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He's also lost his marbles and, in my opinion, has been bought out in some way. His recent stuff is unbearable to watch/listen to ... It's like listening to someone with a narcissistic personality disorder explain, over and over, why they're right and every body else is wrong, while, at the same time, sending you up shit creek without a paddle. I'll give Brendan his dues; he was a pioneer in many ways, and I learnt a lot from him back in the day. Now, however, and I have this from a friend who was in regular communication with him over a long period, what he's saying is dancing around something, avoiding something significant., if you get my drift. Perhaps he's lived too long in exile.

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Avoiding something significant? As in he knows an event upcoming?

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It's more that he talks around and around topics, never really saying anything substantial. So yes, you get the feeling he's obscuring something. Mind you, I stopped listening to him about a year ago, because his paranoia and hero-complex were doing my head in. He started blocking people who disagreed with him, or even those who were vaguely critical of something he'd said. And he'd start every video railing against said critics. The other thing I've noticed is he's become embroiled in the minutiae of the 'alternative media' in the US, which is incredibly boring. And he's still got a thing about Trump, which makes me laugh. I mean really, the guy started out in 2011 exposing Israel's grip on the West (Australia in that instance - and he went to jail for it) and ends up supporting a puppet who's made it very clear where his allegiances lie. That was the deal breaker for me. (Sorry for the long-winded response. My history with Brendon, who I used to admire so much, is like the old Facebook relationship status - It's complicated!)

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I too have followed Brendon for years so I'm thankful for the education I have gotten from his experiences. He puts a lot together in coherent OLD videos; and has suffered for it, moving from country to country; computers hacked constantly. Yeah, he's on edge and his current abode in Mexico is precarious.

Anyone who is just beginning to see all the misdirection coming out of Israel (the mobsters who run it...allies of the mobsters in UK and US) will learn a tremendous amount from his series...so don't avoid inspecting him.

As one example, while showing how Mossad Unit 8200 Talpiot grads are an infection dispersed throughout all US IT, military contracts, etc., he also shows from public sources that Israel itself is penetrated by Vlad and Russians. So who then is the hand in the puppet?

He is certainly correct that the "alt" media shills all avoid saying Israel.

The World Wide Greed/War/usurious profit mobsters are the multiple heads of a common-interest Club Hydra. They interpenetrate each other. Is there One main head?

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I wholeheartedly agree with you, his insight has been hugely important to me. It was from Brendon that I learnt, as you say, about Talpiot, which has infiltrated the Australian telecommunications network as much as it has the US. Very few people understand how much Israel controls - not just the financial system but almost the entirety of the tech sphere as well. And yes, I understand that Brendon is not well, but I wish he’d do something about it. Railing at his audience is not going to fix anything. He’s too isolated, or has isolated himself to such a degree that he has nowhere to turn for assistance.

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Wow. Talpiot. I figured they had tentacles everywhere, even far beyond old school humanINT "spies" like Ben Shapiro, but their reach is insane. Possibly in every tech company (filtering and algo pushing), data collection, board members, VCs, attorneys as official council to get the real dirt. Watched a few of his videos this morning. Haven't been able to see the (d)evolution you did, but he seems perceptive, plugged in and I'm always looking for more people like him, at least of that cloth - someone who is never going to be pushed by algos, never going to be shared by the "alt-media" chosen ones, yet they know things and have been targeted for knowing too much. Clif High is another interesting cat. I can imagine the paranoia this guy must be succumbing to having gone through all that and then being isolated, in Mexico.

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