JJ almost has it figured out by now.

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Just when we think we've got it figured out..."they pull us back in!" A tweet of his from August, 2020: Anyone that thinks the truth is obvious right now is under the exact spell they purport to be able to see through. The illusion is strong right now. If you haven’t worked hard at questioning everything, you are definitely NOT working hard enough to know anything.

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It's a humbling time.

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Last I checked, Cooey still thought viruses existed, so he's still got a little way to go. I'll give him some time though.

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And to your point, that's what makes revisiting this interview all the more insane... through discovering the no virus lens over the past two years. EVERYTHING they discuss is meaningless in the absence of a novel deadly virus. No virus, no need for repurposed drugs, masks, lockdowns, distancing, toxic experimental vaccines, nada, zilch, zero. All of it bunk, baloney, useless comedy routines. All of these Covid podcasts need to be reedited with laugh tracks.

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Oh but according to Jay, there have been 4 endemic coronaviruses lurking about all this time, and THAT is what the bogus PCR tests (that don't test for a virus) actually reacted to. According to Jay, PCR tests are actually "crazy specific"!

Jay has zero science to show the existence of these "viruses", and admits that this story is just his hypothesis. And yet he talks about these "viruses" as though they are real as can be.

True story, all documented here: https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/jay-couey-admits-no-virus-people

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I don't speak for Jay or anyone else, but he appears open minded and not married to an agenda or institution. It takes time to contemplate and then deprogram a lifetime of programming. It would also mean reevaluating his entire academic career and education. I think it's easier for the street sweeper or garbage man to get there then the biologist or academic. The longer in the field, the more married they are. It would require facing a lifetime of lies. Then again what do I know, I'm just a blind social science sheep.

bang on: "The no-virus reality is that there was no reason for anyone to have been tested or taken any sort of “measures”, 2020 should have been life-as-usual, and the phrase "covid-19" ought not even exist. Because there was no science showing a virus, or a new disease, or contagion. This is the exact opposite of enabling the whole thing to happen again."

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I'd like to belief he's been sincere...it's hard just when he's acknowledged that "virus sequencing and isolation" are total nonsense and still clings to "viruses".

I skipped through the video above and he seemed alright in this one. Nice to see him calling out Kirsch and the Mal-one.

Who is the other guy?

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That would be Brett Weinstein. Biologist extraordinaire, chosen for Joe Rogan's podcast where 20 million people view his narrative reinforcement of all things Covid-19 psyop. Famous for being bullied out of Evergreen University for not bowing down to the little woke guard that demanded the liberal college observe a day of segregation for People of Color. Seriously. Then won a half million dollar judgement after suing for wrongful termination. Then moved to....Portland, Oregon. Seriously. A completely failed city of heroin junkies and a global magnet for miscreants where I'm currently helping my folks escape asap. T-minus two more weeks.

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Thank you for all those details!!

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The brainwashing is massive. But just imagine living and working an entire lifetime in an area that is bunk.

Can we imagine how hard it would be to turn a lifetime's work on its head and admit it is all for nothing?

This was the tact that I used when asking Kirsch all those hundreds of times to debate the no-virus people (long before it was really a thing).

But we must acknowledge that these are very smart people. And if these smart people have encountered the argument and still are pushing the virus line, it may be more than just self-protection. At this point, I think it is clear that all of the men in that video are disinformation specialists.

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Life long democrat donors. Silicon valley connections, DoD connections. Makes sense if they were chosen.

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I put it to Kirsch:

Who's going to give up their lifelong gravy train?

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Are they very smart people, or are they simply actors in a play following a script?

I subscribe to Kirsch's substack-- tried to unsubscribe but for some reason couldn't-- and kind of put him in the same category as Malone. Kirsch wastes a lot of time on stupid actions ("I'll give X Million Dollars to someone who can prove Y") that get nowhere.

The thing that worries me is that Kirsch is a big supporter of RFK.

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I think Malone seems a very smart guy. Kirsch isn't stupid. Weinstein is smart, but I don't like his style. The fact that Kirsch and Weinstein are jews makes them suspicious from the getgo.

I made a meme yesterday that is a picture of RFKJr standing between two little jewish troll spouses with his arms around them (probably donators) with the caption:

jews killed his dad and his uncle

Still goes to suck jew dick

Absolutely pathetic

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I'd heard he was dancing with the idea they don't, more and more lately. He recently interviewed Yeadon so... But he's always seemed like a honest broker, conscientious, well intentioned, open minded, willing to correct things, not out to brand himself as some (gaslighting) prophet for attention monetary extraction.

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JJ at minute 25 here with Yeadon...


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Thanks for the link to these videos, as I stated I don’t watch podcasts or videos usually. My style of learning is hit it hard and fast, process as much as I can and make a decision. I was in corporate for 20 years, had no business being in my positions based on my education, but I was a code 1 like 5 years in a row. My decision making process about business and problems is second to none for some reason. My decision making about “self” choices always need improvement. The irony is that I don’t give a shit about business and problems anymore…. Cheers

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I see no irony at all: once you reach the reachable perfection in one field, time is ripe to relocate your efforts to another 😊

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I like Yeadon. For whatever reason, he simply *seems* more trustworthy than many of the others out there. I don't know why, but yet, that's how I feel.

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He doesn't seem like he's trying to sell me confidence in him. OR extract attention for money. He's as authentic and genuine as it gets these days.

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C'mon...we all know the most viral show in 2021 was CNN. Like the perspective though.

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For the squinter, anyone who makes a living "consulting" so others can feed from the Fed grant system is so suspect it isn't even funny.

At this point, I look back at the whole covid experience and think "WTF?" Even after 9/11, the social shift was not so jarring. Now it's like society has burned down to the low-trust level. People just dont GAF. The plandemic has ruined what little social cohesion remained in the US.

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That grant feeding trough is one giant squid of corruption and debasement of "science" and "medicine" and to work for the DoD on experimental injectable anything is nutzo. I'm just now reading Icke's The Trigger. A deeper dive on 9-11 than his original from the early aughts. If 10% of the people out there had even a fraction of a clue. The social disunity low trust society has been decades in the making. Since at least the 60's. Their results are really going to explode over the remainder of this decade as more elections are rigged, more cities burn, more environmental and economic disasters are engineered, and the border stays wide open for the paedo child trafficking industrial complex.

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I like a lot of what Icke has to say. I'm a firm believer in an undersoul/undermind or noosphere. The whole purpose, besides feeding etheric energy to dark archons, is to pollute society with negativity. As your moniker implies, most people are sheep and don't question how or why they feel a certain way. The Gnostics had a fairly decent explanation for this but most people would get offended at being called soulless Sarkics (now called NPCs). I do feel like we are approaching an inflection point. People dont laugh anymore when I say "they're trying to kill you;" I get more nods than anything else. The zeitgeist is there, we just have to keep pushing.

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Sim1776, if you like David Icke, have you run across Clif High (he's on substack and Twitter) and Max Igan (The Crowhouse on Bitchure, Odysee and Twitter)? You might like both of them.

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Thanks, shibumi, I'll check them out.

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What I find really interesting is the fact that Kirsch admits that the spike protein goes throughout the body. Was that known in 2021? It seems to me at that point, they were still assuring people that it stayed in the arm and did not go in your brain, your spleen, your ovaries, your heart, etc, yet Kirsch is saying here that's exactly what happened. And that it's a good thing.

That seems HIGHLY suspect to me.

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I think they all knew, and Kirsch didn't stay on script there to the consternation of the hoarse whisperer, who claims to have had a vax injury (heart) two months earlier but says nothing during his first coming out podcast? All of it is highly suspect in retrospect. Time is the great revealer.

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Agreed. LOL. "Hoarse whisperer."

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What's your take on Dr Wood's directed energy explanation for the two towers?

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Haven't read her book but an interesting theory. Worth the read? They're definitely using DEWs on all these fake wild fires. The other day in Quebec was embarrassingly obvious. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. My 9/11 scope of possibilities at each sequence of events is constantly expanding after revisiting all of it again in the past few years. All I know for sure is I never bought the official lies for one second.

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I don’t get it. Ya, Malone and Kirsch said they got the vax but then they railed against it- they’re here in the vid railing against it. If you’re trying to say ya but they’re subconsciously advocating for the vax I’m not seeing it and this narrator’s mostly making expletives instead of more clearly making that case, which hurts credibility. They didn’t know it all then, right? Maybe they thought mRNA was an ok platform but they don’t appear to afterwards. I dig some Good Citizen work but lost here.

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JJ Couey is not just any narrator with expletives. I extracted his analysis and focused on that assuming people had seen the original. He's a former neurobiologist and he warned all these people about the dangers of transfection in a paper long before this interview which when viewed in 2023 is clearly a gaslighting exhibition. Loaded with official narrative reinforcement everywhere. A. There's a deadly virus out there but... B. We're safe and can gather together here unmasked because they've had the Moderna jabs - that's NOT subconscious advocating, that's overt ADVOCACY- "you and your family can gather together too unmasked like us if you do what we did." C. mRNA is good, and we're not against it. The first five minutes is a comedy routine. Yes, they railed against it, partially at this point, with caveats, but here's JJ's point... only after a few billion arms had already been nailed and 9 months after dozens of other doctors, researchers, and scientists screamed "DON'T DO IT!" If the hoarse whisperer was so injured by the jabs in April 2021, as he claimed years later when it was safe to do so, (with a heart condition) why didn't he SAY IT right there in this interview which could have saved lives? Also no mention of iatrogenocide in hospitals, remdesivir, ventillators, known a year earlier. No mention of the PCR scam. Kept all the false narratives alive but presented a 'hero story' alternative for the desperate masses tired of the official lies to glom onto. Tools of alternative narrative perception mgmt slid into the void to lead a new "movement."

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I have such a problem with these people who refuse to address the PCR scam. You've done excellent work from my view that well documents that they needed not an actual novel pathogen to get the hysteria built up. The constellation of allergies, seasonal respiratory distress, cold and flues were just all given CoV2's jersey or MASK for the Scooby fans. Thats it. Spike transfecting mRNA injections were pre-made ready to go and were being injected BEFORE a Pandemic was declared. There was never a novel virus that needed a "vaccine" there was a novel biologic device platform that needed a state of emergency for everyone to cow to. NOT for existential health threat resolution but to foist digital ID on everyone. They didn't win that battle but that war is essentially over. We will have a tougher time not complying next time because so many people refuse to acknowledge the reality of what happened.

Watching any media from late 2019 and on it so clear to see how disingenuous they all were.

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The first red flags for me were when people created a petition against Bill Gates ID 060606. Next was learning how PCR worked. That's when I began my journey down the rabbit hole. PCR seemed an obvious scam to me once I learned how it worked. I know people who work in hospitals who never were curious about PCR.

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According to Kerry Kassidy who has interviewed many intelligence agency whistle blowers over the last twenty years, there is a formula used by intelligence agencies when tightening the psy op screws into the public psyche regarding preplanned intelligence narratives. And it was exactly how you listed the points. They will intertwine some truth with the disinformation narrative in order to appear very believable and convincing but subtlely communicate the preplanned agenda. That interview was a textbook case of this.

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Unsubscribed to Dr. Malone's site/s after feeling very uncomfortable with his vacillating positions. Is he controlled opposition?

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After the $25 million suit against the Breggins I figured this guy is exactly that. There are few "leaders" of anything who tell the truth, fewer still with a long past of top secret security clearance with horse farms near Langley. Who does that? $25 million? In my mind, someone who wants the truth about their past not to tarnish their new assumed role, and to preemptively silence any others who dare talk about it.

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The hoarse whisperer was willing to use the iron fist of a $25 million lawsuit against the Breggins and Dr Jane Ruby. That was the “tell”….Also, when 2 people appear together in an interview like that, often times one is the “handler” who cues and keeps the other on point throughout the public appearance. Wonder which one is which….

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I didn't include the part where JJ essentially alluded to that 'handler' scenario. Something was 'prearranged' before the interview and there was some interesting body language throughout, though it seemed more like Malone was trying to reign in Kirsch, and cut off Brett, often returning to his go-to line - the appeal to authority and credentialism, "...as a clinical researcher in vaccine science..."

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The interview where he's calling Berenson "controlled opposition" is Globohomo theater gold.

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He never showed up on his peg with JermWarfare. What's up with that? Needs to get off his "high horse" if you ask me.

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You might want to revise that to "GloboHomoPedoPsycho." You know, for accuracy.

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I said the same thing above, and linked an interview/ article with Catherine Austin Fitts who also lands on the side of the Breggins.

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Amazing Polly.....too.

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Thanks for posting on this. Though I had never seen anything from J.J. Couey before, I ended up watching the entire 6 hr video a couple of months ago and was actually glad I did. I never bothered with Malone/Kirsch/Weinstein when this first aired because I had been following/reading Jon Rappoport for years and did not believe in the virus, so I was automatically suspicious of all three. Anyway, I though J.J. Couey had a lot of interesting comments and insights during this 6 hr marathon video. I posted some notes in my comment here:


And for what it's worth, there are others who think all of this has been scripted in advance. The govt knows that a certain percentage of the population is not going to fall for their psyops, so they prepare in advance on how to infiltrate and subvert movements early on. Diana West has a great write up on Robert Malone: https://dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/4421/Dr-Robert-Malone-A-Risk-Analysis.aspx (definitely worth a read IMO)--she warns about newcomers who don't tell you anything you don't already know and she also warns that the govt knows how to infiltrate, subvert and destroy movements from within.

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Thanks, I'll check em' out. They definitely have managers at points of power (paid and chosen?) that amplify the alternative narratives and keep them anchored to the official narrative so even the doubters and skeptics don't stray too far away from herd meadow.

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Wanna zero in & land deadass on target comment chez Breggins? Here ya go, yr wish fulfilled 😏 --> gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/robert-kennedy-steve-kirsch-and-robert/comment/15127766 👌

🗨 they seem to keep the script within tight pharma-supporting parameters, never talking about the fraudulent PCR test, benefits of taking Vit D and zinc, or deaths from Remdesivir. 💯

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Thank you so much for posting this Sandra-- the article on Ginger's substack is amazing.

I have been on the fence re: RFK, however his relationship with Malone is disturbing. Really disturbing. I have thought for a long time that the horse whisperer is angling for a cushy .gov job, but did not know he was that close with RFK. I did know that Steve Kirsch is in his camp, as is the finance guy Ed Dowd. I like Dowd a lot, and respect his work. I wonder if he knows about RFK and Malone.

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Gonna watch now GC, but I see Malone in the preview, and that guy bugs me to no end with his high horse cockamaney bull. Is Kirsch the anti mask guy I used to read at LewRockwell? It was he or someone else? I recall the name but can’t pin his angle from two years ago?

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He's the guy that will bet you $5 million dollars that his paid experts are more right than your paid experts, and you can contact his laywer for details on how to win his unwinnable exciting bets.

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Watched it, had to FF some of the commentary, the voice, oh the voice is rough.

Ok, so I admit I listened to Malone back in late 2020, as I remember he was shitting on PCR. I don’t recall him ever saying to get vaxxed, could be wrong or just me not being into podcasts. Kirsch I don’t recall reading unless he was on LR at that time.

For me, I was an animal back then, I read source upon source and honestly all I ever did was use my god given brain and my individual thought process to determine the path I would take, it was a collective effort of people and articles I can’t remember that helped me draw my conclusion, no vax was my first hard line.

Second was no virus, you were the most effective at convincing me GC, through your articles. Honestly before I found your site I had moved on. I had my ivermectin and hydroxychoriquin in the safe, my attitude was fuck covid.

To tell you the truth, my wife is an RN and in February of 2021 she called me at home near end of shift and told me she decided to get vaxxed. I cried that night. When she came home I talked with her and asked her why she changed her mind, she said peer influence. I pleaded and won that discussion through love and reverse fear tactics. I scared her into not taking it.

She went through hell for 6 months trying to get exempted, it was in the end easy enough because of our belief in a higher power, three years later in April 2023 she finally got to remove the mask at work, most weren’t wearing them in actuality but can you believe that, three years later. She is still unvaxxed and alive and well, and she still thanks me every now and then.

Never another vax ever….none

Thank you GC, God bless you!

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Quite a story. I'm glad your wife trusted your well founded thorough research and wisdom. After all that, a happy ending. God bless you both!

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Wow, JJ and TGC United! Everything has come to a head. Can’t wait to see what comes next 👀

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Thanks for sharing this, will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Jun 7, 2023
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George Webb has uncovered quite a few landmines on this guy. His lawsuits were the last straw for most. The attempt to rebrand himself as some prophet and savior in the past two years, when this interview was his coming out party, after decades taking DOD and pharma loot. Pfffhahhha.

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I was... leery of Malone for quite a while, especially in terms of "mass formation psychosis" which could be weaponized against people. At one point, I heard an interview on Infowars of all places with Peter Breggin; Malone is suing him. I researched the situation a bit, and came down solidly on the side of Breggin. I also highly respect Catherine Austin Fitts; she has been asked to comment on the lawsuit by both, and has come down on the side of Breggin:


In the end, Malone has government ambitions. To put it another way, it appears to me that he's opposition that controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.

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