Wow, it takes a lot of talents to gather lots of crimes by the empire, and twisted in a funny way. I loved it and shared it.

May god bless you for seeing the truth.


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Thanks, mois.

God bless, and Merry Christmas to you!

"And Merry Christmas Savings & Loan!"

(Time to go watch Jimmy Stewart save his town again, and Donna Reed's smile)

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I have canceled several subscriptions because the writers wouldn’t tell the truth about the Jabfather, particularly after the ear piercing incident. I’m not going anywhere. I appreciate your work and am happy to support it. Keep doing what you’re doing.

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Thanks for the kind words and your support, Stratman.

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You’re very welcome. You have definitely earned it. I know from experience what happens when you run afoul of the orange cult. I’ve been called every name in the book on Twitter for doing a version of what you do, which is exposing the truth. I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say in the future, if you don’t get censored. There are strange times ahead.

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Dear Good Citizen,

I'm only halfway through your post, but I paused to get fully started on some Blanton's. Since this is Christmas, and since this article is that good, I have a confession to make. I only subscribed because: 1) you have the coolest content ever, and 2) I hope to one day run in to you and buy you a drink, where as long as you keep telling me cool stories (like the main character of Scheherazade), I keep buying you drinks. Until either you/we pass out or stories get boring.

How I would ever run into you, or know who you are, or vice versa, is left as an exercise to the reader. And then tell me.

Merry Christmas old boy!


P.S. the people involved with the mass exodus are all liberal fags and should be ashamed. same for the ones that recently joined, but will subsequently leave.

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Thanks, Xingyi. I'll take you up on that drink(s) offer whenever our paths cross to exchange stories on a one-for-one basis. I'll be traveling again soon, frequently, and writing about the new adventures here. If it's anywhere near you, DM me. Seriously.

Merry Christmas!

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I was involved, I am not a liberal, a fag , a conservative or religious…. What group do you categorize me in Xing?

I also enjoy me some GC, your comment is suspiciously untrue and obtuse, bordering on sanctimonious of some cult belief system.

To categorize is something I have done all my life, I suppose I still do actually, the entirety of humanity is stupidly tribal, its much easier to just say 80% of folks aren’t worth much time.

Just be mindful is all I’m saying

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Jeremy Hammond and Legalman also come to mind. Voices crying out in the wilderness. They don't play well with the itching ears set. No one does that doesn't tell the itching ears what they want to hear.

It's worth remembering that most all of God's prophets end up getting murdered. By the people they are sent to to help. So, the price can be steep. On the one hand, that awareness can be intimidating. On the other, it's good company to be in and may serve to inspire.

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I need to know good company. This is why I love flock comments sometimes more than other substack essays.

Where does one find Legalman other than the Navy?

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Well a hearty HOHOHO to the Kibbernecks, and seasons greetings to you Good Citizen. I must confess that I am one of those "libertarians" who found my way to you thru LRC. I think my subscription is on autopilot and since I've never found fault with your content, it will remain that way. Please let me know if the auto renewal doesn't work as I would very much miss reading your insightful thoughts and verbal meanderings. I suspect that we must have gone to different highschools together , as much of what you say confirms my own observations of the world around us. I'll be along for the read as long as you feel up to writing.

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You've been a GC OG for a few years now JVC. I appreciate you sticking around through all the changes. It means a lot. And a very Merry Christmas to you in East Texas.

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Hmmm, I'm just west of JVC in the Texas hill country. Good minds think... locally?

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Thanks for speaking the truth and always continue to do so. Those of us who seek truth regardless of where that leads will continue to support you.

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You are a hero.

I never fully trust People of Onlineness if they prioritize monetization; a man can only have one master, and if someone needs people to agree with them to pay the bills then what they say can never be fully trusted. Furthermore, if they aren't competent and tough enough to pay the bills with an RL job, they probably aren't morally strong and can't identify with the issues of real people.

OTOH, it is important to be an influencer if the issues are important to you. If getting truth to more people is important, then it is important to be a good influencer. An important thing to note is that influencing is far different from monetizing. In monetization, numbers are not just the important thing, they are the only thing. In influencing, it is all about quality, not quantity.

Give some ideas to an independent author, and he'll spread those ideas far better than 100s of subscribers who are just looking for some entertainment while on their phone during a work-place p00p. Make an independent journalist think, and he'll spread your thoughts far better than thousands of dimwits chasing an endorphin high from social conformity.


Unrelated, except to point out that there are many other Seekers of Truth toiling away.

Husband and wife team documenting the crimes of Wall Street. She was on Wall Street, and I'm guessing a lot of her former co-workers feed her inside info about crimes and corruption. There is stuff that will blow your hair back in just how obvious and massive the corruption is. They are also normie boomer liberals, which can make me roll my eyes, but everyone has their faults.


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Great points and distinctions. And thanks for another useful link to a new source.

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Dear Nancy,

I keep reading that Chad wants something called a "tradwife" and supports Donald Trump! Perish the thought! That can't be our little Chaddy! We're still looking forward to the day that Chad comes home and runs for Congress as a Democrat! How does Senator Gibberneck sound?! I'm so excited for you!

Happy holidays!


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Normie purge is the operative phrase. Anyone who has not done a normie purge by now (including friends and family) needs to start as soon as possible. Given enough time, these folks will get you killed. The boat is sinking... everything dragging the boat down must go over the side. Why would you even want 1 and 2 readers? Writing about this stuff is cathartic...payment enough...imho.

Very clever Christmas card letter. Fluffy on the grill made me laugh out loud. I had almost forgotten about these letters. I used to enjoy them so much. People used to hate them, calling them "brag letters" but I always said: better a brag letter than just a signature on the card. Now Facebook does the job of the Christmas letter... every single day. For years I felt resentful of being "forced" to send Christmas cards, filling each one with a letter, of sorts. When I bitched, folks would say: "just stop then". Well, I had a lot of older friends who expected to hear from me once a year, at least. They would think you were dead if they didn't get a card. Now they are all dead.

I only sent one card this year...to my friend of longest duration... we have been friends since third grade (1968). Although she agreed with me in February of 2020 that the scamdemic was indeed a psy-op...she caved to the Jonestown jabs when her brother pressured her. It pretty much destroyed her health. We no longer talk on the phone. I didn't expect a card from her ...so I was surprised when it came...signed: Merry Christmas from Debbie L****...printed like a child. She hated being called Debbie. She always wanted to be called Debra, because Debbie sounded like a little kid. I am puzzling if she has regressed to a childlike state, or if her less-than-genius daughter printed the card for her. I have no way to find out. I await the inevitable news of her demise . Merry Christmas GC.

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I hadn't realized Fakebook took over Christmas card duties since I've never been on there. About as impersonal as everything else has become in our world. At least you've been unburdened by filling Christmas cards with fluff, since those people are all dead. Pfizer or Moderna you think? Always good to keep that non-normie friend from way back in the day close. We all have at least one. Though mine started listening to Alex Jones last year regularly and told me I was right about him (from 12 years ago). I've been avoiding that conversation, so he's probably still on the spectrum.

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The ones I know who have died took the Moderna. I never had a Facebook account until a couple of years ago. I created a fake account on a dead phone so I could spy on a couple of people from my past. I am very curious if they took the death vax. I look at their accounts once a week on Wifi. One complains constantly about how bad her life is. The other pretends how great his life is, but pretty much all he posts about is the past, and all the funerals he has gone to lately. Still, neither has yet directly stated if they were vaxed.

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I sympathize. It's tough when you find out people that you like and respect will compromise even their own bodily sanctity to maintain a comfortable position in life and society. It is hard to pretend things are good with them when it is no longer possible to respect them. Ironically, they feel the same way about us. That we are wacko's, conspiracy theorists, granny killers, science deniers. The teevee guides them in how and what to think.

I avoid purging anyone. But clearly, most of the people I know are liabilities in this struggle. Sadly, even among those that profess Christ, there is little discernment. A danger to themselves and everyone around them. Eventually the bill comes due for living in self deception and delusion. The bill for this society is going to quite large I suspect.

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Well said. You described my life.

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The cold splash of impending beast system reality water that was the germ terror psy op is already ancient history and long forgotten for most of the part of society that aren't overt antiChrist zealots. As if it never happened. Like the turn Dump already had in the puppet seat, where he amply demonstrated exactly who and what he is, as if he hadn't made it obvious in the previous decades of his scummy, very public life. Just an uncomfortable episode in the past and best forgotten by the soma pros that only want to go along to get along, worship whichever idol the teevee presents them that day, and call it good.

So it is understandable your readership has dropped off just on that count.

I don't think you will have this or any internet venue to do what you are doing for very much longer. Let's make the most of it while we can. I intend to benefit from the work of individuals like yourself for as long as it is available to me.

I also commend you on the artwork here. Hilarious stuff. It matches your writing so well. Puts a point on it. Who does it? Miracle Ear George Washington popping his head out of the rabbit hole has me grinning even now. Chained Lady had some coffee spitters.

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Spot on, Jody. I too think that Substack in it's current form will not be around much longer. Enjoy it while it lasts. (((They))) would never had openly revealed themselves in 2020...if (((They))) had not already gotten things all sewed up.

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I am so sad...leave breadcrumbs please 8f there is another place to go after substack

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Right. In terms of thing being sewed up, as GC points out, you can already see the so called alternative space being fully infiltrated and shaped by our owners. A free and open internet doesn't quite fit in the full spectrum dominance surveillance and information police state being constructed.

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How epic would it be to see giant murals of the Chained Lady works in large urban areas all across the country? If there were any justice in this world, there would be.

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GC, I've been a huge fan of your stack ever since I discovered Substack. I remember when you suddenly went full throttle on the jews, and it was thrilling.

I thought it was the beginning of a sea change... and I still think it is. There are more people starting to talk about The Usual Suspects - Stew Peterson and Candace Owens, to name a couple of the bigger names - and some of the people who've been doing it for a long time seem to be gaining more traction (like Devon Stack and Lucas Gage).

It is going to take more time for the tide to gather strength, but I think what you are part of is a Force of Nature. Because you are telling the truth.

The interesting thing about the natural world is that, if you're watching some process from the "outside," it's easy to think nothing is happening. But, suddenly, all at once, there is an unequivocal event, and then nothing is ever the same again.

Think of a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. Or a glacier "suddenly" surging forward in a crush of titanic ice. Or a seed sprouting after lying dormant for months or years, waiting for a particular sequence of chemical reactions to take place before Life breaks through and forth.

I look forward to every post you put out - and you just keep getting better and better.

You are one of the best writers of modern times, and the fact you have not been widely recognized as such (yet) is just more evidence of your integrity. Anyone getting big kudos from the current system is suspect. You, on the other hand, are writing pure gold.

Thank you for being a beacon for the rest of us.

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There's a sea change afoot. I've always appreciated Devon Stack's honesty. Lucas Gage has been put through hell by the demons and come out the other side in one piece stronger than ever. A true Marine. Stew Peters is on fire lately. His monologue last night on the Guatemalan jewish paedo cult re-kidnapping those 160 children was brutally frank. Or brutally frankist, as Candace might say. It was the perfect 20-minute side dish for my Christmas roast and wine. A fine gift for anyone who refuses to look away and put their head back in the sand and ignore 2500 years of behavioral patterns.

I still can't understand why Peters hosted his occupied movie on Locals— Thiel's and Dave Rubin's platform. Would have gladly paid the $9 for it if it was on a dedicated site. Made me suspicious of him, because I know what Thiel's doing on the data collection (total state surveillance) front with ZOG and her satellite parasite state. His Palantir providing AI targeting (of women and children) in Gaza to the Israeli demons, means I'll never visit Rumble or any of his digital assets again. People are boycotting McDonald's and Starbucks because of the genocide, as if that makes a difference, instead of everything that Thiel has ever invested in. The anti-war left often has good intentions, just retarding planning and execution.

I'm not sure I'm doing enough to avoid the high-wire act and just jumping for the target. Self-censorship is tough to kick when you build something on a different foundation that needs to be replaced brick by brick. But if it must be done because it feels right and keeps the conscience clear, then I'll replace every bit of it for as long as it takes. Year one down. Year two coming up.

Thanks for your support and all the high praise Anna. I greatly appreciate it. And it keeps me going. With all these compliments it's like Christmas around here.

Oh, wait...

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Can you give me a quick summary of the Guatemalan Jewish paedo cult (or a link) so I don't have to listen to Peters? I first drove to Guatemala in 2008. My husband had been deported in 2007, and I brought him all his things. I love Mexico, but I did not like Guatemala at all. I couldn't figure out why there were Stars of David everywhere, even on the gas stations. I was gobsmacked when I saw a Star of David around the neck of a peasant, where a crucifix should have been. Then I read: The Fish That Ate The Whale: The Life And Times Of America's Banana King, by Rich Cohen. Guatemala has been controlled by Jews since the first banana plantation. It is the only Latin American country that always supports Israel.

Peters and Owens are controlled opposition. No one is allowed such high visibility unless they are owned. I just found out Owen's in-laws are linked to the Rothschilds. Peters came out of nowhere and was artificially elevated to his position. Suddenly it is ok now to touch the third rail, if you are certain high profile fake Truthers. Why have (((They))) been doing this in 2024? Are they trying to get us Aunty Semites to publicly identify ourselves? I think it's bigger than that. Time will tell why the media is now allowing the J question some space. I have only read headlines about the migrant subway fire-starter. I didn't bother to read more. If it's being pushed by the Daily Mail, it's guaranteed to be fake. I look at that website daily, just to keep up on the latest psy-op.

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Yes, something fishy with Stew, especially his locals loyalty, and his nose, but if his documentary kick starts a journey down the occupied tunnel filled with bloody mattresses for newbs then that's a good thing. Candace married the son of a member of the house of lords after just a few months dating. Yes, also fishy. Don't know about red shields though. Just search Lev Tahor and 160 children. It was trending until (curiously) an illegal Guatemalan set a sleeping girl on fire on a NY subway disappearing the paedo cult story instantly. No cohencidence there. We live in a video game programmed by lunatics.

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Thanks. I just needed a name to get the search started. I have noticed this past year that the burying happens so fast these days, one has to really work to get valid search results.

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Kudos for the research on what Thiel's tentacles have reached into - I wasn't aware of that.

The surveillance state really creeps me out - although sometimes, I really want them to hear exactly what I think of them. If they want to invest all their mountains of cash into tracking my every move, I might as well take advantage of the free platform.

All the best in 2025!

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All the best in the year ahead to you Anna!

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Keep building, GC. Truth conquers all.

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Live not by lies.

Best life advice ever.

The other way lies madness

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GC went full throttle on the jews? Say it ain't so. Doesn't he know what victims they are? Oye vey!

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Fuck you're brilliant. I really don't deserve it.

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Wishing you a happy Christmas GC. May God bless your magnificent soul.


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I wish you peace and well, also wish you to stay on this great Way you choose. I wish for me: more great text you write. Really, nothing more to say....greetings from Croatia.

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Thank you!

Where in Croatia? I might be passing through soon.

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Ex-yugoslavia...we are neigbors with: Slovenia on the west; Hungary on the north; Serbia on the east; then long border with Bosnia on south and southeast. Our west part is on Adriatic Sea. My country looks like some boomerang. Small country. But, if you passing through....it will be great, and if you need something - just ask, please.

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I have had to cut ties to virtually my entire circle of friends and family. They are “support israhell “ retards, and I can’t bear their company or communications.

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It's a tough process to navigate. So many of them, so stubbornly rooted in a self-defeating (America Last) position are a testament to seven decades of Rockefeller menticide and Señor Spielbergo fiction and fantasy films. They love to call "the left" libtards, and anti-ZOG righties "Nazis!" but how are they any less retarded themselves?

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My nephew, that I love dearly, just told me that the M.E. should all burn down and all Arabs should be wiped from the earth. Left me speechless. I stared at him, he stared back. I just can't wrap my head around this.

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Liked the greetings from the Gibbernecks, it was perfect. Your writing is still much better than many, and I won't give up reading it. I think sheeple 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 have gotten lackadaisical as usual and have gone back into "Don't Care Mode". This will be the first year that my site as well hasn't increased in hits by at least 10% or more and It looks like It will roughly be a small increase this year.

Perhaps maybe I have changed in my opinions over the past 9 years of linking news and my links don't appeal to some. But then again, I don't control what goes on in the world. If I appear biased, it's only because of what is happening in the world and what people have become.

Kind of funny actually, sometimes I see more increases in my Substack than I do in my news site, and all my Substack is is The Image For The Day from my website @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Go figure that one.

Anyway, linking as usual. Have a Merry Christmas 🎄 and Stay Thirsty 🍺 , my friend!!!!!

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Thanks, Watchman.

Merry Christmas and stay thirsty my friend!

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