I have no problem with Jesus or your belief in Jesus, just don’t tell me about it nor condemn me for not believing the same. I have stood on the holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and seen the resting place of John the Baptists head, and been to the Armenian quarter. I have simply formed my own opinion of religion that …
I have no problem with Jesus or your belief in Jesus, just don’t tell me about it nor condemn me for not believing the same. I have stood on the holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and seen the resting place of John the Baptists head, and been to the Armenian quarter. I have simply formed my own opinion of religion that differs from yours, so click back anytime, I am not a bad guy…
I mistakenly thought I offended you with my Jesus comment prior to my last response. Seeing your reply I now understand I didn’t and in fact you and I probably see eye to eye on religion and Jesus perhaps. I would like your opinion on Jesus, 100%. I have a statue of him on a mantle in my home, I have put it up and taken it back out at least a few times in the past 15 years since I purchased my sinful idol in Jerusalem. I have this weird relationship with him that goes back and forth, more so leaning towards he was real and simply a J*w whom they peddled to people as a messiah, and created the religion to toss all whites into an easy to control herd of cattle…
just now
I have no problem with Jesus or your belief in Jesus, just don’t tell me about it nor condemn me for not believing the same. I have stood on the holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and seen the resting place of John the Baptists head, and been to the Armenian quarter. I have simply formed my own opinion of religion that differs from yours, so click back anytime, I am not a bad guy…
I mistakenly thought I offended you with my Jesus comment prior to my last response. Seeing your reply I now understand I didn’t and in fact you and I probably see eye to eye on religion and Jesus perhaps. I would like your opinion on Jesus, 100%. I have a statue of him on a mantle in my home, I have put it up and taken it back out at least a few times in the past 15 years since I purchased my sinful idol in Jerusalem. I have this weird relationship with him that goes back and forth, more so leaning towards he was real and simply a J*w whom they peddled to people as a messiah, and created the religion to toss all whites into an easy to control herd of cattle…
What say you?