Dec 11, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

It seems like that Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder is rising among high level athletes. There is nothing strange about it. I recently read an "article" saying that actually WORKOUT can cause heart attacks (it's not a joke, I literally read it somewhere).

So everyone out there, please stop working out, it's really bad for you. Put up your mask and stay at home where it's safe...

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If only one could get vaccinated against post pandemic stress disorder. Maybe some day.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

New from Pfizer! Pandemicol19! It makes you think you live in 2019, when going on holiday, seeing your family and going to a restaurant were normal!

This potent hallucinogen is yours for the amazingly low price of $25,000 a pill.*

Buy yours today.

* Pfizer cannot be held responsible for the loss of hope you may experience once the effects wear off. Talking to conspiracy theorist friends whilst under the influence of Pandemicol19 may equate to Charlie Brown teacher noises. Your return to normal (i.e. "comedown") may result in the requirement for repeat doses. The estate of Philip K. Dick has not been compensated for the creation of this drug.

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I was taking a look at Agenda 21 - all 365 pages. One a day like an (adverse) event calendar. It is always on about the need to improve the lives of women. No interest in saving men.

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Men women or women women?

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deletedDec 11, 2021Liked by Good Citizen
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Typo should be Baa code.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

I'm actively monitoring for this stuff. It's only going to get worse, especially with boosters.

As I keep saying, I don't want these people to suffer, but the silver lining is that this is waking normies up in droves.

The upcoming transfer window is going to be VERY interesting.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

I completely agree with you. While we do not wish people to suffer, there are many who are just not gonna "disconnect from Matrix" no matter what. For them, unfortunately there is nothing can be done besides them experiencing the consequences of their decisions in order to possibly start realizing that they might have been living in a dream..

Of course the argument can be made from the "other side" as well: "Oh well you also took your side and you are not willing to change your views either" . Fair enough, yet the outcomes of these decisions are very different. As a consequence of me not taking the "vaccines" I can not eat in restaurants, can not go to gyms, concerts, sport events, and possibly will lose my job. At the end though, I still have one of the biggest gifts of my life: I have a good health. I work out everyday, eat healthy, have a great life (even though I am a second class citizen). There is so much out there besides what I have been denied from.

On the other hand if someone takes the vaccine, there is a chance that they might lose their health permanently, or even worse.. And for what? So they can eat out? Maybe they will not suffer bad side effects yet, but we do not know anything about possible long term health complications.

I think good health is just so important. If we do no have a good health, we do not have a good life. Of course I am not saying that if someone has health issues, that person can not live a full life. But either way, we have to make the very best of what we have. So why taking the risk?

By waiting and not taking a shot I am not risking my health at all, on the other hand if I take it, it never can be undone..

Well, I rather remain an organic person then :) .

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"As a consequence of me not taking the "vaccines" I can not eat in restaurants, can not go to gyms, concerts, sport events, and possibly will lose my job"

Me too. All for a flu that has an average death rate that is higher than the average life expectancy, and with a case fatality rate of 0.15% (which is clearly overstated).

I've calculated that I have five times more chance of dying from the shot than the coof. That doesn't include the (higher) chance of being paralyzed, having myocraditis, going blind or having neurological problems.

"Of course the argument can be made from the "other side" as well: "Oh well you also took your side and you are not willing to change your views either""

Yes because the evidence is overwhelmingly on our side. If the vaxx was actually safe and effective, why wouldn't I take it? If you have to destroy society and commit crimes against humanity to get people to take an experimental gene therapy that can't stop the virus, but only makes the pandemic worse, it's very likely you aren't a good person....

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Good on Djokovic for not confirming his injection status for the Australian Tennis Open. "Government officials have maintained for months that only fully vaccinated players, their entourages, staff and fans will be allowed into Melbourne Park for the season's first grand slam from January 17-30."

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He's 100% right either way.

How would anyone like it if I asked for their HIV status, their STD status, their cancer status, their circumcised status? It's none of anyone's f*cking business, and it's a disgrace that people suddenly find it appropriate to ask that or not.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

Another one:


He was clutching his chest as well, which wasn't mentioned here.

And another: Footballer Martin Terrier subbed off after 30 minutes due to chest pain.

This doctor on twitter is doing good work here:


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Damn. I like Zielinski and Napoli. These cases are rapidly increasing. Getting insane now.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Good Citizen

"These cases are rapidly increasing. Getting insane now."

Agree 100%. The worst thing is, certainly in English football, the calendar is packed, these guys have almost no recovery time over the Christmas period. Things could be about to get extremely ugly.

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The schedules they have are nuts. Especially in WC qual years. League, Champions, WC, daily practice. I wonder what the real figure is since 90% of their exertion happens in training.

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I've been thinking about this today:

"I wonder what the real figure is since 90% of their exertion happens in training."

Training is nothing compared to playing a competitive game. That's why there is a concept of "match fitness". For example in Football Manager, which is pretty realistic and they work with a lot of top coaches, if you train a player like mad but don't give him competitive games, his match fitness will drop and keep dropping.

I agree that there might be a lot of hidden things going on (quite honestly the BLM race baiting BS, the woke crap and the whole Covid narrative means I no longer care about football: despite my beloved Leeds United getting promoted, I didn't watch more than five minutes of Match of the Day last season - what I did see of it made me switch off immediately).

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Good Citizen


De Gea said: “I don’t know what’s going on but he was feeling a bit his breathing.

“We saw already [Christian] Eriksen, [Sergio] Aguero, it’s sometimes a bit difficult to see your player acting like this so it was better to change and hopefully he’s completely fine.

- I don't always take copium but when I do...[inhales deeply]

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It's not just athletes, seems elite military trainees are dropping like flies as well - https://youtu.be/NjmiTDgZcrw

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Not sure how they thought this one was gonna play out, on tv and all...and feelin so played myself, i came so close to getting it, only intuition kicked in at the last moment...

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deletedDec 12, 2021Liked by Good Citizen
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Shoulder tapping for Beer is one thing. This guy is a walking graphene tower.

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