Too many people still do not know this tragic story, but only know the lies of the victors. My relatives suffered the assault against Germany. But now some are so brainwashed that they believe the victor's lies.

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Nice job GC - We often know our history from just one, rather myopic, perspective. Thanks for the broader perspective!

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“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”

—Napoleon Bonaparte

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Very interesting. Poles and Ukrainians would point out that history did not begin in 1920 or 2014. Overlooked in your essay are the brutal, dehumanizing partition of Poland, and Russia's less-than-gentle treatment of their "little brothers" throughout the years, especially the unfortunate mass, deliberate starvation in the early '30s.

US Americans, I fear, will soon get to experience some of this first hand, as our traitorous ruling class sides with (and deliberately stokes resentment among) minorities and migrants.

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Poland’s history is complex. A proud and brave people who were often pawns in other greater powers plans. Their blind trust in the British and hubris rooted in fervent nationalsim was used against them. Their treatment by Communists was far worse than Germans, though not without reprisals for their mistreatment of Germans which is more the point of this post that is never taught in Western 'official history'. They certainly weren't innocent victims or bystanders and maintained an unreasonable stance on a city that cost them their nation for fifty years...again. But the nationalist Poles today are wiser, recently telling that Israeli rat puppet Blinken to get lost, "take a hike! young Poles will not be sacrificed for your wars."

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Yes, Polish resentment for the Russians is off the charts. Solzhenitsyn would point out that it wasn't the Russians, but there was bad blood between Poland and Russia before the Communists walked on history's stage.

Sadly for Poland, they have tied their future to the dying, perverse American Empire. Young people in Poland are no different from their morally broken brethren in western Europe and the US. Poland would have been better off siding with their fellow Slavs to the east, but righteous anger over the previous 45 years made it impossible.

Pope JPII was deeply saddened that Poland had pushed away from Communism only to embrace the worse aspects of western "freedom."

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Well said and sadly true. I even tried to broach this with Poles while living there but there were few minds open beyond what entered the ear canal. Their last election of a year ago was sketchy. A globalist new party akin to Macrons en Marche emerged out of nowhere months before, completely astroturfed to lure young people away from the nationalists to give the globalists their historical pawn back. Now that lispy retard Tusk is back in the driver seat. No elections are free and fair anymore.

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Yet another tragedy unfolding for a country grown accustomed to them over the last few centuries.

"Poland is Not Yet Lost," so says its national anthem, but in all its tragic history, Poland has never faced an enemy as ruthless and evil as the globalists. They're coming for all of us.

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The globalists are an old enemy they've faced before, I believe. Weall have, I guess, for a long time. The Treaty of Versailles implemented a Saturday Sabbath in Poland, if I remember correctly, which must have raised some eyebrows in Catholic Poland.

I was struck reading GC's piece about the prominent role played by propaganda and inflammatory rhetoric. I'll bet it was of the "let's you and him fight" variety.

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When you wrote that phrase - let’s you and him fight - a couple of posts back on your stack, it was one of those truisms that is like the proverbial lightbulb moment. I’ve been using it ever since in comments and private face to face conversations.

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Democracy can probably work in small, homogeneous places deciding whether to repaint the bleachers at the high school, but it clearly has not worked for us. 58 standing ovations in an hour for the bloodiest war criminal on the planet? Stick a fork in it.

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Can anyone say, Democracy Now aka NGO's. Kicked out of Russia I believe.

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Orthodox Russia was resented by Catholics in the West. This one reason is at the core of the trouble, and it is coupled with geouwish banksters resentment of Russia and you can conclude the reality of the current hysteria.

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Bankers' resentment of Russia does play a large part in this current strife. They have little regard for the Ukrainians, too, whose lives they are profligately spending to strike at their ancient foe. Two Slavic peoples dying like flies. Win win, for the bankers.

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I'm curious as to what the worse aspects of western "freedom" are? I argue that they are not freedom at all but license.

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Indulging in all manner of vice.

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You're right to say, "Poles and Ukrainians would point out that history did not begin in 1920 or 2014," but it is even more complicated than that.

It's not really correct to say that Russians starved the Ukrainians during the Holodomor. It was Jewish Bolsheviks who pulled that off - at both the leadership level (Lazar Kaganovich), and the level of implementation (75% of the Cheka members who were confiscating grain and food from the Ukrainian peasants were Jews). Stalin was not a Russian, but an ethnic Georgian.

The same pattern of Jews and non-Russian ethnics suppressing both Russians and Ukrainians holds for the entire early Soviet period. Russian peasants were also starved to death by the Bolsheviks.

It all gets pretty messy, because the "locals" do get involved in doing the bidding of the evil overlords. For example, some Ukrainian peasants were ratting out the wealthier peasant farmers among them, known as Kulaks, to Soviet authorities in the late 1920s. I just mention this by way of example - you could probably rhyme off half a dozen more examples of the same kind of thing.

I think there are two things that underlie the problems in these situations - evil leadership (obviously), and what I would call "covetous underlings" who take advantage of a short-term opportunity to screw people they envy.

It's a long conversation, and not an easy one. But I am heartened that thanks to substackers like GC and commentators like you, these issues are being discussed more openly and honestly.

What really confounds me is that modern-day Ukrainians seem to lack the wisdom to see that Zelensky - a Jew being backed by other Jews (Soros, Nudelman, the list goes on) - is leading them down a very harrowing path. Ethnically, Ukrainians and Russians hail from the same Slavic group, whereas Jews have by and large traditionally been a kind of predator class within both societies.

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Excellent comment.

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The Biden inauguration was loaded with symbolism. Harris dressed in purple, most people completely ignoring Biden and giving recognition to Harris. I was surprised to not see Biden ousted out of the office early and get her in, but her time may yet come. But it was the Latino Jennifer Lopez singing “this land is your land, this land is OUR land” that caught my attention. At the time it seemed like predictive programming, that the Latinos would soon be making this their land. Then it was Garth Brooks singing Amazing Grace (can’t recall if he performed before or after Lopez). He was the image of a white (himself), Christian (amazing grace), American (the cowboy). When he finished his song, he bolted off the stage, as though to predictively project the flight of the white Christian male in America.

And that’s the point of so much of what is being done overtly with the immigration invasion throughout western Christian countries.

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Serbia 2.0 coming our way

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Two things about the "targeted starvation":

As the russian empire went violently into communism - there were no "two different people" that one of them could deliberately starve the other. They were all russians under communist rule and hungered together.

Ukraine is a founding member of the ussr that they so strongly condemn to be "all russian", even though throughout the years "ukrainians" were staunch participants and high up members of the USSR, with at least two party leaders coming from there.

Fun Fact: The borders Ukrainians love so much as Ukraine were randomly drawn by Lenin as purely administrative borders.

Btw, in almost 3 generations noone cared for the starvation, until it was useful to fuel hatred for people not involved it whatsoever.

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Don't forget the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 16th century. The Poles had their era of conquest and subjugation of foreign peoples too. No country is completely innocent and blameless once you look at their total history.

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Excellent work, GC. I've always known it was a false narrative but hadn't delved as deep as you've done here. Thanks for the education. And the parallels to Ukraine are so obvious it would take a retard not to notice. Oh, wait...

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Thanks Navyo. Unfortunately for our sanity and stability, that is one thing there is no shortage of in this world...retards.

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As usual, the winners get to write history.

Thanks for the other side, GC.

Germany-->Poland = Russia-->Ukraine.

Sub-Moral to the story: Beware if a Nuland is handing out cookies.

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Thank you for sharing your research on substack. It brings up some questions for me, as all I know is the propagandized narrative.

What happened after Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939? Did he round up the Jews and put them in the ghettos? If so, was this because the elite Polish military were Jews? Or, was there another reason?

As you can see, what I was taught was that Hitler hated the Jews. . . .

Do you have more to share on this?

Thank you.

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As SheThinksLiberty has pointed out, Judea did declare war on Germany well before any kinetic conflict and their economic boycotts did hurt their economy. Whether this was influenced by Hiter's (SS) initial targeting of Jews, arrest of a Rothschild banking magnate in Vienna and capture of his bank or his general thoughts on Jews expressed in Mein Kampf, is in question. But the Jewish question for Hitler no doubt confirms he did seek to rid Germany of Jewish power and control -banking, finance, media, communist subervisves. One could get into far more lurid and debaucherous examples (porn, the first trans clinic, homosexuality, drag shows, perversion, Babylon Berlin etc) in Weimar Germany. After they were banned from media control, and banking Germany experienced a nationalist economic "miracle" and became a global industrial power within five years. And yes, Polish Jews were rounded up by the Germans, but not all of them. Many thousands were forced eastward toward the areas of Poland that the Germans knew that Stalin would soon carve up in October 1939, so the Russians could absorb them. Germany more likely didn't want to house and feed them because it was costly, though once they marched east on Russia they ended up absorbing some of them again. Did they want to exterminate all Jews right where they stood? There's no evidence for this, and the term final solution is post-war propaganda by the victors, or those who control the victors now, whom Hitler sought to rid Germany of. He certainly aided Jewish Zionists in the transfer of tens of thousands of European Jews to Palestine (British mandate), and wanted to continue that, but the British put a stop to it by 37' or 38' leaving a few million Jews stranded in Europe. Why would he do that if he wanted to "exterminate" them? Why would the British stop this if they believed Hitler wanted to "exterminate" them? Even in the last months of the war Himmler put a stop to trains with Hungarian Jews in transit from Budapest to Birkenau, a so called extermination camp where the official story was 4 million Jews were murdered, later revised down to a million after the fall of the Soviet Union. No forensic evidence of gas chambers exists there, and the math required to "gas and cremate" Jews in that facility shows that working full time around the clock they couldn't have murdered more than a few hundred thousand. But even the facilities don't back up this narrative structurally, and no evidence for the chemical they claimed was used (xyclon B) was found in the so-called gas chambers. The lack of forensic evidence to confirm the claimed atrocities against Jews apply to several other "extermination camps" in Poland - Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor, which may have been transit camps. Our 'official' history is riddled with a lot of holes. I'm still digging for honest accounts to patch them up, and while it's long process, it's definitely rewarding.

For more on the unapproved revisionist narratives that may be inconvenient truths to those in power today see Carlo Mattogno's books. You can check them out from the archive library with a free account.


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There's no question that Hitler hated the Jews. I think what we all too often overlook is that he deeply loved the German people. Once you start getting past all the propaganda about him, that it was really starts to shine through.

I'll never forget seeing a video clip of an old German man saying how fortunate he considered himself despite everything that had happened since WWII, because he had met Hitler in person, and had *felt* for himself just how much Hitler cared about his people. His eyes shone when he said that, in a way I will never forget.

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Well, dear readers, I know a bit about Jews in Germany. (what is said)

1) They were said to have created and thrived in the practice of being

"high society", controlling and owning the arts. Not including any Germans

in that/their world. They would be the wealthy prospering Jews, and they

also were part of an international system of wealthy others. Those peeps,

with brains, left Germany B4 war progressed.

2) Jews unaffiliated with the elite remained in Germany, living their lives,

and enjoying being German, until they didn't.

3) The most humble Jews became workers toward the war effort in camps

of workers. Some were abused, others not so much. They, as a whole, were

valuable workers replacing Germans that became soldiers.

4) As war broke out, soldiers received the meat and proteins, and food in general,

to the despair of the Germans. As food became scarce and more scarce the

women could not feed their babies. At one point, carrot juice was all that was

available for babies, and they all turned orange. As the average German was

starving, less was available for residents of work camps and they began to starve,

and died from that and accompanying disease.

5) I do not want to get into Eisenhower's "revenge" but my Dad at near 18 yrs.

was rescued from an open air prison because GIs in Jeeps were at the fences

calling for English speakers to interpret for them to gain access to the spoils of

war. They traded food for goods. My Dad spoke English well, was anti-war,

avoided conscription by being hidden in a Girl's school, until he was found.

He was thrilled to see the Americans, spoke fluent English, and thus was released

and then worked for the Americans. My Mother, also an English speaker, worked

for the equivalent of the Red Cross making bandages eg. Later she became the

house keeper/maid/interpreter for a colonel who lived in a seized home part

time looking after the family's huge Boxer Dog and supervising the outdoor staff

of 3.

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Thank you for this suzanna. It's fascinating to hear stories of the post-war German landscape in the American sector 1945-47'. Far too many of these accounts are never published. Eisenhower's (Morgenthau's) revenge was diabolical and probably still hidden from 90% of the American populace. Around the time your father found those GIs seeking interpreters my grandfather (from Freiburg and later Mainz) was living on a farm in Switzerland under an assumed name. In 44' he "deserted" with my French grandmother who was in the resistance. How war upends lives and defers dreams.

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Thank you, very useful details.

The British tried to prevent Arab uprisings, by limiting the rapid growing number of Jews migrating into Palestine, but they also didn't want them going to Britain.

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Hillary, did you know that in Mar 1933 the World Jewish Congress convened a meeting at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Coming out of that convention was an exhortation by the Congress's leaders for an international boycott against Germany and all German goods. These "leaders" went on to declare that "Germany must be destroyed."

Under conditions extant in Germany at the time, what would any Chancellor have thought or done about this declaration of economic war against Germany? As GC has described here, add to this the destruction of Germans caught behind a new border as a result of WWI -- another falsely-based murderous clusterfuck? (Sorry...)

The whole blackboard of history needs erasing and a major "Do Over!" begun. GC, et al. are doing that.

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I do remember reading this several years ago. But, again, I was not aware in anyway of this GC story. I also read some of Ron Unz's work, and he has posted a number of articles about how the Germans were treated after WWII.

But my question still stands: What did Hitler do to the Jews after he invaded Poland? Or was that all false? Do you know?

Thank so much for responding.

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Hillary, I'm sorry. I should have just answered your question vs. adding another point. Re your question, I can only share what I believe to be true -- and I could be very wrong.

That said, in Warsaw, for example, most of the city's Jews lived in the old Jewish quarter. After the Germans invaded, they set up barbed wire and later a wall to keep the Jews segregated. The Germans then began moving other Jews into the Warsaw "ghetto." Conditions became terrible...

Good Citizen may be able to add more to this subject. Also from what I understand, the plan was to remove Jews from Europe, sending them to Palestine. As we know, that did not happen, but later, many European Jews did emigrate from Europe to Palestine, a portion of which the Balfour Declaration carved out for the "Jewish Homeland."

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That confirms what I have known. And you are kind to respond to my question.

And as you say, maybe Good Citizen can fill in the gaps; one being why were the Jews so hated for the Germans to put them in the ghettos? After they invaded, there seems to be some crucial pieces missing. And then if their wasn't a holocaust, where were they taken, if not to the work concentration camps? They didn't all go immigrate to Palestine, Britain or the US?

I will wait to see what Part 2 will bring.

Thank you again.

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The jews created their own "ghettos". They were not put into a ghetto. They do not and have never assimilated into their country. They do not marry outside the tribe. They only go to jewish Dr's, Lawyers, stores, barbers, groomers, jewelers, any and all shops that are jewish. A jew in trouble will go to his Sayanim who will protect him, sew him up if need be, provide alibis, disguise their appearance and always bail them out. They are a force unto themselves.

Madagascar was offered to them as a homeland by Hitler. Balfour knew exactly what he was doing in 1917. Israel was established as a British outpost in the M.E. so the snitches could report back to The Crown, who by then were in complete control of the oil revenues there, and be a military buffer covering their right flank. Brilliant.

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It takes a lot of courage to shake off the Holocaust narrative. We have been inundated with it our whole lives, and if you dare ask questions in the wrong company, you'll be met with the most amazing levels of social opprobrium. Even from people you thought were fair-minded, critical thinkers.

But there is a lot of good information out there, if you have the time and patience to sift through it, if you want to learn more about what really happened. A site I recently found that puts a lot of really good research by some really dedicated scholars in one place is the Holocaust Encyclopedia:


There are more and more people figuring this out, so don't feel alone even if the only place you can talk about this is on Substacks like this one!!

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Thank you, Anna. I will explore the link.

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Thanks for the link - looks interesting!

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This is capital work.

One vital question is unanswered: why did Britain want war?

It's revealing that the Wikipedia entry for Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) doesn't even mention Polish atrocities; the story skips straight from 1936 to 1939 and says nothing about boycotts, expropriations, murders or the massacre.

'The local populace was required to acquire Polish citizenship or leave the country. This led to a drastic decline in ethnically German residents, whose number within the town decreased from over 40.000 in 1910 to 11,016 in 1926.'

Also, one would never know that Bromberg acquired its still-standing architectural heritage and municipal status by the labours of German settlers (earlier primitive Polish fishing settlement and fortress notwithstanding). It's a shame that West Slavs,--Czechs and Slovaks are just as bad--choose to engage in systematic historical lies by omission.

Just one ackchewally: 'Not only did Poland spur every peace offering...'

You meant spurn?

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Bloody Sunday is considered "Nazi Propaganda " by NPCs with toilet paper history PhDs. Everything they don't want poisoning their dogmas and myths is applied this label. The Polish government is still demanding trillions in reparations from Germany as if they were poor innocent victims. Wikipravda has been a comedy site for at least a decade. When i read the WW2 entries I have to give myself breaks every five minutes so I don't die of laughter. Thanks for the typo alert. Edit: To answer your question on Britain wanting war...

Initially it may have been arroganace and hubris around the power of the British empire at the time, and their ability to enforce Versailles. Probably the same applies to their views of French power, with their commical immaginot line. The "truther" side of me believes there were conspirators working behind the scenes as they do (not just bankers in this case, though them as well) and the many actors in the production - Chamberlain, Halifax, Henderson, and soon after Churchill were acting on their behalf. Churchill's motives can be linked to a group called The Focus, who bought his debts (controlled him?) and supported his lavish lifestyle, drunkeness and penchant for gambling, and used him to lure the American empire into swallowing the British empire (debt guarantees-gold transfers) and then into the war. This can't be applied so easily to Halifax and Chamberlain, whom while luring Poland into the 1939 trap had a change of heart after getting their asses handed to them in 1940, and were seriously entertaining Hitler's very generous peace offerings in the wake of the Dunkirk flotilla. Churchill wouldn't permit it and quashed it by ramping up the indiscriminate bombing of Berlin. To echo Daryl Cooper's sentiment, he was by all measures the chief villain of the conflict that guaranteed a wider war...not Hitler.

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I meant 1926, not 1936...

Anyway thanks for reply; this is a plausible explanation except that, as you say, it doesn't fully account for the behaviour of Chamberlain etc. Why would they have been so concerned about Churchill's personal straits? Why not just let him go under? Why did Chamberlain change his mind?

A separate article maybe...

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Chamberlain (and Halifax) may have taken a lot of guff from the war hawks after Czechosloavkia, and wanted to put his foot down on Poland. I don't know that they were concerned at all with Churchill's straights or aware of who subsidized him, but they saw reason for a peaceful resolution given Hitler's generous terms, and the German carpet bombing of leaflets for those terms across Britain appealed to a majority of Brits, tired of war. Churchill wouldn't have it. Chamberlain was already ill by then and died in Nov 40'

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Why did Britain want war? Better stated as “who” in Britain wanted war. Ever hear of the term British Israelism?

Distill the entire war down to the capstone event in 1948. Give you 1 guess what that was.

The entire point of WW2 was the infilling of Palestine with the cream of the crop of Jews - the Eastern European Jews, who were the most established, intellectual, cultured, and wealthy of all Jews throughout the world. No way were they going to give up their life in Europe to move to the backwaters of Palestine, so they needed some “encouragement”.

And we know that Japan was baited into Pearl Harbor, which necessarily triggered the U.S. into the great conflict. Dig into the players surrounding Roosevelt at the time.

It was all a huge manipulation with one goal - the formation of the state of Israel and the infilling of that state with the European Jews.

Here is a curiosity: has anybody ever been to the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria VA? You’ll find a curious display on one of the floors of that very odd building, of the Jewish Priesthood. Now what does that have to do with old George and The Masons?


At the 6:42ish mark he shows the Levitical High Priest.

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Well said Prophesy. This is where the "truther" side of me would continue on the line of who were The Focus? or rather who controlled Churchill? Most "official" historians would screech and make uncomfortable gurgling noises around "anti-semitism" but even "rebel" historians wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. The split of Jewish communist control in the east and Jewish zionist control of the west is far too understated in the motivations of Britain and America, using Germany's desire to rid itself of Jewish control against them. The manipulation is everywhere, with the manipulators controlling the historical narratives to this day for their benefit. Hold on one second, my beeper is paging me.

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😂😂😂beeper. Love it!

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No doubt there's at least some truth in your explanation.

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I don’t think that the war, or the outcome of it, was necessarily part of ‘the plan’. ‘The plan’ had always been (at least since the Zionist movement officially began) to settle European Jews in Palestine. The conflict(s) between the different European factions resulted in war, as conflicts between nations often do. Hopefully you haven’t bought into the notion that every war was orchestrated perfectly according to the plan of some secret conspiracy, like the ridiculous theory that Hitler was a Rothschild or similar flat-earther QTard type nonsense.

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No serious conspiracy researcher gives any credibility to Q and recognizes it for the deep state op it is. And no serious conspiracy researcher is the slightest bit fazed by browbeat tactics like insults. Everything is fairly open and naked right now, with some discernment. Yes, all wars are well orchestrated, even down to the Crips and Bloods. Whoever you may find at the controls, it’s always the same M.O. of, “Let’s you and him fight”.

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So the entire war and the outcome was entirely orchestrated, a forgone conclusion? You really believe this?

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That’s simple minded. Of course there is flexibility in the theater of war, but the outcome?, yes, absolutely.

You are either defending the conspiracy, or are one of those in denial at just how big it is. Most people are “educated” into ignorance and dare not break with their segment of the mob for fear of the social consequences.

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I recommend researching the link between the Thule Society, Theosophy, and Freemasonry.

As well as W D Stead, the Empire Press Union, and the Pilgrims Society.

You'll find that Hitler was not working for Germany, and his ascent to power was a result of a propaganda campaign carried out by a cult who called him, "Maitreya".

If he was killed, like in some popular time travel fictions, the group would have found some other orator to perform his role.

Equally Putin doesn't work for Russia.

And without him, we'd still have the Ukraine war.

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To add to GC's work Achilles, I can say to your question "why does a dog eat his own shit?" The turn of the 20th century saw the conversion of coal to oil and combustible engines. Germany was the greatest country in Europe, bar none. Germany had built a railroad destined for Iraq. Thieving England was the sole superpower. If you believe that abdication story of King Edward to marry the woman he loved, think again. The British are SaxeCoberg-Gothe, Germans. They took Windsor to cover up their heritage, exactly the same heritage as the country they wanted war with. Germany was getting to strong. A competitor beyond Englands imagination. Thing is, they didn't have the muscle or machinery to fight Germany. Col House went to Wilson, who was cheating on his wife and bribed him to get into WW1. Germany won that war against Britain, until Wilson entered in 1917. WW11 saw, what is in my estimation, the greatest leader the modern world has ever seen. What Hitler did had never been done, by any leader. Or since then. That was the death knell for Germany as England recruited most of the worlds armies to save their ass by crushing that once great country. So why did Britain want war? Jealousy, cowardice, narcissism, conceit, anger and rage. Because they could. Because they wanted The M.E. Because Hitler was just a few kliks away. Because Germany was too great. They had indoor plumbing while that only existed in Buckingham Palace ( a little levity). BTW, England completely eliminated their out houses by 1978. Ain't that a testament.

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Nah, the English didn't want the war. No 18-year-old is going to march off to war so that Jaguar wouldn't have to compete with Mercedes. The Germans didn't want it either. Nor did the French, nor, for that matter, did Americans or Canadians. No one knows what the Russians wanted. They were too busy getting genocided to make their voices heard. The Jews, however, did want the war.

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Yes—there is much truth here

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Yes. A lot of similarities. Although the Ukraine situation is worse. Ukraine, France, and Germany agreed to two peace treatys with Angela Merkel bragging that they never intended to honor them and only used them to build up the Ukrainian military for an offensive. The increasing shelling (as reported by the OSCE monitors) of the front line in the Donbass in January and February of 2022 was seen as a softening operation before an offensive was to begin against the Donbas. Russia interrupted that process by sending its military across the border.

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the communist poles who were killing the Germans are the same communists who founded israel. bibi satanyahoos father was a polish communist . the fat bloated drunken POS churchill fomented the war under orders from the jews.

same thing happening with israel and hezbollah where israel is constantly provoking hezbollah hoping for WWIII. if that happens it will be 3 world wars the foreskin chewers were behind

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If it comes to pass, it'll be the Orange Messiah they select so Americans go fight another war for Israel. There's no way they can fight a war with 82 IQ DIE hires. They'll need good white hard boiled european stock to fall for another flase flag grift.

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As it happens, Australia’s very own little former IDF/MOSSAD provocateur, Avi Yemeni, has recently made a call out for Australians to join the IDF to help ‘defend’ Israel. I’m not sure he’s going to have much luck with that. There’s a major split in the country at the moment with the anti-Zionist/anti-war faction seemingly in the majority. While the Zionist-owned media would suggest otherwise, they obviously have no choice but to do so. Interesting times ahead, although I’m not convinced living in them is necessarily something to be grateful for.

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Strange times indeed. Perhaps we are living in some place called Retardia? The masters of the algorthims are the same masters of publishing and entertainment it seems. Wherever they see levers of controlling the dumb goy they are quick to grab them. My Avi is gonna be a doctah or a lawyah or an IDF shabbos recruitah!

He and his master clown from Rebel News (Levin?) are some of the most insufferable zionist rats on the so-called alternative right. How people still fall for them and Tommy Mossad Robinson and the bozos at the Daily Fire is beyond me.

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Yes, Avi is a dear friend of ‘Tommy’. In fact, when the current ‘war’ on Gaza began and there was a clear rise in anti-Zionist sentiment in Australia, little Avi ran off to the UK to seek refuge with his buddy and help foment more division amongst the Brits. It was ‘too dangerous’ for him in Australia, he said. Too much antisemitism boohoo.

You only have to see Avi and listen to him talk once to know his IQ hovers around 82, on a good day. After all, like so many IDF, he’s boasted about killing Palestinian babies.

In all honesty, I wish he’d go back to Israel and stay there, with his fellow low IQ, zero EQ retards.

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Boo hoo. Poor Avi. That's the genetic disease. They cannot be content with their own homeland and ethnostate and simply defending it to live in peace. 2000 years of meddling as 'nomads' in other states, manipulating kingdoms and principalities to fight one against another for their benefit, controlling other "lesser" people will never leave their blood. And their good book says we will all be their slaves when they finally get their kingdom on earth. That kind of legacy and open honesty, doesn't sound like a very...trustworthy people. Or maybe I'm being anti-canaanitic.

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In relation to ‘their book’, I watched this a while back. You may have seen it already. For me, it was eye-opening as to what the Talmud actually says, without having to put myself through the horror of reading it.


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yes rabbi trump will be put in to save satanyahoo and start a war with iran

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Three world wars you say? Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, maybe here:


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Excellent review of events. and let me thank you, for presenting this comparison

and historical review. I was born during /after this era and gleaned data resting

behind a concealing armchair . I did not care to be consigned to a sleep spot all

alone, I hid and listened to the group of adults. and I as was the only child present,

the adults forgot about me and spoke freely. Place? SE WI. at someones home/apt

to celebrate a new member of this group's recent arrival to the USA. There was a 5

year wait after application to be allowed to leave Germany. And it was a costly crossing,

plus a family required a "sponsor" to guarantee financial support. I learned to read, practiced/

reading B4 I could confidently speak. The English language is difficult to learn because

of the number of homonyms and homophones. Plus there are no th starting words

in German.

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Just watched the short film. So well done. Great job. Even the machine voice over passed as human.

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And what if the 'machine voice' was me! lol. But you are right - it's a sampled voice, much nicer than my own voice, and people should be very grateful for that lol. I've had some people (not on Substack, but on Youtube, comment "Don't listen to this video, it's AI, it's not made by a human, it's propaganda by a machine!.. etc, etc", just because we used a nice sampled voice over. All laughable of course, as the content couldn't possibly have been generated by the likes of ChatGPT as its exposing the propaganda that the LLMs are propagating!)

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Excellent write-up (and video presentation.) Kudos.

Question: do you think they wait a human lifetime to re-play the same plot by design or lack of imagination?

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There's a common thought that it takes three generations to forget. I would say that's accurate considering where we are now and the amount of people who have no real sense of history other than cliched indoctrination.

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“Victoria Nudelman”?

Nuland. 🫤

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Her father: "Nuland describes his upbringing in the Bronx, New York, where he lived, near poverty, in a cramped apartment shared by his parents, Meyer and Vitsche Nudelman." Name changes to hide ethnicity. They all do it. It's how people don't notice that the enitire US government is controlled by zionists. I repalace changed names with original Jewish family names so people know who they really work for - Israel.


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question everything is absolutely crucial. thank you for this

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It’s just copy and paste Europe: The Last Battle, nothing new. Just nazi bullshit. But I could believe it except the same Jews send a lot of money to Hitler via BIS ( gold), Ford, Hugo Boss…..

Financed the Nazi part, and more important cui Bono ? Zionist as always, they make until today movies and propaganda about their suffer, Hitler was just a discarded puppet.

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