10/10 rating. As a woman, I scream, "Vive la difference!"

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Thank you.

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Yep. And there are still plenty of great women about to keep things going.

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What a thing to land in my inbox today. I woke up at 5am and knew my 11 year old was already likely online in his room (he has always been an early bird). He was watching YouTube shorts (like tiktok) which is nothing but pre-teen garbage and had his laptop on at the same time. It was still dark outside.

I had been successful at limiting most garbage in our home until recently, when we moved, and I fell prey to sympathizing with his missing his old friends and missing out on new friends who game to socialize. I regretted it but still allowed it. The limits (set forth in the contract I drafted for him) were almost immediately disregarded and despite exhausting attempts to control it, I failed. I know this: it's all or nothing, and it grows and expands like a bad bacteria--there is no limiting it.

I spent the better part of the morning trying to explain my concerns to him but telling him I will ultimately be the decision-maker. I read him parts of this substack regarding his testosterone production and explaining to him (regardless of his ability to really comprehend) that efforts to ruin him are deliberate and it is my job to navigate that for him. And so, I will.

Just ordered two copies of Aurelius for both my sons. Thank you for a very timely hit on the head.

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It's a good thing to be aware of and monitor. It's also incredibly difficult for young men to be uprooted and move house. Balancing your sympathies with that awareness will be a challenge. I can say with a fair amount of certainty your sons will already be much better off with those two copies you've ordered. In a few years (15+) books like Iron John, and Letters From A Stoic might also be useful. All the best to you and them.

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I have a 15 year old too! So getting those now--much appreciated!

Thank you for being sympathetic--yes, it was an uprooting but also an enormous improvement moving from the heart of LA, where I (and they) grew up, and one they wanted too -(no more hookers and encampments on the short ride to school, or woke midwits teaching my kids). You are right that it is a daily challenge--the dysfunctional influences are everywhere and the messages are subtle/indirect. I'm on it!

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A necessary move. 👏 Bravo. An aunt and uncle live off Westwood Blvd. A homeless encampment, hookers, and junkies still haven't sent them packing. They got a booster in September. Not looking forward to all the funerals ahead.

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Yup--I've already been to a few funerals in 2021 and 2002 from sudden blood clot deaths. Almost everyone we knew there (in LA) was multiple-x vaxxed.

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I recently read a book called "A Stoic Heart". One of the best works of historical fiction I've read in a while. It teaches the basics of Stoicism in an easy to read way.

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Taking note, thank you!!

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I'm not a parent, so I'm sometimes loathe to comment to moms and dads about how they are raising their kids, but I will say this:

You did exactly the right thing telling your 11-year-old that you will be the ultimate decision maker.

I am stunned by how much kids get away with questioning the wisdom of their parents these days. As a child, I would not have dared question why I was being disciplined by my parents for my misdemeanours ... and I am eternally grateful for that.

You sound like a great dad.

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Thanks Anna! (I’m a mom!)

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Oh my God, I mis-gendered you when I read your comment to my husband! I used the wrong pronoun!! Thank goodness you're not LGBTQ+++...

I stand corrected - and you are an amazing mom. :)

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I've notified the SWAT team, Anna. They should be with you soon, you heartless hater! :)

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Hahaha it’s an easy mistake. I think have a “direct” writing style which makes many people assume I’m male!

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Yes, your writing style did contribute to me mistaking you for a guy. The directness is good! We need more of that.

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Wise adults who aren't themselves parents can often have some good insights into raising kids.

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A Bible would be a good order too 😉

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I love MA ever since I discovered his writings in my teens. However, it's ironic that he failed somewhat in his role as father. His son was the appalling Commodus of "Gladiator" fame.

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He's eleven. Can he pay for the gaming devices, TV, phone, internet? If not, cut him off. He'll hate you for awhile (I know my own daughter did when I cut the cord to her stuff), but he'll thank you later.

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Writes some great stuff


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All this 100%!!!

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the hijacking of our "diet" with estrogen-dominant seed oils—soy, canola, sunflower, safflower, etc.—isn't helping our cause either.

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At least I've done that--eliminated all seed oils from our home and eat out rarely. We use Fatworks beef tallow, butter, coconut oil. We even limit avocado and olive oil since I've learned that they are secretly full of seed oils too.

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Same here. Wife just raised the avocado oil flag as well. We get our meat and tallow from our Amish farmer, so we know the source. Soy-free pastured eggs from a local farmers cooperative. Every time I have to go to the grocery store "I see dead people".

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We’ve been making our own tallow, in the slow cooker, from free fat from our local butcher.

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As long as the animal was 100% grass-fed on pesticide-free fields, you're golden!

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Ah yes, all grass fed no pesticides around here. I’m blessed to live in the place that I do!

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You can also get old school lard at some grocery stores; I've also found it much cheaper at the local Amish store.

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I wish! I'm afraid the Amish are hard to find in CA :)

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that is a bunch of horseshit. people have been using shit oils here for 100 years and 95% of the men were real masculine. a good father that does not baby his son shows him how to fight makes him work hard around the house teaches him respect for the weak and show him work skills will overcome any mc donalds french fries

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Not processed oils! I taught my son to be tough and gentle at the same time. He is a strong man who loves his wife and children, protects them with every fiber of his being. I showed him what a real man is supposed to be like, and I did it by example. He built a multimillion-dollar business by the sweet of his brow, and now is retired at 45 spending time with his three girls, hiking, teaching them nature and the values he was taught. No wife beaters in my family, but loving and affectionate men, who will slit the throat of any who would threaten them. The oils he mentioned have been introduced in the last forty years as well as the chemicals. These eugenics monsters have a long-term plan for humanity, and they carry it out slowly, steadily so we do not notice! I knew better than to take this jab because Fauci was involved. My VA Doctor stated that they were safe and effective. I told him if he had a couple of hours, I would educate him on what was in this trash. Do not get any jabs for the flu as they are using this same technology in them.

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We ate processed oils in the 60’s. Wesson oil was soybean oil. Mazzola oil is corn oil. And Crisco 🤮is cottonseed oil.

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every bodies kid is perfect and well off financially lol. anybody worships women to me is weak. look at every guy in this country in power from a mayor to a president. All dominated and led by their wives. I thing that is a big reason for 99% of male politicians being POS. I am not saying smack around women . but they cannot be allowed to run the show at home. Rome never allowed women in power although there were some mothers who would kill a sibling so another could be emperor. in fact I think Nero had his mother killed when she wanted to take him out and there were others. Rome lasted over 500 years cause women never wielded power

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It starts with the women. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told women do not want masculine men, but sensitive men. A real man possesses both properties, animalistic strength and brutality, but also tenderness and nurturing. Modern women have for so long ridiculed and reviled masculinity that it is only logical that modern men have abandoned masculinity altogether, only displaying a caricature of it. Cruelty springs forth from weakness, not from strength.

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This is true, and a vital point absent from the piece. Though it is also true that the level of permissiveness of females is determined by men. Once that door is opened too far, civilization will be destroyed or "recycled" through all the predictable steps we're witnessing.

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These clip-haired freaks are terrified if masculine men.

Good news is the best babes love masculinity.

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What, in your opinion, should an ideal feminine woman be?

Women need to take charge of themselves. Not anybody else around them. Accept responsibility for their own behaviors and act like rational grown ups. There are certain masculine traits women would do well to adopt instead of wanting all the perks with none of the accountability that men have. Without the hysterical mysophobia more common among the frail sex and the steadfast refusal to be rational for years I do not think the Covid Psy Opp would have worked.

A good education for young women used to involve curbing the inborn tendencies toward hysteria, vanity, silliness, and materialism. Instead, today, colleges (and pop culture) teach girls they are perfect. Instead of growing and adapting to reality while learning to become better young women they are taught that they should force the world around them to change. A great way to become miserable and open to a number of addictions.

Our culture seems to nurture or encourage the worst parts of femininity to grow to grotesque proportions. Hysteria, self dramatizing, clinging to emotions rather than practicing emotional distance needed for rational thought, cowardice. Despite all the talk about "empowerment" young women are encouraged to be minxes, morons and parasites. The Powers That Be don't want women to get married and have a family. In fact they don't want women to be rational, responsible grown ups at all--despite the non stop yakking about "muh empowerment." As the WHO announced during lockdown in 2020, women should rely on the State rather than fathers/husbands/human beings. Not only are women expected to love Big Brother but to date him as well!

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"... today, colleges (and pop culture) teach girls they are perfect."

Bang on the money.

Feminism's first lie was telling women we were all victims, with men as our oppressors (instead of our natural protectors). Next came the mantra that girls are perfect.

I can't think of a better way to stymie someone's development. No wonder so many girls are reaching "adulthood," but are still behaving like spoiled children.

To say nothing of the war on white boys and men.

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We often read about how radical feminism has been hard on men, but in my view, it's main victim has been women. There are still a lot of amazing women around, and, Thank God, I'm married to one. However, I can't fail to notice how many women are completely lost today. Many have gone full speed ahead in promiscuity; others have taken the high-powered jobs they were told were their birth-right and are either childless, or if mothers, exhausted and absent. I read too the other day that levels of anxiety and depression among younger women are on the rise. That's sad because we need good women too if we are going to survive what's coming.

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I keep hearing about hysterical and neurotic young women--and seeing insane posts by them about how much safer they feel around bears than ordinary men. I bet those frenzied, tearful drama mamas enjoyed the lockdown and feeling threatened by every human face they encountered. Because they are now adrenal junkies they need to feel scared of something or at least dramatize about it on SM. They are almost certain to wind up in the digital prison if the real bad men behind the scenes don't off the clueless ditzes first. Sad, but they prefer fear and screens to human relationships. They have already chosen Klaus Schwab as their white knight. Ugh.

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If you hated women you would;

.. never correct them, you would raise them to fear men by putting in her mind a delusional Carachure of men, a false history,

.. and give them much more power in society and workplace and law then anyone should have, while never correcting them when they misuse and harm others, and root insanity in mind by allowing them to torture to death our babies on a whim and reward with praise, make it a step into womanhood,

.. whimsy destroy family, father, father-children relationship, no punishment for False-rape accusations, allow them to crush any and every man that displays manhood and tries to protect and provide, but only the castrated belly-crawling praising her Vagina-Supremacy should be trusted, ...

They think because those in power give them everything and no-limits that they care.

And men that try to help, explain, or correct Hate them.

God Bless., Steve

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I am a woman and have never like weak men. I constantly tell my teenage nephews to put their big boy pants on and stop whining like little girls. Wish more people would talk to the young generation like that. My husband of 25 years is all man and I thank God for him every day. I can’t imagine being married to one of these girly boys you see being shoved in our face via the media. Women not only want strong men. We need them. The country needs them. Bless you for writing this article and hope it helps many.

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Sounds as though you bring out the best in him, ZK. Kudo to you! On the lighter side, it all reminds me of that joke that Roger Moore, the late actor and very manly man made about marriage: "I always have the last word in our marriage: Yes dear, right away!"

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I agree that it starts with women. "Women's Liberation" was anything but, and has landed many women in terribly unhappy lives, competing with and trying to be men.

I have become a much happier person, and a much happier woman, since I walked away from the poisonous, misogynist ideology known as "feminism."

Once women start recognizing that they truly are attracted to masculine men, men can start getting on with being real men again. That's got to be simplest route to true feminine empowerment around.

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Totally agree. I’ve been saddened to see how few women have been sticking up for masculinity. I love being a women but can honestly say that women are way more toxic then men. Femininity doesn’t mean good and peaceful. Instead it just means a more cunning and covert way to cause chaos. A way that fakes like a sweet fragile person but then strikes like a snake. Masculinity is strong, forthright and protective.

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That's what I never understood about this "Sisterhood" and "girl power" stuff. In my working experience, high achieving females hate each other's guts.

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After work, study, socializing, and a few lovers from HS, summer jobs, and a year working before going to University, all with young women and men, no problems, in two States before moving to VT and UVM, 2 years through my work-study supervisor running the research lab offered me a staff job because I had programmed to control experiment rig, collect data, and such and e was going to use in peer-review publish and in funding grant, so yea, I loved the work and everything.

A few women that new UVM said to watch-out because UVM staff had high number of man hating lesbians and feminists .. but I shrugged as who would have trouble with me, a work to find my spot and fit-in, and would change anyone tire in the rain, if needed.

I had not ever run into evil before, so it was a long-time taking abuse and being confused and my dream job slowly became hellish. Women destroy reputation when they attack, and never in open, never talking to resolve, Witch-Wisper-Web, and for some reason new people did not want to interact, and I had never seen that before.

They Murdered my Joy. When I hear some man has hit a woman I always ask, what did she do? Often, they act surprised and with meaning I tell them I have known women that a Knife in the throat is Just, they are lawless and reporting abuse may destroy your life as other women mob to lie. 'has trouble working with women' makes you unemployable, homeless, dead on our feces-covered streets - and how many men before me, and after?

Throw them off the roof seems right, if you can get away with it, and not for vengeance, but for safety and defense to us all.

When I hear about a school or work-place shooting my first thought is If he killing the women responsible for targeting, and since all other women likely knew, did he kill them all for their silence, as well as managers and owners.

No, toxic hate-filled vile vicious walking machines from hell .. that is women in the workplace and forcing us to deal with the vileness and evil should get everyone with power hanged in public over the corpses of all the older adults in their family, rip the evil out by the roots!

Now I have a women friend I talk with my age, and she never went to university and had kids and others' kids, and a life with hardship and she could be one of those young ladies I work, studied, and socialized with when in HS and insanity was not everywhere. She and 3 women I remembered tried to warn me, if it was not for them .. I would think all women and baby-murdering sick psychos that better stay away from those I love, treat you like the F-ing rabid dog you act like.

God Bless., Steve

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Women are simply not team players like men are and they will talk nice to another girls face and then talk shit the minute she walks away. Ive been in leadership most of my career and have employed many great women and men but have to say that men are so much better at teamwork and being honest.

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Ironic how weak, stupid and cowardly the Third Wavers really are.

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“That's all nonsense," said Curdie. "I don't know what you mean."

"Then if you don't know what I mean, what right have you to call it nonsense?”

― George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin

GC, your article stirred something deep inside me; I feel I need to re-read it slowly, on a hard-copy, pen in hand.

You said some profound things, some of which I find profoundly challenging.

I don’t mind telling you or the world, that as a 48-year male, I’ve struggled with same-sex attraction most of my life. Partly due to (1) luck of the draw (early childhood molestation); (2) born with a sensitive nature and being labelled “sissy”, “fem”, etc. throughout school.

As a young boy, I played with dolls, repeatedly told my mom I wanted to be a “boy-girl”, and escaped through magical thinking & strange rituals. I shudder to think how things would’ve turned out if I were growing up today.

Looking back over the past 40-something years, I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I broke free from many self-destructive habits, drug addiction & perilous situations which I got myself entangled in, notably in my 20s and early 30s.

Healing came slowly, progressively and through a combination of many things: faith in Jesus, good role models, slowly evolving self discipline, nurturing good habits (health & hobbies), developing critical thinking, emotional & social skills.

Initially, the evolution in self-awareness and life choices was hardly perceptible. The path to inner healing isn’t smooth or easy, and it’s not something that’s ever complete, I think. Yet, when I look back, I can hardly believe how far I’ve come: the freedom to live & speak with authenticity, cherish my masculinity; I thank God every day for family, friends, wholesome farm life, and a close-knit, idiosyncratic rural community.


I don’t view compassion as weakness. It's not about condescendingly looking down on those who suffer or promoting a culture of victimhood. It's about empathy; shared humanity & shared suffering.

The strength in humility and gentleness is not of the “Will To Power” flavour, well suited to a “dog eat dog” world. I don’t think the world needs more bad men. No matter how “bad” the good guys think they are, you’ll never get to the psychopathic / satanic level of truly evil people. If you want to fight them with their own weapons, you might end up becoming like them.


“We don't have a soul. We are a soul. We have a body."

George Macdonald

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It's not about badness. It's about passion, intensity, drivenness.

It seems evil people are much more passionate about their wickedness than the rest of us are about doing good. We need extremely good people--the chief of saints--to fight against the chief of sinners running everything. People of conviction and courage. Are there any?

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Nah, that's why I think this age is finished.

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This age, but the next one is being born.

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It doesn't look like it, RE. For a while, I thought Trump might be the one to pull things back from the brink, but it seems he's gone over to the dark side too. The only person I can think of who fits the bill is one Vladimir Putin. As an old cold war warrior who spent a chunk of his youth tracking down Russian spy ships in the Baltic, I find it amazing that Russia, for all its faults, now embodies many of the qualities and values that I respect, while we have become the Evil Empire. Truly crazy times!

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From what you have revealed about yourself, you are brave. You have courage to fight. You know you are a man. Keep up the good work; you will be rewarded.

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Beat me to it!

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Carel, you've displayed strength of character, humility, decency and determination during your difficult journey. In short, you're a MAN!

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Luckily as an older Gen Xer I grew up outside.

My parents’ motto was “get outside” so during my Elementary school years I was outside in all weather playing road hockey and other sports. At school we could throw snowballs and make snow castles.

Being outside with nature and without adult supervision helps create strong men.

Safetyism is evil.

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Ha! Agreed. Boy did we do some crazy stuff: digging vast tunnels in sand hills that could have collapsed; tree houses high up in the branches; rickety death trap go-carts. And that was just school time!

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Excellent article. You perfectly described the horrible situation of western culture and why it's being forced upon humanity by the evil Globalists. I've become a Stoic in the last few years because it's of counter-culture philosophy that strengthens the mind and body. If we must do battle with the modern day Romans who rule the world, we must follow the words of the great Stoics who fought against Caesar and his armies back 2,000 years ago.

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At one point, you stop relying upon the cavalry coming to save you. There's no-one but ourselves. All we can do is use the power we have as individuals, and adapt our own minds and behaviour. That's why I always loved the saying by Solzhenitsyn: "The lie may enter the world. It may even conquer the world. BUT NOT THROUGH ME!" That's where we are now. Every other person on the planet might bow to the evils of our current debauched society but every individual, no matter how isolated, has the power to say NOT THROUGH ME!

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nobody ever beat Caesar

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I didn't say he was defeated by the Stoics. What's the point with your comment?

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the point is you sounded like Caesar was defeated and you probably thought he was then you looked it up and came back with even a dumber comment

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Go waste somebody else's time with your stupid comments that show your true colors and your low IQ. 😤

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you are a liar and it is plain you said if we are to fight we must be like the stoics. so that means we must lose like the stoics. you are to dumb to see that you suggested in order to fight and win to save the west we must imitate a group that LOST.

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Anybody ever tell you that you sound a bit unhinged?

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breaking wind prophesy who are you talking to?

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Who are you referring to?

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Your best yet, G.C., a smoking barnburner. One of the most common toxins in the food chain mimics the female hormone, estrogen. That is a physical reason why so many males are effete as well as girls hitting puberty at younger ages. Incredibly, some of them now at 6 or 7 years old, unheard of in former times. I recall reading about one mother who freaked out when the elementary school nurse called her to come and pick up her 2nd grade daughter because she just had her period right in the classroom. I think the 1970s was the last decade wherein there were still enough real, white men left to violently oppose the bolshevik insanity, such as the Covid hoax and the transgender push. When I was a child in the 1950s, my blue collar neighborhood had an abundance of World War Two combat veterans, my father included. If the Controllers had been stupid enough to try and bring drag queens into the schools and teach the kids about anal sex and changing genders, these men, along with many of their wives, would have stormed the schools and ripped those perverts and the teachers limb from limb. That world has vanished. The essence of masculinity is dominance and aggression. The essence of femininity is passivity and submission. When these natural distinctions get blurred, the mystical polarity or attraction between males and females dissolves. In accordance with Kosher social engineering of course. The great Corneliu Codreanu of the fervently, anti-communist, Romanian Iron Guard, correctly said that Imperial Rome did not fall because of the lack of any social programs. It fell because of the lack of real men. Corea Moylan Walsh , paraphrase/quote: "The feminization of men will lead to the complete, disintegration and collapse of the West. The corresponding masculinization of women will in no way compensate for this." Truer words were never spoken.

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I was born in 1963. What I see of men today scares the crap out of me! I always see couples together and observe the man following the female, sometimes pushing a stroller. There’s nothing wrong with that per se, he just looks weak, and demoralized. I see it a lot!

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I have a younger brother by about 6 years who epitomizes the modern male. He grovels on his belly before women and puts himself totally under their thumb. He makes good money so whatever contempt they have for him, he has no problem getting women who just use him. However, guys like him from my generation are the exception, not the rule. Today things are reversed and the majority of so-called "men" now are nothing but pussies.

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You don’t have to tell me! I’ve been very “feminine and cute” my entire life (not a psycho feminist-lol). I was also a deputy for 23 years. I started to see a difference in who was hired over the years. Absolutely crazy! I’m old school and I agree with you! I always thought, “This guy wouldn’t protect me if his life depended on it!”. Not good…for society or civilization in general. Men these days are weak in every way (not all).

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A man's (and a woman's for that matter) greatest strength is his inner strength or his courage, will, and heart. That is where most "men" today fall short. They are not only physically weak but inside, soft as butter, and that is beneath contempt. A pity we didn't meet many years ago, Renee Marie.

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YES! You are absolutely correct! I was born in 1963, and I never had to think twice about this nonsense, because it all came naturally for men and women. I think sometimes women are “forced” to be strong, because men don’t stand up. And I don’t think women want to. I’m old fashioned and I love a man to defend my honor! It’s a beautiful thing! 😉

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I totally concur, my Dear. Nature has programmed men to act like men and women to act like women. We are complimentary to each other and hence the attraction. Each sex fulfills what the other lacks making a perfect, whole entity or at least that is how it was meant to be and should be. However, the monsters that rule us demonically tinker with our nature as they tinker with and corrupt all nature in general. No place in Hell is too hot for them.

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Exactly what happened in my marriage. He became weaker forcing me to be stronger than I wanted. I asked him once to be a leader to our boys and he laughed. Thirty -two years later he left me.

https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/the-disintegration-of-the-family ... when men fail to lead.

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You raise a good point, Renee. Women often fill the gap when men fail.

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Unfortunately true, Renee. However, there's still a big urban-rural divide. I notice it when I go to my local city. The men look effete to say the least.

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Big time!!!! I look at men now and I ask myself, is he gay or straight? 🤔

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You still have to ask? :)

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Men with papooses on their chests, straggly beards, man-bags, those thick black glasses that the backward kids used to wear when I was at school. And don't get me started on those "men" on bikes with their kids in a box in front of them. Rant over.

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Where'd you get the picture up top of the hard man vs. fefe men?!

The best thing all of us men can do is get hard - hard-wired, and trash our cell phones. There is a global radiation emergency that is coming for us all, with weak cyborgs roaming cold steel streets in NewSchwabia.

Blue light itself, especially from smartphones, spikes our liver enzymes and destroys growth hormone:


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AI image gen called gencraft. Spliced the two images in photoshop as if a 'time warp.' The radiation front of this war on humanity has really rustled me from my slumber the past year. Spent a small fortune at Lambs on clothing, hats, underwear for the rare Urban or suburban outings. I don't know even know if they help.

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Gotcha - thanks for that tip. I'm not an expert on photoshop but use mostly canva - love that you create your own media. Yes the clothing, honestly, can sometimes make things worse. Earthing footwear can help, as this can decrease our overall body voltage from AC electric fields, to which EMFs magnetize. You can also build a body volt meter or buy one - I'm releasing an article on that this Monday showing how I measure my body's voltage.

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As I understand it, one thing that can be done is to change your computer monitor display settings to "night light" to reduce the blue light.

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Correct Shibumii - iris software is good for this - but make sure you also have shielded ethernet cables as the AC electricity is our most chronic and pernicious exposure on a daily basis:


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I just got back from a trip to SE Asia where I visited the killing fields of Cambodia. There is an exhibit of men’s and women’s drab sexless clothing that looks identical. The Khmer Rouge also shaved the Cambodians head making it difficult to determine their sex. I could see the same programming going on now with what they were doing back then.

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Unfortunately, I have very little hope for the men of the next generation.

I know three young men: 2 brothers (29 and 26) who grew up with a father, and one (29) who had an absent father (acrimonious divorce.) The one with the absent father was molested as a boy, and is a low-t gamer waiting for his big break in his chosen field. College grad. Will likely depend on his mother's income for the rest of his life while he waits for the perfect job.

Of the other two.... the 26 year old is married with two mixed race children, and has been absorbed into his wife's family. He is struggling emotionally and financially. Never went to college and is too busy trying to keep his family fed to really father his two young sons.

The 29 year old is a college graduate (psychology) and for a few years, has appeared to be pretty conservative. He got a new job (in a completely different field), then a promotion, and in a few weeks, has gone from pretty conservative to intolerable pantheist leftist. In fact, he's now the worst of all three; you can talk to the other two. This one is now just an angry liberal who likes telling you how wrong/stupid you are.

So... IDK about the future of men. Doesn't look good from my viewpoint.

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Fatherless homes were the mother dates have ridiculous crime statistics, boy-friends often given access to children, sexual abuse, and she has high domestic abuse numbers.

Remove the fathers, bring through a train of strange men and what do you think?

No fault divorce, Started in CA under Governor R. Regian, and spread like plage & death across the nation and West, without a vote. 80% by wife, over 1/2 reported because she was not happy .. Not Happy!

.. so with a back-stabbing, virtueless grasping, mind-f-ed wife like that .. What guy with a screeching cnt-psycho would have been 'happy'

God Bless., Steve

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Lucrative corporate careers often require cult like thinking nowadays. My cousin turned Marxists shortly after joining Coca Cola thanks to all the training he had to sit through.

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Public service announcement -- medical reference ranges do not describe optimal health. They are just statistical averages. These days, they are a statistical average of sick, poisoned men. We used to have T levels of 1200 - 1400, and that's still where we are at our best. Men being told that they are "normal" with 500 - 600 total testosterone, and that is simply not true.

Once you've optimized all of the lifestyle variables that you can (food, sleep, exercise, obesity, stress, etc.), don't be afraid to get TRT. We are not living in the same world that George Washington grew up in. Most people need a little boost to get back to where they should be.

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Wow! You came out swinging at 2024 and globohomo with a sledgehammer right at its effeminate face. Loved it. Can't wait to read part 2.

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I've called this trend "pussification" for 25 years.

California has always been "the canary in the coal mine" on this.

Even today, CA is trying to ban tackle football for kids under 12.

It won't stop until the sex hormone levels in the 75+ genders show "equity."

What America needs today are mandatory T-patches...

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T Gels and patches handed out at school orientation days. With a pamphlet on the first rules of fight club.

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I learned a valuable lesson in football as a 9 y.o.-er: there is less pain in delivering a blow than receiving a blow.

In fact, there is a pleasant emotional quality in delivering a righteous blow on the football field. I'm sure it's the same in hockey, wrestling, and any other manly contact sport.

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When I was in the Public Fool System many years ago we boys played "Murder Ball" in gym class. The object being to take your opponent out of the game by hitting him with a ball. If he caught your throw, you were out. You could hit him anywhere. The balls were small and reddish and they bounced but they were hard and we used to whip them at each other at close range. One time I got clocked in the eye by a hard throw from a brute who was within 10 feet of me. As I'm walking to the sidelines, out of the game with a swelling eye and shaking off the pain, I see one of the gym instructors pointing at me and laughing. That's the way it was back then, no fucking slack. Today, and this has been in effect for a good number of years now, teachers do not allow the soft, innocuous game of "Tag" on schoolyard playgrounds. It is too "aggressive" and "Violent." To these assholes, it is probably too "Toxic Masculine" as well. These teachers and school administrators, "Woke" women and their she-male cohorts, want everything "safe" & "tidy". Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in and these misanthrope, morons are not doing boys any favors by feminizing and softening them. They will ultimately learn this to their everlasting regret.

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Of all the different HS sports I played; soccer, wrestling, lacrosse, football, it was wrestling that was most significant in my life, I would suggest it for all young men.

One-on-one with another man your size in front of everyone .. at first it was so hard to even walk out on the mat, but when I realized I was pretty good, I started to enjoy it.

What a big confidence boost. If you can walk into a room of men you do not know and make eye contact with each, and know you could likely hold you own with any of them .. no one will f- with you. And that is what you want for your son, not someone looking for trouble but that silent message of 'I will not F- with you, you not f- with me.'

At 61 and disabled, I feel more comfortable because I have not killed anyone and - God Willing - I will die with that buck-list crossed of - did not kill anyone, check.

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You got me at Androgyno Shrugged. Home fucking run, GC.

Here in London, a 'diverse' and 'inclusive' city with a Moslem mayor, the ideological push of pussification is relentless. There's a LOT of people here, residents and tourists, and the Underground is the common shared space of the herd in close proximity. We're a captive audience. There's one long section of walkway, the Victoria Line I think, where there's just one poster after another proclaiming Pride and inclusivity of same-sex and trans and how 'hate' is not tolerated and will be punished. There's a rainbow painted train as well. It's unavoidable. At one station, I saw a poster saying 'No Catcalling', which could mean any acknowledgment of a woman's beauty, not just a whistle or Hello beautiful. Anyway, the Tube (and to a lesser extent buses) is where the anti-T pysop is most evident. It makes me cringe.

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The new cult of rainbow morality and its busy body "tolerance" administrators policing good citizen thoughts in one of the (once) greatest metropolises of one of the greatest empires in history. Prof. Robson of those GC episodes from last month has expressed his laments for his former home city to me for a decade, the destruction of which he saw coming in the 90s before fleeing for Poland. I haven't had the displeasure of seeing it for myself up close lately (briefly in 2014), but I can imagine the Orwellian horror. Paul Joseph Watson keeps me up to speed once a month on all that and it appears to be accelerating in the dystopic direction.

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Yes, absolutely accelerating. Plus, the huge migrant influx from Empire-war countrie, the majority of these are Moslem. Now regardless of one's opinions, Moslem men are not pussified. That's a real quandary going on in this fake tolerant 'diversity' world of London and the rest of the country. And of course, there are still real men here and a few stand up but the police are quick to move in under 'hate' laws. It's all so two-faced.

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I saw it all first hand living in France. They got a head start on Britain with the reverse colonization. Curiously the one synagogue in the city I lived —Avignon— got full time soldier protection during the post Charlie Hebdo state of emergency lasting years. Not a single cathedral or church got the same courtesy, and many have since been burnt down, including Notre Dame in Paris by a Muslim. Avignon, once the seat of the Papacy for a century is surrounded by mosques funded by saudi wahhabists. More rats from these mosques fled to join ISIS than any other city per capita in France. It's all over. The men of yesterday would have never permitted such travesties.

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Yes, I've also seen it in France. I've visited Paris many times and seen the armed guards by the synagogues, and just the sheer amount of North African immigrants there, as well as the newer 'economic' migrants flooding in, the majority of whom are Moslem. So go figure. It seems a set-up to me for conflict. All you've got to do is light the match. And yet so many of the French men are real men and play tough, especially in the South. Just look at the demonstrations against Macron et al. The French love a fight. They're not going down easy. I'm not sure they're going down at all. There's too much respect for tradition to do that.

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I'm no fan of Islam, GC, but maybe those muslims ARE the strong men we're talking about. The problem is that they aren't OUR strong men. Interesting times.

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Yes, it is ironic about Islam. I have mixed feelings. I grew up in Croydon (Sarf Lunnon!) and often go back. There are parts of the town that could be downtown Karachi, which is rather dismaying. However, what I respect about muslims is that they don't take ANY of the Woke sexual perversion crap that the rest of the Brits do. Try any of that stuff and you'll get your head cut off.

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There is a reason for it:


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Like minded people, readers of the Good Citizen for instance, and many other dissident/conservative sites here on substack, may be, or are, thinking about, planning our own WalkAway. We will have to colonize our own place on this big wide world, or universe, using all the brains, fortitude and imagination we possess, to escape the perverted and debilitating madness of the herd, if we don't find a way to defeat and eradicate them first. Some will say I'm a dreamer, and I know I won't live to see it, but humans like us will survive. Survival is innate within us. We won't be the damn slaves!

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We won't be their damn slaves!

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Damn right!

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Many years ago I saw a TV interview with a truly androgynous person. Given my age at the time I was fascinated by this person's apparent freedom from the sexual trappings of their peers (hormone rushes and the like). For a brief moment I envied that individual's freedom until I realized they're just as trapped. Existing as a man or a woman isn't a trap - it's the indulgence in one's "gender" identity. One exists not in a body with a mind but AS a body and a mind (and soul if you like) . When people relish in their so-called identities, I shake my head. They have no effing clue what they are. I don't know what I am. People's obsession with their sexual identity, racial identity etc.. is a clear indication they haven't attempted to observe the workings of their mind. Mutilating your body to appease the mind is a terrible thing. The mind is never satisfied.

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