You are absolutely, unequivably, 100% right. And I am very sorry if I am front running your part 2, but people seem to generally think that there is no way out, that they cannot escape the sinking ship. This is not true. There are things you can do. An exhaustive list would warrant an article of myself (maybe I will) but here are some core things you can implement:

1. GET OUT OF DEBT. All of it. Make it your life's priority. Because the debt is exactly what makes them have a hold on you, what makes you their slave. Take a second or third shift, or a second or third job. Don't go drinking on a friday night, put your beer budget in your creditcard debt. Get rid of it, any way you can. I did it. So can you.

2. GET YOUR WEALTH OUT OF THEIR SYSTEM. For must people this means 2 things, either procuring physical gold or silver and holding it in your hand, or getting your hands on some crypto's. The way things are going, very soon you will simply not have the opportunity to buy physical gold or silver, because it will not be there to purchase anymore. It will all be gone (and can be found in, amongst others, my safe). The only alternative will be crypto currency. And they may be able to outlaw it, but simply because you are participating in it, you strengthen the crypto system. And if there's one thing they can not do, is break the crypto networks. Take the time you have left to do the research if you're not comfortable with the idea of crypto currencies yet. Worried about your privacy? Start with Monero.

3. GET YOUR HANDS ON FOOD WITH A LONG SHELF LIFE. Personally, I'm into 20 pound bags of rice at the moment. Stored dark, cool and dry my friends. I can use it to barter for fresh ingredients, or I can eat it myself and not go hungry. After I purchase my rice and cans of food, prices can soar for all I care, I will still have a full belly when push comes to shove. How much are you willing to bet that the people who are laughing in my face now, will be standing at my front door begging for a baggie of rice when the shops are empty? Two weeks of interrupted supply chain is all it will take.


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Agree with 2 and 3 absolutely, though I'll have much more on 2. on Monday. On the first one there are two ways of looking at it.

A. Debt matters only if you're a prisoner of their state- have citizenship and consent to be governed. This is why the rich have many passports. One who cannot be located cannot be owned or controlled, and can't be a debt slave. It's why they pay zero taxes.

B. Debt is an illusion and you can use it to your advantage the way rich people do. Leverage as much debt as possible into assets you know will have value when the system collapses, that are beyond the reach of the state-see your above comment on Monero. Some people might call this theft, but that's because they're conditioned to trust a system that exploits them daily. When the system collapses only a debt slave would even consent to participating in their new one. If you've made a parachute from their old one, and taken it to the new black markets that arise, you've gamed the game.

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All of the things that I mostly learned about over the past three years after going down the rabbit hole. You explain exactly why I want to have multiple passports and citizenships. Working on building income generating assets right now.

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What happens if things don't collapse?

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They could in theory keep the illusion of a non-collapse a reality forever even if everything collapsed. It's all an illusion anyway. Ones and zeros on computers completely divorced from free market economics. It would require turning everything into a centralized soviet-esque hell hole, and in many ways the US is already well on the way. If they arrest Trump next week that would only confirm it.

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I meant with regard to debt. I get that everything's an illusion, but I get nervous about the whole "it's all coming down anyways, so you might as well grab what you can now" mentality. It reminds me of Y2K. The world is pretty good at not ending. I think we should try to prepare for both possible scenarios.

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I'm focusing on passports and incoming generating assets. Those will be great to have either way.

I'm not too into the speculation side of if/when it happens. It is good to prepare for though if you think it's a possibility.

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I agree, but I'm taking a different approach. I'm focusing on food, water, livestock, electricity, bullets, and other tangible items -- things that have intrinsic, practical value.

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Ok. So here’s a question:

If I have, say, 60-80k available on a secured line of credit, should I be using that to purchase, say gold and silver? Essentially taking on debt to pull something valuable for the future?

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Not financial advice. If you can take a risk, service the debt, time the collapse and xx% rise of gold and silver then you've gamed their game. A lot of ifs and risks. Worst case is some lost interest payments and forced sale of metals at market to pay down debt. Could also end up somewhere in the middle, with Gold at 4k and you can sell half to pay off credit.

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I bought some gold and silver coins from a grizzled old dealer in rural FL last year, and had a chance to chat with him.

He clearly was a "survivalist", even had the revolver strapped on his hip, and no doubt an arsenal behind the showcase. When I think "assisted suicide", I think about aiming a pea-shooter at this alpha.

I was buying 1oz. coins. He asked why and I told him for when TSHTF. He made a wise statement: "When that day comes, you'll have a hard time getting change for an oz. Think about 1/10th ozs., and think about some silver coins. They will have faster exchange possibilities." Made total sense.

So I bought a bunch of both, a little more expensive but I hear what he was saying...although those 1oz. Liberties sure are purty.

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My thoughts exactly. Thank you for you articles and examination and analysis of current happenings. Greatly appreciated for all you do.

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Beans & Bullets & Gold & Silver. Also: Bacon, js

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"I told you so" will sound pretty lame as the blade rushes toward my neck from above.

It's incredible how life has changed since "reports of a new virus from China" hit the airwaves...three years ago.

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those crisis actors collapsing in the streets of Wuhan should get every Oscar. Maybe Jackie Chan was one of them.

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Maybe I'm just jaded with a sensitive bullshit detector, but I thought those shots from Chy-Na were bullPelosi from the start. NO ONE with a respiratory virus just drops dead in the streets.

Those shots were about as realistic as the scene in ET where The Men in a HazMat Space Suits "captured" him.

The entire thing was nonsense.

One of my closest nephews is a prominent surgeon in the FL Panhandle who never sold his practice, and was in charge of a specialized surgical ICU unit for his patients in a large regional hospital that serves a lot of seniors and retired military. He brings this hospital millions in revenue every year from his priactice, and has for 25+ years, so he was economically bullet-proof. He was asked to convert his ICU to covid for a while, and to manage it. He said he barely had any patients---despite the cry of ICU shortages in the MSM---and refused run-death-is-near and ventilators on covid patients, to the administration chagrin. He also did not lose any covid patients. "Bad Flu" is his description.

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Damn....this one hit hard. A master class in finance; describing exactly the situation we are in; the fools, the banksters and politicians driving us off an economic cliff for the benefit of themselves.

I think this is your best writing yet but, I thought the same thing about your last post. :)

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This is just another shameful example of how the oligarchs who run Amerika take joy in humiliating those who work hard and who created our economy. While Bernie Sanders wails about the income disparity between working people and CEO's (and he makes a great point), the government bails out billionaires like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban, Meghan and Harry and God knows how many other unnamed celebrities and club members. It is cynical, disastrous, and a final slap in the face to honest people everywhere.

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Well written with great descriptive details (ie Clintons, etc) but so well done, it opens our eyes further to the damage this imbecile-in-charge has done and will do. His whole administration is based on ineptitude and lack of knowledge. We need a real insurrection with these people dragged out and hung for treason.

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There are a few problems I see with CBDCs. Many African Americans don't trust the government. There are many who don't even have banking accounts. Won't it be racist to force them into participating in the white man's system?

Also... how are you supposed to buy illegal drugs? CBDC gift cards? Don't think the cartels will go for that.

And finally... how are politicians going to get their bribes? CBDC gift cards again?

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Haha. Nice!

Those are actually great questions. It will be centralized and private (zero transparency as usual), I'm sure they'll have their dark money channels and tokens for the "team players" for the big club that we're not in.

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Property, deeds, titles, positions in government and business. Much like they do already.

Once our Luciferian overlords capture what's left, im sure #BigPharma will provide approved drugs for addicts in their #SmartCities to come. I'd venture a guess that the criminal cartels would be left to devour themselves when there's no more black market. There will always be prostitution however...

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Also.. what happens when there is a natural disaster like a hurricane and an area loses power for several days? People have no means to buy food. Which one would think is... problematic.

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Shibumi, there are dark times ahead. For us, a hurricane would be a major catastrophe. From the perspective of our Luciferian overlords? That would be fine with them.

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I agree. There are those that proclaim with absolute certainty that there is no depop agenda, yet people keep dying and no one is doing anything to address the problem. It's one thing to double down on stupid like go back to eat at a restaurant where you got food poisoning, but this is beyond the pale. Thousands of people-- at the very least-- have died in the US and they're still pushing them.

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I like your questions. I think the answers are silver, gold, and platinum. Diamonds, rubies, eneralds, tanzanite.

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don't forget your beans & bullets. Can't eat silver & gold!

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And a plan b if you can have one. At the very least a place to bugout to.

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One thing you forgot to talk about. How many privately owned weapons exist in the US. Hundreds of millions. Get ready.

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True. I guess they can hold up the grocery store clerk for food when the government blocks their money.

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People might go after grocery store clerks.

Or they might go after the b@nkers and the p0litic0s that put us in this situation.

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Different people (awake and asleep) will have different targets...

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China banned Crypto 2 years ago. What happened? It became the #2 place for Bitcoin mining on Earth, and use skyrocketed. You can’t ban crypto. Cold store your keys.

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They confiscated gold in 1933 so nothing will keep them from trying. Destroy exchanges, prevent all banks using FedNow from transacting with crypto firms, withold CBDCs from citizens who have or use crypto prevent any companies from accepting crypto for goods and services.

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They will first have to find out I own them. Monero of the crypto washing machines usually do the trick of anonymising them

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Smoooth. Monero and Zcoin will feature prominently in part deux.

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I'n liking the direction this series is going from the sound of it.

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Tax any crypto transactions and gains to the point where you lose most of the value, even if it's not directly confiscated.

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They have to find out it belongs to me first.

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So this has been in planning for decades, is there anything apart from the 2nd coming of Christ that stops it. Or are we just going to be sucked into the globalist black hole without hope.

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Plenty of things you can do. Please do yourself a favor and read my top level comment on here.

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Did a victory dance prematurely. That was days before recent events. Will be interesting to see Tom's pivot and if the fed stays the course on rates while doing the QE peep show. So far Peter Schiff was right all along.

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if anybody wants to know that for 50 years things have been going wrong by plan nobody goes to jail they just loot kill and pillage more it is because for 50 years nobody was allowed to out the bolshevik jew. it happened in Germany finally and they created an economic comeback the greatest in human history. the Byzantine empire was the longest lasting in history until they were betrayed by the jews because they forbid jews from doing anything but manual labor. that is kryptonite to them. US never get fixed cause it is like going to the hospital with a broken leg and treated for a sore throat

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Don’t the Jews use their “own” people? Of course they do. And the majority are blind to their naive demise.

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when I talk about jews I mean the bolsheviks that wield power like the Chabad the bankers media movie moguls neo-cohens rabbis israel

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You both mean the Khazarian Mafia.

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yes that is one description of them of many

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Just one detail. Historically the fed pivot has always preceded a significant stock market crash. No doubt it will subsequently rebound as you suggest, but worth being aware of the history.

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That's historically true, and we may well see one soon as a pretext to much of the above before hyperinflation kicks in. If they don't raise rates, or stall or pivot and keep QE going behind the curtains, once that hits everything rockets including markets. Not because the value of equities has increased, or homes, or cars or any other assets but because the currency to buy assets is worthless.

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As per QE going on behind the curtains. Peter Schiff in his most recent podcast basically said that what the Fed was doing to bail out SVB was unofficially QE5.

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I just finished watching that ep880 as I read your comment. Same moody wavelength.

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Bit.ly/bankwithoutbanks | bankingwithoutbanks.com | 100% reserve banking with a 172 year old trust | theperfectcollateral.com | it's time to secede from the FED banking system.

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Maybe I am behind the curve, but I thought fractional reserve banking was ended because it was too conservative. I thought the new system is:

Banks print/create as much money as they want; and Fed bank prints/creates the most of all.

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Isn't endless money printing the basis of Modern Monetary Theory?

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As I understand it, yes.

And endless debt is an even bigger part of MMT. Money is debt in a way. If you have a certain amount of money then the economy owes you that much of what is for sale in the economy. So in my mind, it's really all about debt. MMT says that we can borrow (create debt) in unlimited amounts and it will do no harm. I guess we are going to find out if that is true.

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historically debt to GDP ratios beyond 95% bring systemic problems teetering on collapse. after March of 2020 alone the US went from 105% to 135% in a blink before seeing it trickle down to 125%. In 2000 it was 54%. In 2008 after the crisis it was still only 80%. But as recession continues and we have negative GDP quarters, and all they know are 'bailouts' and MMT, this circus tent is going to really be tested beyond 140%. It has to be an intentional collapse of the old system. There's just no other explanation for such idiocy.

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Chilling statistics, to say the least. And when you take into account that GDP is supposed to be a measure of productivity but really measures spending including government spending, the reality is even worse.

What will U.S. insolvency be like, for us and the world? It boggles the mind. If our rulers are doing it on purpose, what is their plan for what comes next?

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Becoming more intrigued with Howdie Micoski’s “Exit the Cave (Ending the Reincarnation Trap)” Book 1.

The metaphor: we are in a simulation. The insane world, created by Demiurge, run by archons, need me only for an energy source. The more frenetic I am, the more of my energy they receive.

There’s an ammo sale till midnight in honor of St. Pat; gotta get me some more. Now.

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Reading David Icke the answer. Frequencies perception energy. Feeding off us to remain in lower dimensions when we could escape it. A spiritual kind of ammo sale.

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Yep. So the challenge is to keep our vibration as high as possible while everything is crumbling around us. Now that is a true spiritual test where the rubber meets the road!

I have been living on two tracks the last 3 years. On one, I want to know what the hell is going on in this world and I read like crazy. It's a horrifying reality that requires a lot of effort from me to resist the downward pull. On the other, I lead a quiet life on a farm where things looked pretty good (also because I knew what was coming, so prepared for it) if you ignored the world outside our bubble (and forget about the six months of lockup. where we couldn't leave the premises, even to get food...)

However, recently, around my b-day on March 8, it started hitting the fan in our oasis too. I guess we couldn't escape the extreme solar events our planet is witnessing... Staff left, power was cut off (because we are disputing fabricated, atrociously high energy bills) and it's almost 40 degrees. We haven't been able to invest in solar power yet (which I still find too expensive and inefficient anyway) ,and it's getting hairy. Without a working fridge, we are practicing the principle of "from the farm to the table", and not by choice. Internet, operated on a generator - along with a fan and a light (the absolute minimum because gas prices are at almost double the price they were a year ago, despite the fact that our oligarchs are purchasing it from Russia at a 40 percent discount..!) - and without which I can't earn a living, has gotten spotty all of a sudden. I am getting ready for our banks here to collapse as well (the fraud they have been committing has been and is beyond imagination). We have had the "opportunity " to practice living without cash here in India: for six months after demonetisation, the ATMs did not have money outside of the main cities and getting cash was practically impossible (which meant that workers had no work because nobody was able to pay them, we couldn't even buy vegetables, not to mention that the economy tanked by 70 percent!! and the building sector was levelled...) But it did prompt a huge portion of the population to start using online payment platforms, so Gates' calculation paid off (he lauded Modi's move, of course, having been part of setting the whole fiasco up).

I am sharing these details because what we have been experiencing here in a developing country, the "largest democracy in the world" (for those who believe in Santa Claus), is likely the harbinger of what is awaiting the West as well. Here, we expect just about everything to be suboptimal. In the West, where the majority, or so it seems, still beliefs in the government and the infallibility of the systems in place, the wake up call is a lot tougher to navigate. So yeah, it's a good time to find "your" God, or whatever else will help you keep your head over water and your vibration out of the gutter!..

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Sounds like India is much further along their reset agenda. Any resistance like we saw in Sri Lanka?

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Hosing the front with water, the back with gas.

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thanks, radiohead link gave me some comfort, I am still a bit new to them, old as I am.

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tell me something I don't know -- BUT YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE WON'T NAME THE FUGGIN NAMELESS: ZIONIST JEWS -- tell me I'm wrong muthafugga

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