Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It’s disgusting to work with people who spend more time avoiding work, or their supposed purpose at their place of employment. I was taught and raised to work hard. This was to show accomplishment, appreciation, and value of work. This creates character. This fake work attitude shows an abysmal decline in character. I’ll stick with my hard-earned work ethic and be proud that it was passed down to my sons.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Assuming that you meant for this to be taken at face value, I, for one, will take a hard pass. Morality aside, I take great pleasure in doing actual work. I've spent my life building, designing and remodeling homes. I'm not rich, but the money I have has been earned honestly. I work exclusively with actual humans who appreciate my efforts, and sleep well at night. Dirty hands, clean money.

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I can't wait till teachers, artists, musicians, plumbers, and firefighters (who cannot be duplicated by AI) command a premium in the market.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I'm glad I read more than the first few lines, because my first reaction was to comment: 'I hope you didn't pull a Toobin'.

Your plan sounds great, but what about the old Boomers like me who can barely muster constructing this on a computer:


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I've been working in the IT sector for years and with each new generation of tools it brings with it automation and less need for personnel. What once took a team of developers can now be handled by one of two programmers and with LLM it can be handled by one.

With all that being said I think the future belongs to those with hard skills such as plumbers & electricians, those who can come up with creative solutions to problems and can bring new products to market, and those who can create passive income through investing.

It's definitely going to get interesting as AI now starts culling the employment of the white collar workers.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Having put in multiple decades at a couple of soulless corporations, I will say there's only one thing worse than the project managers . . . and that's the dept managers who actually allowed the project managers to run the department's projects. "Hey Fred, I realize you barely know where I sit, and have no idea what we do here, so I'd like you to work with IT to design the new system that we're going to use from now on. Design it, test it, sign off on it, then let me know when it's ready to go."

Fast forward 3 months: "Hey Fred, nice features you designed here. But since we don't have any place to indicate the name of the customer, or the product they're buying, we can't do any business."

If you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. I've seen this scenario play out, with different details but the basic fundamentals being the same. Not the PM's fault . . . the fvcking manager's fault for being too lazy or too stupid to take control of his own future.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Thumbs up for quoting Ryan Bingham

Now let’s contemplate on how this work habit is employed by the ever growing and wasteful federal government

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

tldr; this is only possible in a narrow range of jobs and if you're job is susceptible to this it probably shouldn't exist.

Interesting article as usual sir but some of the points made with respect to the nature of engineering work will only work with a certain type of role. In my 25 years experience as a safety and reliability engineer in the robotics and transportation industries (aerospace and rail) the type of fraudulent "faking it" you are suggesting would be almost immediately revealed and detected by colleagues and customers. I have been working 100% remotely for the last three years and I am required every single day to think quickly on my feet in order to solve a vast array of varied technical issues on embedded software and control systems ranging from avionics to rail signaling and control. These problems are almost always urgent as they are related to potential or actual hazardous situations. One simply couldn't fake performance of my job or be mentally or physically absent without detection and AI isn't nearly up to doing any of the technical analysis related to my work yet. Someday maybe but that day is still probably at least a decade away. Things like error and failure consequence analysis, real time troubleshooting and fault detection and correction of complex embedded systems is still beyond the capabilities of AI. I have a hard time imagining that many other industries such as power generation, automotive and other manufacturing aren't similarly difficult to fake. What you are suggesting has a narrower application I believe than what you are suggesting. I agree on all points about corporations and the meaninglessness of most work in them. For myself, I don't work for the corporation I work for the people in my team and in the hope that I am making safer vehicles and systems. It's not much but it's honest work LOL! I'm just not sure what you're proposing is as broadly possible as you are suggesting in many industries. My own outdated sense of morality would also render my guilt intolerable with such a scheme. For those who are willing and capable of pulling it off, I wish you the best of luck!

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hahahahaah, absolutely love this GC! I'm one of the hated work from home laptop class, never asked to work from home but since they forced me I'm sticking with it(was supposed to go back to the office 2 years ago but never did, one of the benefits of my boss being 1,000 miles away) solely because fuck them, that's why. Soulless corporations who care only about power and profit, while paying as little as possible to the employees who make it happen(last year my employer spouted platitudes about how they were going to factor inflation into our "merit" increases, ended up with a whopping 3% increase while the DIE department grew exponentially), fuck us all in the ass so why not do it to them, without lube. Creating AI personalities in order to collect multiple paychecks sounds like a fine plan to me, if I wasn't such a Luddite I'd probably do exactly what you suggest. Those who say "I take pride in working hard" don't understand that almost everyone feels that way, we all need a sense of purpose, but when your hard work is for corporations that are out to destroy us and our ways of life then maybe it's time to work hard on screwing them over while increasing the amount of coin you possess.

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All of our systems have been corrupted. No one trusts systems of government, media, food, medicine, academia, voting, or even science anymore. This is the most important solvable problem on Earth. Here is how we can fix corrupt government it in 3 simple steps: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen


Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke. 🤣😂

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Probably your best yet, G.C. The legal mafia grants corporations two nice gifts: (1) Limited Liability (2) Eternal Life. Who says the legal industry isn't a racket?

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This is fucking brilliant. I’m too old to try this, (boomer), but if it had been available a few years ago I would be all in. Funny as hell to boot. 🤣

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Bleed. The. Beast.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This is leaning towards ultimate troll, GC! It shows how far we've fallen with a financialized economy.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This is hilarious. Ironically, already happening over at Reddit.. the act is called 'OVEREMPLOYED'. Lots of people are succeeding with 3+ jobs... wild...

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