these medicines over time. Lecithin/quercetin really help the bioavailability of zinc inside human cells, where it interferes with coronavirus replication.
Back to testing. We were flummoxed in Fall 2020, but the rapid antigen tests came out, Abbot and others. They were supposedly not-sensitive-enough, but I provided evidence to my clinic that they were ideally sensitive for people who actually had symptoms, like a rapis-strep test in that regard. It took a couple of months, but they finally arrived in December 2020.
Statistically the rapid tests were treated as lesser by official agencies, but they were really about right. they did not have a lot of false positives.
We did start seeing false negatives in testing with Omicron, because it was so different. I had been pulled from the game by then.
False negatives occur on PCR and rapid testing. They are common this year.
On the PCR, neither of the labs we used would ever reveal to us what cycle threshold they used, never. I was technically "Lab Director" due to a grandfather clause that qualified me. I tried for over a year to get an answer. No answer.
Crazy. Similar to what other doctors have been saying. I didn't mean pathogenic (my medical terminology ignorance), but rather more infectious/transmissible on the Omicron which would make it more competitive with influenza? IF they're competing to find new hosts, no? Unless they're not and influenza was counted as covid for certain vaccination reasons that one winter? Had a relative end up in the hospital the same week the vaccines rolled out. nearing 80, not fit, prime target. No ventillator or remdesivir like many others his age and health status got. Why not? His son was valedictorian at the university medical system 30 years prior where he was in the ICU and had called to check on his father's care. I don't think he'd be alive if his son was a plumber.
Sounds like the whole damn thing could have been ignored entirely if docs handed out those India kits, Vit D, Zinc, Doxycycline, HCQ and Ivermectin. Game over. Back to life everyone!
I don't pretend to understand every detail of how one viral wave can displace another, endemic seasonal virus, but it appears to have happened numerous times in recorded history.
There was so much bad medicine being practiced in some hospitals, but in others it was merely inadequate. Very few treated properly, because they would have more-liability and less money if they did not just do the standard government thing.
There have been so many studies and so many cheap, harmless things help.
Melatonin is 4x more effective than Remdeathisnear. Fauci should be on a slow remdesivir drip for 24 months.
Melatonin doses tested are very high. I took some high doses of melatonin to try to boost my recovery from Delta, which lasted a long time, mainly tired and achey. I did not notice much difference, but that was hardly a scientific approach. Melatonin is super safe, even in very high doses.
My problem with Delta COVID was stopping ivermectin/zinc/Quercetin/lecithin after 5 days when I felt fine. 3 days later I was clearly sick again, restarted everything, but it really dragged me out in the recurrence.
I'd be OK with Fauci being on a melatonin drip fo the rest of his life.
"'Vengance is mine" sayeth the Lord."
Still, "natural consequences" in life may arise from some of the mass murder he has facilitated.
Do either of you have a view on oysters as a zinc source instead of pills combined with quercetin to “help” get the zinc into cells? Further, there are multiple versions of zinc pills (elemental, picolinate, citrate, etc.) and I have not been able to find a clear “winner”. Any thoughts here? Thanks.
I heard from a traveling ER doc who went to some of the "hot zones" in the USA in 2020, as the specified protocols were forming mountains of bodies, that swabs for flu tests were very scarce, almost non-existent. I can conjure up a bunch of hypotheses as to why but no way to test them.
People started wearing 😷 😂😂😂😂😂
The cdc has a page that highlights the Bangladesh study.... but lists like 100 more to justify masking. All done since 2020. I looked to see if they still listed the Kansas study where they took a short snapshot of time where the data favored them and declared as loudly as possible "MASKS WORK!". Yes... that is included. I know the issues with the Bangladesh study. I am not interested in debunking the other 98. They literally bury us in bullshit. I am firmly of the belief thaf it is pointless trying to debunk them. I know they are evil. I understand there was a gigantic profitable black market in the days of the USSR. I understand the sanctions against Russia are currently being exploited right now to high profits. This is what I want to do. I want to grow the black market in the West. This is where the authoritarians are weakest. Nobody really wants to accept being a peasant in a new feudal economy. This is how we beat them.