I canvas a lot, all over the place. Covid set me straight. Can't tell you, don't know why, but certain people weren't believable even tho their words were right. Speaking of words, someone told me I was throwing the baby out with the bath water, true, to be sure. I was and I do. It only takes a few buzz words for me to exit an otherwise astute article. Once those words come out, you've lost me, I'm done, and I'm sticking to it.
Also, and I know how this sounds, it's their countenance. I observe. Manner, dress, twitches, quirks, language, facial expressions, micro expressions tell me if you're a person of intelligence and truth or a flat-out bullshitter. Again, you have validated that expertise.
Everyone you mentioned from the get-go of covid, I ignored. Political leaders? On the same page, except for Gandhi, damn, didn't know that. Malcolm X? MLK couldn't shine his shoes. Hero's like Churchill (thanks to D Irving) FDR, Truman, Eisenhower , pigs all. It's the old timers who said it best. Solzhenitzen, Dostoyevsky, Wm Carr, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound, St Thomas Aquinas and a lot more said it all, named names, spelled it out as it all comes to fruition today. Technology has changed, unfortunately, but the message remains the same. A little bit of reading, OK, maybe a lot, goes a long way. Yesterdays handheld device. Books
Another fine work Citizen. Timely, accurate, relevant, pointed, important. Gattaca was well done.
I would add - human beings are worshippers by nature. It is how God wired us. We are spiritual beings first, physical ones second. Worship is spiritual in nature. It is unavoidable. Inevitable.
Part of the problem of despising the one who created you is that a perverted, disordered worship system will replace the one you were designed to exist within. All human beings are powerfully inclined to indulge this perversion, the result of Adam's fall. The ancients had better clarity, because they weren't inclined to lie about their spiritual nature. They called it idolatry.
Bottom line. When the one who created you is the only entity you truly worship, then politicians, sportsballers, actors, money, success, importance, legacy, whatever it is that you would potentially make an idol, falls away. The Holy Spirit provides discernment. The necessity for the false god withers away, its falsehood transparent.
If you truly love Truth, then you are necessarily inoculated against idolatry, or false heroes, as you describe them. At the same time, it is quite predictable, in a society that despises Truth, that every sort of idolatry would be rampant.
"The ancients had better clarity, because they weren't inclined to lie about their spiritual nature. They called it idolatry. Bottom line. When the one who created you is the only entity you truly worship, then politicians, sportsballers, actors, money, success, importance, legacy, whatever it is that you would potentially make an idol, falls away."
Excellent observations Jody! Superb. Thank you.
And sadly very true...
"it is quite predictable, in a society that despises Truth, that every sort of idolatry would be rampant."
Wow Jody... absolutely spot on. Those who truly have the discernment of the Holy Spirit will recognize Truth. Worshipping false idols (heros) is repugnant to those with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. That being said, most Christians do not have the Holy Spirit. It's not as easy as saying a few words, and then bingo, one gets the Holy Spirit. Knock and the door will be opened. What that means is, if one SINCERELY yearns for Truth, and persues Truth dodgedly and without flinching... eventually they will receive the Holy Spirit.
What a brilliant and eloquent essay! I'm going to watch Gattaca again, with a keener eye this time. If you go for any long swims like that be sure to have a lifeguard nearby. Thank you for your insights. I have really appreciated Sage Hana also but lately so much anger and filthy language.
Thanks, Douglas. 🙏My first real job after pushing the family lawnmower around the neighborhood in summers from age 11-14 was as a lifeguard until college.
As with most other substacks, I selectively read Sage's posts, so I haven't caught the anger and profanity though I can sympathize. It’s frustrating to witness so many people jump from old manufactured heroes to new artificial ones in the blink of an eye with little examination. I've expressed exhaustion with all of it in recent months despite my best efforts to keep swimming.
Rewatched Gattaca last month, after not seeing it since the theater in 98'(?). While it was hardly noticed when it hit theaters and got no rave reviews, it has held up nicely over the past two decades.
I have the same issue with Sage. Thought he was a good researcher and informative; I will forever be grateful for the Day Tapes that are eye popping, time capsules of truth. Yet, he took a turn about 3-4 months ago. The rants, profanity, and God bashing…is a bridge too far for me. Yet, I think he does it much of the time to make people think he is unhinged and he may be but still it is offensive.
A brilliant exposition but I wouldn't trust any substack writer asking for donations or paid subscriptions no matter how poverty stricken they may be...no matter how enlightening their particular brand of sh*t may be; and it is as much sh*t as anyone else's because it is immediately compromised the moment there is any degree of public funding that supposedly enables free speech which really isn't free anymore if one is even asked to donate a cup of coffee; otherwise we have little more than the never-ending variations and brands of the Wellness Company and the countless shills for products that Big Pharma is still propagandizing and killing us with.
I understand your sentiment Tony, but it's a little harsh.
It can take a lot of time to produce good content, and someone who has a history of publishing thoughtful, honest, well-organized information deserves a bit of support now and then.
Absolutely agree. My personal feeling is that folks should just be grateful that someone is reading their thoughts and ideas. There is so much content online, simply giving of one's time is payment enough.
I absolutely love this essay. So beautifully written 🙏 Funnily enough, I also love Gattaca and think of it often when bemoaning the lack of decent films. I also remember when I watched it on first release like it was yesterday. I was heavily pregnant with my first child, my daughter, and throughout the film she was flipping around like a dolphin. It was the weirdest sensation! Now, reading your essay and being reminded of the film, I understand why 😊
While I have long had doubts regarding Malone, McCullough, Kennedy and others that you mentioned, I also suspect that your trust in Sage Hana may be misplaced. It seems to me that he may be both controlled opposition and a chaos agent.
I don't trust anyone I've never met, but if someone writes truths on their substack, I'll share them with others. "Don't play hero ball" is good advice people should have followed years ago, including myself.
'' I also 'suspect' that your trust in Sage Hana 'may be' misplaced. It 'seems' to me that he 'may' be 'both' controlled opposition and a chaos agent.'' Well, that's rather vague and hardly worthy of trust, V. Who's zoomin' who?
Didn't expand on Malone, McCullough or Kennedy either but you don't seem to have a problem with that. You also don't say why I should trust Sage Hana. Methinks you're the one who's zoomin'.
Good point, but GC already covered M,M and K, so it's moot imo. I didn't say to trust Sage Hana, did I? I'm not zoomin', just wondering why you would plant seeds of mistrust based on ''seems and may be's.''
I make a habit of using qualifiers such as "seems and may be's" because the only people who know the truth regarding most situations are the ones who were actually involved.
That said, if you must know, my suspicions regarding Sage Hana were first aroused because he seemed to be misleading people regarding his sex, presenting as a female persona when he is in fact a man, one who is on the chubby and homely side if that was actually him in those photos. (More qualifiers!) Others also spoke out about this perceived deception. (If memory serves, he came clean regarding his sex because it was an issue for other people.) I also have a problem with him because of the way he has attacked those who contradict him. (Once again, if memory serves, Mathew Crawford of Rounding The Earth is one of the people who has been targeted by Sage Hana.)
Whether or not he is deliberately acting as controlled opposition or a chaos agent, obviously, this is something I can't possibly know, hence the qualifiers. Maybe (another qualifier!) this is a case of Cluster B personality disorders, and the deceptions and attacks are simply acting out on his part.
Ok, thanks. The male/female thing was certainly an eye-opener, but I guess not unheard of in the cyber world of deception. Actually, it was M Crawford who ''outted'' SH. I didn't follow that situation closely, but it was definitely weird because it seemed (qualifier) that they kind of knew each other before their mutual shit hit the fan. I don't read much of SH anymore, mostly because I went deaf and a large portion of the content there is in videos that I'm unable to ''get.'' The attacks on other folks and/or foul language don't bother me much. All that being said, she-then-he was really the first , for me, to shine the spotlight on Malone and others as well as to stress the ''Hero Ball'' thing. For that alone, I greatly appreciate her/his efforts. There are very, very few who I actually trust these days. Good Citizen is one.
Wow - there are so many to choose from but this paper is definitely one of your best yet. As for me, I indeed engaged in hero worship all across the spectrum - especially in the alt-right/conspiracy theory realm, but finally had an epiphany and ditched them all a couple of years ago. I don’t hide who I am; I speak my mind; I don’t give a shit if I offend anyone when slaying their sacred cows, whether it’s face to face or needless to say the digital strangers online. I believe our Creator holds with the highest esteem those who would die defending truth. I guess it’s because of my disgust living on the sheep farm that I've come to this state of mind. I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Not that I’m a nihilist; I do believe a life of virtue and justice is worth “fighting” for; it’s just that I no longer waste my time and emotional energy trying to change people’s minds. I’ll send people pointers to consequential works like yours, but that’s about it. The intellectually lazy will get what’s coming to them but tough shit, we all get what we deserve in the end.
Meanwhile, "Omar Jordan" has a bunch of papers stowed away here that expose some of the “heroes” you’ve mentioned: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKjXScNVfVdvXjG7UjwYzxbtNjnnwt33G9sPEwfrNuE/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0. N.B. - Miles Mathis is on the list, and Jordan's paper on him raises some concerns, but Mathis (I don’t think he is fronting a committee) is a major, but obscure, hero-buster and IMO his catalog is definitely worth a look, if nothing more than to provide a different perspective on a given topic.
Yes, I watch him now and again. Last summer (23') I made a video post of his analysis of the planned "reveal" Weinstein podcast that introduced Malone and Kirsch to the world in June 21'. It wasn't very popular here. People have a hard time letting go of "heroes."
Remember in early 2020 how the mockingbird media was always using that phrase ‘novel virus’? The noble goal is personalized medicine, but the criminals are determined to use the failed “old used” mRNA technology to get us there and still have patents on intellectual property so they can make billions while millions continue dying in the process.
“The Human Genome Project was nothing more than an exaggeration at best. They didn’t really complete anything. And in the end it was supposed to rationalize the sequencing of every genome, the collecting of every genome. It was supposed to rationalize the personalization of medicine, and transfection and transformation represent the methodologies that they intended to use for that personalized medicine. And because transfection and transformation were old technologies they weren’t ready and legally available for patenting. They’re not intellectual property that could be protected through patent. And so they had to orchestrate an elaborate hoax where there was a novel virus with novel properties that would need novel solutions. And then they had to present these DARPA technologies as novel technologies that had never been brought to market before. And that’s why they used words like ‘safe and effective’ consistently, because the mandate of the FDA is specifically to regulate the safety and efficacy of products in America…”
“It sounds like to me that the FDA is in the way of personalized medicine. And in fact we know that if they’re going to make a medicine for me and it’s not for you then who would they test it on? Now you see what this might really be about is getting people in place so that the FDA mandate to regulate safe and effective drugs and medicines can be effectively invalidated by the combination of the COVID narrative, the corporate corruption and this idea that it’s a captured agency. And under the guise of coming to save us they’ll in fact remove all the teeth from this organization that actually does quite a bit of good. It’s just a theory…I think one of the things they might want is control over the FDA because that might allow them to make sure that intellectual property remains a protected commodity and that these recycled technologies that don’t have any place as new intellectual property (like mRNA) will never be revealed as old used technologies. And now imagine if this victim of The Truman Show, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was used as a pawn in this play to put scoundrels and meddlers in place so that the usefulness of the FDA could be neutered as we ‘fix it’…to permit this transition to personalized medicine…”
That was fantastic. Thanks, Douglas. Not to sound like a child but I'm in a hurry....
I like JJ Couey. Always have. There are some people who give off those well-meaning and trustworthy vibes and others you squint at immediately with suspicion. He needs to work on his jumper though. I could help him with that as a 2-time state champion. But man, what a scam they've been running on the Rockefeller med front, and the genome project! oof. It gets worse every decade and the lies are compounded by bigger lies all shielded by an injustice system. I'm glad he points viewers to the little clique of 'experts' still fashioning themselves as the go-tos on the "medical freedom" front. It'd be nice if it had a million views.
Hi Cyn, My claim to fame was GC's telling me that I had "Birthed" the "Pensioner Rate" on his site which exceeds "Faint Praise." We are fortunate to read his words.
Another truly magnificent and enlightening article Good Citizen I do believe you are my very Favorite writer these days Keep up the awesome writing with that sharp intellectual mind that you have You truly have a gift for this kind of writing for sure Thanks for all of your great work
While you mention Max Igan, Greg Reese, James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Jon Rappoport, or David Icke....they not as deep into the nested nexus of nattering dolls as Brendon O'Connell, who deserves a much merited shout-out and wider audience.
Very eloquently said, GC. A corollary to your point, is this mantra about an "awaking of the masses". There is no "awaking"...the controllers just pretty much dropped hiding stuff about 15 years ago. Only those completely zombified are believing the narrative these days.
All false-flags have a hero story included. I've always found the hero stories the most odious part of all the psy-ops...because the hero stories are so patronizingly degrading to the open-mouthed, gullible masses. I'm always waiting for that first story about the teacher shielding her students with her body. The gullible lap up this pablum like the treacle it is.
A bit off topic, but the "assassination" of the heath insurance CEO has all the earmarks of a psy-op. American CEOs have been stepping down and buying their bug-out bolt-holes in foreign countries for a few years now. What better way to disappear than to die? Watch it be blamed on revenge for a family member killed by the Jonestown jabs.
The worst part about 'The gullible lap up this pablum like the treacle it is.' Is going back in time to moments when I was that gullible fool, even if for only a week or a day on one psyop or another. I suppose the first step to escape sooner is recognizing it and not being ashamed to admit it.
The wealthy rats are definitely prepping for something.
All I can say is thank goodness these people and any like them, if they are what this article suggests, are not in control of the Planet's future. The Planet's future is controlled 100% by ENERGY, which is well on its way to throwing all and any arrogant manipulators of it under the bus.
We have arrived at the point where Energy's transformation of its field from Electromagnetic to Superconductive is well underway, and when this is finally completed none of their so-called technology will work because all their so-called high-tech depends on an Electromagnetic field.
It is only a matter of time when all will see this unfold in the finite, meantime stay alive and sane because you do not want to miss this.
Electromagnetic is a field that requires resistance to operate, wheras Superconductive is a field that operates with no resistance at all. The Technology today is created using Electromagnetic fields. This is why when our Planet switches fields from EM to SC today's technology will immediately 100% shut down. The future will operate with SC technology and the Earrth will become a healthier and happly place to live. How long this will take I do not know; however, I do know it will occur, and hopefully so we get to feel and see it.
The transition phase we are in as we speak is where the ride gets bumpy, which we can see all around us. Like any other major change it happens gradually at first; however, at some point along the way it happens ALL OF A SUDDEN.
Those you mention as closest to the truth are, as far as I can tell, secularists. Although clever and bright, I hear no spiritual insight from Webb or Corbett. We can drill down all day about who’s behind the curtain but in the end, there’s really only one truth. My Russian dolls include CS Lewis, Paul Kingsnorth, Martin Shaw, Richard Rohr, Seraphim Rose…
I don't know the authors you speak of, but I have followed Webb & Corbett since they hit the web. And you are right. They both are squarely over the target and are able to speak BECAUSE of that secularism. On the flip side, the spiritual authors are also allowed to preach. It's when you connect the two like E Michael Jones has done with his masterful body of works, that one becomes a persona non grata. And that is a dangerous position to be in. I suspect Webb & Corbett know that fully.
I canvas a lot, all over the place. Covid set me straight. Can't tell you, don't know why, but certain people weren't believable even tho their words were right. Speaking of words, someone told me I was throwing the baby out with the bath water, true, to be sure. I was and I do. It only takes a few buzz words for me to exit an otherwise astute article. Once those words come out, you've lost me, I'm done, and I'm sticking to it.
Also, and I know how this sounds, it's their countenance. I observe. Manner, dress, twitches, quirks, language, facial expressions, micro expressions tell me if you're a person of intelligence and truth or a flat-out bullshitter. Again, you have validated that expertise.
Everyone you mentioned from the get-go of covid, I ignored. Political leaders? On the same page, except for Gandhi, damn, didn't know that. Malcolm X? MLK couldn't shine his shoes. Hero's like Churchill (thanks to D Irving) FDR, Truman, Eisenhower , pigs all. It's the old timers who said it best. Solzhenitzen, Dostoyevsky, Wm Carr, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound, St Thomas Aquinas and a lot more said it all, named names, spelled it out as it all comes to fruition today. Technology has changed, unfortunately, but the message remains the same. A little bit of reading, OK, maybe a lot, goes a long way. Yesterdays handheld device. Books
"Yesterdays handheld device. Books."
Yeah! They don't need batteries, and they even run on solar - you just hold them up to the light.
Another fine work Citizen. Timely, accurate, relevant, pointed, important. Gattaca was well done.
I would add - human beings are worshippers by nature. It is how God wired us. We are spiritual beings first, physical ones second. Worship is spiritual in nature. It is unavoidable. Inevitable.
Part of the problem of despising the one who created you is that a perverted, disordered worship system will replace the one you were designed to exist within. All human beings are powerfully inclined to indulge this perversion, the result of Adam's fall. The ancients had better clarity, because they weren't inclined to lie about their spiritual nature. They called it idolatry.
Bottom line. When the one who created you is the only entity you truly worship, then politicians, sportsballers, actors, money, success, importance, legacy, whatever it is that you would potentially make an idol, falls away. The Holy Spirit provides discernment. The necessity for the false god withers away, its falsehood transparent.
If you truly love Truth, then you are necessarily inoculated against idolatry, or false heroes, as you describe them. At the same time, it is quite predictable, in a society that despises Truth, that every sort of idolatry would be rampant.
"The ancients had better clarity, because they weren't inclined to lie about their spiritual nature. They called it idolatry. Bottom line. When the one who created you is the only entity you truly worship, then politicians, sportsballers, actors, money, success, importance, legacy, whatever it is that you would potentially make an idol, falls away."
Excellent observations Jody! Superb. Thank you.
And sadly very true...
"it is quite predictable, in a society that despises Truth, that every sort of idolatry would be rampant."
Wow Jody... absolutely spot on. Those who truly have the discernment of the Holy Spirit will recognize Truth. Worshipping false idols (heros) is repugnant to those with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. That being said, most Christians do not have the Holy Spirit. It's not as easy as saying a few words, and then bingo, one gets the Holy Spirit. Knock and the door will be opened. What that means is, if one SINCERELY yearns for Truth, and persues Truth dodgedly and without flinching... eventually they will receive the Holy Spirit.
what a stupendously great article GC. this should be archived so it can be read for many future generations
What a brilliant and eloquent essay! I'm going to watch Gattaca again, with a keener eye this time. If you go for any long swims like that be sure to have a lifeguard nearby. Thank you for your insights. I have really appreciated Sage Hana also but lately so much anger and filthy language.
Thanks, Douglas. 🙏My first real job after pushing the family lawnmower around the neighborhood in summers from age 11-14 was as a lifeguard until college.
As with most other substacks, I selectively read Sage's posts, so I haven't caught the anger and profanity though I can sympathize. It’s frustrating to witness so many people jump from old manufactured heroes to new artificial ones in the blink of an eye with little examination. I've expressed exhaustion with all of it in recent months despite my best efforts to keep swimming.
Rewatched Gattaca last month, after not seeing it since the theater in 98'(?). While it was hardly noticed when it hit theaters and got no rave reviews, it has held up nicely over the past two decades.
Agreed, a rare gem, and what timing, eh?
I have the same issue with Sage. Thought he was a good researcher and informative; I will forever be grateful for the Day Tapes that are eye popping, time capsules of truth. Yet, he took a turn about 3-4 months ago. The rants, profanity, and God bashing…is a bridge too far for me. Yet, I think he does it much of the time to make people think he is unhinged and he may be but still it is offensive.
Do you who Sage Hana really is? Several people have called her "he" and others "she." Just curious.
A brilliant exposition but I wouldn't trust any substack writer asking for donations or paid subscriptions no matter how poverty stricken they may be...no matter how enlightening their particular brand of sh*t may be; and it is as much sh*t as anyone else's because it is immediately compromised the moment there is any degree of public funding that supposedly enables free speech which really isn't free anymore if one is even asked to donate a cup of coffee; otherwise we have little more than the never-ending variations and brands of the Wellness Company and the countless shills for products that Big Pharma is still propagandizing and killing us with.
Thanks, Tony. And 100% understandable,
Though in my defense, at least I'm not peddling unfounded fears, and then trying to sell you the amygdala balm.
I understand your sentiment Tony, but it's a little harsh.
It can take a lot of time to produce good content, and someone who has a history of publishing thoughtful, honest, well-organized information deserves a bit of support now and then.
Everyone's gotta eat.
Absolutely agree. My personal feeling is that folks should just be grateful that someone is reading their thoughts and ideas. There is so much content online, simply giving of one's time is payment enough.
I absolutely love this essay. So beautifully written 🙏 Funnily enough, I also love Gattaca and think of it often when bemoaning the lack of decent films. I also remember when I watched it on first release like it was yesterday. I was heavily pregnant with my first child, my daughter, and throughout the film she was flipping around like a dolphin. It was the weirdest sensation! Now, reading your essay and being reminded of the film, I understand why 😊
While I have long had doubts regarding Malone, McCullough, Kennedy and others that you mentioned, I also suspect that your trust in Sage Hana may be misplaced. It seems to me that he may be both controlled opposition and a chaos agent.
I don't trust anyone I've never met, but if someone writes truths on their substack, I'll share them with others. "Don't play hero ball" is good advice people should have followed years ago, including myself.
Can't argue with that.
Sage is sage for a good reason
'' I also 'suspect' that your trust in Sage Hana 'may be' misplaced. It 'seems' to me that he 'may' be 'both' controlled opposition and a chaos agent.'' Well, that's rather vague and hardly worthy of trust, V. Who's zoomin' who?
Didn't expand on Malone, McCullough or Kennedy either but you don't seem to have a problem with that. You also don't say why I should trust Sage Hana. Methinks you're the one who's zoomin'.
Good point, but GC already covered M,M and K, so it's moot imo. I didn't say to trust Sage Hana, did I? I'm not zoomin', just wondering why you would plant seeds of mistrust based on ''seems and may be's.''
I make a habit of using qualifiers such as "seems and may be's" because the only people who know the truth regarding most situations are the ones who were actually involved.
That said, if you must know, my suspicions regarding Sage Hana were first aroused because he seemed to be misleading people regarding his sex, presenting as a female persona when he is in fact a man, one who is on the chubby and homely side if that was actually him in those photos. (More qualifiers!) Others also spoke out about this perceived deception. (If memory serves, he came clean regarding his sex because it was an issue for other people.) I also have a problem with him because of the way he has attacked those who contradict him. (Once again, if memory serves, Mathew Crawford of Rounding The Earth is one of the people who has been targeted by Sage Hana.)
Whether or not he is deliberately acting as controlled opposition or a chaos agent, obviously, this is something I can't possibly know, hence the qualifiers. Maybe (another qualifier!) this is a case of Cluster B personality disorders, and the deceptions and attacks are simply acting out on his part.
Ok, thanks. The male/female thing was certainly an eye-opener, but I guess not unheard of in the cyber world of deception. Actually, it was M Crawford who ''outted'' SH. I didn't follow that situation closely, but it was definitely weird because it seemed (qualifier) that they kind of knew each other before their mutual shit hit the fan. I don't read much of SH anymore, mostly because I went deaf and a large portion of the content there is in videos that I'm unable to ''get.'' The attacks on other folks and/or foul language don't bother me much. All that being said, she-then-he was really the first , for me, to shine the spotlight on Malone and others as well as to stress the ''Hero Ball'' thing. For that alone, I greatly appreciate her/his efforts. There are very, very few who I actually trust these days. Good Citizen is one.
Sorry that you lost your hearing. That has to be rough.
Also, we agree on the Good Citizen.
Then you obviously haven’t read Sage
Lol. You should take a nap.
“heaping loaf of asshole bread”
Wow - there are so many to choose from but this paper is definitely one of your best yet. As for me, I indeed engaged in hero worship all across the spectrum - especially in the alt-right/conspiracy theory realm, but finally had an epiphany and ditched them all a couple of years ago. I don’t hide who I am; I speak my mind; I don’t give a shit if I offend anyone when slaying their sacred cows, whether it’s face to face or needless to say the digital strangers online. I believe our Creator holds with the highest esteem those who would die defending truth. I guess it’s because of my disgust living on the sheep farm that I've come to this state of mind. I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Not that I’m a nihilist; I do believe a life of virtue and justice is worth “fighting” for; it’s just that I no longer waste my time and emotional energy trying to change people’s minds. I’ll send people pointers to consequential works like yours, but that’s about it. The intellectually lazy will get what’s coming to them but tough shit, we all get what we deserve in the end.
Meanwhile, "Omar Jordan" has a bunch of papers stowed away here that expose some of the “heroes” you’ve mentioned: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKjXScNVfVdvXjG7UjwYzxbtNjnnwt33G9sPEwfrNuE/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0. N.B. - Miles Mathis is on the list, and Jordan's paper on him raises some concerns, but Mathis (I don’t think he is fronting a committee) is a major, but obscure, hero-buster and IMO his catalog is definitely worth a look, if nothing more than to provide a different perspective on a given topic.
You’re a Capricorn One kook? 🤣
One small step for television programming and mind control, one giant leap for gullibility.
JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com. Have you seen his work….also no longer playing heroball. Fixed pensioner here.
Yes, I watch him now and again. Last summer (23') I made a video post of his analysis of the planned "reveal" Weinstein podcast that introduced Malone and Kirsch to the world in June 21'. It wasn't very popular here. People have a hard time letting go of "heroes."
J. J. Couey's latest video on the basketball court is amazing. I tried to capture his main points here:
Dr. J. J. Couey, PhD – “They had to orchestrate an elaborate hoax where there was a novel virus.” https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/2F3jNf6Db1BTmyTtwhurf5
Remember in early 2020 how the mockingbird media was always using that phrase ‘novel virus’? The noble goal is personalized medicine, but the criminals are determined to use the failed “old used” mRNA technology to get us there and still have patents on intellectual property so they can make billions while millions continue dying in the process.
“The Human Genome Project was nothing more than an exaggeration at best. They didn’t really complete anything. And in the end it was supposed to rationalize the sequencing of every genome, the collecting of every genome. It was supposed to rationalize the personalization of medicine, and transfection and transformation represent the methodologies that they intended to use for that personalized medicine. And because transfection and transformation were old technologies they weren’t ready and legally available for patenting. They’re not intellectual property that could be protected through patent. And so they had to orchestrate an elaborate hoax where there was a novel virus with novel properties that would need novel solutions. And then they had to present these DARPA technologies as novel technologies that had never been brought to market before. And that’s why they used words like ‘safe and effective’ consistently, because the mandate of the FDA is specifically to regulate the safety and efficacy of products in America…”
“It sounds like to me that the FDA is in the way of personalized medicine. And in fact we know that if they’re going to make a medicine for me and it’s not for you then who would they test it on? Now you see what this might really be about is getting people in place so that the FDA mandate to regulate safe and effective drugs and medicines can be effectively invalidated by the combination of the COVID narrative, the corporate corruption and this idea that it’s a captured agency. And under the guise of coming to save us they’ll in fact remove all the teeth from this organization that actually does quite a bit of good. It’s just a theory…I think one of the things they might want is control over the FDA because that might allow them to make sure that intellectual property remains a protected commodity and that these recycled technologies that don’t have any place as new intellectual property (like mRNA) will never be revealed as old used technologies. And now imagine if this victim of The Truman Show, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was used as a pawn in this play to put scoundrels and meddlers in place so that the usefulness of the FDA could be neutered as we ‘fix it’…to permit this transition to personalized medicine…”
That was fantastic. Thanks, Douglas. Not to sound like a child but I'm in a hurry....
I like JJ Couey. Always have. There are some people who give off those well-meaning and trustworthy vibes and others you squint at immediately with suspicion. He needs to work on his jumper though. I could help him with that as a 2-time state champion. But man, what a scam they've been running on the Rockefeller med front, and the genome project! oof. It gets worse every decade and the lies are compounded by bigger lies all shielded by an injustice system. I'm glad he points viewers to the little clique of 'experts' still fashioning themselves as the go-tos on the "medical freedom" front. It'd be nice if it had a million views.
YES!!!! He is the real deal.....
Hi Cyn, My claim to fame was GC's telling me that I had "Birthed" the "Pensioner Rate" on his site which exceeds "Faint Praise." We are fortunate to read his words.
Another truly magnificent and enlightening article Good Citizen I do believe you are my very Favorite writer these days Keep up the awesome writing with that sharp intellectual mind that you have You truly have a gift for this kind of writing for sure Thanks for all of your great work
Thanks for these kind words Bonnie 🙏
You are very welcome
While you mention Max Igan, Greg Reese, James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Jon Rappoport, or David Icke....they not as deep into the nested nexus of nattering dolls as Brendon O'Connell, who deserves a much merited shout-out and wider audience.
Agreed! For sure the list could have been much longer.
Very eloquently said, GC. A corollary to your point, is this mantra about an "awaking of the masses". There is no "awaking"...the controllers just pretty much dropped hiding stuff about 15 years ago. Only those completely zombified are believing the narrative these days.
All false-flags have a hero story included. I've always found the hero stories the most odious part of all the psy-ops...because the hero stories are so patronizingly degrading to the open-mouthed, gullible masses. I'm always waiting for that first story about the teacher shielding her students with her body. The gullible lap up this pablum like the treacle it is.
A bit off topic, but the "assassination" of the heath insurance CEO has all the earmarks of a psy-op. American CEOs have been stepping down and buying their bug-out bolt-holes in foreign countries for a few years now. What better way to disappear than to die? Watch it be blamed on revenge for a family member killed by the Jonestown jabs.
The worst part about 'The gullible lap up this pablum like the treacle it is.' Is going back in time to moments when I was that gullible fool, even if for only a week or a day on one psyop or another. I suppose the first step to escape sooner is recognizing it and not being ashamed to admit it.
The wealthy rats are definitely prepping for something.
All I can say is thank goodness these people and any like them, if they are what this article suggests, are not in control of the Planet's future. The Planet's future is controlled 100% by ENERGY, which is well on its way to throwing all and any arrogant manipulators of it under the bus.
We have arrived at the point where Energy's transformation of its field from Electromagnetic to Superconductive is well underway, and when this is finally completed none of their so-called technology will work because all their so-called high-tech depends on an Electromagnetic field.
It is only a matter of time when all will see this unfold in the finite, meantime stay alive and sane because you do not want to miss this.
Wow, really do hope that's true about the tech not working, can't hardly wait to see that
The pysics of my statement is this:
Electromagnetic is a field that requires resistance to operate, wheras Superconductive is a field that operates with no resistance at all. The Technology today is created using Electromagnetic fields. This is why when our Planet switches fields from EM to SC today's technology will immediately 100% shut down. The future will operate with SC technology and the Earrth will become a healthier and happly place to live. How long this will take I do not know; however, I do know it will occur, and hopefully so we get to feel and see it.
The transition phase we are in as we speak is where the ride gets bumpy, which we can see all around us. Like any other major change it happens gradually at first; however, at some point along the way it happens ALL OF A SUDDEN.
Those you mention as closest to the truth are, as far as I can tell, secularists. Although clever and bright, I hear no spiritual insight from Webb or Corbett. We can drill down all day about who’s behind the curtain but in the end, there’s really only one truth. My Russian dolls include CS Lewis, Paul Kingsnorth, Martin Shaw, Richard Rohr, Seraphim Rose…
I don't know the authors you speak of, but I have followed Webb & Corbett since they hit the web. And you are right. They both are squarely over the target and are able to speak BECAUSE of that secularism. On the flip side, the spiritual authors are also allowed to preach. It's when you connect the two like E Michael Jones has done with his masterful body of works, that one becomes a persona non grata. And that is a dangerous position to be in. I suspect Webb & Corbett know that fully.