My wife and I sat down on StupidBowl Sunday with a big bowl of popcorn, and stared at our TV, which was off, with a beach towel draped over it (the towel has biogeometric interfaces of shapes and patterns that calm the nervous system) and sat and talked, like humans. Touchdown.

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👍Go, humans!

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Amen! Our magnetic field when put in a positive vibration is more powerful than fear, which is weak to the core:


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So true.

As we shake off the fog of this crazy dream we've been in, may more of us grok this truth. Stand in your own authority, feel the reality of it and let it ripple out. It will dispel the spell. Thanks.

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Yes! Curious Kathleen - if/when you became aware of the hazards of Wi-Fi and EMF? When was your awakening?

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

I was reading various stack posts and adding to my digital library, and talking with my Panamanian wife who doesn't even know or care what StuporBowl is. Another great night for us without TV!

It looks like we are very close to the event horizon of the fakery black hole, which is when too many people figure it out, and the curtain is drawn open for those who fell for the show?

I'm the slime from Frank Zappa is so appropriate and still true today as ever!


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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Good Citizen

I think the curtain was drawn back in 2020. People aren't "waking up"...the elite are now operating out in the open. I started exiting the pop-culture, msm filth machine in 1980. That was the last year I was in a cinema. Pop-culture just felt "icky" to me. By the next psy-op, Gulf War I in 1990, I was fully able to perceive what was happening. That year I dropped out of everything. This made the people in my life very angry...but it was for the best. They were dead weight. It was a very difficult three decades, with no support system...but the pay-off was the scamdemic. It was nothing more than a blip on my radar screen. My life was untouched.

I would add...the scamdemic was being talked about on conspiracy websites 20 years prior. I read about it on a library computer in 2002/2003 (I did not get Internet until 2020). If I could find this out 20 years prior, without owning a computer, there was no excuse for anyone to be fooled. Those that were fooled had long ago given their minds over to msm/ pop-culture mind-control. Most are too far gone to ever be reached.

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Feb 20Liked by Good Citizen

It's been pretty much the same for me too since I first read the Rockefeller plan in 1975, predicting all of this to be in place by 2025. Just in time for my 70th birthday.

I've seen this coming for 50 years now, and the countdown is here.

My beautiful and innocent wife still doesn't see what I do, but at least she doesn't think I'm crazy like others do!

We will be vindicated very soon now, and I will not say I told you so.

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Feb 20Liked by Good Citizen

I think many of us who have known for a long time, ended up marrying foreigners. I actually sought out a foreigner to marry, so I would never be forced to hear about pop-culture. When I showed my husband a picture of The Beatles, and asked him if he knew who they were, he said no. That's when I knew I had made the right choice . However, smart phones are now in the hands of the poorest of the poor. I think it would be difficult these days to find a partner uncontaminated by mind-control.

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I was reluctant to bring my wife back with me to the US since I knew it would contaminate her, but she has remained true to her natural nature. Except for the smart phones that even the poor indigenous people have, as you said.

Plus non-US folks do like their real football/soccer teams as much or more than US folks with their fake football teams! Baseball is also very popular in Latin America!

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Taylor SWIFT was there to use her sorcery to USHER in the new SWIFT digital currency. Great article.

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Thanks. Great username.

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The miraculous comeback of the Patriots vs. the Falcons was the first clue; for me as a Pennsylvanian, this season nailed it when the Eagles, who were beating EVERYONE in the last minute of a game (even w/ a 60-yd field goal in overtime IN THE RAIN) then managed to lose their last 4 or 5 games in a row no matter how bad the team they were playing was, that's when I realized that it's got to be fixed. I lost interest in pro sports after the athletes started on their woke journeys following the martyrdom of St. George in Mpls. So this year I was easing back in, and now back out again. On a positive note, at least the SuperBowl halftime wasn't blatantly satanic like the last few years; just boring, like the game itself. Went to bed at halftime. Woke up to hear the Chiefs had (again) pulled out a miracle in the last few minutes. Yawn.

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They made sure to have plenty of devil horns, and they put Satan spice, Taylor's token black friend in the box with her with an upside down cross and Balenciaga clothes showing the devil horns when TayTay chugs a beer. Hahaaa. The whole thing is a scripted show.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

In Cathy O’ Brian’s book, “Trance-Formation of America”, she revealed baseball games rigged and Tommy Lasorda being involved. She also revealed many players from third world countries are under mind control. Since reading that book and many others about masonry and history of MK Ultra, my eyes are wide open. I am not fooled by TS and the Pfizer lovin’ player. I don’t have anything against TS. I do think she is talented and sense she is a kind person, but unfortunately the sickos own and handle her so they destroyed her innocence. No accident she transitioned from Nashville to Beta sex kitten pop star. I find it very sad as I do believe she is very talented. As far as the Pfizer lovin’ player, I don’t have an ounce of sympathy. IMO, he’s the kind of guy who is a good guy (or gives the appearance to be) when he’s on top and abusive and hurtful when he’s down on his luck or no longer in the celebrity spotlight, so hold on to your hats. We haven’t seen anything yet.

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we haven't seen the end of that. Domestic abuse incoming? Toxic white male psyop? They always tell us. His brother played center for Phili. There's an image of his jersey, Kelce, the QB Jalen Hurts, and the Running back behind him - Swift. They purposely got an aerial on field shot of all three in a stack = KELCE - HURTS - SWIFT

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Good Citizen

There was a hint of that when the cameras (for some reason) showed KC Kelce, pissed off by the last play, almost knock down his 65 yr old coach (from behind: blindsided). That could be the set up for seeing him as a toxic male. Nice catch, GC, on that jersey thing; that IS ominous.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

No coincidence there. For the record, I only enjoy watching tennis. I know absolutely nothing about football. I’m turned off by the game.

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I watched Djoker lose in the AUS semis. First game I've tuned into in years and he loses to an irish-looking Italian citizen who speaks German. I used to play in expat leagues whenever I changed cities in Europe. A great game, and good way to meet people.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Cool Beans. Where and what was your favorite experience being in the expat leagues?

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OMG, I didn't even see that; UNbelieveable!

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Actually, the half-time show was 100% Luciferian to program viewers for their Cosmic Androgyne Agenda which USHERs in their trans-human agenda.

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Tell me more about that; I just noticed a couple of "tributes" to Michael Jackson and Prince from Usher in his actions but that it wasn't as blatant as, say, The Weeknd's show last year or two years ago where everything was in red and black and dancers dressed like fallen angels etc.

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Hi Aelred. The Luciferian agenda seems almost normal now because it has been incrementally revealed to us since around 1850. They are the bloodliners who do rituals that bring exotic (non-terrestrial) technology to Earth via disembodied anti-life entities, basically demons. Yes, Satanists also conjure demons, but for different reasons. Either way, both religions are about inverting the Divine Principles.

The Luciferians believe that the original humans were both male and female in the same body. Their trans-gendering agenda is a push to normalize this belief ("the two become one") and usher in the trans-human agenda of merging humans with exotic technology.

So both the Satanic agenda (Alicia Keys' performance) and the Luciferian agenda (Usher's performance) were presented as a huge ritual for the masses who do not realize they are the congregation, worshiping demonically possessed "idols." In the case of Alicia, add "trans-gendered" to that description.

With that as a basis for understanding their cosmology and their extreme religious zealotry, I'm copying/pasting a comment I recently made on this article:


"I watched the video capture (linked below) of the show — with the volume turned all the way down, so as not to be distracted by the word-and-sound-spells. I found a couple of things that may be helpful to you and your readers:


I feel like the real "action" with Usher started to happen at 8:22 when he — after having thrown off his shirt — made a quick prayer-like hand gestures then several "X" gestures with his arms, followed by rubbing his breasts and running his hands over his head. He had started a weird dance which I believe signaled the moment that his assigned demons had taken over fully.

After that was the exploding double sun (which I referred in a recent comment here) on the stage floor, and then the PORTAL show. The portal is symbolic of sodomy, which is how the wayward wizards achieve "illumination" and Lucifer's powers.

Interestingly enough, I feel it is deeply meaningful that Usher and his performing entourage were on rollerskates as the floor portals began to open. There was a hit song in the early 70s by Melanie Safka titled "Brand New Key." The opening lines to the chorus are "I've got a brand-new pair of roller skates / You've got a brand-new key. I think that we should get together / And try them on to see."

Luciferians refer to their anal r*pe of toddlers and older children/adults as "the key and the lock." So, this is not a song about tweens or teens simply following their immature innocent infatuations.

Melanie (or "her" songwriting team) wrote this second verse: "I ride my bike, I roller-skate, don't drive no car. Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far. For somebody who don't drive, I've been all around the world. Some people say I've done alright for a girl."

What does it mean to "go pretty far"? All the way to illumination. And if Melanie doesn't "drive," it means that "she" is the receiver of the butt sex. "She" has been "all around the world" because "she" has been anal-r*aped by A LOT of men since the age of approximately 2-4 years old.

Furthermore, Melanie is most certainly NOT female. Do an images search and you will see a feminized male with a large physique: Big skull, thick neck, broad shoulders, long arms, huge hands, etc. It gets more obvious as "she" ages; the male bone structure show through the hormones and surgeries, especially in the face.

Melanie was born in 1947 (what a convenient year!) in "Queens," NY. Mm hmm.


For the average person to take up rollerskating is a fun hobby. For rollerskating to be performed on the purple-and-silver screen/stage at one of the world's most widely-viewed annual events is a MESSAGE from the wayward wizards.

P.S. I just remembered that Alicia KEYS opened the performance portal, symbolized by the color RED meaning lowest chakra / anus."

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Many of the guys I know who worship at the feet of the NFL stopped watching for about a year when all of the players were "taking a knee". Now, it's like nothing ever happened, as they watch almost literal satanic rituals performed during half time. Not to mention some of the most propagandist ads in history. I can find more genuine (and wholesome) entertainment watching a good street hacky sack competition... Oh, but I still keep hearing that we are in the middle of a "great awakening". Um, where?

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The league’s open embrace of gambling was my red pill moment.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Knowing that so much of our society is rigged, and so many citizens are completely bought into it is extremely sad. I've gotten to the point where I can hardly have a conversation with anyone without growing increasingly frustrated and sickened by their perspectives. My remaining days are going to be frustrating and lonely surrounded by Taylor and Travis fans.

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RRMM same here, me too. Can’t understand how most people remain blind to it all!!

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I think a lot of people are very simple, and following along with all the other sheep makes them happy. I know that sounds snobby, and I don't fault anyone for living a simple life. However, the crowd doing as they are told and following the corporate or WEF playbook don't seem particularly deep. Confronting reality, and digging into the facts of a particular matter is time consuming, and in many cases, soul crushing when you see what is really going on. Most people are adept at tuning that out and pretending everything is fine. No different than during COVID when we were chastised for doing our own research. Reading, learning, and expanding your knowledge was looked down on as a sign you were a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist. Only in Bizarro World could learning and expanding your knowledge be viewed as something bad. "Shut up, eat more processed food, and watch this great Sports Ball Game! It looks like another nail biter that might go to overtime!"

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You know what it is, too? They have made what we know so buried. The truth that all of us here know, I'm afraid, still has a long way to go to tip the scale. What is birthing right now is the side of the truth and the side of the sheep.🎵We've only just begun!

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Gone the way of the Oscars.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Bang on!

"They don’t need to script all plays or even all games, but they appear to script most games and rig most games. All they need to do is rig one play, on one drive for each team, each quarter or half to decide the outcome of games. It doesn’t need to be every play, and that’s what helps keep the illusion going"

I never watch the Super Bowl but do watch hockey and have been saying this for decades since Gary Bettman took over..... I agree that a lot of games seem rigged..... the refs in the NHL no longer have their last name on the backs of their jerseys anymore....I just always found that odd, too....

Can you now do the NHL, Good Citizen?

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I'm sure it is. I don't watch that either but if you know of a YouTuber who exposes the NHL like "Jake the asshole" exposes the NFL I'll take a look at all the evidence.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

I don't have a source like that.....just my years of watching and seeing it with my eyes and gut feeling..... I wonder if I reach out to Jake, if he knows of someone who can shed some light.....

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He'd be your guy. He might know.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

I am just watching his latest video and he is explaining how YT turned off his comments w/o his consent or knowledge....wow....not surprised...I will reach out to him.....thank you!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jim92LoZvAE

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Keep the rest of us posted!

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For sure!

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

Football---what's that??? Been probably 30 years or more since I've watched a game, or even had any idea as to who was winning or not. Don't even know how my once cherished collage team does anymore. Just don't care. American football (and that other game where everyone keeps kicking the ball) are the circuses in the old Roman way of keeping the masses occupied and less likely to rebel. Personally, what I think we need is less "bread & circuses" and quite a bit more rebellion to fix what's going on behind the scenes.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

GC, you must be continuing your experiment to see how many unsubs you can get by attacking another cult group's golden calf. :)

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I genuinely want people to wake up, but if they're offended by the truth then perhaps I do keep shooting myself in the foot.

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Better to go forward limping than stay silent. Only truth bombs can win this war!

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

“Like the gambler chasing his losses at the blackjack table, these “fans” will keep throwing good attention hours after a lifetime of bad attention choices. They cannot accept just how much of their life was lost to something that was always fixed.”

I have never understood why anyone would want to spend that much time following sports, even in games that aren’t fixed. I can understand wanting to watch games, although I don’t watch any games other than occasionally a baseball game. (I never even watch the Super Bowl.) But studiously following players, coaches, statistics, records, etc is a monumental waste of time. I actually feel somewhat sorry for people whose lives are so boring that they would even care about that stuff. If fact, I usually don’t even care who wins. When I occasionally go to watch a game of our local minor league baseball team I usually don’t even care if they win or lose. I just go because I enjoy sitting outside on a pleasant summer evening watching a baseball game.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

It was the super bowl in New Orleans, a few years ago, a blowout - then the power went out. The freaking power went out for 34 minutes.

It was 28-6 at the time. Final score 34-31. Then I knew for sure it was a big effing scam. High drama, mere drama. A grand manipulation.

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Just like elections. Soviet everything. Power outages, broken pipes. "Cut! Ok, let's take ten and regroup for Act II and III."

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in 2024 I half expect the whole country to go blue, at every state and the federal level, Biden with 100+ votes, TDS is so very mainstream now.

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You all need to watch Tucker's interview of Mike Benz, or if you can't stand Tucker, go to Benz's website: Foundation for Freedom Online, but Benz sums it all up in the interview; he talks almost nonstop and Tucker says very little except that his mind is blown. Mine was too, even though I know this is going on, to hear him lay it out like a historical project is chilling, and the deep state is only just getting started apparently!

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Down Under, the Australian media has been swooning over Taylor Swift ("Tay Tay") for weeks now. You'd think she was busy saving the world. This IS a psyop, and it's about far more than Biden.

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And it's not just Kelce and her but the KC QB has been on a ton of ads (which does happen w/ Superbowl winners, yes) but it's rampant it seems; I wonder why KC? as it's in the "fly over" land of us "deplorables."

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

I wish I could comment as articulately as others here, but I just don't have the experience with "team sports" like others do. I have no idea who Taylor Swift is, but I'm sure he must be fast.

I have never followed any team sports, and I have good reasons. When I grew up there were plenty of opportunities to get involved, but I was definitely not a team player. If I got hold of the basketball, I would ignore everything except the basket, and either fake out other players as I got closer to the basket and barring that, I would throw it in a high arch, almost hitting the ceiling and almost always swishing it, sometimes from beyond half court. This seemed to anger the coach, who loudly said "There's no I in team," to which I yelled out "Yeah, the I is in win." Sharing the ball with less able players seemed to be more important than making the point(s). So I began to do individual sports like badminton. I played as a team of one. And I won - a lot. And when I didn't win I took the blame. As you might imagine, I hated doubles.

If you ask me, team sports is sort of like religion; you can't accept blame for losing and you can't accept credit for winning because you might be the best or worst player but you have very little control over the game. Who wants to play a game like that?

So, as a badminton star, I excelled in something that taught me that I can take the credit when I succeed but also must take responsibility when I fail. It didn't seem like it was one of life's lessons at the time but it sure does now.

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You seem to have learned a lesson early that most of us only learn in our "golden years" (now THERE'S a euphemism, if I've ever heard one!). I think of Jean-Paul Sartre's comment: Hell is other people!" LOL Anyway, yes, being on your own grows with you and becomes a preference.

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I was never into sports. I only very casually followed it to be "social" in my twenties. I know some people who have fantasy teams, watch all the games, and know the stats if every player

Just like everything else once you go down the rabbit hole, it is fake.

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Feb 19Liked by Good Citizen

My Dad was a bookie growing up and always said that football was fixed. He would tell me things like this, " If you want to win on Monday night just bet against the money. If one team was bet heavy, go the other way.

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