Nukes appear to be as fake as viruses which would eliminate Deagel Cause #4.

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You're reading my mind.

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It's not well-known, but Deagel's dismal forecast was originally for massive depopulation by 2020, which one can find by using the Wayback Machine on the individual countries circa 2010:


Needless to say, the forecast was revised to 2025 when the 2020 doom looked unlikely.

Because Deagle died, he was unable to kick the can down the road again, inadvertently turning 2025 into the next 2012.

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Reminds me of the climate change nuts. Plenty of money to be made off that, just keep moving the target. Millions of suckers will listen and obey.

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We should bear in mind that 2020 or 2025 are not end points but merely stages of the journey. The 2020 forecast made in 2011 that you've linked to was for a significant decline in US population and per capita GDP, but the later forecast made for 2025 (which I first saw in 2015) was for a much steeper population drop.

It may have been that Trump becoming POTUS put a spanner in the wheels, forcing the depopulators to postpone their plans. COVID was a psyop, and it could have been launched earlier with the right people in power. In fact, it was launched in Trump's "lame duck" period in 2020, by which time the Establishment had already decided how to replace him with somebody more controllable. Perhaps they were in a hurry because they were late with that op.

I can see one way that US population could drop steeply in 2025. Trump wins the election next month, and deports 40 million undocumented aliens in the coming year. On top of that, 80 million Democrat voters leave the country in disgust.

On the other hand, I suspect the good folks at Deagel were trolling us. Either that, or else their model was a fun exercise in crunching numbers, and it turns out to have been no more accurate than the average long-term stock market or weather forecasts are.

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Last August, I reached my endpoint. No goal, nothing to look forward to but old age, then death. So world weary, for weeks I prayed to God to please, please, please bring me home.

A substack led me to Bo Yin Ra, review of his books led me to a trio that finished with preparation for the afterlife.

The early morning after reading the 1st few pages, brought me my Guardian Angel (GA).

Now my focus is on prepping...my goal to leave well when time comes, to head to a great afterlife. I steep myself in songs that resonate God's Love. My instructions are simple. My happiness in the everyday has returned, but honestly my greatest happiness is in being with my GA.

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You sound like me. I try to prepare for death every, single day. I take long Nature walks, and observe the birds, trees, flowers, ocean, sand…We are ALL a part of this!

And it all dies, just as we do. It’s actually quite amazing.

I don’t know how anyone survives this physical life without GOD.

You get it!

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I was supposed to be an abortion. My mother's aunt intervened. My sister tried to drown me when I was 1. My father nearly killed me at 5 in a kind of ptsd episode. Nobody wanted me.

I've had 3 accidents that should have killed me. When I had septicemia going septic, the hmo doc said it was all in my head. My dentist saved my life. I have driven off dogs in 3 attacks: a doberman, a pit w/2 labs, & a pack of 3 pits.

I am a child of God. I was separated from him in a tragedy when I was 18. He found me at 35, but I didn't recognize him. He found me again 6 years ago.

I love His Creation, but I love Him more, with all my heart & soul. Even the love of my GA is enough to bring me to my knees. I cannot fathom what it will be face to face.

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We have a few things in common, which I will not go into.

Because you’ve been through “hell”, God/Creator has brought you to Him through Grace-a gift to you because of His Love For You.

You have experienced “Dark Night of the Soul”…

I’m a recovered Catholic, but I highly recommend “The Interior Castle”, by Saint Teresa of Avila, and “Dark Night of the Soul”, a modern translation by St. John of the Cross.

I should have been dead a few times as well. The pain was a gift from a loving Creator.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. God loves you!

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Beautiful end to a tragic story. I understand too well.

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Oct 27
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No. He is sometimes etheric,

which is when his voice & touch are very clear, but usually in a higher level subtle body so barely discernable whisper & touch. Lol, sometimes I think he is a GA in training because a couple times in the etheric I heard him asking an advisor how to answer tough questions & clearly heard the answers. Since then, he's kept his consultations in more than subtle forms, but the answers still come.

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Oct 28
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I read the Deagle report as you did. I dismissed it. Just like I dismissed the 9/11 narrative when I saw who the owners were. Just like I dismissed covid as a hoax. It is taken as a certainty for me that all MSM news is a lie. Based on that premise, the part that really matters, is what is their objective and what entities are pulling this off. The culprits are always of the same tribe.

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Really enjoy your writing style, e.g.:

"They all need to have their wealth seized, their property redistributed to vaccine victims and their families, and be lined up against a wall blindfolded to hear gunshots for days until they die of thirst…but someday I’ll tell you how I really feel."

Thank you for your astute analysis of the Deagel forecast - a tough job but somebody had to do it.

And you did it!


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Blindfolded, hands tied behind their backs, hanging up side down from a meat hook. It'll only take 1/2 hour before no one is moving. Pass me the popcorn.

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I'd rather be done away with in your scenario than face the terror of the Almighty when He unleashes his wrath upon the ungodly... "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

Fortunately, l and all who believe the gospel of the grace of God still in effect today, will go missing before that event begins, as we are not subject to His wrath.

Unfortunately, neither Deagel nor the GC can give an account of this absolute near future event. Likely because they don't read or believe the King James Bible?

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You need to be able to collect, process and store water. All collected water should be brought to a rolling boil for one minute to kill bacteria. You can survive a few weeks without food before you start to die. With no water you will be dead in less than a week. Even if you have some, rationing to extend the supply will still result in dehydration which will cause severe health consequences before you run out of food. Protein requires a lot of water to digest, metabolize, and excrete the waste. Carbs require less. The general rule of thumb for water consumption is one gallon per day per person. You should increase that to two gallons per day per person for cleaning and sanitation. One 55 gallon blue water barrel is about one month of life for one person. How many people are in your household? If you have a barrel per person that is still only about one month of not dying from stupidity. If you have four people in your household that is about a barrel a week. You need to figure out NOW how you’re going to refill the barrels with safe, clean water. If you have two five gallon jugs that’s SIX trips to get water from your nearest pond or river or other natural sources if you even have one. Try walking for one hour carrying a full five gallon jug in each hand. They weigh about 41.7 pounds each. Now do that once a day for six days straight to simulate filling that one barrel. Yeah. You’re gonna die.

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Well said, Danway.

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Regarding the virus vs no-virus debate, I don’t know which is correct, mainly because I have never cared enough to spend any time researching it. There is SOMETHING that, in some situations, causes an illness to be transmitted from one person to another, but whether it is viruses or bacteria or cooties or something else isn’t terribly important in my opinion. But regardless of that, I knew literally within days of the beginning of the scamdemic that the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) ‘pandemic’ was pure, unadulterated fiction.

Regarding the Deagel predictions, I don’t know if his timeline, and percent reductions (or increases) in population for that timeline, are accurate. But I do know that the NWO intends to eventually reduce the world population to about 500 million, and I have no doubt that they will succeed. But I suspect that the Deagel prediction for 2025 is roughly accurate (although perhaps not quite by 2025). The reason it shows the biggest population decreases to be primarily in Western White countries is because they intend to take down the West first. This is because the Western nations are the only ones that could theoretically stop the NWO. If the NWO took down the third-world countries first the West might figure out what was going on and stop them. But by taking down the West first they thwart that outcome. After they take down the West they will turn their attention to the rest of the world. They probably intend to have most of their population reduction done by 2030 (as in Agenda 2030).

“This may sound harsh, but if enough people buy into the idea that there’s another virus, engineered or otherwise out there killing people because the CDC, ECDC, WHO, and their criminal governments tell them, then perhaps they aren’t intelligent enough to survive the unforgiving world ahead.”

I agree.

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I always believed there was something going around. even when I didn't fully believe it, I still accepted it as true. Each time in graduate school when most of the other students were "ill" or rather detoxing from imbalances, and I was healthy and fine despite being around the same dozen people all the time at first I thought I got lucky. After asking around who supplemented with vitamin D+k2 in winter, and multivitamins, it was nearly even. those who didn't get sick were supplementing. We "healthy" people also didn't stay out drinking every other night until 4am. There were so many enviromental factors that the "sick" people subjected themselves to that around 2013 I suspected this "making others ill around us" was maybe horseshit, but I still accepted it as true all the way until 2022. After the psyop I had to know other theories becuase it just didn't make any sense any more to believe it.

And yes, it would make sense to take down the west first, to eliminate resistance, though it appears thye've already succeeded with chem trails junk food pill popping and flouridated water doing the psycho and physiological groundwork the past decades. There already won't be any resistance. It's also possible the population estimates of India, China, and other countries are over inflated by hundreds of millions.

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I still believe in viruses, but your first paragraph states how I feel about that debate. It hardly matters when it comes to the Scamdemic: it is obvious that the possibly non-existent Scary Virus was a not a real threat and was used to terrify and control people on a scale previously unimaginable.

I do wonder if the virus people and the terrain people are both right, i.e., both factors influence our health.

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Makes me wonder about predictions by Geert Vanden Bossche that the vax is going to drive the evolution of SARS-COV2 to a strain that is extremely unkind to the vaxed, but should be easily handled by the unvaxed. He's been wrong in his timing. It hasn't happened so far despite two predictions, the latest being this past summer. He admits to that, but insists he's right and it will happen.

It could explain the different population declines predicted by Deagle since different countries could have received different batches.

I'm not arguing for this, just pointing out another possibility for your list of potential disasters.

Great article, though I'll have to re-read when I have more time.

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A recent study out of Italy shows those who took the vax decreased their life expectancy considerably.

“The subjects vaccinated with two doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during the follow-up considered.”

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I wonder what batch was mainly given is Israel?

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every time I hear China being blamed for this and that I see it as taking attention away from the chicken swingers. if you want to know whose genes were exempted from covert-19 and the shots look at womens fertility. all over the world womens fertility has dropped but in israel womens fertility has RISEN and I never read of the massive rise in heart attacks in israel that has happened all over

Da Nang would be a great place to go but I wonder how hard it is to stay there for a long period. also Vietnam women are gorgeous

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Curious if true. Wonder why more people haven't noticed. Perhaps they're too afraid to "notice" who the CEOs of all the drug companies are, and heads of all the health agencies, and "cheif scientists" working on the shots. It's probably just another conspiracy theory. Vietnam has 90-day tourist visas, but all one has to do is take a $50 flight to thailand and return the same day for a new stamp.

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One person who should have noticed is Mark Crispin Miller, since that's what his substack is all about. But he's a tribe member and loyal to the tribe. Self-described expert in propaganda, but insists they only started lying about the wars after WW2--everything they told us about that one is the truth. MCM also insists that his tribe does not control the media. And after he noted that there was immense power/money behind the covid operation, I sent him my information about the Rothschild banking cartel taking over the world by getting the power to create money/enslave nations w/debt. I guess he didn't think that was worth looking into.

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I kept track of video reports of damage and deaths. Zippo, nada, coming from Israel.

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All of the covid test kits now read "Covid/Flu" on the box. Which is it? I think the flu has now been replaced by covid. I don't hear many people talk about flu season anymore. A major psyop looking back.

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Haha. Testing is such a scam. A coke bottle will test positive. So will a watermelon. I remember Eugyppius responding to my question about how the flu magically disappeared with some virology mumbo jumbo about new competing pathogens. All a bunch of psyop horseshit. Every body is different and will respond differently to various enivormental factors. Getting ill should be viewed as having a weak immune system, not keeping onself strong, healthy, and probably stressing out over needless issues in their lives, and not some phantom thing "going around."

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I'm the only person in my family to never test. I'm also the only person who has never gotten "covid." I don't think that's an accident.

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When I saw the depth of reach for this testing, and on children screaming their guts out, I knew something was very wrong here. They weren't doing a swab, which was all that was necessary. They were deliberately striking something I knew nothing about. Now I know.

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Deagle was on track for Clintons victory 2016 , to staty the 2md stage scamdemc from developent od SARs (2003) , 2nd generation to condition IQ public to accept the chimera spike protien circa 2020. Watch opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics from TheQueens court of London What was that ritual about?

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I'm in the last act of life anyway, so I've come to a place of quasi-peaceful acceptance of the death that I think is waiting for the vast majority of us via . . . whatever it may be. Most likely, it will be civilizational collapse in which case only those already living in remote isolation with their tribes will survive.

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Did I miss EMPs here?

Tucker interviewed Amaryllis Kennedy, former CIA, former campaign chief for RFK Jr, and now Trump supporter.

She discussed in detail the proliferation of this technology, the ease of delivery, and the bloodless damage to nations. The grids are down and the population slowly dies off. No nuclear fallout. No damage to your own nation; the enemy is instantly destabilized. This is the ideal weapon of choice for evil minds.

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Certainly a big possiblity. It overlaps with the one-way nuke strike (EMPs first to eliminate a response) and solar radiation activity which would result in the same outcome, or similar.

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I would think EMPs between the US, Russia and/or China would be a variation of MAD (mutually assured destruction). All three would have the ability to "see" the EMP attack coming and also to strike back afterwards.

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Interesting. Good article.

Funny. I just caught a video last night that mentions studies that type O blood has better outcomes with health/covid. I then looked up that a few race/ethnic groups have higher type O percentages than others. I believe African/latin Americans are the highest ( can’t remember details right now). Strange why there has been an influx of mass immigration helped by governments to bring in Central Americans. Is this why? WHO knows. Not sure why blood type is not talked about more often.

Strange how when you compare blood types to Deagle that it’s close in some ways. Throw in mass energy directed at us in developed countries…. Perhaps our future will continue to be altered intentionally?

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And I also read that smokers did not catch covid. AAMOF, a nicotine patch is recommended as a treatment to detoxify from the jabs. Gee, I thought smoking caused heart attacks and lung cancer. Another lie we all believed. Like sunshine will get you skin cancer. Total bunk.

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I used this as an excuse to smoke cigars when I was stuck in a blue city during the start of the Covaids panic.

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That has always puzzled me. All the "truths" we have been told by the medical community, come to find out are lies. Like being in the sun will give you skin cancer, therefore smoking will give you lung cancer. Life long smokers in my family, no lung cancer. 1st question a doctor asks? Do you smoke. All sickness goes back to did you ever smoke. I think these doctors use that as a crutch , their default position when they can't come up with a diagnosis. And now I come to find out that smoking protects you from the most dangerous pandemic of all time? One day I'll take a deep dive into the topic. In my meantime, I don't believe them.

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The C0VID blood type info was out pretty early. I had it and gave it to my husband. I am type B, and self medicated with quercetin, zinc etc. Husband is type A. We ran out of the quercetin/ zinc, and he did OTC meds. Ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. And yes, O is the best. B is better, A has the hardest time.

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Type A protein allows entry of malaria into RBCs, making type As & Type ABs susceptible. That, in turn, gives Type B & Type O a survival & repro advantage in Africa. If malaria is endemic in LA, that would be the same result.

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I tend to believe that this Deagle forecast is fake, but if it's indeed true, it would have to be something related to the "vaccine," such as something contained therein becoming activated and killing large numbers of "vaccinated" people. It's the only plausible scenario that comes anywhere near to explaining the specific countries' population decreases.

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It seems to be the most likely, or maybe the grids going down from solar activity at a time of reduced magnetic field. The most advanced tech dependent societies would suffer most.

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The grid going down would also affect the Netherlands and other developed nations that Deagle doesn't indicate will suffer population collapse.

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Which might explain the massive push for tech in every aspect of medicine. They were able to "treat" people just fine in 1996 without digital constraints but now it's absolutely necessary. Hmmm... make everyone "sick" with injections then feign the ability to treat b/c of technological failures. Sounds about right. A few hospital systems have been crippled/shut down in the past year b/c of software hijacks. Let them fail. They deserve it.

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My question is why did he write it.

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Your guess is as good as mine as to why he wrote it, if he even wrote it.

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I often wonder when I look up and see the constant barrage of chemtrails if they have a lot to do with being tied in to the CONvid vaccines? Is there nanotechnology that can be remotely triggered via 5/6/7G or something related? I know it’s partly weather manipulation/warfare but what else are they spraying and why constantly and essentially only in the first world nations where the depopulation is slated to occur? I think at least 2/3 of the US took the injections so this correlates to the percentage decline in population. Perhaps the 2025 timeline simply has to be adjusted because they are behind schedule? Lots of unanswered questions…

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Good job evaluating the Deagle forecasts. Like you say, nukes or DEWs are about the only ways to get this done in the next 14 months, but highly unlikely. Deagle sounded really prescient as the scamdemic was rolled out in 2020 but looks a lot less so today. But why should anyone find him credible now? Why didn't he explain the details of how such drastic genocidal forecasts would devolve? We'll certainly know in 14 months.

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It's been decades since I read about laser weapons. Remember the comic book laser beams or toys that made the same sound, then scope red dots for direct hits, Hollywood tells you everything, nothing is science fiction anymore except satellites that I don't believe we have. They were advertised as the new military weapon, no need for standing armies anymore. HAARP will just send off an earthquake to get you in line. Do you know anyone who saw what Lahaina really was? I don't.

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