Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Commotio Corditis: what does annual data for the past 40 years show about the frequency of 20 something athletes suffering from it?? No matter, starting next week(?), watch the implementation of a new heart healthy chest pad being worn by every college and pro football player. It’ll be pink during cancer research money month and BLM-emblazoned during rioting month, etc.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I’ve been kickboxing for 30 years. The defib machine on the wall has been there for at least as long. Most martial arts studios have them too. It’s for hit-induced v-fib.

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Which has happened how many times in your 30 years to someone pn the pad? Inquiring minds want to know.

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The thing about commotio cordis is that it's caused by things like baseballs or fists or similar sized objects concentrating a blow directly above the heart (and having to happen at a very specific time in the heart rhythm). So consider that a helmet or a shoulder pad is much too large to cause it and even if there were something like that (an elbow, though it's clear there was not) the shoulder pads have a plate over the chest area to diffuse any such impact.

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Rumor mill has it that it took multiple trys to get heart going. Rumor mill also says that this has happened in myocarditis produced cardiac deaths as seen in a couple rugby deaths. Commotio Corditis events it usual starts first attempt. That came from Steve Kirsch

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And the on-field ambulance was a model from yesteryear - no lights / sirens, no logo, and est too outdated for a pro sports event. Looks like a hoax to me, just like the G. Floyd event that had similar telltale signs that it was a construct.

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Check out Uche Nwenari. Former NFL player died suddenly at 38 on the same day. Tweeted support for vaccine mandates and passports.

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Left a comment below his tweet calling for the unvaxxed to be jailed. Ignorance Kills.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

But not as much as the illusion of knowledge. It's important to look before you leap to conclusions...

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It ain't so much what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you think you know that just ain't so.

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So how can people seriously speak with any degree of certainty?

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The grammar-Nazi shortage is also dangerous: I'd first read this comment as your calling for the unvaxxed to be jailed! This interpretation's prior probability was low enough that I eventually reparsed the sentence correctly as, "Left a comment below his tweet's call[ing] for..."

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Oh jeez. Tough, but fair.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

So glad you jumped all over this.

Commotio Corditis indeed!

Called it last night as well. It's SO incredibly rare and usually occurs in younger males without fully developed protective chest muscles. Hamlin does not fit that description, plus he was padded.

"Facing one’s own mortality based on medical crimes against humanity would really blow a lot of minds that aren’t ready to be unprogrammed." That includes the NFL which is too big to fail—and their pharma sponsors keeping the boat afloat will not allow it to happen.

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Plus it’s wasn’t a very hard hit to begin with. Like you said it’s something that happens to say a 10yr old pitcher in little league that catches a line drive to the chest from 40ft away. With the bats kids use today it’s basically like a gunshot. That hit last night was pedestrian for football, anyone that watches has seen many way harder hits third than that 1000 times.

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As I mentioned on another post, kickboxing gyms and martial arts studios have defib machines for this very purpose. It happens.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Exactly how many times have you seen the defib machine at your gym employed to revive a person who went into "hit-induced v-fib" in the last 30 years?

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None, but most owners have first-or-second hand stories if they’ve been in the business long enough. Martial arts studios have defib machines too. Insurance requires them, so the occurrence of v-fib from a hit or from a congenital problem must not be statistically insignificant to actuaries.

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Yes, they are required by law to have defib machines in many, many places of high human traffic/volume. They are a false security. Most of us wouldn't even think to grab them and use them if we were witnessing an event. My point in asking you how often you have seen them used is because you seem to suggest that sudden cardiac events are common. They are not. That is why we make big deal of them when they happen.

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Amy for the win!

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Management at gyms know how to use the defibrillators. Gyms don’t have high traffic. The machines are in place for cardiac events caused primarily by hits to the solar plexus that short the AV node and cause v-fib.

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I can believe that the pounds per square inch force from a kick, punch or elbow to a bare chest is orders of magnitude higher than a glancing well padded shoulder hitting a well padded chest and yet this issue is virtually non existent in martial arts. The more they ignore the elephant in the room, the more blood they have on their hands.

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I’d look to the lawyers before actuaries on this.

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I aways get my medical and scientific analysis from lawyers...

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Swimming pool I work at has a defib on wall too. Been there for years. So far as I know, never been used for anything erxcept an insurance safety check off.

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A good friend who UNFORTUNATELY has had ALL the boosters and the monkey pox vax AND a flu shot asked me what I thought had happened. I said it doesn’t really matter what I think because I have had exactly NONE of those shots. What do YOU think I asked. He was silent. Nothing to say

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Oof. His brain is making connections that his mouth refuses to speak.

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Brilliant Socratic answer to your friend's question!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This is the opportunity they've been waiting for--something, anything, to deflect from vaccine injury. Aha! A hit to the chest! Every major news outlet scrambling to make sure everyone gets hit with the lying narrative. Even MedPage came out early this morning with their official explanation. They will use this example for every athlete that dies suddenly and unexpectedly over the next 10 years.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This is a fucking great piece.

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Now........about your earlier college football career? 🤔 Start talkin!😏

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Thank you for this and for your willingness to point out absurdity and nonsense to a population dead set against acknowledging it for what it plainly is, which is absurdity and nonsense. They will continue to block and deny until it becomes so obvious there is no other option, at which point they will fall all over themselves trying to gain membership into the "I told you so" demographic.

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CIA/FBI worked had to work very fast last night. Did you notice that the commercial breaks were very long so they could come up with the term Commotio Corditis.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Commotio cordis plays a distressing role as a leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. Reported cases remain relatively infrequent (less than 30 cases are reported each year), although it is increasingly recognized. The US Commotio Cordis Registry (Minneapolis, MN) has been established to facilitate the aggregation of information.

Children appear to be at the highest risk for commotio cordis. The mean age reported in the registry is 15 years, and very few cases have been reported above 20 years old. This may be a result of a combination of a thinner chest wall relative to an adult and an increased likelihood to participate in activities where they are likely to be hit in the chest.

Ninety-five percent of reported cases occur in boys, which is likely again a reflection of selection for participation in sports which provides the risk factors necessary for commotio cordis to occur. However, the anatomical differences in the chest wall thickness may also play a role.

The reported survival rate among African Americans is lower than in whites (4% vs. 33%). This may be a result of a higher rate of delayed resuscitation (44% vs. 22%) and less frequent use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) (4% vs. 8%).[3] Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526014/

So, what are the chances an african american 24 year old suffered commotio cordis and survived it given that it: (A) rarely afflicts a male over the age of 20, especially one with a massive well-protected (fully developed bones, muscles, and pads) chest, and (B) kills over 95% of all African American children who suffer from it, and yet, this guy not only beat the odds and suffered from an extremely rare injury, he also survived when nearly every African American male who suffers it dies? Low, low odds going on here. It's far more likely that mandated spike injection(s) caused him to have a heart attack during the game.

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Those amateur kids probably don't get the best defib treatment if any. They might not even get CPR, so the likelihood of death is much higher. But I ain't buying the CC diagnosis in this case. My friend coaches football at a high level. I've seen those pro pads up close. Throw in the bone structure and muscle of a pro athlete as you said and that leaves one most likely of culprits.

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Good point about CPR and probably AED, too. While both may have saved this player (regardless of the actual stimulus for his heart attack), the likelihood of CC in this situation is so tiny that no doctor should be suggesting it without a great deal of strongly corroborating data.

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It appears more and more that this was a by-prouct of a vax shot not a shot to the chest which these guys take all the time and even harder than what we saw.

The NFL cattering and cowering to the GLOBALIST MOVEMENT by mandating the toxic vax shots has a major reckoning coming.


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Brought to you by Pfizer

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Along with their partners in crime Moderna and Johnson & Johnson as well as the "many other wanabees"

They are a "den of pestilence" that must be erradicated from the face of OUR EARTH and will be. It is just a matter of time. All the energtic momentum for this eventual certainty is gathering strength like a cat 5 hurricane and will soon be in their face.


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The tragic irony of the tv network switching to a Pfizer commercial while the situation was playing out on the field would have been enough to cause nausea to a very small red-pilled percentage of viewers.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

And every other high-profile and not so high-profile jab-induced collapse/death.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

FWIW, a doctor has tweeted that he was the one who gave DH a dose of the vckxz in December. Hard to know if that is real. After all, what about doctor/patient confidentiality?

Fox News endless coverage last night tough to view. The doctor experts immediately lined up to pronounce CC or at least attach collapse completely to the tackle. Move along folks - we’ve got this handled.

Dear God, may this young man’s health be restored.

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If Hamlin got vacinated, which I do not know, you are almost 100% correct in feeling it was the catalyst for what hppened. If one's heart is or has been rendered vunerable by something i.e. a Covid vax, it does not take a major BLUNT blow to cause "Commotio cordis" and to be more sure that is what happened to Hamlin requires that we know whether he was vacinated. My speculation says he was.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Hey Dean, Just came across this. It may shed some light on the situation…


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Thanks. I read it.

It appears more and more that what happened is a by-product of a vax shot not a shot to the chest, which these guys take all the time and even harder than what we saw. The NFL cattering and cowering to the GLOBALIST AGENDA has a major RECKONING coming.


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Thank you for sharing this article.👍

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Not sure if it is accurate that they had trouble starting his heart again. If so... most likely a poison injection injury

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thanks Dennis Boylon.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Love the article, thanks. (I was 3 & 1/2 when the moon landing happened. Took many years before I questioned it . )

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

*(Is "Lamar Damlin" a joke I somehow missed? Or autocorrect/typo)

When they were scanning the faces of the other football players, some of whom were crying, I certainly saw many who were overwhelmed with concern for their teammate.

But I saw many who had an "Oh Shit!" look on their face, as they were probably wondering, "Who's next?" and "What the hell was I thinking when I agreed to this injection". Maybe someday some of them will tell the truth about that moment.

Twitter last night was indeed overrun with "thoughts and prayers", and in fact people typing out the Lords prayer for some reason. Sads little me, for sure, with some virtue signaling thrown in there. But also reminded me that football is the official religion of many Americans.

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It's a joke, that the phonies on twitter pretending to be most concerned about the man's health (and really want to police other people's speech) do not and had not ever heard his name before last night.

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Sorry for being dense LOL!

It's the worst when someone asks you to explain a joke.

I did wonder on Twitter last night, thousands upon thousands of "God Help Us!" and "Oh The Humanity!", how many of those people actually knew who this guy was. I'd never heard of him - absolutely no insult intended, he's obviously an elite athlete to get where he is (was). But he isnt a starter, 6th round draft pick, ranked 21 out of 25 players under 25, only 2nd season with Bills, and all these virtue signalers freaking out like he was their childhood hero.

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Yes a lot of virtue signaling around public events brings us strange ritualistic behavior. Not much critical thinking anywhere on that platform. A lot of offended people and no shortage of perpetual victims.

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I noticed that ''oh, shit,'' too. It wouldn't surprise me if their bosses try to put a gag order on them, you know...for the greater good.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Today I came back to my medical office aftger a week of and my partner of 25 years engaged me in a convo in which he insisted that this very thing commtio cordis was the cause of this guys problems. He quoted some source that claimed that the mRNA vax could not have been the cause. This guy is a triathlete , got three mRNA shots, allowed his , at the time , minor aged daughters to get two and i think even three shots. He said he watched the video and thinks the guy was hit hard. He tells me that linebackers and tacklers are much bigger now than in the past ; 6'2" and over 300 pounds. He tells me there is a situation where you can get hit hard just at the right moment in your heart beat that can lead to this kind of thing. This is person , my partner, who is an experienced and competent cataract surgeon, operated on my mother. The level of denial and cognitive dissonance is unfathomable. I have to control my emotions b/c I get so upset about it that sometimes in a dark moment I think that the only thing that will change people's minds will be if something like what happened to Damlin happens to them or someone close to them. The three things you mention above are definitely at play

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He’s right although not acknowledging that vaxx effects could very well have left him vulnerable to hit-induced v-fib. The hysteria on this side is as irrational as the vaxxer nuts. Hearts are stopped with hits. This is nothing new to fighters.

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What's irrational is injecting billions of people with deadly toxins and watching millions die suddenly, helping them find excuses for the slaughter and think it equivalent to those who pushed this genocide.

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I agree. Hysteria is exactly what TPTB want. Third possibility is that it was another hoax and he is crisis acting. Anything is possible these days.

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