On the probability of it being staged my final thoughts on this whole asinine event and then I'm never thinking about it ever again:

1. Pfizer sponsors everything. Sports, news, awards. Sponsoring the Oscars is pennies for them.

2. There are already alopecia drugs.

3. There's only 1-2 in a thousand who suffer from her condition. That's not a big market. Even the larger market of male hair loss, there are already drugs DHT blockers etc. and hair restoration procedures. Compared to seasonal clot shots and "boosters" for tens of millions it's nothing for Pfizer.

4. They would have had to go through agents, managers, lawyers of Rock and Smith, in secret and probably paid them tens of millions each. Each have different agencies, managers, lawyers. That's a minimum of 20-30 people who would have to keep it secret along with anyone at Pfizer. It's ludicrous when you know how hollyweird works. It's a sieve of endless gossip.

5. Rock made a joke about Jada at the 2016 Oscars which was a 1000x worse and she hasn't forgiven him. The GI Jane joke was her showing us that she doesn't like Rock and playing the victim of her condition at the same time to gain sympathy.

6. See the above piece on cuckoldry and regret. It provides a reasonable and simple motive rooted in far too much time spent watching the couple confess their dirty secrets on Jada's stupid red table show on YT. It explains his actions, and inability to control himself in the moment. Go watch all those stupid one-on-one confessionals between the couple where they air all their dirty laundry for the world and you'll see how she manipulates him, how he allows her to play him and deflects with jokes, but you'll also see real pain in the man, and regret and a desire for her acceptance.

7. See Rock's reaction. It's authentic as hell. He yells, "Dude!" and then he fumbles the improv joke because he's clearly still in shock, "Uhhh, that' was the uhh greatest night in the history of television." Night? Then the awkward silence because he doesn't know what to do. If they rehearsed it and he knew it was coming then he would have not said "Dude" and would have had something prepared. He's either the greatest actor of all time, or it was real. If it was staged and he was acting, he should get Smith's award.

8. Not everything in the world is a big pharma conspiracy. It is good to be suspicious and on guard for staged events, I'm just not buying this one as staged.

Not another word from me on this topic ever. And now I'm off to take another bath.

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Ah, but have you read A Midwestern Doctor’s take on this?


It was already obvious to me that this was staged to give relevance to the Oscars (every such event needs the requisite “wardrobe malfunction” to create buzz now), but the additional evidence presented by A Midwestern Doctor is compelling. Considering alopecia is rising due to the jab and Pfizer has a history of producing drugs to treat the ailments it creates (including newly unrolled cardiac meds) *and* the security detail was supposedly told to stand down as there would be a planned altercation with Chris Rock, it’s pretty rock-solid. The Oscars get the buzz; Pfizer gets the pre-marketing disease branding underway; and Will and Chris get extra PR (no such thing as bad publicity in Hollywood)—it’s a win-win all the way around.

If you think this is a stretch, you don't understand how diabolical the marketing/advertising/PR industry is. Here is an inside perspective from John Burk:


And then, of course, there's always the wisdom of Bill Hicks:


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I'll check it out. It still makes Rock's performance the greatest ever.

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I was impressed!

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John Burk is overthinking everything. He's clearly never been to Portland. I used to live near Nike HQ. It's a bubble. Profits don't matter anymore in the WEF new normal woke inc. west. Group think + assimilation/conformity + bubble all in service to woke inc. and they all come from universities where woke is the indoctrination religion. Nike also had a $25 million contract with Kaepernick so if he found the Betsy Ross flag offensive they weren't going to risk their contract with the poster boy for BLM sports grievance and the bad publicity of woke twitter over that flag.

The midwest doc's source is nessa_nikkii on instashame claiming her husband works security at the oscars and they were called off? Her account is now private. I do like how he tries to tie red pill to the event as if only red pilled people could see it was staged. I'll need a lot more evidence than a random on social media, an upcoming pfizer drug (they're a drug company) for a common ailment and their advertising the event when they advertise for everything on TV. If it's good enough for the midwest doc it's good enough for a different kind of Borg.

Alopecia is a side effect of the vax? So are heart attacks, deaths and 20,000 other ailments - 9 pages of micro text side effects. Almost everything is a recorded side effect in the thousands. Also this is not a PR "win" for either guy. This is horrible for Smith especially. The majority of people around the world think he's a complete lunatic, especially how he thanked god calling on him to love in his speech. If it was staged he's even dumber than he looked before. Also if it was staged, why did they ask him to leave right after? He apparently refused to leave after the producers asked him.

There are different kinds of Borgs and seeing conspiracies everywhere without conclusive evidence is just another kind.

Have you seen Chris Rock try and act in films? He's terrible. He can't act and yet here he was flawless for the first time in his career?

Nobody answers the simple questions first anymore. Nobody looks at the evidence they do have. They go in search for the gossip that nobody else has, and find it with complete strangers on social media so they can write viral posts. This is just another method of propagating unreality, fueling suspicions, dividing people with each event etc. Global mgmt loves it.

Until a contract between a shell company in the British Virgin Islands owned by pfizer and Rock's agency or Smiths lawyers leak I won't devote another second of time to this idiocy. What a royally asinine timeline we're on. 😂 Now I need another bath.

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Haha, fair enough. I respect your demand for hard-core evidence. That said, manufacturing events to engineer a particular outcome is a practice dating back to Edward Bernays and has been honed to an art form in the present day. And John Burk used to do this for a living, so he is basing his assessment on the the “Action vs. Predictable Reaction” marketing formula practiced in the age of Woke. It’s all about going viral, and the goal isn’t always profit, as you observed—it may just be about advancing a particular political agenda.

As far as them asking him to leave, you could say him refusing to leave and them letting him stay is a further indication that it was staged. They had to make a show of doing something but then didn’t follow through because that was part of the script.

I’m not saying it was definitely faked, but my initial gut reaction was that it was orchestrated, and there are so many cui bono’s combined with an industry that has a history of fabricating events to go viral that I wasn’t willing to dismiss the possibility out of hand.

Please accept my apology for extending your thoughts on this for an additional second. I feel filthy and need a bath, too.

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The security call-off doesn't matter. Staged.

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Oh, and here's Jim Breuer explaining how the Pizza Hut commercial outburst was scripted to go viral, and he had to wait a certain period of time before he could reveal the fakery:


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Yes, saw it. That's all been around a while. No connection to the bitch slap unless I see that wire transfer out of the BVIs. 😂 I still can't get over the "security was called off" evidence. It's straight out of JFK. Kevin Costner sitting on a bench on the mall with Donald Sutherland. "Why was security told to stand down at half past six at the Oscars?"

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Yep, others have made the case, this was a staged commercial for Pfizer's alopecia drug. I wonder if "pregnant or nursing women, or women trying to become pregnant should avoid physically touching this pill." I remember that fine print warning from the commercial for one of those drugs s few years back. Good golly! Hard pass! Gimme another bath!

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If she has alopecia, then why does she have a 5 o'clock shadow on her dome? Looks like she shaved a normal head of hair to me. Maybe even more fuel for the conspiracy fire. She shaved her head for Pfizer, and this one-act play!

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Love your summation. Had to share a portion of it. Just too good. You’re an excellent writer.

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Thanks Ruth.

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Thanks, well written and enjoyed the read. One thing we know for sure, it wasn't as simple as it appeared. Can't help but feel it was all staged, but maybe not.

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Just like I do not watch reruns of armed injections, I refuse to watch this event.

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Simpler explanation: Pfizer, who pfunded the Oscars, paid Rock and Smith to stage an incident to make people talk about alopecia on Pfacebook as their alopecia treatment rolls out this year.

Tinfoil explanation: "now let's start normalizing public violence in response to speech and lets make both exemplars black."

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If true Rock gave the best performance of any actor, ever. And he's not even an actor. And unless they paid Smith 9 figures why would he ruin his career for Pfizer's dome drug?

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Read my latest post. I don't think he "ruined" his career at all.

My open question is why Rock agreed to play the bitch.

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All that requires a premise that it was staged. I don't buy that premise.

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The bitch was the “man” who slapped another “man” much smaller in stature, knowing that smaller “man” would not retaliate. Also, the slap was so weak Rock hardly moved after being hit. Smith was the bitch.

What a world

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Normal reaction would be to rub your face--after strike. He didn't. Therefore no strike.

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You also typically don't hunker down and tuck your chin when you don't know a blow is coming.

Security would also probably have at least approached the stage enough to be made visible if they didn't know it wasn't an actual assault.

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I'm only calling Rock the bitch because it was the role he played in the scene.

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Understood. Thanks for the reply.

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He got payed as well---money talks--nobody walks.

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Yesterday, I heard that tickets to Rock's stand up show are going for up to $700 each. The face value is around $50. Not really sure that this has ruined Rock's career at all.

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Maybe a bit of both.

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Por que no los dos?

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The whole premise of Marxism is destroy the family unit and the worship of religion. And your wisemen dont know how it feels to be thick as a brick (Ian Anderson)! Who neecs CRT anyway but marketers.

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Pfizer sponsored the Oscars---and they are coming out with a new alopecia drug very soon. You think this whole thing was staged? I do.

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Pinning my thoughts on the staged scenario to the top.

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Well done.

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Good stuff, Good Citizen.

At one point in my meandering, I taught, mostly middle school age children, in the birthplace of The American Revolution. English writing and speech were among the subjects taught.

One day in the late 1990’s I found myself on a municipal bus when three loud teenage females sat down in front of me. Beside the decibel level and its incessant nature, I found myself marveling at the ubiquitous use of “like” as a filler, rather than a comparison or feeling. The following is the prime example which stays with me all these many years: “And like, ya know, it was like a bitch, ‘cause she, like, liked him, ya know!”

All that to say that as far as I can tell, Pharma is next in line behind the Black Nobility and the triad of MI6/CIA/Mossad. Try imagining the new encyclopedic medical knowledge gained by your average Jane and Joe, even if most is simply by remote osmosis.

I know of one person who (does not suffer from but) has alopecia. My friend damaged after #2 jab, has Bruce Willis’ aphasia. When I visit him in the afternoon the TV is always on, and Pharma is by far the main sponsor. My friend often mutes it out of my asking often enough that he’s learned; I didn’t watch ‘Friends’ when it was current, and I am not interested in it now. (He, by the by, has it memorized, and will turn the volume back on “just for this good part.”

We’re programmed. What a bitch slap!

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I love the beginning of your article, I laughed out loud so much. Thanks for the belly laughs! 😅👏 I also don't watch the oscars, but I do like to watch the highlights afterwards. I found the whole episode of the slap and his speech very strange, his speech particularly struck me as cut off from reality. I wonder about his mental health.

I think there's a lot of complication and nuances regarding marriages, homosexual marriages, and social programs like welfare. You wrote a lot about their personal marriage, of which you really know nothing about besides what's in the media. I know people in homosexual marriages that have more traditional "family values" than some heterosexual marriages. It's the health of the individual people in the marriage and their dedication to a healthy marriage and healthy family structure that as the best chance of raising healthy kids that's important to me, not whether people are gay or straight.

I grew up poor and if it wasn't for social programs, it would have been much harder for our family to be fed when I was growing up and not sure if I would have made it through grad school. So to me there's lots of shades of "good" and "bad" through all of these issues.

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Your content is like a full strength reality supplement. And your humor makes it go down easy. Keep up the good work.

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Why are the Oscars ratings like a laptop? They're powered by battery.

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Will Smith is an MK ultra brainwashed slave, and his wife is one of his handlers. Plus everything was staged to get people used to violence even in the most unexpected places, like the Academy awards. Social Brainwashing and mental programming is what's all about folks. Hollywood = CIA.

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Question: was it just before the fear porn or right at the beginning of the Lockdown (back in the dim days when I still watched a bit of TV, trying to figure out how Brandon was installed as Puppet In Chief) when most any and every upcoming show was being promoted as ‘ICONIC’?

Remember?… Anyone?…Bueller?

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Vaguely. Not that I watched "regular" TV, but I do remember it seemed everything was deemed "iconic."

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Outstanding commentary, thank you.

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Another message from all of this: Black lives matter BIGLY unless it's Black on Black crime...then, kindly shut your mouth and look the other way, or better yet, reward it by giving the perp an award with a hearty standing ovation!

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