Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Abbott is WEF. He is facilitating the invasion. This current crisis is the perfect set up for a false flag. People are being lured to the border to resist, just like Trump lured them to the Capitol for the so called "insurrection. Trust no politician, nothing is as it seems.

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He isn't allowed to know his enemy?

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Trump is the enemy.

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He is the least onerous of the hundreds in D.C.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

I fled to Mexico, November 8th, 2020. I don't use the medical-industrial-complex for myself or my pets, but this time I was forced to see a veterinarian to get my cat a rabies vax. Since the civil war 2.0 had been advertised , as the scamdemic had been advertised, for years in advance...I mentioned to the vet I was fleeing the coming civil war. He said it would never happen, and that now Biden was on his way..."and everything will get back to normal". What an idiot normie. I must admit I have been tempted to write him an email. I'm back in this hellhole to deal with my dad's estate, but as soon as this is finished... I'm out of here again.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

They want things to get back to normal? Lol. Everyone who embraced the lunacy of 2020 wants their New Abnormal. They hate America, family get togethers, community, friendship, any and all social interactions, fresh air, sunlight, human faces, truth, freedom, goodness, beauty, love and all human civilization. Why? Because they're cold-blooded monsters without any normal human emotional needs. That's why none of the anti-social freaks got the least bit lonely after months or years of lockdown. Like they aren't even human. I wish we could let Klaus Schwab take that kind and leave us real people alone. 50% of the population WANTS to usher in a nightmarish, dystopian Hell-on-Earth. Why? I guess they're just nihilistic psychos. I avoid communicating with any now.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Well, that's kind of happening...at least in my neck of the woods (Oregon)...those who lined up happily for the Jonestown jab are dropping like flies. It is shocking to me how many people I know have died in the past two years. I now look at the online obituaries several times a day. After learning of the most recent death, I got out my oldest photo album (beginning 1979). Almost everyone in it was dead. It felt strange and creepy thinking back...how none of us could have guessed 40 years ago, that so many in my circle would march obediently to their own deaths...like lemmings leaping off a cliff.

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"Jonestown Jab." LOL, I will borrow that phrase, thanks.

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They had it in ALOHA-OREGON, the INTEL campus was called "Jones-Town"

Yesterday it was the kool-aide, today its the clot-shot

Now jones-town designs the chips that you put in your dog and tomorrow they'll put in you

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I don't think they will need to chip the population. The Trump clot shot has self assembling nano-bots, which will be used to control through 5G.

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I didn't know that place was called Jonestown. Why? I went there once to buy an 8mm projector from someone who worked there.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Actually it was the Hillsboro campus near the airport, I guess you have to be an old INTEL insider; Everybody knew it was "JonesTown"

Andy Grove ( FOUNDER INTEL ) was a ZOG psychopath, today all R&D is done in Israel;

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And screaming curses at those of us who hesitated.

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Just remember, in war, all targets are legit. Those that foisted this on the unsuspecting will be prime meat.

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Stealing "Jonestown Jab." Thanks!

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This whole thing is scary. Due to special medical issues I don't expect to outlast Cyber Polygon by more than 3-6 months. All things considered that's just as well.

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I have been preparing to survive this ordeal for 33 years (strange number...but that's the truth). Where we are now, I expected us to be in 2000...so I had an extra 20 years...for which I am grateful. That's a long time to get used to the idea that probably everyone in my life would be dead, before its all over....and so far, this is proving to be the case. Trying to warn these folks was like talking to a brick wall...but, happily...two DID listen, so it wasn't all for nothing. My feeling now is: let's just get on with it.

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These now well known psychopaths have been announcing their plans since at least 1975, when I first read about them. They also said their goal for those plans were by 2025, so it looks like they are sticking to that goal?

They were hidden in the shadows as all tyrants do, but now they are being exposed, so all bets are off.

If enough people realize this, their game is over, and that is what they are terrified about, and why they are going for broke.

They need to eliminate us before we eliminate them!

Of course, it goes back long before that, but this is the time that we need to stop this evil psychopathy.

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Deagel Report since 1950's SITREP for "Deep State"

JC Deagel was Rockefellers Chief Long Term Planning officer

All is on schedule ( In the Snowden dump there is 100's of CIA SITREP references to the Deagel-Report all US-MIL contractors use it; )


This link has latest deagel-report stat's

The history of deagel is interesting, Rockefeller/Bush brought Hitler to power, they thought Hitler would win, but Russia kicked his ass; But either way the "Deagel Team" had developed NWO plans for "Hitler", once Hitler lost then the Operation-Paperclip kicked into force and all Nazi-Homo elite were brought to USA to run NASA, NSA, CIA, UN, CDC & WHO, ... ( Rockefeller owned the UN and donated its land in NYC )


ZOG ZIONISM is ZIO-NAZISM; Israel is ZOG in 1933 by Havarra Agreement HITLER sent 60,000 loyal Nazi-ashkeNAZI 'faux jews' to Palestine with gold&guns to 'begat modern Israel"; Today the jews in Israel are kicking the zionists out of GOV, but they have fair elections, in the USA ZOG has owned WASH-DC since 1871, when ZOG agent Lincoln could repay debt for civil-war-2.0 (1776 was civil-war 1.0 )

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Please don’t say that .

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I moved to Panama in 2003 after the 911 scam, and lived 9 years there, where I met and married my wonderful Panamanian wife. It is no better there, and the lock downs and quarantines were much worse there than here, so I moved back here. It is good that you are happier in Mexico, but do not delude yourself into thinking you are safer or better off there.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

For most of the past 33 years I have been dirt poor. The only preparations I could make were spiritual and mental...until four years ago. All those years I brainstormed about how I could put my plans to work, without money. Some things worked...some did not. I went so far as to marry a Guatemalan in 2006 (any old port in a storm). I have no regrets about the past 33 years. Everything worked out exactly as it was supposed to work out.

I now have nerves of steel. Last June, while birdwatching on Sauvie Island in the Columbia River, a lunatic pointed a pistol in my face and threatened to blow my brains out if I did not return his phone to him (which of course, I did not have). I talked him down. Even I was amazed at how cool I remained. One can have 50 years of dried food in a bunker, but without spiritual preparation, they will not make it.

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Prepared at the core myself too, my friend.

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They are likely to run out of drinking water before most other countries since they lacked the sense to build a pipeline alongside the canal to provide water for its operation instead of relying on fresh water from lakes.

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From what I read, it was the French and English who built the Panama canal, so that was their design error.

Panama gets over 200"/year of rain which is about the same as Hawaii, and 10 times more than most of the US, so they are not lacking for water!

Their water management does need improvement though.

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"France began work on the canal in 1881, but stopped because of lack of investors' confidence due to engineering problems and a high worker mortality rate. The United States took over the project in 1904 and opened the canal in 1914." Wikipedia

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Then explain why their lakes are looking a lot like Lake Mead and Lake Powell right now.

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My Panamanian wife says they got less than the normal rainfall in 2023, so that may just be a temporary situation.

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Is she a Panamanian meteorologist?

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There is no place to hide.

When the Overlorfds come for Mexico, and they will, it won't matter where you are. And worse, there will be no one in the third world to protect you.

I live in the DR. If the world economy goes to shit, I will be a prime #1 target for hungry people.

I actually think chances are better in red-red areas of America than the third world.

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That's exactly how I felt when I was living in Panama over 12 years ago. Gringos are already targets now, and it will be much worse for gringos when the SHTF.

I agree that the red rural areas in the US will be the best places to be then, which is why I moved back here.

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Yup. I will move back as soon as we dispose of our house here in the DR.

At least red-red areas in the states have a fighting chance together, a common community. I'm no longer really "fighting age", but I'll be hell in support.

Right now gringos are somewhat a "protected" class because the police aggressively protect them lest tourism suffer. But when the SHTF, I guarantee griongos will be hunted down by predators, many criminals deported from the states. These criminals think all gringos have money stashed away in their house.

PLUS, getting a firearm here is not only expensive ($2K+ for a generic 9mm), but seriously bureaucratic.

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Armas are difficult and expensive to get in most/all LA countries, which was reason #2 for moving back here.

For sure gringos will be the prime targets when the SHTF, and they will have no armas for self defense, so they will be easy pickings.

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All true.

The other issue is retribution. If you kill a criminal, the criminal's family will seek retribution eye-for-an-eye style. I think it's a Caribbean/Latino thing.

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That's not just a Caribbean/Latino thing. It is how all mafia criminal organizations operate?

What happened to all of the witnesses and whistle blowers against them?

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Yeah, and the police and their laws will not help the gringo.

Remember what happened to John McAfee in Belize?

I'm still wondering what really happened to him!

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West Virginia. 202 acres family compound on the side of a mountain. I think you might be right.

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Born in LA, left Calif in 1978, Left USA in 2007; never go back; I spent most of the 1978 to 2007 years sailing/hiking/biking around the world, getting to know the real world up & close, learning all the foreign languages;

HOW&WHY they made me HATE my US-GOV as child, and how&why that hatred never went away;


Yes, all my highly intelligent friends said that once BIDEN replaced Trump that all the BLM fires would end that all the homeless would disappear; Since Biden all those things only got worse, they still blame 'Trump', of course I know that TRUMP&BIDEN are siamese twins sharing a common asshole led by the ZOG-Leash, but I never tell my 'friends' what I really think, that's probably why I dump it on substack;

We all must have a release;

"The worlds most overrated pleasure is sexual intercourse, the worlds most under-rated pleasure is defecation; I would always rather have a good shit, than a good fuck;" - Mark Twain, Letters from Earth

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Those folks don't sound intelligent at all. I would rather be alone. Stupid people will get you killed. Dump them, is my advice

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OK kris, this question of yours is worthy of its own post


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That's a lot of effort to answer my question...so thanks. I will read it after I post this. I'm happy to report I ditched my last remaining libtard friend, exactly 26 years and 9 months ago. A great descission I have never regretted. Now, on the rare occasions I actually feel like company, I don't have to worry about hearing idiotic thoughts. I much prefer engaging in outdoor activities alone.

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Well yes, they're all still living in USA, so they are dumb as a rock, and my family that is still living in California are dumber than rocks;

But just verifying your observation that all these nitwits seriously believed the feral-niggers were burning down mainstreet USA because of their love of OBAMA-BIDEN, and that it would all end when BIDEN made POTUS

The reality is UNI-PARTY (ZOG) "Zionist Occupied Governments" Green Lighted commercial theft at the retail level and making that legal destroyed small-biz, which like COVID was the plan;

I never try to 'change' anybody's mind, I don't bother; Well I think its good to stay in touch with 'old friends' why not? Get's lonely not to inquire; Stay in touch or live all alone no thanks;

No different than a pack of dogs, even back in the day with my 'friends' I was always the black-sheep, I carried 'heat' and all my friends were liberals'; Sort of like being a straight girl in San-Fran, there aren't any straight guys; Well in most places I left after I left LA, say Alaska, if you want friends to hike, ski, sail they're probably going to be 'liberals'

There is another crux, to you argument and sure its irrelevant now that I'm near geezer, but not in my own mind, I still ride my mtn-bike daily, I don't feel old, but the kids always ask my age, and they're first guess is pretty fucking close :(

My point about liberal friends is this, when your young and you want 'PUSSY' you better be able to talk 'liberal', the hippy chicks were the best, clean & sweet; Having grew up in LA conservative meant dumb as rock bible thumpers, and the bars were full of coke-whores; I always gravitated to near college towns with lots of hippy chicks that wanted to FUCK & go Hiking-Camping :)

You know that typically the 'conservative' girls aren't easy to bed, and I sure as fuck wasn't looking for 'marriage' Besides, in LA when I did date Mormons, or 'christians' and they dragged my ass to church, I found the majority to be dumb fucking 'sheep'; Always talking about 4,000 year old Earth, I was doing Geo-Physics and was dealing with million year old rocks for big-oil, so when these fruit-cakes would go on about 4,000 year earth it made me nutz, I never tried to educate them, I just tried to distance myself from them;

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Your vet is correct.

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Do they have a vaccine for the cartels?

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There is. It’s anything made of most metals flying over about 800 fps. And they work on evil politicians, and corrupt administrators as well.

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The cartels are better armed than all other Mexicans and most Americans.

I guess you forgot about fast and furious.

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Yeah, but how about those Lions/49ers/Chiefs/Ravens (circle one)!

Stay close to God, amigos.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Seems the American dream is winning fantasy football

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Liked by Good Citizen

Programmed or not, we've been heading down the road to an actual civil war for a long time.

And here it is.


And there is nowhere to run.

We've been importing our slavemaster's troops for years. And the worst is yet to come.

There is NO WAY the Overlords will allow actual elections this year.

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The trick to surviving a civil was is to be on the winning side.

Those on the losing side watch more television and believe everything theirs tell them.

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Glad I’m in a state where most are are armed and know which bathroom to use. I’m hoping gov Ron starts the deportation catapults here, so we don’t have to do other things to rid ourselves of them.

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Gov Ron flew to Israel to sign a bill restricting speech in Florida...

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It isn't a mistake that it gets flushed by hurricanes regularly.

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Biden is offering citizenship to the illegals in exchange for military service, since the military is so desperate for recruits. So the US military will soon be a hoard of barbarian invaders.

Regarding the election, they may just rig it again, since that would be easier to hide than cancelling it?

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That's the plan.

Same happened in the Roman Empire.

I dunno about elections. If they rig it and everybody knows it was rigged, we have a literal shooting civil war. It's maybe easier for a false flag and martial law to stop elections. At least some small-brained will think Big Brother is protecting them with suspension of rights...but I do not think that will play well with patriots.

I am not convinced, one way or another, we will have free and fair elections in November. The stakes are just waaaaaay too high for the globalists who thought the coof was how they'd take over for good.

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Does it matter if the elections are fair or not. Trump or Obama will push the NWO agenda, but Trump will face less resistance.

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Trump needs to get in to sell WW3 or the next big thing. Tptb took note of what that POS was able to get away with. They know his cult will give him a pass.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

OK, here is a proposal from someone else before, that I am bringing up again.

Let's just let the invaders take north america, and we will all take south america, so as to just trade continents with them. Most of us like the southern climate better anyway, so that's a win for us?

We stole most of Mexico from the Mexicans, which is most of the SW US now, so they want it back now.

They can have this failed continent, and we will rebuild their failed continent to our liking.

We built and made this country what it is so we can do that anywhere else too.

Is that a dream or an idea? Yeah, probably just a dream.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

I live in Chile. It’s a good dream. Would want to keep some Argentineans, some Brazilians, some beautiful Columbia women and some from Paraguay. Oh and a few Peruvian cooks. You can get rid of all the rest sending them to NA.

Too bad it’s a dream

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But, but, isn't the entire world going to be too hot to live on in a few years, like Gretna said?

Based on the last couple of winters, I'm betting on the ice age they were predicting on the first Earth Day.

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US won the land against messico in 2 wars. santa anna signed over more then 2 states. dont have to go to SA it is coming here and US will be like venezuela first then south afreaka

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Did they win the war on grammar?

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

The Eagle Pass equals Sumpter has been the boogeyman of the day. It even trumps (ha!) the Michelle Obama August surprise nonsense. Nothing like American shock and awe turned inward. Good times!

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Abbott is WEF, and a false flag is being set up.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

The illegal invaders are already going around Eagle Pass and anywhere there is razor wire to invade through private properties near there. So, those private property owners have a situation to deal with invading trespassers...


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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Guess war and a possible draft (based on comments from NATO officers in Sweden and the UK) is the Black Swan event many regime talking heads have mentioned recently.

Doubt a virus creates the “hysteria culture” needed.

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Agree. They need a cataclysmic event in order to usher in the changes they want. Nothing *resets* the pieces on the board better than a war.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

The Controllers know a disaster is coming, and soon. Maunder minimum type of extreme cold and massive volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and a magnetic reversal. Why do you think they have built all those DUMBS? Why do you think all the rich guys are building their escape location with everything in place? Between the events and now, they plan a massive population reduction. Less people to control after the events.They have been spraying the skies and poisoning the food, while shutting down the processing plants. And then there is the Trump kill shot, which he loudly claims credit for. Everything is heading in one direction, if you can see it.

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Maybe a financial collapse? Only gonna affect us folks, the predator class all boxed off - all the time.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

The coming financial collapse is one of many events on the very near horizon.

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The banks failing and the Great Taking would do it.

Only way out will be CBDC, unless you walk away from all your assets.

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Everything is about massive population reduction: WW3, shutting down energy production, shutting down food production, Trump clot shot, everything is designed to have the desired effect.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

That map mirrors what I've been suggesting for a few years now. Flyover country divorces from the coastal elites using the government that the founders envisioned: small, efficient, and using the constitutional document as it was designed to be used. In a few years, like minded Canadians notice what we have and ask to join us, creating a formidable economic engine and leaving the coastals to stew in their liberal utopian cesspools . Eastern Ontario, Illinois, and New Mexico would eventually be rid of liberal scum shortly after people had to follow the rule of law under a truly equal justice system.

It seems like a good workable solution....except for Quebec.......Fuck Quebec. Send them back to France.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Too bad all the Rep party systems in those states are swamp creatures dreaming of getting a ticket to DC. University systems are controlled almost entirely by a board of regents; regents are appointed on a rolling basis by the governor; yet even the reddest of red states has a uni system staffed top to bottom with shitlibs.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Send em!

Give them what they want.

A free ticket to DC.

One way.

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Washington is thoroughly corrupt. So is anyone allowed to be elected.

"Soft secessions" at the local level would be our best bet. Half our country believes the lies spouted by their precious talking heads on the idiot box. Everything they yearn for is horrible. I don't want anything they do. or to have anything to do with them. That's why the US is doomed.

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Excellent scenario!

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I think the Tribe will select Trumpowitz to park his bloated carcass in the Oval Orifice again. Their theater is so transparent to any discerning soul. Orange Head; The dastardly villain of the Cleft Wing, the persecuted savior of the Blight Wing. With him back as their chief mouthpiece, the mostly non-white, bolshevik hordes will erupt, and glassy eyed, cyber entranced Whitey is too soft headed and soft spined to realize that a war of extermination is being waged against him. Meanwhile, the final links in the Talmudic chains will be forged. "Order out of Chaos." Oy Veh, such a deal!

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I'm leaning more and more toward this theory as well though I'm still split. David Erickson posted a comment a few months ago to this nature and I wasn't sure at the time, but the know the more they prosecute and wage lawfare against him the more his poll numbers go up. My question about the selection theatre revolves around this: What will destablize the nation most, and cause the most division? On the flip side if they rigged it again, stayed with Biden, and the demented corpse doesn't campaign, doesn't do anything, is losing in all polls beyond the margin of error and then magically wins on selection day (like Commissar Katie Hobbes who oversaw her own election), how destructive would that also be? They'd be saying, "Fuck you maga and Americans what are you going to do about it?" Here's the best scenario for them. Trump wins, they don't rig the ballot for President, but they manipulate Senate and House races so it's all Dimtards and they impeach him for good, AND they impeach his VP, and house speaker Hakeem Jefferies is president and his first act is to stand down all border control that Trump just reimplemented. You get chaos from both sides with in a six month period. Probably civil war. All for a bunch of traitors with two different letters next to their names that work for Israel.

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Well thought out and said, GC, but in my view, ultimately it doesn't mean a fucking thing. Representative government in the USSA is as real as the moon landing. A nice fairy tale for dullards. The Yids can put Ham the space chimp in the White House and all of his relatives in Congress and the Cabinet and the result for us will be the same. At least Ham the Chimp has greater comprehension of the Q cards the Jooze hold for him to read on Talmudvision than does baked brain Biden.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Author

Oh yeah. All that goes without saying. what percentage of the american marshmellow pie has any clue about any of this? How many will expend more attention labor on this coming spectacle "rah rah-ing" for their color than they did sportsball the past five months? That's how they engineer the civil war. People think it matters and that they're duty bound to take action. The more desperate and demoralized they become the greater the action they believe is necessary. "Welcome to the DC gulag. Wormeal or crickets?"

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I'd wager both scenarios have been wargames. Of Trump "wins" and says he's deporting tens of millions of illegals, who are desperate, mostly male, and at the poverty line... backed by the left and MSM divisive rhetoric, could be a partial recipe for their designed chaos.

Elections worldwide have been going nationalist/populist, mirroring the 1930s...the partial excuse that led to WW2 (of course history books omit the role of central banks in this endeavor). Trump would be following trend set by Milei, Wilders, Germany's shift to the AfD Party...

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True. And you can connect all the right populists to Zionism with the exception of a few parties in Europe. Very 1930s vibes.

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This is largely the underlying premise of a post I did in December. The pieces, when examined through this lens, appear to align. The obvious and legally vapid cases that stay in the news cycle just long enough to keep Trump in the headlines, fuel anger among the right and the awakening elements of the left. Those hardcore leftist zeolots will never awaken, and will only get angrier with each "failed" court case.

Colorado moved to remove Trump from the ballot, then reversed it only for Maine hours later, to do the same thing. The blatantly obvious sex scandal, without any merit, only drives the same wedge as stated above, serving the long-term plan of divide and conquer, order out of chaos, the ruse of the Hegelian Dialectic.

These two posts address the psyop that is Trump.



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Lots of color loves Trump so there goes that part of your theory.

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The "lots of color" is relatively insignificant. Perception trumps reality. (pun intended). Orange head is perceived by the brain dead sheeple as being the white savior when of course he is anything but. But it is this perception that drives behavior, very easily manipulated by the Controllers.

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You’re over-perceiving ‘this’ perception.

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Not at all. If anything, I'm understating the case.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

By the way, Abbott's friend owns the busses that are hired to transport the invaders all over the US. Trust no politician, including Orange Judas.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Great points, especially about how it's all theater. I'm not 100% certain Wheels isn't doing it as some kind of self-serving stunt that TPTB are pissed about, as it has no real effect other than shredding the bonds that hold us together even more. For example, he withdraws everything for a promise by the Dems we all know will be reneged upon, and immediately afterwards is appointed to several boards of directors with a combined salary in the 8 figures. Like how Eric Cantor became the highest paid board member shortly after helping to pass the TARP bailouts, back when a trillion was big money.

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Abbott is WEF. Trust no politician. Abbott has allowed the invasion when he could have stopped it.

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Jan 26Liked by Good Citizen

And it just sucked all of the air out of the room. So we get a scamdemic at any moment, Regime Janissaries, wars all over. Sounds like Cabal has their ducks in a row. Everyone gets the whip before the chip.

Low IQs cannot keep the current military systems functional. The Feds are going to have to dumb down just about everything. These troops will be the oppressors to keep the American draftees fighting overseas in line. Obama always did say he was going to make himself a national police. Hell they're even getting more sporty in MENA, get some biblical types stirred up as a bonus.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Matt Taibbi advertised this border convoy that might be interesting for some?

Or is he just another limited hangout or another J6 setup?



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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Yes, another J6 set up. Abbott is WEF, and is allowing the invasion, no matter what he says.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Taibbi rolls with the narrative largely. Less limited hangout and more playing a role. His stories are well written and interesting but he gatekeeps on 9/11. Even Tucker is a Cabal Theater Kid dancing for his supper. At best they're normies who know where the rails are but I'm not an optimist. I just can't shake the feeling this is all political posturing; ramp up the election hysterics. Scare the normies as the media hypes escalation.

In fairness to Abbott, he would have been unable to send the illegals back to wherever.

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In fairness to Abbott, at least he is doing SOMETHING to stop the invasion, which is better than the NOTHING that the feds are doing?

He is also calling the feds out for that, which is good too, since that focuses on the States authority and sovereignty that is usually ignored.

His WEF ties are concerning though.

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Abbott is also a Bush monkey. Paxton is the one to watch. The Bushes went after him and lost. Payback is a bitch.

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I agree in principle but why is he not spreading his troops out? It's like Bundy Ranch all over except nothing is truly being accomplished. 1200 miles of border to close. Iirc 27 states are sending troops. That should be enough to have a fire team cover one mile of frontier at the minimum. Why aren't artillery units digging in and establishing fire bases to support the troops if they run into a cartel group? Why not take the apprehended aliens directly to airport where they sent home? Abbott has declared an invasion no? There should be emergency powers associated with said declaration. Where's the beef? WEFFIE says it all about Abbott; it's theater but as John Rappaport talked about, miracles can derive from these actions.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Did you see the report from FBI on recruits now? They have to send them to school so they can write a complete sentence...they are NOT the people you want in the FBI.

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But when you want someone that will follow orders and be domestic spooks, one looks for stupid.

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right now the fbi are headed by white hating communists. so you think it is good now but will be ruined??

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Jan 26Liked by Good Citizen

Whoever the guy is in that picture, he needs to take is finger OFF the phucking trigger.

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Haha. Every hollywood movie, no rudimentary firearms training for the Malibu based actors who think calling the police is self defense.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

Do you mean clowns like Alec Baldwin? LOL

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Let him shoot himself in his foot! That's entertainment!

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The average normie doesn't even know what Eagle Pass is. The MSM has decided to ignore this story. To me, this suggests that Biden will quietly back down and let the invaders come across the other thousand miles of open border. No sense in risking an armed conflict over one tiny town.

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Jan 27Liked by Good Citizen

tex-ass is doomed. white are now a minority. texans piss on the graves of sam houston and the alamo defenders. I am sure sam houston is proud of those boys. better not try that in tex-ass. hahaahah yea right

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True. Texaco was an oil co. But they might as well rename the state Texico.

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Jan 30Liked by Good Citizen

Good wordplay, GC.

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I'm too old to be a William Quantrill, but my heart is right.


These faggots don't know what they are in for. My wife is a descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Although one of the nicest people you will ever meet, UNTIL its time for her to NOT be nice.

I am a descendant of many Revolutionary war fighters, not to mention even more Civil War fighters.

I think that it is time that they have now fucked around and are going to find out.

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Quantrill was an amazing White hero and warrior. I highly recommend the tome, "Noted Guerillas or the Warfare of the Border" by John N. Edwards. It was originally published in 1877, not very long after what I call, The First Rebellion and what the kept historians call, The Civil War. (it was not.) Edwards was a Confederate officer who would link his men with Quantrill at times and fight along side of him. He knew him well. The courage, valor, fighting prowess, and tenacity of Quantrill and his men was astonishing. They repeatedly attacked without hesitation and vanquished much larger Union forces. We need men like that now to wage a Viet Cong style resistance against the verminous Controllers, Yids & goyim sycophants alike, along with their mud men shock troops. War without mercy.

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I've not read the Edwards piece, but it sounds great.

Personally, I am just about as sick of the "Civil War" lies as I am everything else. So many people consider the fake Holohoax to be the nut cuttin' issue of our time, but frankly, this faked civil war is really one of the main milestones of the current takeover. Had they left us the hell alone, things would be much different.

Read some of Forrest's adventures, too, to understand what real men did back in the day. I'm afraid there are too few and far between to help us in any new "civil war". They just don't make men like that any more.

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Very true. Much of the best Aryan blood in America was shed during the War Between the States. The softening up process by the Tribe directed against Whites was meticulously planned very long ago and now it has pretty much been consummated. Far too many White men now are not only physically weak but what is worse, flaccid on the inside. Such creatures will never revolt against their destroyers.

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Those the same ones that are complaining about the lack of marriageable women?

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I prefer to call it a revolution. Because that’s what we need to do. Revolt, topple dc completely, and start over.

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