Kinda weird, isn't it, that what was formerly called Christendom is under attack. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. I am racking my mind trying to think of a group that opposed Christianity from its inception and would delight in its destruction. It would have to be a very powerful group--one that famously carries grudges for centuries and would cut off its nose to spite its face. But I can't think of one.

It would have to be a people who deeply, deeply despise Slavs. Maybe they would even get 2 Slavic nations to slaughter one another? I would have to re-read my Solzhenitsyn to see if I could solve that puzzle. Maybe that great man gave a firsthand account of the troubles that roiled Russia a century ago and who he thought was behind that. I'll get back to you on that.

Here's something I just remembered: when Notre Dame Cathedral (a symbol of Christian, Western Civilization) was in flames and even Donald Trump was moved and offered some advice on saving that priceless church, little Ben Shapiro joked that Trump should order the Notre Dame football team to put the fire out. Not his people, not his faith, not his civilization. I am sure that Ben just wanted to lighten the mood...he can't be that big of a resentful @sshat, right?

The Great X account @MartyrMade recently mused that anti-semitism and Jewish paranoia/behavior is a genuine chicken and the egg phenomenon.

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Zionists or is that what Chicoms are?

Nothing new under the sun eh?

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Nothing new under the sun.

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I call them Ash-dics (Ashkenazi + Sephardic non-semites)

https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/lucifers-chosen-people-from-whence cometh all the trouble in the world

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I think the word you're looking for is Khazarians.

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Which is what world Jewry is today. Khazarians originated as the Pharasaic Jerusalem sect holding to the oral traditions of early pagan religions. Or kabbalist judaism. Only God knows who the Biblical Hebrews are today.

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How dare you notice!

Here's a fantastic article laying the ethnic power in Russia:


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JH. The present Christian corruption stated in Rev Ch 3 where God declares thru John that the Churxh at the end of the age would be “Wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” began in Matt 13:33. The woman is Israel. She sowed destruction near the begining of the new Gentile church. Meantime 2k years of that corruption working to produce all manner of deceit and death.

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Feb 2, 2024
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Jesus forgave, but demanded repentance. I don't see much repenting going on in the slaughterhouse of Gaza.

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JH. Indeed. But repentance is forthcoming for the entire nation of Israel. For he is the firstborn son of God by adoption and the wife of Jehovah. Both must be brought to the place of repentance. That will occur. The events of the Great Tribulation will bring it about. Antichrist will betray the disobedient nation midway through the 7 years. Israel will be again scattered throughout the Gentile world for punishment. Another Holocaust is near. 2/3 of world Jewery will perish. God will have a pure people. By fire. He is not ignoring the present corrupt condition of His Chosen.

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I read a story revealing that 80% of college-educated Jews ( the movers and shakers of this world) are atheists--they have turned their back on God yet again.

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Yup. Not a mystery, that.

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Excellent writing GC, thanks for keeping us near the top holding on tight, while the rest of the maybe 2-3% we can expect catch up.

As for migrations of various peoples go, I live in the inland-northwest, where doesn’t matter, it’s all the same except Palouse vs Rocky Mountain foothills. In the last 10 years this has happened, because I am racist and white, and mostly due to catholic charities and NGO ju-cons, the immigrant(non-white) population here has gone from 1/100 to 10/100…. The thing I notice is the Mexicans are working, the “other browns” are standing in lines with full shopping carts, loaded credit cards and nice shoes, and the blacks are walking around the streets helping their neighbors. /sarc….

Another 10 years and this racist/white supremacist will have to go further into the mountains to maintain sanity…. But I am just a conspiracy theorist, I have exactly zero friends who I can bring this subject up with… so zero friends I have…

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Racist! Hahaa. Well, there's a lot of open land in the US to flee to and a 2A for now. In Europe, not so much which is why half of it has already fallen. A lot of H1B1 visas also doing the heavy lifting stateside where the open border can't.

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open land.... mostly owned by big Gov :/

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Pretty much the only people I can talk plainly to are my son and daughter. I'm pretty much too old for friends,,not worth the effort and no one gets my ironic and spicy jokes except my kids.

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I can talk to both of my boys too, wife believes me but doesn’t want to ever discuss it. Friends are impossible to find after 35, I am over 50 now and have given up a long time ago.

Three types of people I think exist today…

1. No matter the age, still stuck in high school, me me me, my toys, my money my car. Fuck off

2. Ultra religious, hypocritical and Jesus everything, I believe in god just not yours, so fuck off too.

3. The common sheep, herded mouth breathers, so dumbed down they wear an imaginary sticker on their sleeve that says, I love my gub’mint and it loves me too, yeah, you fuck right off first…

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🙌You win the internet today Eveo

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Well, looks like I'll have a friendless life most likely by that criteria. Three more years to the "friends are impossible" age. I've matured from an introvert to a misanthropic. All work and no play makes Moody Millennial a dull boy.

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I am lucky my wife is my best friend, but it takes a male friend for a man to really have balance, my dad, brother and best friend Jon all died the past 15 years, fucking sucks and makes me angry. Keep trying MM, it’s worth trying still, I still do but it is hard to find a real person any longer. Everyone fits into 1, 2 or 3…. Keep trying to prove myself wrong but so far I haven’t been able to

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Feb 1, 2024Edited
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just now

I have no problem with Jesus or your belief in Jesus, just don’t tell me about it nor condemn me for not believing the same. I have stood on the holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and seen the resting place of John the Baptists head, and been to the Armenian quarter. I have simply formed my own opinion of religion that differs from yours, so click back anytime, I am not a bad guy…

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Feb 1, 2024
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I mistakenly thought I offended you with my Jesus comment prior to my last response. Seeing your reply I now understand I didn’t and in fact you and I probably see eye to eye on religion and Jesus perhaps. I would like your opinion on Jesus, 100%. I have a statue of him on a mantle in my home, I have put it up and taken it back out at least a few times in the past 15 years since I purchased my sinful idol in Jerusalem. I have this weird relationship with him that goes back and forth, more so leaning towards he was real and simply a J*w whom they peddled to people as a messiah, and created the religion to toss all whites into an easy to control herd of cattle…

What say you?

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A mason (concrete) once told me he'd rather hire one Mexican than 10 ex military. Better worker and could think. Military couldn't do anything unless someone told them point by point. I guess that's a good thing when you don't want an enlisted guy going off script on important things like launching nukes but for every day life, it's kinda anti-life.

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Friends? What are those?

It's just hard to have a good conversation with most anyone today unless it's just niceties. No one wants to admit that the world has gone to hell and liars abound-everywhere! I try not to get too jaded by all the darkness, I still have some living to do as I am still vertical. God sends little blessings all the time and the darkness will be scattered by the light in time. There sure is a lot of entertainment out there though and I do appreciate your posts and non-sugar coated truth. I think my sense of humor has taken a turn though.....

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Most of my friends of 30 and 40 years ago are now dead. I made a bunch of new friends around 2005...and so far all of those are on this side of the sod...for now. Its shocks me how hardened I've become to hearing of another death.

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The lying media whores convey fake anguish over the, "Border Crisis", which is a just a euphemism (Jew-phemism) for total war of annihilation against whites. The endless plethora of anti-white laws, codes, rules, requirements, and regulations with their concomitant pro non-white ones are the psychological aspect of the onslaught, designed to intimidate and disarm whites so that they will meekly accept their obliteration without fighting back. Nothing could be clearer. It is equally clear that our evil, racial enemies could never get to first base with their program of white genocide without the active cooperation and collusion of white race traitors, the most despicable scum on earth. They have betrayed and sold out their kindred for crumbs from the Tribe's table, too stupid and shallow to realize that once they are no longer needed, they will be toast themselves. A guerrilla, lone wolf, leaderless, asymmetrical, resistance should target these soulless ghouls first and foremost. Then clean up the Tribe and its hordes of Untermenschen. Ragnarok, here we come.

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Even when I lived in the failed state of France for three years and it was all around me, it took a long time to see the truth, accept it, and not be a coward about saying it out loud in the company of those I knew were still deeply programmed to ignore it or feel guilty for noticing. There's that meme of two booths, one with a long line of people and one with no line, and all the people are lined up at the "Comforting Lies" booth, because nobody wants to hear "Uncomfortable Truths." That's this subject for most people. The programming runs real deep to walk directly toward the lies.

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Excellently put, GC. About a year ago I watched a video of Paris, France. It was a nice day and the streets and sidewalks were teeming with people. In this particular section, in which there were thousands, there was not one single French man, woman or child. And I mean not one. All were black, brown, yellow, and every mix imaginable. This abomination, as in all nations of the West, is the result of cold, evil, calculation, promulgated with race treason. Jean Raspail in his prophetic, "Camp of the Saints" circa 1971, had it right. The men of the West have become too enfeebled to fight for their own survival and have lost the will to live.

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Indeed they have, and they must keep that will down at all costs which is why you're not allowed to notice HD! They will come for your wallet. This post will cost me, but I don't care anymore. When cowards leave, the courageous will replace them. A Great Replacement. The sooner I make an ADL list, the better. In fact I no longer use any search engines. I just go the ADL lists of forbidden sources to find the truth.

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Indeed, GC. I was thinking...he will pay for this post...and the ghost of Leo Frank will return from beyond the veil to haunt you. The sooner one stops caring...the more free they become

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Four paid subs gone in three hours! Let's go!! (Insert Joker laugh) I can see those who dance around certain topics so it doesn't effect their $, and the more I do the more I lose respect for them and the more I tune them out. Steve Bannon always talks about signal and noise, then out of one side of his mouth he'll bring up Camp of the Saints, and the other side the CCP.

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First post I saw of yours I was a year's subscriber. I knew you had pelotas, though you might have seen me take aim at you recently :)


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I've seen the Raspail book mentioned quite a bit in the past year or two. I thought it would be an interesting read, so I headed over to ebay. A used copy goes for $100+. Getting on a watchlist is free, of course.

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Princess, any time you're looking for an old book (that's probably out of copyright), head on over to archive dot org to check their collection.

The Camp of the Saints:


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Gold! Thank you, Anna! I will check it out.

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Yes, the price is steep now. I'm surprised it hasn't been totally consigned to the Orwellian Memory Hole yet.

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Great column, GC. I'm glad you changed your mind on this subject. Welcome to the Official Dark Side!

Alex Jones has always been a psyop. Bill Cooper called him out after Y2K. Jones's ex-wife was Jewish and likely his Mossad handler. Most of the people on his staff came from Stratfor, an "intelligence contractor."

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Yes, which makes his kids Jewish, too. I understand his current wife us also Jewish.

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Let me show you my shocked face...

Surprised he got married again; I thought he was still hanging with a tranny.

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say what you want but Europe is still over 90% white. it get me sick when I hear fat bloated graybeard diabetics saying what cowards there are in Europe. US went from92% white to 57% and the most heavily armed people in world history whites did nothing. Europe at 90% white is fighting back

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In what way is Europe fighting back? Outside of Hungary and the Polish Right that just lost power, I don't see too many truth tellers. AfD and FN will never be allowed near the levers of power. Europe is just as cucked as the US.

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Yup. Europe is far worse off demographically in the west, though the Empire is hellbent on catching up. There are 19 countries where you can be arrested for not accepting the zionist version of history. Only a few countries allow firearms without going through a multi year interrogation. You can't even tweet in England without the police showing up on your doorstep. The Poles had their election rigged with an infiltrated new party making promises to the young. Though the PiS (right) were idiots too for subsidizing Ukies and trying to talk tough against Russia. Hungary is about the last man standing, though he too has to bow down to zionists. Every new right wing elected in the EU is a zionut. Look at Meloni in Italy the new "right wing" PM. More invaders this summer and she did nothing.We'll see what Geert Wilders does in NL but he loves Israel, so I wouldn't hold my breath there. I wish it wasn't the case but 90% of western europe is screwed and EU commies (greens, socialists etc.) control at least half of central and eastern europe.

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Europe is still over 90% white

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farmers in germany france and the netherlands have descended on the govt with 1000's of tractors tearing up roads dumping shit on the parliament. the yellow vests stormed the capital in france destroyed 5000 traffic speed cameras . only covid lockdowns stopped them .Europe might be cucked but unarmed and still over 90% white. tough talking blowhards on the right who wet their beds sucking on their thumbs most heavily armed in history do nothing as 120 million non whites poured in in the last 40 years. that is why they loved rabbi trump all talk no action. all the US can muster is blm and pantifa riots which are against whites

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The farmers don't fuck around. A proper siege and food shortages would be a nice way to wake people up there. That's true on the empire front, though they've also had the most powerful gov in history weaponized against them from the courts to the secret police. After the Jan 6 gulag hearings, people got the message. Unfortunately most have put their hope right back into orange jesus.

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And people showed up at the Capitol on Jan 6th and there's a convoy organizing to protest the southern invasion as there was one circling DC while the Canadians did their thing. The J6ers and Canadians are getting paid back for that. The farmers will get the same treatment. Either way it's a deflection from the topic which is bowing down at the altar of Zionism. Those protests were about cost of living and onerous regulations.

Tough talking blowhards... I get it, you hate Americans. You do realize that civic "nationalism" and flag waving were effective propaganda campaigns right? Where the anti-immigrant protests? Why aren't European men defending their borders? It's kind of hard to stand up and be tough as you seem to see it when shooting an armed illegal invader on your own property results in a murder charge. Sure you'll probably get off but your life is ruined. At least when the mestizos show up at my house, I'll have a warm welcome for them. I guess you'll have harsh words and a kitchen knife.

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And at the end of the day, AfD is also just a distraction... Their top politicians are WEF puppets as well...

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Have you seen Jimmy Dore's rant about the false dichotomy of left and right? It's nothing you haven't said, but I thought it was interesting that a fairly high profile guy is starting to notice these things. The lies may be becoming too big to contain. Optimism doesn't usually win on the internet, but just for giggles --


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Jimmy Dore is noticing a lot lately. His make up with Alex Jones was funny. Whenever I tuned into the young turds for giggles way back in the day, I saw that when he spoke he was always holding back. Once he got out of there it was off to the races for him.

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Thanks for this...even though it's too late. The last few months I'm finally starting to see people speak out on this subject...the last flame-up of a dying ember. I've been consuming alt-media for more than three decades. Way back when...the folks selling their self-published books from their garages, could be trusted. Now, almost all alt-media is controlled opposition. If they have a high profile and are not shadow-banned... assume the worst.

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I will say this and I dont care what anybody thinks. unless the jews are taken down they will genocide the whites ,who seem to enjoy that, every white country will be destroyed and looted. right now israel is costing the world tens of billions and it will go to trillions when it is over. no one is allowed to notice or say anything. you are right about the boomers the most destructive suicidal generation in the history of the world.

there is a guy on X gentile news who about a month ago substitutes the chi-coms for the jews like you did here in one instance saying chi-coms tried to sink the USS Liberty and what is amazing is the community checkers correct him and say is was the jews. so the algorithm is outing the jews not him after being baited. it is genius. this has to be said the only way this can be fixed is by a man like Hitler (pre war) and I dont care what people think about that either. the good citizen is a highly gifted writer

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I don't agree that jews need to be taken down. Most jews like most non-jews are clueless. There are historical distinctions that need to be made and political zionism doesn't represent the views of many jews. Israel is a zionist state first and foremost, and they're willing to sacrifice jews just as easily as Americans in a false flag or with clot shots. The zionist balancing act is to get as many jews to fall for their scam and return to the holy land. So they have to make Israel appear safe on the one hand, while terrorizing the west on the other hand with the help of zionist-controlled governments that are bought and bribed, or blackmailed which is less expensive. Once you have them with the kiddies, you control them without having to bribe them anymore. The hypocrisy of Israel as an ethnostate and how it views other states that MUST be multicultrual is undeniable, and the role of jewish NGOs in engineering the democide cannot be ignored either. Nobody likes talking about any of this because the solutions aren't pretty, especially for the immigrant pawns that were used to destablize the west. But that's what zionists have been doing for a century, pitting one group against another, while standing back and watching and benefiting. That community notes inversion was brillaint. They did it with a lot of historical events. Getting the official record to contradict their lies through reversal was genius. Seeing the polling on Boomer support for Israel is insane. No generation has been so thoroughly brainwashed on this topic and had their history successfully rewritten than Boomers. But they had Hollywood as their social media so go figure. Gen Z and more than half of millennials are hip to the historical scams now which is encouraging. If they can just keep their hormone levels normal things might improve.

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you just wrote a great piece explaining how toxic the jews are lol. jews were thrown out of 1030 countries for 2000 years before the word zionist was invented. when I say jews have to be taken out it is the jews with power. like larry fink who tells the biggest companies not to hire whites. 95% of all new hires in the big corps went to non whites. that is only a fraction of what blackrock is doing

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What Jews with power? I think you mean Chicoms. Ask your doctor if Noticinol is right for you.

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ahahah LOL

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If you could somehow work in Trump with his Queztlqoatl (sp?) outfit, along with Elon as the hound of NutsNYahoo's hades, that would make for the ultimate award-winning modern art. Good stuff!

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Good stuff. I want to know who the articulate young man in the Based Asian gets it video is. Anybody?

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Me too. Anybody?

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Sorry but I don’t understand why you are using the term “Chicom”. Are you referring to the Zionist Jews? I thought it meant Chinese Communist. Why are you calling Jews Chinese Communists? This time I just don’t get it. I have to see things spelled out. Thanks.

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Yes, perhaps that wasn't very clear. I tried to express my exaserbation at people like Alex Jones never using the word Zionist to name the enemy that has infiltrated all levers of power across the west, and always blaming the Chicoms for everything despite little evidence, as part of the aim of making China an enemy while still doing hundreds of billions in trade with them and relying on them for debt purchasing, pharmaceuticals, natural resources and on and on. Since he used to notice Israel (post-9/11) and call them out and then stopped, I assume it's intentional - he's paid to no longer notice and uses Chicoms instead of Zionist or Israelis. If he's not paid, he doesn't want to suffer the consquences of noticing too much which has allowed him to go back on X and be in the good graces of the narrative controllers. Anyway, it was an attempt to mock that whole farce while also pretending not to notice despite all the overwhelming evidence.

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Man, GC, you are the man. Let's say you're a middle aged white guy living in USSA right now. Nothing holding ya back from leaving meaning no wife, no kids. A little money in the bank, maybe work for the rest of 2023, then......where would you move to? Deeper in this country or somewhere else completely. Honest question, my friend. I really dig your style. Thank you. I'm new to Substack, happy I found you.

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Thanks Mike. Haha. This is going to be my least liked post in years but I can't dance around the truth anymore. "It's the Chicoms, man!" Tough question, one I've been playing with for years now. I left Poland 11/22 because of the Russophobia and Ukraine Support Syndrome (5-7 million Ukies being subsidized by Polish tax payers in Poland). At some point I only heard Ukranian or Russian on the streets of Krakow and knew it was time to go. Spent a year kicking around Mexico and the States briefly before bouncing around short term rentals in Hungary and Slovakia. I'm playing the field still, but I'm leaning toward 2 acres and a cabin on a lake in Finland. Waiting for the thaw to pull the trigger, if I do. It helps to have an EU passport, though you can always apply for work visas, take a job and quit and not leave then reapply for visa extensions. You can also start a company in that country (like an LLC) and be self-employed and get your own work visa. My USSA friend did that in Poland twenty years ago and never left. Central and Northern Finland is as close as you'll find to rural 'murica across the Atlantic. Govt. endorsed hunt, fish, gun culture. Vast distances spread out with forests and lakes and few people. Cost of living (rent and essentials) is about 40% less than the states. Though food is high because everything is transported distances, but that's where a freezer of fish and venison saves $, a garden and chickens as well. For example you could rent a cabin on a lake for 700 euro, while a one-bedroom apartment in a cheap US city might set you back 1200-1500 these days. Finns are the toughest Euros to make friends with but they say if you make friends with a Finn you've made a friend for life. Winters will be hell, but nothing vitamin D and the sauna can't fix, and I can get used to cross country skiing and ice fishing with tall boys. If that's not your thing Hungary is very affordable. Budapest is a cool city. Bratislava is nice and still affordable. For warmer climates Croatia (Split) or Thailand (Phuket), from what I've heard on the expat circuit. Good luck.


Edit: Some countries also have digital nomad visas. You have to show a minimum amount of work from home or "Self-employed" income going back a year, but it's not a lot. Croatia launched one of these a few years ago.

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I would love to see more content around this topic.

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Coming soon. Had to try to square the invasion circle before moving on.

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My primary reason for getting my online business going is to leave the USSA-- my family thinks I'm crazy for wanting to leave the US-- I look forward to hearing more from you on this topic.

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my family thought I was crazy too. Then they came to Prague some years later. "It's incredible here, the art, the history. And you can walk alone at night everywhere and it's safe." And when I never went back Mama citizen joked, "I should have never given you my french documents to get your passport." She didn't mean it though, she just missed me. They'll understand eventually.

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Damn, dude. You're the best. What a fuckin answer. I should just hoof around that side of the pond, shouldn't I? I'm so done being a wage slave. Long ass life story here, brotha. My time is now though, I tell ya that and with the zion asshats flipping the table over here, I'm ready to rock! Like I said. I'm buckling down for another year, gonna save as many duckets as I can so I don't have to worry about punching a clock for a while, then go live man! Hahaha. Thx dude. I really enjoy your writings. Keep it up, mate.

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It's tough being an Average White Guy today...

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being an average white guy is what got us where we are today

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The end link to short video on Nutty-Yahoo milking the USA boobs is taken from longer videos by Brendon O'Connell who has dozens of good videos over many years exposing the Israeli penetration. If you like this piece by GC the check out some older vidz at https://rumble.com/user/Unit8200

Of course he was scrubbed from BoobToob many times.

He retired to Patreon. It's a motherlode of info.

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He's also lost his marbles and, in my opinion, has been bought out in some way. His recent stuff is unbearable to watch/listen to ... It's like listening to someone with a narcissistic personality disorder explain, over and over, why they're right and every body else is wrong, while, at the same time, sending you up shit creek without a paddle. I'll give Brendan his dues; he was a pioneer in many ways, and I learnt a lot from him back in the day. Now, however, and I have this from a friend who was in regular communication with him over a long period, what he's saying is dancing around something, avoiding something significant., if you get my drift. Perhaps he's lived too long in exile.

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Avoiding something significant? As in he knows an event upcoming?

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It's more that he talks around and around topics, never really saying anything substantial. So yes, you get the feeling he's obscuring something. Mind you, I stopped listening to him about a year ago, because his paranoia and hero-complex were doing my head in. He started blocking people who disagreed with him, or even those who were vaguely critical of something he'd said. And he'd start every video railing against said critics. The other thing I've noticed is he's become embroiled in the minutiae of the 'alternative media' in the US, which is incredibly boring. And he's still got a thing about Trump, which makes me laugh. I mean really, the guy started out in 2011 exposing Israel's grip on the West (Australia in that instance - and he went to jail for it) and ends up supporting a puppet who's made it very clear where his allegiances lie. That was the deal breaker for me. (Sorry for the long-winded response. My history with Brendon, who I used to admire so much, is like the old Facebook relationship status - It's complicated!)

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I too have followed Brendon for years so I'm thankful for the education I have gotten from his experiences. He puts a lot together in coherent OLD videos; and has suffered for it, moving from country to country; computers hacked constantly. Yeah, he's on edge and his current abode in Mexico is precarious.

Anyone who is just beginning to see all the misdirection coming out of Israel (the mobsters who run it...allies of the mobsters in UK and US) will learn a tremendous amount from his series...so don't avoid inspecting him.

As one example, while showing how Mossad Unit 8200 Talpiot grads are an infection dispersed throughout all US IT, military contracts, etc., he also shows from public sources that Israel itself is penetrated by Vlad and Russians. So who then is the hand in the puppet?

He is certainly correct that the "alt" media shills all avoid saying Israel.

The World Wide Greed/War/usurious profit mobsters are the multiple heads of a common-interest Club Hydra. They interpenetrate each other. Is there One main head?

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I wholeheartedly agree with you, his insight has been hugely important to me. It was from Brendon that I learnt, as you say, about Talpiot, which has infiltrated the Australian telecommunications network as much as it has the US. Very few people understand how much Israel controls - not just the financial system but almost the entirety of the tech sphere as well. And yes, I understand that Brendon is not well, but I wish he’d do something about it. Railing at his audience is not going to fix anything. He’s too isolated, or has isolated himself to such a degree that he has nowhere to turn for assistance.

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Wow. Talpiot. I figured they had tentacles everywhere, even far beyond old school humanINT "spies" like Ben Shapiro, but their reach is insane. Possibly in every tech company (filtering and algo pushing), data collection, board members, VCs, attorneys as official council to get the real dirt. Watched a few of his videos this morning. Haven't been able to see the (d)evolution you did, but he seems perceptive, plugged in and I'm always looking for more people like him, at least of that cloth - someone who is never going to be pushed by algos, never going to be shared by the "alt-media" chosen ones, yet they know things and have been targeted for knowing too much. Clif High is another interesting cat. I can imagine the paranoia this guy must be succumbing to having gone through all that and then being isolated, in Mexico.

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there ain't a speck of desert dust on that prick Ben Shapiro's designer pea coat is there? Digging the hard hitting post (s). Maybe 'cuz i'm sick n tired of being sick n tired of so many people and things caving to the borg/blob/Chicoms

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OUTfrigginstanding GC. I’m a weak tit. But I’m healing; getting smarter and stronger by the day. Reading your no bullshit stack has me jacked to the teets.😏👍

All the best.

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Caesar wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.


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GC: on a different topic, how's the knee?

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Like Rocky and Apollo running on the beach in Santa Monica...getting strong now. Thanks for asking.

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