Mar 10, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Brutally good. I was kinda hoping at the end there was actually some good news. Oh well.

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There was. Trans men are included in women's swimming competitions. 😉

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I greatly appreciate a serious topic peppered with laughs. You got me with the "Covidian Borg" and the "bureaucratic mushroom". My one hope is that things get too out of control(but short of nuclear war) that even the planners can't keep control over it. I don't think that most of them are smart enough to predict and handle all the possible outcomes. On the flip side I am constantly chagrined by the unbelievable gullibility and stupidity of the masses.

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They don't have to be smart enough to handle the outcomes because they have those smart computers telling them how to handle each and every outcome. The question is what are those with enough sense to see what's coming going to do to deal with it? You and I don't have the benefit of super computers telling us what to do. My neighbors all say basically the same thing you are, but they're not doing much of anything to prepare for it. What are you doing?

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Buy the shit out of gold. The global economy has already collpased. Sorry if you haven't heard or accepted this yet. The good news is we're in a sort of interstitial period where people think money is still real and as a result you can still buy an ounce of gold for less than 2000 useless pieces of federal reserve toilet paper. This is a gift, and you should be doing this to the maximum extent possible. Same with food and, if possible, land. Spend as many of your useless dollars as possible on these things while people still believe their money has worth. Before the real inflation comes. You may think it's already here but you ain't seen nothing yet. In the very near future food, gold and land will be the only viable currency. And for the love of God don't be fooled into buying crypto. Its a scam that chains you to the grid and the internet and they control both. 'Money' that depends on the continued integrity of both is a pipe dream. $1.5 trillion was lost in crypto in a matter of weeks. Because people listened to Tom Brady and Matt Damon telling them to buy it while the bankers were buying gold. This was not a coincidence. They broke the system and will do all they can to make you pay for it. Don't over think it. Food, land and gold have been the holy Trinity for millennia. We're going back to the jungle like it or not. Get yourself in that mindset. Turn off your TV and start living like they did before TV. I don't have a crystal ball, but I know enough to know everything is a lie. So I'm sticking with the things that have been safe haven for all of time. My best advice to you is to do the same.

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I was buying gold before it hit $300.00 an oz. , and silver when it was down below $12.00. I may still buy some more silver because I suspect that if people start using it as money again, it will be worth more than gold. All the silver on this planet is just below the surface. There really isn't that much left to extract from the ground unless people start digging through landfills for trace amounts.

I've got too much land already, and regardless of what the economy is doing, or the complete collapse of civilization, the state is still going to want their property taxes so I'm not all that into buying up more land.

I've been growing my own food for well over a decade simply because it tastes better than anything found in the grocery store. The local farmer's markets might claim their stuff is organic, but I don't believe it for a second.

I also cut the cable almost 20 years ago. I don't listen to the radio or read the newspapers anymore either. I spent over a decade living on the street and another decade living off grid so I know how to live without the latest modern conveniences. For me, 'new and improved" is an oxymoron. There's nothing new or improved about much when it comes to the latest technological gadgets. An outhouse never needs a plumber. A few polished pieces of tin can boil water in a few minutes even on a cloudy day. I have a few dozen blue spur flower plants growing around my outhouse so I'll never run out of toilet paper.

There are some videos on Youtube of people in Malaysia who build treehouses, bathhouses, subterranean homes, etc. all with nothing more than a blade tied to a stick. After watching a few dozen of these videos I began cutting up the saplings behind my place and building a few structures myself, e.g. greenhouses, hoophouses, stakes for blackberry, raspberry, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, etc. It's free lumber, and honestly I think it looks better than the store bought stuff.

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I stopped donating money to my alma mater and other entities that were misusing it and redirected it to organizations trying to stop or hinder the giant totalitarian snowball like: The Good Citizen and other substackers, and organizations like ICAN, NVIC, Americas Frontline Doctors. I'm purchasing property in different states that are not woke like the area I live in now. I have stockpiled a moderate amount of food from Patriot Supply and cash in multiple locations. I've moved some money into bitcoin in a hardware wallet. You're lucky your neighbors agree with you. You may not have to move. I'm surrounded by woke operatives.

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My neighbors talk the talk, but other than one elderly couple, I haven't seen any of them walking the walk. I've also got cash in different locations, but I don't see that stuff being worth much in the near future. Blackrock is buying up properties at 50% above the asking price. When property taxes become prohibitively expensive, everyone is going to take the money and run. You might not be happy, but we will probably own nothing. I think that's one of the scenario, too many people aren't planning for right now.

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Amazing!!! Just when I think you can't outdo yourself... As Gomer Pyle would say "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. Of course I will be linking once again @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

It's too bad that the people who really need to see your articles will probably never see them. It's one reason why I try to link many writers, in hopes that their messages get more exposure.

Absolutely loved "Commodities across the board are trading like porn site shit coins." and “Grocery shopping and the link to cardiac arrest, story at eleven.”

You have an excellent knack for expressing things in such a delicate way, LOL!!! I really think I would enjoy having a conversation with you over a couple of beers. Wouldn't even have to be serious one, ( just a sitting on the porch "shootin' shit" type of conversation ).

Glad to see you brought up Yemen and Deagel. I linked a Deagel image on 04/16/18 @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ and at that time, they were showing the population of the U.S. down to 54 million not 100 million. Guess the virus didn't pan out as expected!!!!!!

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Thanks watchman. We'll have to keep an eye on deagel to see if they ever get back to prognostications. Revisions upward are small victories for humanity. No losses would be a total victory.

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Yes, revisions upward could be looked at as a small victory. However I am afraid there is an ulterior motive for the increased revision and it's probably not good!!!

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In the chart I referenced, the military budget was down to only 8 billion, but as I said that was in April of 2018 whereas The Good Citizen's chart was in December of 2018. Either way it is still extremely down. Could be several reasons for this: A) We are just a police state and the budget is now lower because all we are doing is controlling our now reduced population and are not worried about foreign entanglements. B) The economy has crashed and the U.S. is broke, look at how much they are predicting GDP dropping. C) China may be in charge of us and that might just be the budget to keep us in work camps.

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We'll have to grab a beer some day. What kind would you recommend if a man were to stay thirsty?

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I highly recommend brewing your own because one of these days they're going to sanction someone who grows all the hops and barley as well. You can buy hops for planting online. A still is still fairly straightforward to construct. I'm also growing sugar cane, and tobacco, ginger (for ginger ale), and sassafras (for root beer).

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If drinking Mexican, do you need to ask? Dos Equis. If drinking American, Busch. If drinking English it used to be Greenalls. Don't believe they have their own breweries anymore. They used to have one in Warrington England, where my wife's mother was from. If I'm feeling my Irish then Guinness. Abita when I want a taste of the "Big Easy " and finally Red Stripe, "Yea, Mon". As you might notice, I'm open to options and don't stay thirsty very long. Now rum would be a different story, Myers's Dark Rum and pink lemonade is the ultimate sippin', porch sittin', bull-shittin' drink. LOL!!!!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I would agree with your assessment here. However, I think act 2 might be shorter lived than you imagine. While the world's attention has been drawn away to the "Ukraine Russia conflict" and they've been busy pouring out their bottles of vodka for tik tok or taking their beautiful cats to the vet to be "put down", the bulk of Europe has been busy behind close doors it seems to finalize laws regarding the rollout of CBDC, and in the interim the rollout of ATM's that require proof from a QR code to withdraw money. It seems that after a brief interlude COVID will be back as the main focus and business of the day, of course not COVID-19 but COVID-22 or perhaps 23 depending on just how long it takes to implement. And once again, you better have that green err covid passport ready to show to get your money out, that belongs to you. Oh and where did that COVID come from, well it came from the biolab that Russia bombed, that exposed the virus, and the refugees that evacuated to Poland, Moldovia, and Romania were the catalyst to spread the world wide infection. Remember now, you heard it hear first. Oh and back to that green part, why did they call it a green passport, well they were very progressive indeed, because eventually the covid passport that restricts your travel will be the green passport that restricts your travel due to your carbon footprint, because greenhouse gases you know, and climate change. You could thank Greta for this, but in reality she's just their PR pawn, although I'm sure she (her parents) get paid very well to be so.

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Greenpass was so embarrassingly obvious. Interesting theory on the next virus. Duly stamped. I read it here first.

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I fear your version of the future world looks far too much like the current one to take seriously. In the future that's coming you'd give away one of your children for a green pass. Because that world would be a million times better than the one you'll be in. What part of "collapse the economy and eliminate 90% of the population" are you not understanding? How many more times or how much more plainly do they have to say it? You're still talking about traveling and getting money out of the ATM?! Just understand that ignorance won't be bliss for much longer. You need to improve your mental age by about 30 years in the next 3 months or the only thing you're gonna have are my condolences. Yeah I used to laugh at the people building bunkers and stockpiling food too. But sadly that world ended. Don't wait to find out the hard way.

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I have no illusions about their end game. I know full well about the mass depopulation plans. If the 99% were to be aware of the situation, I think this would be a non-issue real quick. It's just a damn shame that 98.5% of them have their heads up their asses, .4% know a bit but are burying their head in the sand, which leaves the .1% of people like us holding the bag. You can prep all you want with an underground bunker and 40,000 mason jars of goods, but I think that stance is just sitting and waiting for them to come and get you one day. It seems to me there's another more proactive way to resolve this problem.

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If they're rushing headlong into rolling out CBDCs then what will be the use of ATMs and little windows to scan your COVID QR code? I was under the impression that CBDCs were to be used to eliminate cash. In the near future there won't be any need to scan QR codes for vaxx passes as they'll all be on file down at Ministry of Social Credit Scores and you won't be able to spend any digital money without an up to date certificate. Everyone will be required to carry around with them a tracker, either via a smart phone or chip embedded in their body, that indicates whether you're a good socially acceptable citizen or not. No need to scan passes, that's so 20th Century tech, as your tracking device will emit whether you can travel or participate in society.

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Well it may take some time for them to deploy their brand new shiny govt. approved crypto coin, so in the meantime they may rollout ATM's that scan vax passports. It may never happen, but I suppose they create legislation to try and cover every angle of tyranny as possible.

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From personal experience I don’t think the government can implement anything effectively. We’ve been waiting for 1 1/2 years for the irs to simply read our amended ‘21 tax return. Just read it, audit us, do something so we can move on. The complexity of this social credit score, digital currency green pass system would grind the beast to a swampy rusted out Halt. They can’t pull it off, no way! That’s the good news you could mention at the end of your article. Why would we fear them when they are incapable of the simplest task? No the end will not be controlled by anyone, it will just be a breakdown of systems and strong people (good and bad) will rise up and create pockets.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Another tour de force. Been lurking for a while. Just got a paid subscription. Thank you for writing Good Citizen!

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Thanks Princess. Welcome to the Flock!

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Tension is high every where, and it seems that some sort of climax is fast approaching. Wither it will be positive or negative for humanity is yet to be determined. Our destiny is of our own choosing. If the nukes do start flying I hope someone has enough sense to target Schwab's palace in Davos with one of them. Since I have refused to carry a phone smarter than me, I don't know what to do without my qr code--probably just ignore it, and do all my dealing on the dark economy that is sure to develop. The rules and rulers can always be gotten around if freedom means anything to you. Just remember what Janis said.

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New markets and innovation will spring up for millions who refuse their chains.

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I think the time for new markets has arrived. It’s time for the millions who refuse their chains to move on from the rot, and form a society for those that still cherish freedom and liberty. We can no longer wait for the sleeping masses to join us. It’s time to move on.

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Brilliant work as always. Love the Greta meme, and I bet secretly she would too

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Arg. Let’s drone the globalist before they murder us.

Isn’t it pretty much us or them time?

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Understand book of revelations chap 19! The 4 horseman of appocolypse-White horse (Dulles/Kissinger/Deep state) Antichrist-Red Horse (war and blood)-black horse (famine food shortages) and pale green (rotting flesh depopulation agenda)! Covid -19 Certificate Of Vaxcine IDentification -19 (Chap 19 book revelations. Ukraine.Russia engineered to eliminate 30% of food supply in next 6 months. There is a massive grid attack coming-Philadelphia already had a week of power outages. The Obama admin is at war with the world[-specially the land of liberty.

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I'm doing the same thing except the spring fed pond behind my house pushes out water at a constant 74 degrees which isn't quite as cold as I like my beverages, but just right for swimming all year long. I make ginger beer and root beer from ingredients exclusively from my own garden. Not sure if I'm ready to grow hops and barley though.

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i've put a yellowbirch sapling down in spring 22ft bu couldnt push further - 74 deg, u south

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where might you be, por favor?

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I'm in the middle of the gulf side of the sunshine state. I've been cutting out some water oaks to make room for more sassafras saplings as well as moringa, and sarsaparilla

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not too far from TAMPA/ST PETE? BACK IN MID 1900s wife and kids and I thought we'd move there from Maine, but political county situ and educational status at that time NEGATED. probably were more auspicious pockets.

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I doubt much has changed since then. I'm about an hour north of Tampa/St. Pete. I moved here from California about ten years ago. Compared to California, this place is Paradise on earth.

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How will we be able to afford the gasoline to set ourselves on fire?

Jim Morrison wrote a crappy song about that...

And our love become a funeral pyre

That's a quote...

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We could use the stuff you put in oil lamps. Or alcohol.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Not the exactly correct slot for this spot-on analysis from Alex Thomson & friends but good to see some folk who are not dazzled by the high stake 5 Card https://rumble.com/vwzvvh-uk-column-news-9th-march-2022.html

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Thanks for that link. Top analysis. Thomson is incredibly forthright for a former spook.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yes; thank you for pointing me towards him and cohorts.

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"This is what heroism looks like in the west in the twenty-first century: Narcissistic, hand-picked servants of global power trying to drag the world into a nuclear conflict so historians of the future can write about his bravery and sacrifice from their radioactive-free underground survival bunkers while scarfing iodine tablets for the next thousand years." -- Brilliant.

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of course, you miss newcomb, though you must remain in close contact(schnarkeling) I believe I would like de santis, with some exception. sunny and cool, 23 deg, here on coastal Maine

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Good Citizen, you are, to quote AL, 'brutally good'. Reading this at breakfast made my digestion confronting in its primal need for survival. Eat the fucking bugs. That almost made me spit out my cornflakes, something I may have to do in the future if CBDC skims my bank account like the milk in my bowl for not eating the bugs. You manage to tuck not just the appendage but the entire globalist situation into the swimsuit in one bulging package of an article. You'd win the freestyle any day.

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