All of that applies as well to the monstrous dastardly inefficient , dangerous and unhealthy wind turbines. They've taken over our once beautiful midwest farms. I'm surrounded. I can tell you first hand how these work, or rather don't work. All bullshit and in the same class as EVs.

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It turns out that the energy that has to be supplied to wind turbines to keep them running often exceeds the amount of energy they produce.

For example, in Scotland, wind turbines have gobbled up more energy from diesel generators than they produce during winter months, when the energy from the diesel gens is needed to de-ice the turbines.

Even in Australia, where there are no de-icing problems, a whistle-blower recently revealed their wind turbines had to be fuelled with more energy than they produce to maintain the momentum needed to overcome stall inertia. (To understand "stall inertia," think about the energy needed to get a car going again after you've come to a full stop.)

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Exactly! Yet try to explain that to anyone that believes the propaganda. I watch these, and hear the brakes comes on, instantly stopping them, then them starting up again, and it's NOT the wind powering them. This happens multiple times a day. Then they have to spin directions to match the changes in wind direction. These have no massive batteries to store any energy they might once in a while produce. Crazy that no one ever questions anything.

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Not to mention the beautiful birds killed. It’s sickening!

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in central costa rica there is a giant wind farM. I saw it. its incredibly loud. they say for this location it works cause its on a high windy mountain ridge... i understand it really does generate a good amount of electricioty.. SOme places it might make sense

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Even then long term the maintenance costs, short life spans, decommission and disposal costs far exceed any generation of power. As Warren Buffet said long ago, without government subsidies it would make no sense to invest in turbines as they are not self sustainable.

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My somewhat limited research about the costa rica turbines seems to suggest that in that particular situation they are actually economically viable. They were incredibly LOUD

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It's possible, but from what I know about the entire industry and the turbines themselves, in the long run they don't pay for themselves. The turbines here vary a LOT in noise, both from turbine to turbine but also depending on wind direction, strength of the wind, temperature, all sorts of input seems to change the noise in both sound and intensity. Sometimes it's a whoosh whoosh thump thump, other times it's a whine and whrrr, other's it's incredibly loud roaring. Then there are vibrations. It seems that the engineers either didn't factor in the friction on the blade edges in design or perhaps their material sources simply aren't sufficient to hold up, but the blades wear incredibly fast, much sooner than the stated lifespan. And, when these need replacements, they have to rebuild all of these roads and corners again to get the equipment in here, then tear them back out and replace dirt and grass. It's absurd.

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Insanity never makes sense, and facts don't care about feelings.

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Yep and we are not paying for maintenance on the Windy's either. My friend did that and she got paid good money. We can't afford it.

We're broke. 👍🍻

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Each and every “green” energy program is a complete scam. The devastation caused by mining the minerals for the batteries for these ridiculous EV’s is actually horrifying. The stupid inefficient windmills require more energy to make and maintain and will never recoup the costs and the grotesque damage to the environment. There are also huge windmill blade graveyards everywhere. The blades don’t last and of course cannot be recycled. The solar farms have a relatively short lifespan and are also made from extremely toxic materials. There is no plan to expend any effort whatsoever to properly dispose of these tons and tons of extremely toxic materials The unbelievably corrupt, greedy, lizard psychopath globalist cabal are literally destroying the planet and humanity itself at an astonishing rate. The only solace is knowing that after they have finished their dirt they will turn on each other like the depraved jackels that they are.

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We must have been typing at the same time. Ditto to everything you state. The one difference between electric vehicles and wind turbines is that those buying a vehicle have a choice. Also, the health damages aren't quite as widespread as from a turbine. People don't realize what infrasound does to living beings of all species, as well as the deaths from the blades spinning, the weather changes they create, the interference with weather radar, the ground water disturbances, and so much more.

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I despise turbines and those ev driving ppl that have bumper stickers advocating for them. I've always wondered how much the landowners are being paid to put these on their properties. 🤔 I'd imagine it's mostly farmers and they're being screwed by the government so they figure why not finally get paid for being screwed? Or perhaps they fine them for not allowing them to "harvest" wind energy?

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I just watched a video of a golden eagle getting its wing hacked by a wind turbine prop. It fell to the ground and flailed helplessly. Truly disturbing thing for a beautiful bird and apparently it happens far more often than the retard climate cultists will admit.

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The "renewable energy" schemes are just devastating to local ecosystems. Cabal will kill the planet to save it...

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It’s absolutely sickening. I connect with birds everyday on my long walks. I love the pigeons, seagulls, ravens, sparrows , hummingbirds…they are FREE!

Birds and animals are God/Creator’s gift to us. To me, they are perfect ✝️🕊️🦅!

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There’s a fella in California - I can’t remember his name - who’s been campaigning against wind turbines and drawing attention to the damage they do to birds, particularly eagles, for decades, and yet, here we are. It’s the same in Australia, the relentless march towards ‘net zero’ (which no politician can define) is causing the devastation of the environment it claims to be ‘saving’. I get so depressed by it, and the hordes of people who have succumbed to the ideological brainwashing, I simply have to shut off.

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It's a pretty complicated issue and the contracts are all different and very deceptive. There is a lot of "used car " sales tactics used and these are planned many years in advance of anyone else in the area knowing. I spent many months, all day every day, researching as soon as I found out these were planned all around me, and I mean within 1200 to 1500 ft of me, all directions. I was not only shocked at what I found, and the fact that all of the negatives have been known for many decades, but also very angry. My local State Representatives wouldn't even come to our meetings, and it was in the same town as she lives, and wouldn't speak with us, but at the same time saying she'd researched both sides and supported these turbines. Now, I have to say, there is NO WAY anyone could research both sides and support these. It's like saying after a full in depth research of CV19 and governments and "independent" agencies and big pharma that you believe with all your heart that they are indeed honest and only concerned about our welfare. Not only were our roads destroyed for two years, and still are, but our lives disrupted forever. These farmers are fooled. Most regret what they did but they are not allowed to speak about any of it. They do not just sign away the few acres a turbine is on, for decades at minimum, but the entire farm. Want to put up another grain bin? Think again. Elderly couples were convinced they'd have secured income for their future generations if they signed up for these. Wrong again. It's criminal. The facts are quite clear. They maim and kill, both by the instant hits of the blades but also over time by the infrasound. The animals will start having stillbirths, deformed fetuses, become infertile themselves, and more. Humans will get thickened fascia and become ill with all sorts of symptoms that doctors won't identify. Back in 2003 a study was done where the government advised all doctors to be trained to identify and treat the damage from these. Of course nothing was done. They run when there's no wind, they don't run when it's windy, they start and stop all of the time using power FROM the grid, not power they have generated. Alread one has falled over and collapsed spewing pieces everywhere and another had all the blades break off. Quite common. The yield in one field that know of is greatly reduced and the farmer regrets having the turbine there. Many farmers have not been paid and checks bounced across the country. The noises are incredibly loud at times. When they catch on fire, and they do, they just have to let them burn because they can't reach 600 to 700 feet up in the air. The black toxic smoke premeates the entire area for days and days. And that's if it doesn't catch the hay fields on fire, too. And the birds. Oh, yes, the birds. Look up the eagle repository in the US. I can tell you that NO ONE here is monitoring the areas under the turbines for the birds injured and killed as they're required to do and as they claim they do. There is also the stray voltage issue. I guess you get the point, no need to go into it all. There are hundreds more already approved to go in across Missouri, and another 80 just a few miles from me. The farmers are required to dismantle them if decommissioned. Guess how much that costs......Yes, it's far worse than electric vehicles. Oh, and guess what ? Not a single politician on any level lives near one.

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Your research is amazing. No politician will go against the green scam, they are funded by the fraudsters. It has always astonished me how people whose identity is wrapped around virtue signaling will immediately sacrifice the truth. They will even sacrifice their children to be mutilated and suffer a lifetime of pain to the transition butchers. The EV people completely ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate how EV’s are fare worse than conventional powered vehicles are. The vaccine pushers caused untold suffering. My wife keeps telling me the world must have gone through a portal to a dimension ruled by stupidity and evil.

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Ha, if only your wife was correct, maybe we could go back through that portal! I see more research coming for myself.....

I think, however, at least for hundreds if not thousands (or more) years, stupidity and evil have always ruled, or at least attempted to. I wonder if there really aren't any more ignorant, (willful or otherwise) people than there ever were, percentage wise, and it's just that we have such easy access to witness it on a much larger and widespread level. I know my mother, several years ago, who at the time was in her 80's, told me that people are just like they've always been, there are just more of them. When our individual worlds were much smaller we were more oblivious to the greater evil and stupidity, and that's why, for an increasing amount, I am retreating from these systems. Self preservation....

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Wow. Impressive and horrifying information. I'm sorry you have to live so close to them. They always remind of a bad scifi movie when I drive through them.

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Thank you for telling us about what has happened in your area. Every professional journo where you live should have to give you a portion of their (wholly unearned) salary.

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We asked the local newspapers and tv to come to our meeting. One came, guess what they broadcast? Our letters to the editor were not published and any articles where residents were "interviewed" were so edited and censored to only show one side that it was sickening. Pretty telling for such a small rural area. Corruption knows no limits.

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They are putting them in the Atlantic Ocean just several miles off shore and cabling underwater to land many miles away. It is horrific.

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Yes, I'd seen that. I try to just ignore it all anymore, it's so disheartening and I learned it eats up my life with zero change to anything, even most people's understanding of it all. The evidence is already clear what these do to underwater life, just as land based life. Many in the industry, the actual on the ground workers, know the harm, but continue because of the excellent paycheck. No different I guess than all of the medical and agency personnel who kept on with the deadly protocols during the last 4 years of the scandemic, as well as the previous two centuries and the ones still to come, while knowing, if not intellectually at least in their gut, that they were engaging in harmful and deadly practices.

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Yes, there is a way she could research both sides and be for the turbines. Are yo familiar with the concept of bribery?

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That's not being for the turbines. That's corruption, not the same thing. This particular lady and her husband who was the Representative before she was, are both well loved in the small community, generally helpful, compassionate, "God-fearing" , giving, and the like. The husband said the same thing about the flu vax....that he studied it carefully and "trusted" the friends and family in the medical profession......

Yes, certainly bribery exists, that just wasn't the case here, although throughout the upper levels in the state it clearly is. Pockets lined all the way on the sides with the highest vote. She and her husband "researched" just like other people do, believing the industry sales pitches and covered up data. They have no clue how to REALLY dig.

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The reps who believe the industry sales pitches and all the "nice" people out there need to get over themselves and learn to listen to the big bad engineers - who unfortunately have to tell them what they don't want to hear.

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Well said Maxxx!!!!👿

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South park did this with the Prius


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Classic. "I drive a hybrid." Reminds me of all those hollywood douche bags like Bill Maher for the past twenty years.

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my wife bought a prius 3-4 years into the model s intro. The car is reliable safe roomy and comforable. It routinely got 50 MPG + Very low maintenance. Toyota had a winning model with this prius. Even toyota has said they think electric only vehicles are a waste.

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Toyota and Honda are the best cars. Hybrids are great choices, and economically practical which is I why I chose one for the comparison. It's those virtue signaling douche bags who think they're better people for "saving the planet" that need a return to earth.

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I have a Jetta TDI, It gets 55 mpg and is simple, no electric motor, no battery and it cost $19,000 when I bought it. It's over 200k miles now and never had a single issue with it.

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I had a Chevy Nova in college ( it was basically a Toyota Corolla) and it got 50 miles per gallon and was easy and cheap to fix.

I have to wonder if the current reduction in gas mileage in similar vehicles today is due to a change in emissions standards, and if so how much much of a reduction in those emissions is subsequently negated by the fact that the overall gas mileage for these vehicles has dropped by at least 30%?

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I cannot remember where I read it but peak ICE performance was the 90s. CAFE standards have driven safety and efficiency into the toilet in the name of stopping emissions.

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Great article brother. Eric Peters recently wrote an article about the gayness of the electric Dodge Charger: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2024/03/06/the-gay-muscle-car/ I drive an 09 Challenger R/T and they'll have to pry the steering wheel out of my cold dead hands before I give it up. Really don't get how "progressives" cannot understand the ecological damage caused by the mining of the needed components for the batteries of these monstrosities, then again they also think it's okay for men to pretend to be women so their disassociation from concrete reality is truly obscene.

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“The new Charger will be the quickest and most powerful muscle car you can buy.” No. It will be the quickest and most powerful battery powered device masquerading as a muscle car you can buy. Just like Rachel Levine is masquerading as something he isn’t.

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if the federal dept of transportation and energy was abolished and all taxes on energy were stopped and all federal and state laws and regs regarding pollution and envonromental protection were abolished we'd eventually have much more efficient cleaner energy and transportation.

THe current regulatory framework exists for patronage and to entrench special interests.

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..."Has Tesla become a consumer symbol of stupidity, depravity, and obnoxiousness in our twenty-first-century late-stage empire clown world?"...you bet your Viking funeral it has. Nothing will ever replace that Milner pic.

No one talks about the infrastructure build out that will be needed to support 100 million EV's. They want to build out the green tyranny grid to support this. What a freaking joke. The grid is aging rapidly and its upgrade falling way behind due to costs.

The EV is nothing more than another electronic prison on wheels. The more digital you become, the less life you have and the easier you are controlled.

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More anecdotal evidence that the EV trend may be waning -- they're building a Buc-ee's (a veritable shrine to gasoline) just outside the liberal mecca of Chapel Hill, NC.

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Great article, GC. Fuck that Jew, Tranny Elon Musk, the darling of the blowhard con-artist-servatives and fuck his DARPA wire pullers. For all of his unearned shekels, Musk is just an errand "boy" for the overlords of the Hebraic Cryptocracy he slavishly serves.

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Why does my residential electric company keep sending me emails about "upgrading" my vehicle to an EV one? What stake do they have in it? Oh right... they get to reap the rewards and eventually have the "power" to cut me off any time they want. No thank you. I'm not buying into this nonsense.

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The "Green Revolution" is just warfare by another name.

In traditional and modern warfare, they is always a minority of people who make money off bombing the shit out of all the infrastructure - and then, they make money building it all back.

They're doing the same thing with the "renewable energy" scam - breaking apart all the infrastructure of our society: damaging roads with heavy EVs, blowing up buildings with aging LI-ion battery bombs, putting ethanol in gasoline to destroy any engine that doesn't use it up quickly enough.

And then they build "renewable" energy infrastructure - fields of solar panels, wind turbine farms, EV charging stations - all of which are unreliable at best and can never re-coup the energy put into building them in the first place.

Green Grifter Al Gore was worth $1.7 million in 1999. By 2013, he was worth $200 million. Tells you everything you need to know.

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Any thoughts/opinions on whether "fossil fuels" are really from fossils?

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Have no idea. My instincts are the same with most questions these days... "They've lied about everything else, so..."

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No, look into it if you are interested. As well, oil, coal, water, are all infinite. Just more lies to keep everyone fearful and under their thumb.

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Seems like another lie, though I’m no scientist. Back in the 70’s when I was in elementary school they taught us that we were on the verge of running out of oil. Seems to me that was total b.s. as the earths population has gone way up and the oil keeps flowing 40 years later with no stopping in sight. I don’t even think they speak about it in those terms anymore. Only reasonable assumption is that crude oil is not dinosaur bones, and is created some other way under the ground.

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Exactly! As is water. There is no, and will not be, any true scarcity. Locally, yes, as in droughts from no rainfall and the like, but that's weather patterns, which also are not natural anymore, but that's another story in itself. It's all just stories, isn't it.....

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While all of the above is accurate, what it comes down to for me is that I don't drive appliances. Particularly ones that spy on or control my movement.

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One other comment about the turbines, just an FYI, (sorry about hijacking the EV article), is that these actually are criminal. They are well documented to be a serious health hazard to humans as well as other species. They interfere with profits of livestock farmers whether cows, hogs, sheep, mink, or any other livestock. People think they can do whatever they want on their own land but this isn't true. No one can endanger the life of another nor interfere with their right for reasonable peaceful living. As the old saying goes, "my right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins". It takes big bucks or a good pro bono attorney to win, although a few rare cases have.

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There's no hijacking comments. The more the better for all.

And what an eyesore on the landscape these crimes against nature and humanity are. When driving through Spain they never seemed to end. Made it difficult to enjoy the vineyards and olive groves.

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Eyesores, indeed! And that's bad enough in itself. When the full moon shows above the horizon guess what is right in front of it....turbine blades. Same for sun and moon sets, flocks of geese, there just is nothing natural left undisturbed. I've learned to somewhat ignore the noises, and the flashing lights, just because there is no other choice, but my heart still aches for what we've lost, every day. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks, btw, for all you do with this SS. I don't think I've ever properly expressed my gratitude.

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Anarchists with C4? It's fun to dream. At some point there's got to be a revolution. Something. Anything.

No need. It's a pleasure, and I really don't thank you all enough for being here.

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Total bullshit fossil fuel cocksleeve much?

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Great article GC--obvious that you did a bunch of homework to produce it. Since my 06 matrix and my 09 f-150 are running fine, my intent is to not have to buy another vehicle during my lifetime (77 now). Since I don't drive but 6,000 - 8,000 a year any more ( after a 40 year working career of an average 100,000 /yr) that is entirely possible. However, if I do get a wild hair and start shopping, it will be for a good used hybrid--only vehicle that really makes sense anymore.

Since all this hype about renewable power---ie. wind and solar -- doesn't ever mention the vast amount of toxic chemicals that go into the manufacturing of the turbines and panels and that the end result of these monstrous eyesores (after a 20-25 yr lifespan ) is a landfill, the public is really being sold a bag of shit.

Seems to me that we are now in the end game the globalist have been playing for 50 years or more. Our children are no longer given a proper education thanks to state control of curriculum, and the "wokeness" now pervades every level from preschool to the graduate degrees. Even hint at thinking for one's self results in prescription compliance --we'll tell you what to think, and what to believe thank you very much. I suppose it may get to the point of not being allowed to exhale that poisonous pollutant that nature designed us to breath out.

Only solution to the Wests problem that I see is revolution. Been way too many years without.

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The tree of liberty doth need refreshing. A lot of bags of shit being sold for too long now.

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Thank you Good Citizen for this essay as I am now a bit wiser and a heck of a lot less gay, when it comes to EVs.

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