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Don't forget 0bama's role in installing Biden/Harris thus allowing 0bama a third term to finish the job of destroying Colonialist America. 0bama's role in the real coup d'etat started just a few weeks before Trump's inauguration. That's when 0bama, Biden, Comey and probably the CIA met to hatch up a RUSSIA plot to try to disrupt and destroy Trumps full term. Two failed impeachments later they're still scared of Trump. REMEMBER----America falls---the world falls.

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Trump gave UkroNazis training and weapons to kill civilians in Donbass. Trump killed INF Treaty allowing US to put nukes in Poland, Ukraine and Romania. Trump ignored Ukraine plutonium stockpiling and US funded Slav targeting biolabs. Trump hire Robert Kadlec who likely led the program that release US military created viruses in China. Bird flu In 2018, mystery pig virus in 2019 and Covid in Oct. 2019. Trump created Operation Warp Speed in order to use Other Transaction (OT) law to create experimental gene therapy while avoiding all laws and regulations and keeping it secret forever. Ever wonder why Russia and China have never allowed mRNA into their countries? Ever wonder why Bourla said Pfizer didn't have to follow any regulations? Trump is why. Trump, with the full backing of congress, spent so much money that the overnight repo market required $1 trillion per day injection from the Fed in the fall of 2019.

I'm not anti-Trump. Just pointing out what he did so you can begin to see that they're all in this together. Left vs right is a con game.

Trump broke the bank giving money to military contractors. Now we find that Javelin missiles that cost $175,000 each fail to fire 80% of the time, and don't do significant damage when they do. They were designed in the 1970s.

M777 Howitzers break after only a few firings and have to be returned to the factory for repair, while they use shells that cost $63,000 each. They're made out of exotic materials to keep the weight down.

NATO's support for Ukraine is achieving nothing but getting Ukrainians killed. They're forceably recruiting women now. All the reproductive ago women left already so I guess they're going to sacrifice their grandma's.

And today's inflation has it's roots prior to Biden, what with Trump's profligate spending, and the Fed pumping money since 1993 to avoid any kind of recession. Around $400 trillion in debts worldwide now. Russia is in the black.

I'm in Canada. We're even more screwed. We don't have as many guns. God bless Americans for refusing to give up their guns. I think we'd all be sunk by now if not for that.

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And what happened with John Durham? Robert Barnes says Durham has spent his entire career protecting the elites. He protected Mueller from being on Whitey Bulger's payroll.

Then there's Kash Patel. Mr. Devolution. He supposedly was involved in it's creation yet talks about it like an alternative media fanboy.

Then we have General Michael Flynn. The guy who claims to worship the Lord but who gives speeches that are direct quotes from prior generation occultists.

And Pompeo wants them to go to war with China right now. China has hypersonic weapons and the world's only anti ship ICBMs. What would America do if they had their aircraft carriers sunk in an afternoon? They'd go nuclear, is what. That's what these lunatics want.

And Paul Krugman. The Nobel prize winning economist is recommending that the US start a world war to save their economy.

We're surrounded by freaking lunatics and no one is calling these people out.

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