I'm just hoping this means more people are (finally) seeing through it.

More twists coming. Thanks.

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I'm waiting for the investigation into the accused late shooter's encrypted phone calls to a number in Zionist controlled Israel.

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The landslide this WWE event will cause will presumptuously give Drumpf the "mandate" to attack AR15 style weapons (and more).

MAGA 'tards will consider this a Jesus directive and eagerly agree that its best to eliminate those weapons.

And if you think you will be able to blame the jews, his other mandate to stop antisemitism will really get the MAGA crew cumming.

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“MAGA ‘tards“ fought back against and won in the bump stock ban from Trump. They aren’t going to cave on the whole gun. It’s not the progressive cult, they still know the constitution is the law of the land. That’s why Roe was overturned.

“Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Also why there will not be a nationwide abortion ban. And the NFA is falling apart under Bruen scrutiny. Guns aren’t going anywhere.

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I'll believe it when I see it. They (most) have been mesmerized. Like witchcraft.

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Well, as you may be aware, Trump held the office of the presidency for 4 years, just prior to the current administration. I know, I know, it’s seems like it been ages, lol, but he really didn’t do anything that was perpendicular to the constitution, and he appointed justices that are less likely to stray from the original meaning of the constitution. The vaccines, I’ll admit, were way off base. He should never have trusted anyone from an agency that receives royalties from the businesses they are supposed to regulate. But as far as “immigration”, anyone who crosses the border anywhere other than a point of entry, has technically broken federal law, putting them in a position where their first physical action inside the US was to break the law, making them a criminal upon entry. So, technically, Trump is right about the flood of criminals coming across the border.

Otherwise, his official presidency was uneventful, and it’s unlikely that the second term would be any different.

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My, how soon we forget. You don't remember his faggy agreement with Feinstein about taking the guns first and then do the checks (whatever)? It was his administration that banned the gun stocks. He is outright discussing antisemitism stuff. He also added more debt to us than any POTUS before.

But yeah, other than increasing OTHER immigration to record levels, he did SAY stuff about illegal immigrants. Just like the waaaall. Just like Hillary in jail.

Now? He wants to give the "immigrants" green cards for their graduating fro free university.

Yeah. He's a winner.

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What are you doing here? Did you get lost on the way to drag queen story hour?

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Fuck you, dumb ass.

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You insulted the MAGA peasants. For that you're a rabid leftist. /Smh

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Little bit salty there, eh?

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Pay attention. I have little time for morons.

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Jul 24Liked by Good Citizen

That guy is a moron. I'm sorry. "I"m an expert at this stuff people." Clearly not. Those snipers didn't fire a single round. No sight of Crooks with the trees blocking their view, and clearly no recoil on the rifle while being filmed. An "expert" would know what recoil looks like on that rifle. Unfortunately Max Egan (after a week of analysis) was sharing the same footage of the barn roof SS snipers that can be debunked in five seconds.

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Is it possible that there were two or more different rounds in the magazine? If the rifle was a .556 caliber, he could have had both .223 and .556 in the magazine, or maybe copper jacketed M193 and M855 green tip, the different powder loads should produce a different sonic result. He could have also had M856 tracers mixed in, or various bullet/powder combinations.

Just a thought.

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Interesting. People are still trying to nail down the rifle (make/year) that appeared in that rooftop footage of Crooks' body yesterday. Certainly possible with an AR. Thanks for that.

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If he built his own, or his father did, there will be no make or serial number. All AR15’s in the modern era are milspec, so they can use any part off of any other, aside from custom guns costing thousands. The one in the police body worn camera looks like a standard 16”, adjustable stock with an mlok or key mod hand guard. I even thought it looked like it had the milspec front sight. Cheap anygun.

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What kind of premeditated shooter (building “bombs”) goes to the range, uses a range finder and drone, scouts the area, but opts for the magnified “red dot” sight or whatever cheap optic he’s using? No bg checks on optics last I looked. Does this make ANY sense at all unless he wasn’t meant to have accuracy, or didn’t fire at all? I was 20 once and 20 year olds (spergs like this kid especially) do dumb stuff, but this is beyond an oversight.

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It’s a sloppy setup by a government now run by DEI morons there to collect a paycheck.

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This Bob Dylan song says it all regarding the state of things worldwide, which IMO does not have long to continue because the judge is on the make and he'll have all their hides at once.


They're selling postcards of the hanging

They're painting the passports brown

And beauty parlor's filled with sailors

The circus is in town

Here comes the blind commissioner

They've got him in a trance

One hand is tied to the tightrope walker

The other is in his pants

And the riot squad, they're restless

They need somewhere to go

As lady and I look out tonight

From desolation row

Cinderella, she seems so easy

"It takes one to know one, " she smiles

Puts her hands in her back pocket

Bette Davis style

In comes Romeo, he's moaning

"You belong to me, I believe"

Someone turns and says, "You're in the wrong room, my friend

You'd better hurry up and leave"

And the only sound that's left

After the ambulances go

Is Cinderella sweeping up

On desolation row

Now the moon is almost hidden

The stars are beginning to hide

The fortune telling lady

Has even taken all her things inside

All except for Cain and Abel

And the hunchback of Notre Dame

Everyone is making love

Or else expecting rain

And the good Samaritan, he's dressing

He's getting ready for the show

He's going to the carnival tonight

On desolation row

Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window

For her I feel so afraid

On her 22nd birthday

She already is an old maid

To her, death is quite romantic

She wears an ironed vest

Her profession is her religion

Her sin is her lifelessness

And though her eyes are fixed upon

Noah's great rainbow

She spends her time peeking into

Desolation row

Across the street they've nailed the curtains

They're getting ready for the feast

The phantom of the opera

In a perfect image of a priest

They are spoon-feeding Casanova

Get him to feel more assured

Then they'll kill him with self-confidence

After poisoning him with words

And the phantom shouting to skinny girls

"Get out of here if you don't know"

Casanova he's just being punished

For goin' to desolation row

Now at midnight all the agents

And the super-human crew

Come out and round up everyone

That knows more than they do

And they bring them to the factory

Where their heart attack machine

Is strapped across their shoulders

And then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles

By insurance men who go

Check to see that nobody's escaping

Desolation row

Yes, I received your letter yesterday

'Bout the time the doorknob broke

When you asked me how I was doing

Was that some kind of joke?

All these people that you mentioned

Yes, I know them, they are quite lame

I had to rearrange their faces

And give them all another name

Right now I can't read too good

Don't send me no more letters, no

Not unless you mail them from

Desolation row

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Jul 24Liked by Good Citizen

My reading of these lyrics suggest a demon transmitting them to Dylan who's writing them down under it's spell. You gotta serve somebody. And Dylan did.

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Jul 23Liked by Good Citizen

The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none.

Jean Baudrillard

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Jul 23Liked by Good Citizen

The location, location, location of the microphone and the paucity of its description and qualification dishonors the entire premise.

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Omnidirectional mic. Does what it says. Every android and iphone have one.

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Where is its two dimensional polar certification?

Cellphone microphones are not certified for anything.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Author

Right then, let's wait for the official investigation into the shooter's encrypted phone for some solid leads.

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Jul 23Liked by Good Citizen

You’ll have to take it up with the sound crew.

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I used to run a sound crew when I wasn't being a broadcast engineer.

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Great. You’ll be better able to communicate with them!

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Cellphone microphones cost pennies.

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If the first three rounds had identical sonic signatures and the next five had their own identical signatures, wouldn’t that eliminate the mic as a variable?

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It wouldn't eliminate the location of the microphone as a variable, unless it was provably in the same place with the same orientation for all three readings.

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There were 2 snipers on the roof.... Do we know for sure they both didn't fire shots - thus, there is your "3rd shooter"?

These crappy audio & video files don't really give much clues, and we have no idea whether they were holding the phone mic to the left or right - regardless if they're left or right handed. As a right-handed person, I hold mine both ways when my phone is horizontal. I dont really pay attention to that (I also don't record horizontal, but I digress....). Maybe I misunderstood that point above. Im burnt out from my job and frankly, society lol.

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Were you on the roof or are you admitting to believing everything you are told?

Cellphone microphones are as far from reference microphones as is possible to be.

The physical orientation of a professional reference microphone is irrelevant and I doubt there were any of them in proximity to the scene.

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I love the closing, GC. Enjoy the cover-up indeed! The next outrage will shove it in the memory hole. "Look those filthy Lefties are protesting Israel's humanitarian razing of Gaza in the Capitol!"

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Great piece, GC, thanks. It was definitely orchestrated, premeditated, kosher theater. For me, the most laughable part was the actor/cop/clown jumping up in front of the podium right after Trumpowitz was allegedly shot, waving his rifle back and forth at the crowd like an affected badass. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that if this pathetic cartoon was real, he would never expose himself like that to a real shooter who had yet to be apprehended and as far as anyone knew at that time, was still in position with his weapon. "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." It's even worse than that.

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Not sure what the terrain looks like to the stage. I heard it is flat. There are two windows under where Crooks was found too that would Match Crooks's body better. Some people have been showing Trump's position.. the 3 other people shot ...and the hydraulic lines on the boom. That part seems to match Crooks position perfectly. One of the windows below him does too.

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Honest question: Can blanks mimic the sound of any given cartridge round?

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Just looked it up: the answer is YES.

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