Hyenas In The Kitchen
Cooking up enemies and conflict with lies and propaganda has never been so obvious.
Putin Swings Back
Listening to Putin’s recent speech that preceded the declaration to recognize the independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, it was difficult not to notice that something was incredibly off about his claims. They simply did not match what the western corporate press, those dutiful stenographers for NATO power have been reporting for years. Putin gave the world a history lesson, pulled back the curtain on western lies and hypocrisies, (only some of them, there are a thousand curtains that need pulling back) and showed the world he’s not going to be pushed around by the little hyenas of the European prairie any longer.
In some middle eastern folklore hyenas are referred to as symbols of treachery and stupidity. In other mythologies they are known as vampire creatures who stalk and suck the blood of their prey. The phrase ‘laugh like a hyena’ dates back centuries in English literature including Shakespeare, and now embodies the number two position of the American executive branch. More on hyenas later.
Putin’s speech corrected the hyena’s revisionist attempts of events in Ukraine the past eight years and revealed a man who, having watched his nation get pushed to its limits with broken promises and door mat NATO diplomacy, showed that he’s simply had enough. And good for him. In our new multi polar world of geopolitical chess the bear and dragon are ascendant, and realist foreign policy doesn’t require the permission of any community, particularly a deceitful paper tiger like NATO or useless cabal of globalist order-takers at the EU or UN. While there’s little to celebrate with these new circumstances for global conflict, a convenient distraction from the last engineered global conflict, we must recognize the chance for lasting peace and alliance between the west and Russia was denied by the U.S. every step of the way.
All that remains is brutal realism and the flexing of power, the kind of realism rooted in self interest to serve the people of a nation and defend it from encroaching hyenas. Twenty years of poking the bear has consequences, but hyenas don’t know anything beyond their instincts, treachery and stupidity.
Media A-Z
Given the role of the global corporate press in engineering a pandemic and all the crimes that followed the past two years, it’s astounding that people who know their lies and propaganda were constant and shameful watch the same servants of power report on Russia and Putin and believe what they are saying is the truth. But that’s how that saying goes: fool me once here and twice there, happy to get fooled again and again.
Everything they’ve reported since the U.S. backed coup in Ukraine of 2014, from the “dignity revolution” where Neo-Nazi nationalists from western Ukraine were mobilized as shock troops to overthrow the Yanukovych government with US Aid (Soros), and brutally attacked any Russian loyalists, burning forty alive in a building in Odessa, to the annexation of Crimea whose population prefers Russia, to the constant violations of the Minsk agreement by Ukrainian forces along the cease fire lines, to claims of “Ukrainian democracy” when it’s at best a dysfunctional corrupt Oligarchy, has all been one stream of endless lies.1 Add to that the domestic lies of Trump-Russia collusion, set up through CIA and FBI attempted coups of a democratically elected President at home engineered by the opposition party, while constantly vilifying anyone who asked any questions at all as “Putin’s Puppet” or a “Russian sympathizer” and you have one of the biggest psychological operations ever unleashed on western populations, not to mention grotesque acts of overt treason.
Yet still, many who know that the media and government pandemic lies are terrifyingly real, still believe the stories about Putin and Russia. But that’s how logic works: if A was lying about everything regarding X, they’re certainly telling the truth regarding Y and Z.
War Chefs
If there was ever anything noble in war, the courage, bravery, facing one’s mortality, the tactics and maneuvers of battles that required out-smarting one’s enemy, Sun Tzu’s art, all that is lost to advanced technology and a desire to manipulate public sentiment above all things. They call them hybrid wars, asymmetric wars, psychological wars, information wars and has been proffered on this outfit the most evil of all where victims are unsuspecting innocents believing their governments have their best interests in mind - Silent Wars - atrocities by states against their own citizens.
Today wars are not fought, they’re curated like an exhibit at a museum. They are designed like a tapestry or an exotic dish on a cooking show. A little bit of false flag fava beans, julian propaganda peppers, sliced projection potatoes, a splash of historical revisionism radishes, piles of intel leeks and you have the makings of war by design. Put it all into an oven where your enemy feels the burn and acts in a way you can claim was their true evil nature all along, and you have a nice dish of cooked up conflict. When you control the global media machine who work for the head chefs designing this war dish, it makes it effortless to serve up this heaping load of detestable horse shit as reality. Millions will rush to obediently eat and regurgitate it.
The ability to engineer pseudo realities is effortless through controlled information monopolies and compliant and passive populations who have become conditioned to believe what they are told. Contrary to the myth of the Internet age ‘liberating information’ for the masses, the opposite has been happening. Information is suppressed, people are corralled like grazing animals into silos for control and manipulation where they are fed carefully prepared morsels to digest. Two-thirds of the top 100 news and information websites are controlled by corporations with connections to war chefs at intelligence agencies and groups like the Atlantic Council and Council on Foreign Relations. They all read from the exact same scripts that are prepared by our benevolent war designers.
The war designers are part of a class of elites who detest their own citizens whom they view as lesser people, hunger games’ provincial rubes. Manipulating them through fear, lies, propaganda becomes a fun game. Socially engineering their reactions to events half a world away they couldn’t find on a map becomes the first front of battle. Getting them to believe up is down, Russia is evil, Putin is a monster and that the sudden issues in Ukraine are the cause of all the domestic problems they really care about like inflation, high gas prices and supply chain crises, requires constant psychological disinformation shelling.
Two-Faced Diplomacy (performance and propaganda)
Two-faced diplomacy is easy. The secretaries of war meet to discuss ‘diplomatic resolutions’, while their intelligence operators and behavioral psychologists manipulate their war communication’s departments of the global corporate media by filling their inbox with messages of leaks that aren’t actually leaks but rather instructions to report the headlines and say it’s based on a “real leak”. This is blasted around the world as truth and amplified by the elite war designers in academia, think tanks and NGOs fronting for western hyenas.
This propaganda barrage serves two purposes. The first is to manipulate public opinion in their favor. This is nothing new, going back to at least the USS Maine and every conflict since. In our post printing press globally interconnected information world it becomes more challenging, requiring more audacious headlines that require people really put their imaginations to work believing what is reported. The skeptical discerning mind knows that none of it is true, but most people are neither skeptical nor discerning having outsourced their thinking to truth machines in technology and the corporate media. The second purpose is to trigger a reaction from their manufactured enemy to engender the conflict they desire.
While the propaganda barrage is ongoing the western secretaries of war meet with their Russian counterparts (Putin or Lavrov) to show how resolute they are, flexing for cameras and saying they really want a diplomatic resolution to the very problem they engineered and are using their media propagandists to make much worse. It’s all a performance of front stage diplomacy, that completely defies their back stage actions, so whenever the other side ends up doing what they said they would do, they can point to their performance and say, “We tried to resolve this peacefully and find a diplomatic solution, but look! They don’t want one.”
Putin once again out-witted the western war designers by recognizing the breakaway regions of mostly ethnic Russians, as independent republics. The rabid hyenas didn’t get the result in the all out attack on Ukraine the war chefs were trying to cook up the past few months. That hasn’t stopped them from incessantly yelling for an imminent invasion any second now, even getting their five eyes proxies in Australia to start echoing the same feverish lust for all out war.
This declaration of independent republics by Putin allowed him to follow the western script for occupation, and to send in his peacekeeping force to protect the people of Luhansk and Donetsk from the US-funded Ukrainian Neo-Nazi nationalists constantly shelling the breakaway forces for the past eight years in violation of the Minsk agreements. According to the western war designers, this is tantamount to “an invasion” of Ukraine, and so another curtain of hypocrisy goes up concealing the truth.
It’s entirely fine for the US to send in “peace keeping forces” to regions it desires to recognize as independent (or to overthrow) for its own “national security interests”, that aren’t anywhere near its own borders, but for Russia to do the same at its own border to protect Russian-speaking people, a majority of whom would rather be allied with Russia, is an “invasion”.
Hyenas In the Kitchen
The hyenas cooking up conflict reacted as they always do to this “invasion” they helped engineer, with more sanctions that won’t even affect Russia, and more bellicose laughable rhetoric about how Putin is a threat to world peace and needs to “be dealt with”. This is the expected behavior of hyenas.
Hyenas in the animal kingdom are pests. They have neither the patient cunning of the feline nor loyal devotion of the canine. They are a kind of bastard retarded hybrid of both with no likeable or redeeming qualities. They obnoxiously hover and harangue and wait for whatever scraps they can get, while running away at full speed if confronted by real power. Here’s Putin, finally flexing, and the hyena’s have shit their fur and fled Ukraine to neighboring Poland, whom to its own detriment will now increasingly assume the role of hyena vassal like Ukraine did. With Russia right on its border, and Poland inviting more antagonisms from their toxic hyena friends, they’re only inviting danger. When real power comes for Poland, the hyenas will run again despite the NATO pact and badger Russia from a different vassal state and it will be Poles who suffer, not hyenas and not Americans.
US foreign policy is a racket. The war designers in the MIC, the government, media and think tanks will never suffer consequences of their treachery and stupidity. The EU has agreed to a suicide pact with the U.S., which will require it buys U.S. natural gas at inflated prices rather than from their neighbor and friends in Russia whom they recently asked to build more pipelines to supply cheap energy to the continent. With friends like the U.S., who needs enemies? European nations who stand by the U.S. are putting their own people in harms way and need to step back and reconsider their own treachery and stupidity in allying with a bunch of rabid hyenas who only seek to engineer pseudo realities that create enemies and conflict where none need exist. As with everything we’ve experienced this century from these blood thirsty animals, this too is probably all by design.
“When there is no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality & when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power." - Maajid Nawaz
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"Won't Get Fooled Again" ... that's gonna be running through my head all day. My default response to any and all mainstream stories now is, "Whatever they're saying, the opposite is probably the truth."
Another good one, and of course will be linking @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
The Kamala /hyena picture ws perfect. May use that one in the future. And Won't Get Fooled Again by the Who , has always been in my top 10. Think it was one of the Lyrics For The Week that I post on Sundays several years ago when I first started my site in 2016.
Also liked your mention on the CFR and Atlantic Council. Was actually doing a little digging last night on think tanks and I think for a writer of your nature, it would make an interesting article in it's own right on how the think tanks, the elite and the media are all entwined. It's really amazing when you start looking into that rabbit hole on how many members of think tanks are featured on the MSM as influence peddlers and propoganda pushers. Plus the money and who gives it that bankrolls these think tanks, foundations and organizations. Consider an article sometime. I think you would do well on it!!!