Dope piece! Yepp, un- or not properly masked as well as the unjabbed are the new Anne-Franks! Regarding the "Ceausescu-Moment" challenge for Little Castreau I'd still stick to the 18-wheels-to-flatten-the-turd-mantra: let every Ottawa truck #Roll-over-Trudolini!

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Awesome! #blackfaceHitler is also trending.

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Gates just backtracked trickery logic again-calling Omricon (Morons) is actually a vaxxcine that imprints a genetic sequence of viral sequencing (Coronavaerdae the common cold)) that is forever remained in immune system. That is your second brain(genetics). is reason you want the exposure and why children should never receive these kill shots-they do not provide immunity but the opposite-Depopulation which Gates is the frontrunner mouthpiece of the agenda. On a second note-it has been exposed by Dr David Martin that Treadeau owns 40% of Acuitas Theraputics, a BC biotech firm that owns patent nano particle delivery system that used by Pfizer and gang! He ordered 10 times the population of Canada and is on track to order 600 million more doses. He is using canadian tax dollars to murder its citizens. It is reported 70% of Covid reported deaths are Vaxxed innocent people. This is the worst crime at present that the world has ever seen.

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Thanks for that. David Martin is great. Sounds like more proof Castreau needs the cb chord.

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Just finished RFK Jr. new book about Fauci (and Gates, and a bunch of others) Rather damning in my opinion, and in any sane world those people would be in the docket, if not the stocks. Apparently this nonsense of government/ big pharma nonsense goes way back, and Fauci is a master criminal. Suggest putting it on your reading list if it isn't already there.

Talked with my LadyFriend earlier today. Our relationship has been more long distant than not since the plandemic arrived. She has been masked since day one, and first in line for every jab (3 now). I'm staying in the control group, and have done absolutely nothing to protect myself from exposure. She had some side effects from shot 2, and 3, and now she is complaining of an ever worsening headache for the past week or so. I'm suspecting bloodclots, and she is hopefully going to get that checked asap.

I do appreciate your writing GoodCitizen--especially the humor (satire) pieces. I really do need to subscribe monetarily, and will do so today.

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Excellent book. Devastating portrait of crimes against humanity. I'm sorry to hear about the lady friend JVC. Despite all the satire and cynicism here I never like to hear of anyone suffering for the crimes of these creeps. Happy you're here regardless of your status!

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People are insane not to quit taking the shots. My family hears my arguments and pleas. They chuckle or shake their heads at my crazy stubbornness and how paranoid my "conspiracy theories" are.

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She may have less than 5 years unfortunately.

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They've been trying, unsuccessfully, to unleash a killer bioweapon for decades, but nature & natural, rapid mutation always disarm them. The only reason they got this far this time was the BS RT-PCR test and the worldwide capture of media & WEF-connected governments (quick access to corporate propaganda via mobile devices didn't hurt). The hospitals were never busy.

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And here in NZ still are not busy. I was in one yesterday and there's only one occupied bed per 4 beds at most.

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According to Epoch Times the hospitals were paid to administer deadly treatments as standard care. This caused larger death counts attributed to Covid. Only 3% Covid deaths at home.

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What is Omicron was a "white hat" viral release...that saved the world.

I doubt The Overlords, such as Gates and his coven, will make the same mistake twice.

Their next release will be certain to have a 20% kill ratio, not the paltry .004%. And somehow it will target the "freedom" gene of which many of the enemies of globalist tyranny are encoded.


I volunteer to be the gallows noose-adjuster for these anti-humanity scum.

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Maybe it occurred naturally? Viruses tend to mutate into less deadly strains. Unless massive numbers of people get "leaky vaccines" in a short period. Then it can get deadlier.

Maybe the natural order (or God) is responsible for Omicron. The built-in mechanisms that help viruses and their hosts survive. These reasserted themselves despite Gates and the Globalists.

But people prefer SCIENCE or man-made/synthetic to the natural order now.

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Good morning! Loved the newest piece, and laughed out loud at "Granted the piano wire thing is probably a waste of good piano wire." I also laughed at the Shaking of the duvet too vigorously 😂

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Good morning! be careful with those duvets! 😂

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Bill Gatekeeper may be one of my least favorite people on the planet of Kalouse

Back on Earth the only hope we have is to end the hacksxxxine

When do the Harmaceutical' murderers go on trial?

When do we end the hacksxxxine?

What it will take?

What comes after fascism?

No more free world?

Big bird to the fascists

Regards from San Francisco killafornia

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"According to the college drop out software developer" Have you watched James Corbett's documentary on Gates? Gates father was a partner in the most powerful law firm in Seattle. He taught Bill patent law which was instrumental in building his monopoly. Bill is not so much a software developer as he is a patent law expert. This is important because that monopoly skill set can extend into other fields... like biotechnology.

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Yes, excellent doc. All Corbett's stuff is great.

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Last night, having set aside RFK Jr’s “The Real Anthony…” in favor of Peter Breggin’s “We Are the Prey” and run smack into the Gates again, decided to do something different, take a break, research CC 9mm options.

This morning open up THC and find myself lost in space/time with a finger click to The Heavenly Halftime. Next thing I know I am still missing my dog, only she didn’t just up and die; I had to carry her in to be euthanized. When I realize where I have gone, I am back at Gates. (Granted, only one small glass of cold brew to wash down the Quercitin, zinc, D, etc…) Lost, but back on track . And I too am sad that a select group missed their opportunity to be gone. What a unique group of words begin with the letters E and U.

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So sorry about your dog, Will. 😞

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She was a friend. Pure working stock Border Collie, before Hollywood found out how intelligent and trainable the breed is _before AKC recognition; now every other dog at a shelter is “part Border Collie.” Do not take one lightly, try to keep it in your place while you go do your thing. They need a job _ herding something. Draw your own conclusions.

Buried lead: eugenics is all very good in the world of animal husbandry, if done right. Inbred idealogues are a danger to themselves and us mongrels.

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He is a named defendent in Reiner Fuelmichs Nueremberg 2.0, but at present the Hague is on the Red shields payment system. Reiner has 3000 names of the cabal but it can easily be expanded to 3 million or more. like accuracy of VAERS vaxicent statistics. All these "Tryrants" are going to resort to marshall law to protect their crimes against bhumanity.

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Lucky for Gates that so many never ask why a vehement depopulationist would want to save lives. My conservative family complains that I'm paranoid and negative. They never read the articles or watch videos I send. They don't like "fringe" doctors who aren't on TV shows.

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Haha! I thought you were totally kidding about the duvet cover. I better be careful. I would probably agree about the “healthy diet” though. And WTH is up with the comments on your Jenin tweet? I’ve never seen anything like that. Is it bots??

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There are no comments. I have 200 followers and 190 are probably blocked from my performances by some algorithm. 😂

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Oh, I see now. You had no comments so they added a string of “more tweets” all about failure. 😆 No one ever sees my Twitter stuff either but in my case it’s no big loss for the Twitterverse. You, on the other hand, people should know about. Please send my condolences to mr. gates and have a great weekend!

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Thanks for the great post, I had a couple good laughs! 😅😅

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As long as Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory prevails, there will be no end to new "viruses" and "pandemics."

Even if Germ Theory was true (it is not), would anyone like to live like a muzzled animal who wants to be injected with something that will always remain a "trade secret," while the manufacturers enjoy complete indemnity?

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Please, notice that there is, and never was, a "virus." No virus has ever been isolated in the history of the world.

Poisoning with 5G, chemtrails, and injections are/have been causing the symptoms. The CPR "test" is a fraud that steals people's DNA, installs graphene nanobots into them, and generates fake positives.

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